Today some people seem to regard the Bible as a book of “thou shalt
Taking this attitude can
result in the idea that if the Bible does not forbid a thing, it is OK to do it.
Thus some Baptist preachers will “dedicate babies” because the Bible does
not forbid it.
Others will perform
marriages because the Bible does not forbid it.
Others will allow rock bands, theatricals and even “choreographic
performances” (dancing) in their church meetings because the Bible does not
forbid these things.
This method of Bible interpretation is based upon the silence of the
The argument from
silence, as all competent theologians agree, proves nothing.
About some things the Scriptures are silent because they did not exist in
Bible days or were not problems among the New Testament congregations.
Such modern problems as the abuse of prescription drugs, Internet and
television pornography, Baptists believing in the spontaneous combustion theory
of church organization, couples dating, etc., did not exist in either the Old or
New Testament eras.
Does the fact
that the Bible does not specifically forbid these things mean it is OK to
participate in such things?
Back in the days of the Protestant Reformation the Reformers had to
contend with arguments against them from both the Roman Catholics and our old
Anabaptist forefathers.
Catholics accused the Protestants of schism and heresy.
The big boast of the Protestants was “sola Scriptura.”
We follow “only the Scriptures” was the claim of the Protestants.
And they did use the Scriptures to refute the Roman Catholics.
But when it came to dealing with our Anabaptist forefathers, they had to
resort to other methods – to Tradition!
Because the Anabaptists
were on the side of the Scriptures while they, the Protestants, were holding on
to “baggage” they brought with them out of the Catholic church.
The Anabaptists accused the Protestants of not following the Scriptures
because they “baptized” babies and young children.
Huldrych Zwingli (1 January 1484 – 11 October 1531) was a leader of the
Protestant Reformation in Switzerland.
This fellow Zwingli, like Calvin, Luther, and others, while claiming to
believe in salvation by faith, actually taught salvation by works.
They taught that infant baptism brought grace to or saved little babies.
That this is still the belief and teaching of
the Protestants is illustrated by the following quotation from the United
Methodist Church's Articles of Religion.
Their Article of Religion XVII says,
“Baptism is not only a sign of
profession and mark of difference whereby Christians are distinguished from
others that are not baptized; but it is also a sign of regeneration or the
new birth.
The Baptism of young children is to be retained in the
Our Anabaptist forefathers accused the Protestants of not following the
It was obvious to them
that although Protestants make a lot of noise about “sola Sciptura,” it is just
that: a lot of noise. Since Zwingli could find no Scripture supporting infant
baptism, he tried to use the argument from silence in defending it.
He said that since the Scriptures do not clearly forbid infant baptism,
it is OK to baptize babies.
(This is
the same argument that some modern day Baptists resort to trying to defend
certain unscriptural practices today).
Balthasar Hubmaier, was an important theologian among the Anabaptists.
We do not know for sure when he was born: we think about
But we know of a
certainty when he died.
He was one
of those who overcame the devil, “ the blood of the Lamb, and by the
word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death,”
(Revelation 12:11).
He was tortured
on the rack, and tried for heresy and convicted of course, at the instigation of
the Protestant Reformer Zwingli.
(What? “Godly Protestants” persecuting and killing Anabaptists?)
On 10 March 1528, he was taken to the public square in Vienna, Austria
and burned at the stake: his wife encouraging him to remain steadfast in the
Three days after he was
burned, his wife, with a stone tied around her neck, was drowned in the River
Thus were the “dippers
No doubt one of the reasons the Protestant Zwingli hated the faithful
Anabaptist Hubmaier was Hubmaier's stand for the Scriptures.
For Hubmaier had staunchly opposed infant baptism.
He had
answered Zwingli's
contention that since the Bible does not specifically forbid infant baptism is
it proper to do it.
He answered
Zwingli and all the Protestants thus,
“It is clear enough for him
who has eyes to see it, but it is not expressed in so many words, literally: ‘do
not baptize infants.’ May one baptize them?
To that I answer: ‘if so I may baptize my dog or my donkey... I may make
idols out of St. Paul and St. Peter, I may bring infants to the Lord’s Supper,
bless palm branches, vegetables, salt, land and water, sell the Mass for an
For it is nowhere said in
express words that we must not do these things.”
Roman Catholics openly teach that the Bible is neither sufficient nor
perspicuous: that is, it is not enough and it is not clear.
The Bible, to the Catholic, must be supplemented by their tradition and
the occasional “ex cathedra” (from the throne) infallible words uttered by their
papa – their Pope.
completes God's revelation for a Catholic and the priesthood alone can tell the
Catholic laity what the Bible means.
Protestants, while claiming to follow the Bible, often must make their arguments
for their unscriptural traditions from the silence of the Scriptures.
The cannot make them on the basis of what the Bible says because the
Bible does not teach many things the Protestants believe.
We say, like old Brother Hubmaier, if I may baptize infants and please
God, I may baptize my dog or my donkey and please Him as well.
Because the Bible does
not specifically forbid these things.
If I may baptize infants, dogs and donkeys and please God, I may dedicate
babies, take “communion” to sick people at home, bring musical and theatrical
entertainments into the meetings of a New Testament Baptist church, engage in
bake sales, church yard sales, Brunswick stew sales, Indian taco sales, raffling
off rifles, shotguns and handguns, hosting church weddings, and blessing
(All these things and
others are the practices of Baptists in various locations).
But there are Bible principles involved in these matters as well as
specific instructions left to the Lord's churches as to just what exactly it is
they are to be doing.
These specific
instructions are often called the “Great Commission.”
That commission states: “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I
am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen,”
Those three duties are
specified: they are precise: they are clear.
In connection with the Great Commission, remember this logical and legal
principle: the specification of one thing excludes all others.
Let me illustrate: if your mortgage specifies that you pay $650 a month
and you have met all contractual obligations to your lender, then your lender
may not rightfully demand that your pay $1,000 a month.
Your mortgage agreement
does not specifically forbid your lender from demanding a thousand dollars a
month, now does it?
Does your lender
cite the argument from silence, saying that because your mortgage agreement does
not specifically forbid such a thousand dollar a month payment, they are right
in demanding it?
Of course not!
They have not right to do such a thing because your mortgage agreement
specifies six-hundred-and-fifty dollar a month payments.
The specification of one thing excludes all others.
Christ told His congregations what they are to be busy doing in the
commission quoted above.
In the
parable, He is understood to have meant, “...Occupy till I come,”
Those ten servants in this
parable were to be busy about their master's business until he returned.
Is that not the message to the Lord's churches today?
Contests, raffles, Superbowl Sundays, concealed carry classes, Sadie
Hawkins Day Dances, jamborees, rock concerts, movie nights out – all such like
things are not specifically forbidden in the Scriptures, now are they?
But if Baptists can properly bring such things into “worship” and
“church” then we may baptize dogs and donkeys – and babies.
May God be gracious towards us and preserve a remnant upon the earth
until Christ comes for His bride and her maidens. |