12 Hard Nuts For
universal invisible church defies the Greek definition. By definition of the
Greek word used, a church (ecclesia) must be an organized gathering (assembly)
of persons with a common interest and common officers. This is the N.T. usage
as well as the Septuagint and secular uses. There can be no such thing as an
assembly that does not assemble.
2. The invisible church definition is based
on unsound exegesis. To make up a second definition for the word church (or any
other word) to fit preconceived doctrinal notions is not sound Bible exegesis.
Such a practice allows any doctrine to be taught simply by saying that a word
means one thing in one place and quite another in a different place. If
“ecclesia” means a gathered, organized assembly of persons called out from
daily duties, to assume that Christ or Paul used it differently is unsafe,
unless Christ or Paul explained such a different usage – which neither did.
Personal bias is no justification for saying that there is a second definition
for the word “ecclesia”.
Pentecost is nowhere stated or hinted to be the birth of any church. Universal
church theorists often teach that the church was born on Pentecost. there is no Scriptural proof or even hint that any kind of
church was on the first “Christian Pentecost,” a Jewish feast day.
4. The
day of Pentecost not the end of the law. The Old Testament did not end on
Pentecost. While Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to all who
believe, Jesus Himself said, “The law and the prophets were until John”
(Luke 16:16). So then the law system ended years before “Pentecost.”
5. An
invisible church requires more than one baptism. John prophesied that Jesus
would baptize with the Holy Ghost. Christ was to be the administrator, the Holy
Ghost was that into which they would be immersed. To try to manufacture a
“baptism” by which the Holy Ghost baptizes one into the mystical body of Christ
[?] would make the Holy Ghost the administrator and this “mystical body” the
element into which the believer would be immerse – an altogether different
thing. An invisible church requires an invisible “baptism.” The Bible teaches
only ONE (kind) of baptism (Ephesians 4:5). Which will it be,
real water baptism like the New Testament church or Protestantism’s spirit
6. The
universal invisible church popularized by Martin Luther. The teaching of a
“universal invisible church” was popularized by Martin Luther, some 1450 years
after Christ. (He did so to counteract the “universal VISIBLE church” teaching
of the Roman church from which he had just been excommunicated. Since he had
been ejected from the “universal VISIBLE church” he had to come up with some
kind of church of which he could be a member so that it would not appear that
he was starting one of his own – which in fact he was.)
11. An
invisible church must be a corrupt church. Christ’s church is pictured as His
“bride.” Paul said
of a “local” church (the only kind addressed in the New Testament), “...I have
espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to
Christ” (II Cor. 11:2). Purity, loving service and fidelity are hallmarks of
such a church. A universal church cannot be pure for all the redeemed are
members of such a church, even one excluded from churches for idolatry,
immorality, etc. How can a pure bride (church) be made up of excluded church
members? The Romish church is pictured in Revelation 17 and 18 as a grossly
immoral woman having daughters like unto herself. A
universal invisible church must of necessity include in it persons who are part
of the Harlot and/or her Harlot daughters. How can a pure bride be made up of
an impure Harlot?
12. An
invisible church can do nothing. Just what does an invisible church do? It
cannot meet. It never gathers for fellowship or worship. It cannot send out a
missionary. It cannot ordain a preacher. It cannot ordain a deacon. It cannot
baptize converts. It cannot exclude a member or discipline its members in any
manner. It cannot receive tithes and offerings. It cannot observe the Lord’s
Supper. It cannot agree on doctrine, nor even support the most basic of
Christian truths. It cannot do any of the things churches in the New Testament
did. It can do nothing.
every truly repentant believer in Christ is saved and safe. All God’s elect
shall be someday with Him in Heaven. Salvation is not related to church
membership. A church is a “body” constituted for service and is a “pillar
and ground of the truth” (1 Tim.
by Curtis Pugh