“Man in His Fallen Estate”
by John Newton
We hear
much in the present day of the dignity of human nature. And it is allowed that
man was an excellent creature as he came out of the hands of God; but if we
consider this question with a view to fallen man, as depraved by sin, how can we
but join with the Psalmist in wonder that the great God should make any account
of him?
as man is from his state of original happiness and holiness, his natural
faculties and abilities afford sufficient evidence that the hand that made him
is divine. He is capable of great things. His understanding, will, affections,
imagination and memory are noble and amazing powers. But view him in a moral
light, as an intelligent being, incessantly dependent upon God, accountable to
Him, and appointed by Him to a state of existence in an unchangeable world;
considered in this relation, man is a monster, a vile, base, stupid, obstinate,
and mischievous creature; no words can fully describe him. Man, with all his
boasted understanding and attainments, is a fool: so long as he is destitute of
the saving grace of God, his conduct, as to his most important concernments, is
more absurd and inconsistent than that of the meanest idiot; with respect to his
affections and pursuits, he is degraded far below the beasts; and for malignity
and wickedness of his will, can be compared to nothing so properly as the devil.
question here is not concerning this or that man, a Nero or a Heriogabolus, but
concerning human nature, the whole race of mankind, the few excepted who are
born of God. There is indeed a difference among men, but it is owing to the
restraints of Divine Providence, without which earth would be the very image of
hell. A wolf or a lion, while chained, cannot do so much mischief as if they
were loose, but the nature is the same in the whole species. Education and
interest, fear and shame, human laws, and the secret power of God over the mind,
combine to form many characters that are externally decent and respectable; and
even the most abandoned are under a restraint which prevents them from
manifesting a thousandth part of the wickedness which is in their hearts. But
the heart itself is universally deceitful, and desperately wicked.
Man is
a fool. He can indeed measure the earth and almost count the stars; he abounds
in arts and inventions in science and policy; and shall he then be called a
fool? The ancient heathens, the inhabitants of Egypt, Greece and Rome, were
eminent for this kind of wisdom. They are to this day studied as models by those
who aim to excel in history, poetry, painting, architecture, and other exertions
of human genius, which are suited to polish the manners without improving the
heart. But their most admired philosophers, legislators, logicians, orators, and
artists, were as destitute as idiots or infants of that knowledge which alone
deserves the name of true wisdom. Professing themselves to be wise they became
fools (Rom.1:22). Ignorant and regardless of God, yet conscious of their own
weakness, and of their dependence upon a power above their own, and stimulated
by a principle of inward fear, of which they knew neither the origin nor right
application, they worshiped the creature instead of the Creator, yea, placed
their trust in stocks and stones, in the works of men’s hands, in non-entities
and chimeras. An acquaintance with their mythology, or religious fables passes
with us, for a considerable branch of learning, because it is drawn from ancient
books, written in languages not known to the vulgar; but in point of certainty
of truth, we might receive as much satisfaction from a collection of dreams, or
from the ravings of lunatics. If, therefore, we admit these admired sages as a
tolerable specimen of mankind, must we not confess that man, in his best estate,
while uninstructed by the Spirit of God is a fool? But are we wiser than they?
Not in the least, till the grace of God makes us so. Our superior advantages
only show our folly in a more striking light. Why do we account any persons
foolish? A fool has no sound judgment; he is governed wholly by appearances, and
would prefer a fine coat to the writings of a large estate. He pays no regard to
consequences. Fools have sometimes hurt or killed their best friends, and
thought they did no harm. A fool cannot reason, therefore arguments are lost
upon him. At one time, if tied with a straw, he dares not stir; at another time,
perhaps, he can hardly be persuaded to move, though the house were on fire. Are
these the characteristics of a fool? Then there is no fool like the sinner, who
prefers the toys of earth to the happiness of heaven, who is held in bondage by
the customs of the world, and is more afraid of the breath of man, than the
wrath of God.
Man in his natural state is a beast, yea below the beasts that perish. In two
things he strongly resembles them; in looking no higher than to sensual
gratification, and in that selfishness of spirit which prompts him to propose
himself and his own interest as his proper and highest end. But in many respects
he sinks sadly beneath them. Unnatural lusts, and the want of natural affection
toward their offspring , are abominations not to be found among the brute
creation. What shall we say of mothers destroying their children with their own
hands, or of the horrid act of self-murder! Men are worse than beasts likewise,
in their obstinacy; they will not be warned. If a beast escapes from a trap he
will be cautious how he goes near it again, and in vain is the net spread in the
sight of any bird. But man, though he be often reproved, hardens his neck; he
rushes upon his ruin with his eyes open, and can defy God to his face, and dare
more, let us observe how man resembles the devil. There are spiritual sins and
these, in their height the scripture teaches us to judge of Satan’s character.
Every feature in this description is strong in man; so then what the Lord said
to the Jews is of general application, “Ye are of your father, the devil, and
the lusts of your father you will do.” Man resembles Satan in pride; this
stupid, weak creature values himself upon his wisdom, power, and virtue, and
will talk of being saved by his good works; though if he can, Satan himself need
not despair. He resembles him in malice. and this diabolical disposition often
proceeds to murder., and would daily if the Lord did not restrain it. He derives
from Satan the hateful spirit of envy. He is often tormented beyond expression,
by beholding the prosperity of his neighbors; and proportionally pleased with
their calamities, though he gains no other advantage from them than the
gratification of this rancorous principle. He bares the image, likewise, of
Satan in his cruelty. This evil is bound up, even in the heart of a child. A
disposition to take pleasure in giving pain to others appears very early.
Children, if left to themselves, soon feel a gratification in torturing insects
and animals. What misery does the wanton cruelty of men inflict upon cocks,
dogs, bulls, bears, and other creatures, which they seem to think were formed
for no other end than to feast their savage spirits with their torments! If we
form our judgment of men, when they seem most pleased, and have neither anger
nor resentment to plead in their excuse, it is too evident, even in the nature
of their amusements, whose they are and whom they serve; and they are the worst
of enemies to each other. Think of the horrors of war, the rage of duelists, of
the murders and assassinations with which the world is filled, and then say,
“Lord, what is man!” Further if deceit and treachery belong to Satan’s
character, then surely man resembles him. Is not the universal observation, and
complaint of all ages, an affecting comment upon the prophet’s words, “Trust ye
not in a friend, put not confidence in a guide, keep the doors of thy mouth from
her that lieth in thy bosom, for they hunt every man his brother with a net.”
How many at this moment have cause to say with David, “The words of his mouth
were smoother than butter, but war was in his heart; his words were softer than
oil, yet were they drawn swords.” Again, like Satan, men are eager in tempting
others to sin; not content to damn themselves, they employ all their arts and
influence to draw as many as they can with them into the same destruction.
Lastly, in direct opposition to God and goodness, in contemptuous enmity to the
Gospel of His grace, and a bitter persecuting spirit to those who profess it,
Satan himself can hardly exceed them. Herein, indeed they are his agents and
willing servants; and because the blessed God himself is out of their reach,
they labor to show their despite to him in the persons of His people.
I have
drawn but a sketch, a few outlines of the picture of fallen man. To give an
exact copy of him, to charge every feature with it’s full aggravation of horror,
and to paint him as he is, would be impossible. Enough has been observed to
illustrate the propriety of the exclamation, “Lord, what is man!” Perhaps some
of my readers may deny or extenuate the charge, and may plead that I have not
been describing mankind but some of the most abandoned of the species, who
hardly deserve the name of “men”. But I have already provided against this
exception. It is human nature I describe; and the vilest and most profligate
individuals can not sin beyond the powers and limits of that nature which they
possess in common with the more mild and moderate. Though there may be a
difference in the fruitfulness of trees, yet the production of one apple,
decides the nature of the tree upon which it grew, as certainly as if it had
produced a thousand: so in the present case, should it be allowed that these
enormities cannot be found in all persons, it would be a sufficient confirmation
of what I advanced, if they can be found in any; unless it could be likewise
proved, that those who appeared more wicked than others, were of a different
species from the rest. But I need not make this concession; they must be
insensible indeed who do not feel something within them so very contrary to our
common notions of goodness, as would perhaps make them rather submit to be
banished from human society, than to be compelled to be bona fide to disclose
their fellow-creatures every thought and desire which arises in their hearts.
nature of fallen man agrees to the description the apostle has given us of his
boasted wisdom: it is earthly, sensual, devilish. I have attempted some general
delineation of it in the preceding letter; but the height of its malignity
cannot be properly estimated, unless we consider its actings with respect to the
light of the Gospel. The Jews were extremely wicked at the time of our Lord’s
appearance upon earth; yet he said of them, “If I had not come and spoken to
them, they had not had sin;” that is, as the light and power of his ministry
deprived them of all excuse for continuing in sin, so it proved the occasion of
showing their wickedness in the most aggravated manner; and all their other sins
were but faint proofs of the true state of their hearts, if compared with the
discovery they made of themselves, by their pertinacious opposition to Him. In
this sense, what the apostle has observed of the law of Moses, may be applied to
the Gospel of Christ: it entered, that sin might abound. If we would estimate
the utmost exertions of human depravity, and the strongest effects it is capable
of producing, we must select our instances from the conduct of those to whom the
Gospel is known. The Indians, who roast their enemies alive, give sufficient
proof that man is barbarous to his own kind; which may likewise be easily
demonstrated without going so far from home; but the preaching of the Gospel
discovers the enmity of the heart against God, in ways and degrees of which
unenlightened savages and heathens are not capable.
By the
Gospel, I now mean not merely the doctrine of salvation as it lies in the holy
Scripture, but that public and authoritative dispensation of this doctrine,
which the Lord Jesus Christ has committed to his true ministers; who having been
themselves, by the power of his grace, brought out of darkness into marvelous
light, are by his Holy Spirit qualified and sent forth to declare to their
fellow-sinners what they have seen, and felt, and tasted, of the word of life.
Their commission is, to exalt the Lord alone, to stain the pride of all human
glory. They are to set forth the evil and demerit of sin, the strictness,
spirituality, and sanction of the law of God, the total apostasy of mankind; and
from these premises to demonstrate the utter impossibility of a sinner’s
escaping condemnation by any works or endeavors of his own; and then to proclaim
a full and free salvation from sin and wrath, by faith in the name, blood,
obedience, and mediation of God manifest in the flesh; together with a
denunciation of eternal misery to all who shall finally reject the testimony
which God has given of his Son. Though these several branches of the will of God
respecting sinners, and other truths in connection with them, are plainly
revealed and repeatedly inculcated in the Bible; and though the Bible is to be
found in almost every house, yet we see, in fact, it is a sealed book, little
read, little understood, and therefore but little regarded, except in those
places which the Lord is pleased to favour with ministers who can confirm them
from their own experience, and who, by a sense of his constraining love, and the
worth of souls, are animated to make the faithful discharge of their ministry
the one great business of their lives: who aim not to possess the wealth, but to
promote the welfare of their hearers; are equally regardless of the frowns or
smiles of the world; and count not their lives dear, so that they may be wise
and successful in winning souls to Christ.
the Gospel, in this sense of the word, first comes to a place, though the people
are going on in sin, they may be said to sin ignorantly; they have not yet been
warned of their danger. Some are drinking down iniquity like water; others more
soberly burying themselves alive in the cares and business of the world; others
find a little time for what they call religious duties, which they persevere in,
though they are utter strangers to the nature or the pleasure of spiritual
worship; partly, as thereby they think to bargain with God and to make amends
for such sins as they do not choose to relinquish; and partly because it
gratifies their pride, and affords them (as they think) some ground for saying,
“God, I thank thee I am not as other men.” The Preached Gospel declares the
vanity and danger of these several ways which sinners choose to walk in. It
declares, and demonstrates, that, different as they appear from each other, they
are equally remote from the path of safety and peace, and all tend to the same
point, the destruction of those who persist in them. At the same time it
provides against that despair into which men would be otherwise plunged, when
convinced of their sins, by revealing the immense love of God, the glory and
grace of Christ, and inviting all to come to him, that they may obtain pardon,
life, and happiness. In a word, it shows the pit of hell under men’s feet, and
opens the gate and points out the way to heaven. Let us now briefly observe the
effects it produces in those who do not receive it as the power of God unto
salvation. These effects are various, as tempers and circumstances vary; but
they may all lead us to adopt the Psalmist’s exclamation, “Lord, what is man !”
who have heard the Gospel once or a few times, will hear it no more; it awakens
their scorn, their hatred and rage. They pour contempt upon the wisdom of God,
despise his goodness, defy his power; and their very looks express the spirit of
the rebellious Jews, who told the prophet Jeremiah to his face, “As to the word
which thou hast spoken to us in the name of the Lord, we will not hearken to
thee at all.” The ministers who preach it, are accounted men that turn the world
upside down; and the people who receive it, fools or hypocrites. The word of the
Lord is a burden to them, and they hate it with a perfect hatred. How strongly
is the disposition of the natural heart manifested, by the confusion which often
takes place in families, where the Lord is pleased to awaken one or two in a
house, while the rest remain in their sins! To profess, or even to be suspected
of, an attachment to the Gospel of Christ, is frequently considered and treated
as the worst of crimes, sufficient to cancel the strongest obligations of
relation or friendship. Parents, upon such a provocation, will hate their
children, and children ridicule their parents: many find, agreeable to our
Lord’s declaration, that from the time a sense of his love engaged their hearts
to love him again, their worst foes have been those of their own household; and
that they who expressed the greatest love and tenderness for them before their
conversion, can now hardly bear to see them.
bulk of a people will perhaps continue to hear, at least now and then; and to
those who do, the Spirit of God usually, at one time or other, bears testimony
to the truth: their consciences are struck, and for a season they believe and
tremble. But what is the consequence? No man who has taken poison seeks more
earnestly or speedily for an antidote, than those do for something to stifle and
smother their convictions. They run to company, to drink, to anything, for
relief against the unwelcome intrusion of serious thoughts; and when they
succeed, and recover their former indifference, they rejoice as if they had
escaped some great danger. The next step is, to ridicule their own convictions;
and next to that, if they see any of their acquaintance under the like
impressions, to use every art, and strain every nerve, that they may render them
as obstinate as themselves. For this purpose, they watch as a fowler for the
bird, flatter or revile, tempt or threaten; and if they can prevail, and are the
occasion of “hardening any in their sins” they rejoice and triumph as if they
accounted it their interest and their glory to ruin the souls of their fellow
frequent hearing, they receive more light. They are compelled to know, whether
they will or not, that the wrath of God hangs over the children of disobedience.
They carry a sting in their consciences, and at times feel themselves most
miserable, and cannot but wish they had never been born, or that they had been
dogs or toads, rather than rational creatures. Yet they harden themselves still
more. They affect to be happy and at ease and force themselves to wear a smile
when anguish preys upon their hearts. They blaspheme the way of truth, watch for
the faults of professors, and with a malicious joy publish and aggravate them.
They see perhaps how the wicked die, but are not alarmed; they see the righteous
die, but are not moved. Neither providences nor ordinances, mercies nor
judgments, can stop them, for they are determined to go on and perish with their
eyes open, rather than submit to the Gospel.
they do not always openly reject the Gospel-truths. Some who profess to approve
and receive them, do thereby discover the evils of the heart of man, if
possible, in a yet stronger light. They make Christ the minister of sin, and
turn his grace into licentiousness. Like Judas, they say, Hail, Master ! and
betray him. This is the highest pitch of iniquity. They pervert all the
doctrines of the Gospel. From election they draw an excuse for continuing in
their evil ways; and contend for salvation without works, because they love not
obedience. They extol the righteousness of Christ, but hold it in opposition to
personal holiness. In a word, because they hear that God is good, they determine
to persist in evil. “Lord, what is man!”
willful and impenitent sinners go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being
deceived. The word which they despise becomes to them a savor of death unto
death. They take different courses, but all are traveling down to the pit; and,
unless sovereign mercy interpose, will soon sink to rise no more. The final
event is usually twofold. Many, after they have been more or less shaken by the
word, settle in formality. If hearing would supply the place of faith, love, and
obedience, they would do well; but by degrees they become sermon-proof: the
truths which once struck them lose their power by being often heard; and thus
multitudes live and die in darkness, though the light has long shone around
them. Others are more openly given up to a reprobate mind. Contempt of the
Gospel makes Infidels, Deists, and Atheists. They are filled with a spirit of
delusion to believe a lie. These are scoffers, walking after their own lusts;
for where the principles of religion are given up, the conduct will be vile and
abominable. Such persons sport themselves with their own deceivings, and
strongly prove the truth of the Gospel while they dispute against it. We often
find that people of this cast have formerly been the subjects of strong
convictions; but when the evil spirit has seemed to depart for a season, and
returns again, the last state of that person is worse than the first.
It is
not improbable that some of my readers may meet with their own characters under
one or other of the views I have given of the desperate wickedness of the heart,
in its actings against the truth. May the Spirit of God constrain them to read
with attention Your case is dangerous, but I would hope not utterly
desperate—Jesus is mighty to save. His grace can pardon the most aggravated
offences, and subdue the most inveterate habits of sin. The Gospel you have
hitherto slighted, resisted, or opposed, is still the power of God unto
salvation. The blood of Jesus, upon which you have hitherto trampled, speaks
better things than the blood of Abel, and is of virtue to cleanse those whose
sins are scarlet and crimson, and to make them white as snow. As yet you are
spared; but it is high time to stop, to throw down your arms of rebellion, and
humble yourselves at his feet. If you do, you may yet escape; but if not, know
assuredly that wrath is coming upon you to the uttermost; and you will shortly
find, to your unspeakable dismay, that it is a fearful thing to fall into the
hands of the living God.