Corruptions of Baptist Polity
Davis Huckabee
is defined as referring to the governmental organization of some
institution. In this study we are using it in reference to the Divinely
ordained organization of the Lord’s churches. And we are well aware that many
claim that the Scriptures do not set forth a distinct form of church government
to be practiced by all churches. However, it is noteworthy that those that make
such a claim generally want to impose some sort of dictatorial rule by men over
the churches. Self-interest too often shapes the theology of people, and this
ought never to be. In this, or in any other matter, only a "Thus saith the
Lord" can give a clear conscience.
the centuries there have been three basic forms of church government thought to
be found in the New Testament. The Papal, which is a rule by the
Pope, and is a form of the Episcopal form, which is rule by bishops, the
Presbyterian, which is a rule by a body of Elders, and the Congregational,
which is a rule by the entire church body. Though some have sought to
establish the Episcopal and Presbyterian forms from the authority that the
Apostles had, this could not be so, for several reasons. (1) The Apostles
passed off the scene with the death of John, the last one to die, and they had
not, nor could they have, any successors, since one could only be an apostle if
he had known Jesus both before and after His resurrection (Acts 1:21-22; 1 Cor.
9:1). (2) Paul, the foremost apostle, distinctly disclaims authority over the
faith of churches (2 Cor. 1:24). He had the care of churches (2 Cor. 11:28),
but not authority over them. So it was with all the Apostles. (3) Jesus’ own
statement to the effect of the equality of all believers under the Lordship of
Christ (Matthew 23:8-11).
relationship to God, a church is to be a theocracy—a rule by God—but in
its inter-human relationships, it is to be congregational—ruled by a majority
of the members of the church. This is the only form of church
government that is to be found in the New Testament, for even Apostles put
matters to be decided before the churches for them to make the final
determination. Pastors made recommendations, but the churches made the final
decisions, as we see in Acts 1:15-26; 6:1-6, etc. It is important that this be
kept in mind, for the continuing influence of the depraved flesh even in
genuine believers tends to be a temptation to church leaders to sometimes
become dictatorial over churches. And while churches ought to follow the
leadership of faithful men whom the Lord has given to guide them (Heb. 13:7,
17), yet no church ought ever to tolerate a popish pastor, nor any dictatorial
group within a church that tries to dominate its decisions.
churches used to be generally pretty sound on their polity, and church
decisions were recognized to be the last word, being ratified by Jesus’ own
authority if properly conducted, as the Head of the church Himself taught in
Matthew 18:17-20. But during the more than forty years that this writer has
been in the ministry there has come about a serious trend toward the corruption
of the polity of Baptist churches. And the sad thing about all this is that
this corruption has not been forced upon Baptist churches by outside authority,
but it has been voluntarily brought about by the churches themselves. That says
something about the spirituality of the churches.
this corruption is grounded in ignorance, or in a selfish materialism, or both,
cannot be said. However, it is certain that there is presently a woeful lack of
teaching in most Baptist churches relative to church doctrine, so that the
average Baptist church member has little understanding of what a true Baptist
church should be, and should do.
the same time, there is a lamentable tendency in Christians, as they imitate
the world, to seek security and the easy way of doing things. The desire for
"something for nothing" has crept into churches so that few are
willing to sacrifice and suffer for the sake of Christ and His church. All too
many will compromise doctrinally and devotionally before they will give up the
soft pew and air conditioned building in which they are accustomed to worship,
if we could call their activities worship. This very emphasis upon materialism
looks very much like this is their idol.
the early days of this writer’s ministry there were several cases of church
trouble that were taken before the civil courts for settlement. These all
received nationwide publicity for their carnality because of the very rarity of
such cases being taken to the civil courts, and at the same time, they set bad
examples for other Baptist churches.
of these had to do with a church in Rocky Mount, North Carolina that split over
whether or not to withdraw from the Southern Baptist Convention. The minority took
the case to the civil courts to prevent this. Then a Baptist church in Wichita,
Kansas had a similar split over membership in, and support of, the American
Baptist Convention. A church in Traskwood, Arkansas, in a dispute over the
teaching of the pastor, refused to accept the majority decision, and chose
instead to seek redress from the civil authorities. Finally, an injunction was
filed in the civil courts by a Baptist church in Colorado Springs, Colorado
against its former pastor who refused to recognize the church’s authority to
vacate its pulpit.
far may we judge the spiritual declension in Baptist churches when we consider
how that instances like these have become commonplace and widespread, whereas
they were once so rare as to make the news when they happened. These cases were
not just in one particular Association, Convention or Fellowship, but were in
all ranks of Baptists. And when even the pastors of churches do not recognize
churches’ authority and autonomy how can we expect the lay members to do so?
is not necessary to enter into the right or wrong of each dispute in this
article. It is sufficient to say that both parties in all cases were wrong in
taking any church matter outside of the church and to the civil courts. It is a
violation of Baptist polity and practice to take any decision beyond the church
(Matt. 18:17-20), and it indicates a serious apostasy in our ranks.
only a century and a half ago Baptist churches were always sovereign,
autonomous and independent, and there was no higher earthly authority
recognized by them than the voice of the local congregation. Boards,
Conventions, Associations, Fellowships, and other such organizations that
presume to dictate to churches, whether by command or only by "suggestion,"
are of very late date, and have no scriptural authority. But these super-church
organizations exist and have no doubt contributed much toward the disregard for
the authority of the local congregation. Indeed, often the
"headquarters" will send representatives to counsel with the minority
about how to get the decision overturned if the church’s decision is
detrimental to the financial support of the Organization. This indicates that
Mammon—the god of riches—rules more in their minds than the Lord does.
whence does this contempt of church polity come? It is but natural for church
members to reject the authority of the church in such matters of dispute if the
church’s authority has been daily set aside in mission work, ministerial
training, church programs, etc., by the "suggestions" of the
superchurch organization to which the church has submitted itself superceding
the church’s authority.
us hear what Scripture says about going to law before the civil authorities.
"Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the
unjust, and not before the saints? Do ye not know that the saints shall judge
the world? And if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge
the smallest matters? Know ye not that we shall judge angels? How much more
things that pertain to this life? If then ye have judgments of things
pertaining to this life, set them to judge who are least esteemed in the
church. I speak to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among
you? No, not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren? But brother
goeth to law with brother, and that before the unbelievers. Now therefore there
is utterly a fault among you, because ye go to law one with another. Why do ye
not rather take wrong? Why do ye not rather suffer yourselves to be
defrauded?" (1 Cor. 6:1-7).
leaves nothing to be said in defense of Christians going to law with other
Christians. Yea, it clearly condemns any civil arbitration between Christians
in any matter whatsoever. Jesus said of His people, "They are not of this
world" (John 17:14), and this world can neither rightly understand, nor
judge spiritual matters.
some would argue that 1 Corinthians 6 deals with personal differences between
brethren, and not with schisms within a church. However, there is no difference
except in degree. Personal disputes always attract partisans, and it only takes
a short time for a rift between two brethren to escalate so as to engulf the
whole church. Very, very few church members will remain completely neutral and
unbiased toward both parties in such a situation. Therefore, it matters not
whether the rift is between two individuals, or two sects within a church. The
condemnation of going to civil courts for redress applies equally in either
case, for the principle is the same in both instances.
this we may again see the folly of failing to teach church doctrine. The
principle of absolute self-rule has ever been a Baptist tenet, and only an
ignorant and carnal church would depart from this practice and apply to the
civil authorities for a decision in any matter. But if there has not been sound
teaching on Christian responsibility regarding submission to church authority,
worldliness will motivate the carnal to appeal to a higher authority.
Head of the church taught His infant church regarding this in Matthew 18:15-18,
where the Scriptural order for settling church disputes is given. (1)
Individual differences are to be worked out individually (v. 15). (2) If,
however, this attempted reconciliation fails, others are to be taken as
witnesses and arbiters (v. 16). (3) This failing, it is to be brought before
the church for its judgment and decision (v. 17). (4) If the guilty party or
parties refuse to hear the voice of the church, then they are to be henceforth treated
as the ungodly unbelievers that they appear to be until they make it right with
the offended party and with the church (v. 17). But what is to be noticed is
that the church’s decision is final. "But if he neglect to hear the
church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican." These
two terms were commonly used for those who were unsaved.
doubt some one will ask, "But what if the church is wrong? Has a person no
redress if he is certain that he is right and the church is wrong?" This is
covered in verse 18 though not apparent in the Authorized Version. This verse
does not teach that every decision of every church is ratified by God
without regard to the right and wrong of it, as appears m the English version.
Some of the tenses here are not even translated, and others do not have their
full meaning set forth. A literal paraphrase, giving full expression to every
verb, would be, "Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth must be what has
already been bound in heaven, so that it abides as a law, and whatsoever ye
shall loose on earth must be what has already been loosed in heaven so that it
abides as a law." Some of the more literal translations recognize this
sense of the verse. Thus, this verse teaches that a church is only to bind or
loose in accordance with principles already revealed from heaven. That is, in
accordance with the Scriptures.
church has a responsibility before the Lord, no less than the individual has,
and every church that uses its authority wrongly must answer to the Lord for
the perversion of Truth. But the individual is responsible to "rather take
wrong," to "suffer yourselves to be defrauded," rather than to
appeal from the decision of the church to any other authority (1 Cor. 6:7).
this is not an easy thing to do, for the carnal and worldly-minded do not like
to give up a material advantage. Neither do they like to suffer loss of
material things that they have helped pay for, yet this is God’s demand for His
people when they cannot obtain a just decision from a church. It was the
writer’s privilege many years ago to preach briefly for a small group of
Baptists who had done exactly this. They had labored and sacrificed to help
erect a fine church edifice, but afterward, finding the church being corrupted
by a dictatorial pastor, and being unable to obtain a just hearing of their
grievances from the church, they left the church. They left the results of
their labors and sacrifices rather than violate the Scriptures and seek civil
redress. The Lord will always bless such, for "the earth is the Lord’s,
and the fullness thereof," (1 Cor. 10:26), and He is able to restore their
loss. However, He may, or may not restore losses in this life, but no one
out-gives God. God will be no man’s debtor.
forsaking of material things if need be for the Lord’s sake is the demand of
Scripture, and this has been the historic Baptist practice, but it is greatly
abused and corrupted by many in these last days. However such corruptions bear
fruits that shall eventually come home to those who produce them. A case in
point may be cited from church history.
the fourth century, the Donatists, a Baptist group, in a contest with some of
the corrupt churches of that day, either appealed to the civil tribunal for a
decision, or at least agreed to allow the civil authorities to be judges in the
matter. In any case, the Emperor Constantine, in the wisdom of the world,
rejected the Donatists’ spiritual stand for the more worldly and corrupt stand
of the Catholic party, and issued edicts of suppression and persecution against
them. This is recorded in most Church Histories covering that time. Even so may
the churches that today appeal to the civil courts to settle internal affairs
find themselves tomorrow being suppressed and persecuted by the same civil
authorities in favor of some corrupt state-recognized church.
judgment in any spiritual matter is to be made within the local congregation is
evident from the Scripture, for Paul was moved to expressly say, "For what
have I to do to judge them also that are without? Do not ye judge them that are
within? But them that are without God judgeth. Therefore put away from among
you that wicked person" (1 Cor. 5:12-13). "Without" and
"within" relate to outside the church membership or inside the
membership. The church is to judge its own. The world has no authority, either
inherent or delegated, to exercise judgment over Christians in spiritual
matters. It has authority over all civil matters, as shown in Romans 13:1-7.
schisms and sects in churches which produce these corruptions of Baptist polity
are the result of carnality on the part of church members. Paul minced no words
when he said to the Corinthians "For ye are yet carnal: for
whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not
carnal, and walk as man?" (1 Cor. 3:3). Not only so, but
such a situation makes it impossible to scripturally observe the Lord’s Supper,
for He also says "For first of all, when ye come together in the church I
hear that there be divisions among you; and I partly believe it. For there must
be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest
among you.
ye come together therefore into one place, this is not to eat the Lord’s Supper
(or as the marginal reading is ye cannot eat the Lord’s Supper)"
(1 Cor. 11:18-20). That is, their dividedness prevented a Scriptural
observance of this ordinance, for the use of a single loaf in the ordinance
symbolizes the unity of the church body, (1 Cor. 10:16-17).
divisions that produce such an appeal to the civil tribunal are the results of:
(1) Ignorance of individual and collective responsibility in church matters.
(2) Ignorance of the Scriptures relative to church polity and authority. (3)
Carnal and materialistic views of church life. (4) Rebellious attitudes towards
church authority. (5) Entangling alliances with human institutions that claim
greater allegiance than the church. (6) The proud party spirit that refuses to
humble itself in the light of the Scriptures.
antidote for all of these things is to be found in the study of the Scriptures,
doctrinal teaching and preaching, and the practical application of church truth
under the leadership of the Holy Spirit. Where these are missing, there will
continue to be more and more corruption of Baptist church truth until the
candlestick is removed, Rev. 2:5, and the carnal and corrupt church becomes
nothing more than a synagogue of Satan (Rev. 2:9). Remember, the Roman church
was once a Baptist church until it corrupted its doctrine, polity and practice.
Now it sits upon the seven hills of Rome (Rev. 17:9), and rules over the kings
of the earth (Rev. 17:18), as "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF
the Lord Jesus Christ, the "HEAD of the church," awaken
His churches from their ignorance and carnality before they corrupt themselves
so completely that He must needs come and remove the candlestick from its