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"Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine" (2 Timothy 4:2).

YouTube Link to entire list of available Videos for the Seminar
YouTube Videos are in the process of being added.
Links to each availabe YouTube Video are included below.

Pictures from the Seminar

Session 1: Thursday Afternoon

Welcome and Introduction - MP3 Audio

Jeff Short: "What is expository, text driven preaching?" - MP3 Audio
Jeff Short: "What is expository, text driven preaching?" - YouTube Video
Power Point Slides for Session 1-1

Jason Shults: "Expository and Topical preaching: Can they co-exist" - MP3 Audio
Jason Shults: "Expository and Topical preaching: Can they co-exist" - YouTube Video
Power Point Slides for Session 1-2

Lewis Kiger: "My journey to relying on the text" - MP3 Audio
Lewis Kiger: "My journey to relying on the text"  - YouTube Video
Power Point Slides for Session 1-3

Session 2: Thursday Evening
Jason Shults - Sermon - Biblical Encouragement for a Young Preacher - MP3 Audio
Jason Shults - Sermon - Biblical Encouragement for a Young Preacher - YouTube Video
Lewis Kiger - Sermon - Preach the Word - MP3 Audio
Lewis Kiger - Sermon - Preach the Word - YouTube Video

Session 3: Friday Morning
Jason Shults, Tom Horn: "Text driven preaching in various biblical genres" - MP3 Audio
Jason Shults, Tom Horn: "Text driven preaching in various biblical genres" - YouTube Video
Power Point Slides for Session 3-1

Todd Bryant: "Why preaching though books works" - MP3 Audio
Todd Bryant: "Why preaching though books works" - YouTube Video
Power Point Slides for Session 3-2

Jeff Short: "The preachers devotions, reading and time management" - MP3 Audio
Jeff Short: "The preachers devotions, reading and time management" - YouTube Video
Power Point Slides for Session 3-3

Session 4: Friday Afternoon
Tom Horn: "Book introductions: preparing the church for exposition" - MP3 Audio
Tom Horn: "Book introductions: preparing the church for exposition" - YouTube Video
Power Point Slides for Session 4-1

Lewis Kiger: "Four Key Components to Proper Exegesis" - MP3 Audio
Lewis Kiger: "Four Key Components to Proper Exegesis" - YouTube Video
Power Point Slides for Session 4-2

Todd Bryant, Jason Shults: "Outlines or manuscipts? Doing what works" - MP3 Audio
Todd Bryant, Jason Shults: "Outlines or manuscipts? Doing what works" - YouTube Video
Power Point Slides for Session 4-3

Session 5: Friday Evening
Jeff Short: Sermon - Precept Upon Precept - MP3 Audio
Jeff Short: Sermon - Precept Upon Precept - YouTube Video
Todd Bryant: Sermon - Church Discipline - MP3 Audio
Todd Bryant: Sermon - Church Discipline - YouTube Video

Session 6: Saturday Morning
Lewis Kigerr, Jeff Short: "Common objections to expository preaching" - MP3 Audio
Lewis Kigerr, Jeff Short: "Common objections to expository preaching" - YouTube Video
Power Point Slides for Session 6-1

Panel: Q and A Session - MP3 Audio
Panel: Q and A Session - YouTube Video
Tom Horn: Sermon - The Lord's Church: Pillar and Ground of the Truth - MP3 Audio
Tom Horn: Sermon - The Lord's Church: Pillar and Ground of the Truth - YouTube Video

Closing - Not recorded

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