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I have written a book; not for the student of classic lore, but for the young, to whom plain truths are of more value than polished style. Should it serve the cause of truth, I shall be content for critics to exercise their talents upon its imperfections. The object of the book is to give a plain, common sense view of the doctrines of the gospel, and to present, in a simple style, the peculiar features distinguishing Baptists from all other Christian denominations.

I have no designs against the Presbyterians, as such, but select them only as representatives of the great Pedo-Baptist family. The expressions that Dr. Farnsworth is made to use, are generally the stereotyped sentences used by Methodist and Presbyterian controversialists with whom I am acquainted. The trial and expulsion of Mrs. Brown from the church, is introduced merely to form a basis from which to present the Communion question in its true light, and not with a view to show intolerance in the Presbyterian church.

With whatever imperfections this book may have, and with a just feeling of responsibility for the result of its teachings, I send it forth, attended by a fervent prayer that it may be instrumental in the acomplishment of much good.

J.M. Martin.

Rienzi, Miss.

Preface To New Edition

When the plates of this wonderful book became so worn by the issue of over 100,000 copies that the making of new plates was necessary, it was deemed best to have the book carefully edited. I have, therefore, gone over it and have eliminated some defects and some superfluities of expression, but in no case has the sense been changed. The aim has been to make it plainer.

I have added the statement of the offer of $1,000 reward for the production of single passage in the Greek of either the classic or the New Testament period where baptizo means sprinkle or pour, and have given some testimonies of leading scholars of different denominations.

It is confidently hoped that this great little book, whose author builded even better than he knew, will enter upon a greater sphere of usefulness than ever. It has already led its thousands to New Testament truth and practice, - may it continue to lead its tens of thousands.

T. T. Eaton.

Louisville, Ky.

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