What About
The Church?
Bill Brown
Lesson Text:
Ephesians 3:21
Lesson Objective: To help us understand the origin, nature, purpose, and function of the
church. We also want to enlarge our scope of understanding concerning the role
and responsibilities of you as a church member.
We could easily spend much more time on this subject than we will because of
the range of topics that could be included. You are encouraged to read, study,
and examine the Scriptures yourself regarding the New Testament Church. We
invite you to acquire and read the books listed at the end of the lesson. They
will be a great addition to your home library and help you in your exploration
of this truth and God’s word.
people have many different opinions as to the definition of a church. While all
opinions may be respected, our desire is to obtain the same opinion as found in
the Bible, as presented to us by God Himself. One view held was promoted to
popularity by C.I. Scofield in his Scofield reference Bible. This view states
that "The Spirit forms the church by baptizing all believers into the body
of Christ." He further states the church to be "composed of the whole
number of regenerate persons from Pentecost to the first resurrection, united together
and to Christ by the baptism with the Holy Spirit." This is the popular
view held by most Protestant churches. Another view, not as widely held, is
that of the "church consisting of all the redeemed in all ages." From
these two views we understand the church to be universal and invisible.
in opposition, hold the church to be both local and visible. These two prior
views fail to take into consideration the difference God makes between the
family of God, the
universal invisible church theory excludes baptism as necessary for church
membership. It also perverts the meaning of the Greek word "ecclesia"
which is translated "church" in our English Bible. The fact that the
word "church" exists in our English version of the Bible is due to
King James of
When Did It All Start?
first use of the word "church" in the New Testament is found in
Matthew 16:18, which states: "And I say also unto thee, That thou art
Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall
not prevail against it." Christ calls it His church. He is
distinguishing it from any other. It originated with Him, He organized it, and
He is building it. Mr. Scofield and the Protestants would have us to believe
the church started on the day of Pentecost. It is this very fact that gives
rise to the teaching of the universal invisible church theory we dealt with in
our introduction. Baptists teach from the Scriptures that the church began
during the personal ministry of Jesus Christ. This verse in Matthew does not
teach Peter was the foundation of the church as the Roman Catholics would have
us to believe. Instead, it teaches that Peter (little pebble) should understand
that the rock (huge strata) upon which Christ’s church would be built was Jesus
Christ and none other.
Lets get an additional definition of what is a Scriptural church. "A
New Testament Church is an assembly of people called out from the world by the
preaching of the gospel, accompanied by the regenerating work of the holy Spirit, and baptized in the faith and fellowship of the
gospel..." Each of the twelve Apostles and the early disciples were
scriptually baptized by John the Baptist, as was Jesus. John was "to make
ready a people prepared for the Lord." These men were born again and
baptized. When Christ came to this Earth they were called out, assembled
together, ordained, and sent forth at His command. This fills the definition of
what we know to be a true New Testament Church. They sang, preached, collected
offerings, had a Pastor (Jesus Christ), baptized, observed the Lord’s Supper,
they had rules and order, conducted business, and they were given authority to
carry out Christ’s commands. All of this happened before the day of Pentecost. Before
the day of Pentecost Jesus was physically the single head of one church. After
the day of Pentecost, through the ministry of the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ was
Spiritually the single head of many churches. Without
going into great detail these two views make an extreme difference in how a
church carries out it business, how it accepts members, how it observes the
rules of the New Testament, and how it carries out the great commission. It
affects the teachings concerning the Lord’s Supper, Baptism, Church authority,
church membership, church associations, and the perseverance of the autonomy of
the local church.
The Pattern Of
A New
pattern of a New Testament Church is to be found in the Bible. As stated in our
prior lesson, "the Bible is our final rule of faith and practice." It
is within the Bible we will discover the church’s government,
purpose, plan, and directives. Tradition and history must always be
balanced with the Word of God not vice versus. I may use history to support or
expand upon a church doctrine or policy, but the case must stand or fall upon it’s existence in the Word of God.
Bible teaches that each church is to be autonomous, independent, and
indigenous. That simply means the church is to be self-governing, separate from
all other bodies and organizations, and local. The government of a Baptist
church is to be democratic under the direction of its only head, Jesus Christ.
The local church is to determine its own course of action apart from any
outside interference of other churches, associations, councils, fellowships,
presbyteries, preachers, or civil authorities. The Lord’s church recognizes no
higher authority than their Head, Jesus Christ. This frees the church to follow
the Lord’s direction in selecting their own officers, exercising their own
discipline, and adopting their own courses of action. This also allows for
co-operation with other true New Testament churches in carrying out the demands
of the gospel, without relinquishing their independence.
through the New Testament we can find the early church met on the first day of
the week. This is not a Christian Sabbath as some might say. It is the
celebration of the rising of our Lord from grave and securing our salvation.
Sunday is the day set aside for the work of the ministry not the work in the
yard. Sunday is the day set aside for the honor, worship, and praise of God. It
is on the first day of the week that we are to bring our tithes and offerings
unto the Lord. We are to come and worship God in Spirit and in truth not in
ritual and formalism.
finances of the church could be an entire lesson alone but we will only take a
minute to give the biblical principles involved. God’s plan for financing the
ministry of the local church is through the giving of tithes and offerings.
When we do not give into the Lord’s storehouse we are literally robbing God of
what is rightfully His. Giving is as much a part of our worship as is singing,
preaching, or praising the Lord. A.W. pink once said, "The Christian
should tithe for the very same reason he keeps all the other commandments of
God... Not because he must do so, but because he desires to do so." Under
the New Testament directives the members of the local church have the same
obligation to support the ministers of the word as did the Old Testament saints
to support those who ministered in the
The Officers Of
The Church
are only two offices in the church that are recognized within the New
Testament, pastors and deacons. The pastor may be called a bishop, an elder, an
overseer, or shepherd of the flock. This office is designated as the overseer
of the
all preachers are destined to be pastors any more than all servants of God are
destined to become deacons. The desire to fill the office of pastor comes from
the leading and calling of the Lord and is confirmed by a call from a local
church to that position. The qualifications of a pastor or elder are scattered
throughout the New Testament. There are two major portions of Scripture which
deal with specific qualifications; I Timothy 3:1-7; and Titus 1:6-9. Rather
than go into each of these we encourage you to take the time to read these
passages faithfully. It is advantageous for you to become familiar with these
qualifications in the likely event that you as a member of one of the Lord’s
churches will find it necessary to be a part of the process of choosing a
office of deacon seems to have risen over a dispute concerning the distribution
of material resources as seen in Acts chapter 6. Rather than requiring the
Apostles to remove themselves from prayer and ministry of the word they asked
the church to seek out men among themselves to fill these rolls. It was the
church who decided who should be appointed to these positions based upon
spiritual and scriptural qualifications. We find these qualifications listed in
I Timothy 3:8-13. It is important that all members become acquainted with the
qualifications of both elders and deacons that we might fulfill our role as
responsible and faithful members of God’s church in which we serve.
The Purpose Of
A New
Lord began and built His church because He had a purpose in mind. There is a
design and direction for the church. He has entrusted the church with the
responsibility of preaching the gospel to a lost and dying world. He has called
upon us to teach and to baptize those who believe and repent. This gives us our
primary goal as a New Testament Baptist church. Though it is
found throughout the New Testament Matthew 28:18-20 gives us our commission.
"And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All
power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all
nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the
Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded
you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen."
These lessons we are now doing are a process we have chosen to aid us in fulfilling
our responsibilities to the Lord and to you.
well as the primary goal of evangelizing the lost and then baptizing those who
respond to the gospel, we are to teach them to observe all things. The goal of
every church is not to entertain or to provide a social place to gather. It is
to instruct in and with the Word of God by the power of the Holy Spirit. This
involves caring for and feeding the flock of God. It involves teaching the
whole counsel of God not just bits and pieces or those that seem to best suit
our purposes or attract the greatest amount of interests. While the oversight
of such a great task is given to the pastor it is not his to do alone. He is to
equip the saints to do the work of the ministry.
important fact to remember is that we are talking about the purpose or mission
of the church. Who is the church? If you are saved, baptized, and have been
added to this, or any, particular Baptist church, the responsibility is yours.
Your mission is obedience to the commands of God and those commands are to go
preaching, baptizing, and then to teach the all things. The blessing I can
share with you is you are not a lone individual in this effort but are to work
as a corporate body and members in particular. We should be doing this together.
We each can be a witness to family, friends, and even to strangers. As a single
body we vote to baptize through our representative. Through our prayers and
attendance we can learn from and encourage the preaching of the Word.
What About It’s
first and foremost qualification for membership in one of the Lord’s churches
is to be born again. Only those who are baptized can be church members and only
those who give proof of regeneration and conversion are qualified candidates
for baptism. That gives us both the first and second qualifications for church
membership. We might easily add a third by dealing with the willingness of an
individual to submit to the authority of the local church to which she or he
are requesting membership. This is necessary to keep the unity of peace within
the local body of Christ. Each member had the privilege and responsibility to
vote in matters of business. If their vote happens to be in the minority there
is the need to submit to the decision of the majority. There is no right to
stir dissension or be contentious when there is no violation of the Word of
God. Every member of the Lord’s churches must be aware they are accountable to
the Lord and His church in matters of doctrine, practice and the covenant into
which they enter. If you have not yet received a copy of the church covenant
you should do so and be aware that upon reception into your particular local
body this covenant is binding upon both parties.
The Ordinances of The
this lesson we have covered a variety of topics which could be a lesson to
themselves. The same is true of this portion covering the ordinances. In a
previous lesson we have already discussed at great length the ordinance of
baptism. The only other ordinance recognized by true New Testament Baptists is
the Lord’s Supper. While we hold each as important in their doctrine and
practice we believe neither has any saving merit attached to them. It is our
responsibility to "contend for the faith once delivered unto the
saints" (Jude 3). We are to maintain the truth and application of
both. We believe both are symbols of spiritual truths. The Lord’s
supper was instituted by the Lord and is to be observed until He returns
to this Earth. The Lord’s Supper is a commemoration of the shedding of His
blood and His death as our substitute.
is strictly a church ordinance to be observed by the members of a local church
who are in good standing. This is a restricted communion, not only to those who
alone are members of a particular body, but also to those who are in good
standing with that body. The elements of the Lord’s supper
are unleavened bread and the fruit of the vine. Among Baptists there are
differences as to the use of fermented grape juice or pure grape juice.
Arguments are strong on both sides. We believe in using pure grape juice but
accept that both are products of the fruit of the vine and create no division
with those who hold an opposite view.
church is responsible to maintain and contend for the faith. We are instructed
what to do and how to do it, but we are given liberty as to the timing. The
Lord said "as oft" as you do it, do it in remembrance of me. Some
churches may observe the Lord’s Supper weekly, some monthly, some quarterly,
some yearly, and others at their discretion. We observe the Lord’s Supper on a
quarterly basis. Prepare yourself to learn much more on this subject as you
enjoy your relationship and membership in the pillar and ground of truth, the
Lord’s church.
Suggested Helpful
Church That Jesus Built, Roy Mason
Baptist Church Manual, J.E. Cobb
Trail of Blood, J.M. Carrol
B.H. Carrol
Baptism and The Baptists, W.N. Nevins
On The
J.R. Graves
Origin Of The Baptists S.H. Ford
Study Questions
1. What truth does Ephesians 3:21
reveal to you?
2. What is the common opinion of
Protestants about what a church is?
3. What is the biblical position held
by Baptists?
4. Is there a difference between the
family of God, the
5. In the Greek language the word we
translate church comes from?
6. What does this word mean?
7. Baptists believe the church was
started by whom?
8. They also hold that the church was
started when?
9. When do Protestants teach the church
Peter the first Pope?
a biblical definition of what a church is.
official office or officers were placed in the church first?
was the first Pastor?
is the head of every Scriptural New Testament church?
form of government should a Baptist church have?
is the church to met and worship?
is the church to be financed?
many church officers are recognized in the New Testament?
are those offices?
should you know the qualifications of those who are to fill these offices?
is the main purpose of the church?
can be a member of a
are the ordinances of the church?
is your responsibility as a church member?