by J.C. Philpot
1802 –
wrapped up in vague, general declaration is the sword in the scabbard which,
as it wounds no conscience, so it pierces no error. Clear, plain, positive
statements of divine truth are the two-edged sword which pierces even to the
dividing asunder of soul and spirit. This naked sword discovers the
foundations of error unto the neck…
Much that passes for
union in a church is merely natural feeling of friendship and regard as
worshippers in the same place, and as from time to time brought together in
a kind of social religious intercourse. REAL SOUL UNION IS ONE OF THE RAREST
THINGS IN THE WORLD. There may be much warm shaking of hands, kind
enquiry’s, and friendly looks and expressions, a few words about the sermon
or general soul matters, where the Holy Ghost has neither given spiritual
life nor cemented spiritual union…
Another prominent evil
is the loose Antinomian spirit so widely prevalent in Calvinistic churches.
This denial of practical godliness appears under a resting upon mere
doctrinal truth in vain confidence of interest therein, without any vital
experience of its liberating power or sanctifying effects manifest in the
walk and life. Books, periodicals, and sermons are coming continually under
our eye, sound in letter of truth, in which there is not the faintest
attempt to enforce vital, practical godliness, either in its experience in
the heart or in its influence on the life.
The highest doctrine is
set forth in the most decided unflinching way; free will so called, is
chased over hill and dale; the Arminians and Pharisees, soundly rated as the
most weak and foolish of men, and shouts of victory are pealed forth to the
triumph of sovereign grace. But there it begins and ends. A little shallow
experience may be named; but of fruit, inward or outward, a godly life, a
Christian walk, not a syllable.
Is fruit generally
insisted upon as the mark of union with Christ?
Such fruits as
self-denial, crucifixion of the flesh with its affections and lusts;
laboring to know and do the will of God; repentance and godly sorrow for
sin; mourning and sighing over a backsliding heart; a prayerful meditative
spirit, and that sweet spirituality of mind which is life and peace – are
not these vital realities positively ignored and not even named, much less
insisted upon?
It would almost seem, from the general neglect of
enforcement upon believers practical godliness, as if the elect might do
anything they liked, and that we are saved not FROM SIN, but IN SIN;
delivered from the curse of the law, not to walk in obedience of the gospel,
but almost to do any abomination in which the carnal mind delights!
(Jeremiah 7:10)
A Quote from A. W. Pink on the subject
above: “To hope to be delivered by Christ while
continuing in a known course of sin is one of the greatest delusions of the