by Rick Perdue
"Remove not
the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set." - Proverbs 22:28
The term "Old
Landmarkers" was first used to describe J.R. Graves and those in harmony
with the principles that he advocated in the mid-1800's.
Like the name "Christian" (Acts
If these principles are
landmarks that J.R. Graves, J.M. Pendleton and others set forth, then they are
of men, not of God, and are to be discarded. On the other hand, if, as they
asserted, they simply reset Landmarks which others by their loose practices had
removed, then these "principles will be seen in the scriptures, and will
therefore be of God. If they are of God, then it is our solemn responsibility
to follow them, no matter how it might affect us or our personal relationship
with others. We ought to obey God rather than man. Let us consider:
CHURCH IS OF DIVINE ORIGIN. Jesus called it His Church as He spake to the disciples in
"For other foundation
can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ." 1 Corinthians
"Moreover, brethren, I
would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the
cloud, and all passed through the sea; And were all baptized unto Moses in the
cloud and in the sea; And did all eat the same spiritual meat; And did all
drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that
followed them: and that Rock was Christ." 1 Corinthians 10:1-4.
"Wherefore also it is
contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect,
precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded. Unto you
therefore which believe he is precious: but unto them which be disobedient, the
stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the
corner," 1 Peter 2: 6,7.
The material that Jesus
used to begin His church was prepared by the one who was sent from God: John
the Baptist.
Two Old Testament
scriptures foretold John's coming. Both are quoted in the New Testament. Isaiah
prophecies of John with these words: "The voice of him that crieth in the
wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a
highway for our God." Isaiah 40:3 (see Matthew 3:1-3).
Malachi prophesied of the coming of John and the coming of Christ,
"Behold, I will send my messenger, and he (John the Baptist) shall prepare
the way before me (Jesus, God the Son): and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall
suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye
delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the LORD of
host." Malachi 3:1.
Jesus took of the material
that John prepared and began His Church during His personal earthly ministry.
He began to call them out along the shores of
Jesus promised His Church
continued existence until the end of the age, when He would come again to
receive them unto Himself. This is known as church succession or perpetuity.
This principle is expressed in Matthew 16:18, where Jesus said, "...the
gates of hell shall not prevail against it." He also said that He would be
with them alway (Matthew 28:20).
LOCAL, VISIBLE BODY. The word church is used in the New Testament to identify a local
assembly of Jesus' disciples who are joined together in faith and purpose. The
Greek word ekklesia (ekklesia) means a "called-out assembly" and was
used in the time of the
The word church is used in
the singular when referring to a particular church in a particular place. For
example; "Unto the Church of God which is at
is used in the
plural when referring to more than one local church. "And all the brethren
which are with me unto the churches of
Not only is a church a
local, visible body, but it is autonomous. Each local church is self-governing,
answering only to her head, the Lord Jesus Christ. The church at Antioch, under
the leadership of the Holy Spirit, sent Barnabas and Saul out as missionaries
without consulting the apostles who were at Jerusalem (Acts 13:1-4). When some
heretics from
Such is still the
relationship between New Testament churches who have a
desire to cooperate in mutual endeavors and fellowship as equals around the
truths of God's Word.
REGENERATE MEMBERSHIP. That one must be saved in order to qualify for membership in
a New Testament church is clearly a principle of the Scripture. A person must
know Christ as Saviour before being baptized, and baptism is a prerequisite to
becoming a member of a New Testament church. Christ must come before the water.
When many of the Pharisees
and Sadducees came to John to be baptized, he demanded that they "...bring
forth fruit meet for repentance," Matthew 3:8. John only baptized those
who have evidence of repentance and expressed faith in Jesus, who would come
after him (Acts 19:4). True New Testament churches do the same today.
In Matthew 5:15,16, Jesus likens the church to a candlestick. If you will
notice, the candles must be lit before they go on a candlestick. Peter, in 1
Peter 2:5, illustrates the church with a house built of living stones. The
stones must be living stones to become a part of the spiritual house. It is not
the putting of the candle on the candlestick that lights
it, nor is it the placing of a stone in the spiritual house that makes it
living. Thus, members must be regenerated before they become members of a New
Testament church.
To be scriptural, Baptism
must have these four elements: the proper candidate, the proper mode, the
proper purpose, and the proper authority. Only one who professes faith in Jesus
Christ as their only and all-sufficient Saviour is a proper candidate for
Baptism. You must have experienced the cleansing power of the blood before you
are a fit subject for the water. Only those who had the blood applied in
Scriptural Baptism is by
immersion in water. The word means to dip or immerse. No other mode of Baptism
properly represents the burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ
(Romans 6:4).
The purpose of Baptism is
to declare our faith in Christ Jesus: That He died for our sins according to
the scriptures, was buried and rose again the third day according to the
scriptures and thereby secured our eternal redemption. In Baptism we identify
with the Lord Jesus Christ and His church: "For by one spirit are we all
baptized into one body," 1 Corinthians
The final ingredient in
scriptural Baptism is the proper authority. Who does the baptizing is
important. Jesus choose His disciples from among those
who had been baptized by John the Baptist because he was the one sent from God
(John 1:6). Jesus passed that authority on to His church (Matthew 28:16-20) and
His churches are the only ones with scriptural authority. If a church is not
identifiable by the "landmarks" that have been presented, she does
not have scriptural authority. Should any question the restrictiveness of this
they are referred to Acts 18:24-19:4. There, some disciples who had apparently
been baptized by Apollos (who, though he was mighty in the scriptures, fervent
in spirit, saved and scripturally baptized, had no authority) were baptized
again by Paul (who had authority).
The other ordinance of a
The Lord's Supper is to be
observed with the proper elements: unleavened bread and the unleavened fruit of
the vine. Leaven is a type of sin, and nothing with leaven in it can properly
represent the sinless body and blood of Jesus. It is to be observed in
remembrance of His death till He come. It is looking back, as well as a looking
forward to that time when He will observe it new with us in His Father's
CONCLUSION: If a bird looks like a duck,
quacks like a duck, swims like a duck and waddles like a duck, then I assume
that it is a duck. If it is not a duck it will not do any of the above, though
it be called a duck. Just so, the Lord's churches can
be identified by their doctrine and practice.
If churches do not teach
and practice these truths, they should not be accepted as New Testament
Churches and their ordinances and ordinations are to be rejected. It is by the
preservation of the ordinances that New Testament church authority is preserved
from one generation to another. May the Lord enable us to earnestly contend for
the Faith once for all delivered to the saints!