In 1887 Spurgeon printed a series of
articles denouncing liberal theology in The Sword and the Trowel. The
articles declared that the "new theology" had put the Church on the
"Down Grade." They became the spark that ignited the fire storm
that swept through the
From John MacArthur's book
"Ashamed of the Gospel"
Primary Documents
Facsimile copies of the
following documents were compiled by Bob Ross and published by Pilgrim
(DECEMBER, 1889)
This Must Be A Soldier's
ONE who is very valiant for
the truth said to us, "This must be a soldiers’battle." In that
utterance we heartily concur. The gospel of the Lord Jesus is now assailed all
along the line. Scarcely a denomination is free from the enemies of the truth:
they are within our ranks. In the Church of England the superstitious errorists
are more to the front than the skeptical; and it is not an easy warfare which
falls to the lot of Evangelicals within the Establishment. How is it they are
there? Those who are seeking a decision upon the matters raised by the action
of the Bishop of Lincoln, are going straight to the point, and raising the
question of Mass or no Mass in the most plain and practical manner. But if the
result of the episcopal trial should be unfavorable, every Protestant man and
woman should look upon the case as one for the personal conscience, and should,
by individual action, drive the Evangelicals to a plain and unmistakable course
of action. Among Baptists, the great need is the personal investigation of the
matters in debate by the members of our churches. It is clear that the members
of the Council have nothing to say except by way of rebuke of any who protest
against the growing error. The ministers also cry, "Peace, peace, where
there is no peace." If sturdy individuality took up the matter, and godly
men were determined not to remain in league with those who depart from the
truth, the issues would be speedy.
A Congregational minister
asks for an opportunity for the rank and file of the ministry to speak; and his
impression is, that ninety-five percent. Would be found to be on the old lines.
We sincerely wish that we could believe it; but we think he puts his percentage
far too high. Still, if in our free churches there were fair opportunities for
utterance, either by the voice or through the press, we feel confident
that the Broad School gentlemen would find themselves very much in the
minority. But the hour of free speech will not come till the old Nonconforming
spirit asserts itself in the pastors, deacons, and church-members, and the gag
is taken off from the religions press. We are glad to hope that by other organs
the truth will yet gain liberty to speak through the press. It is possible that
a clique is now predominant, and that the mass of the people are misrepresented
by them: if it be so, let them declare themselves. The Free Church of Scotland
must, unhappily, be for the moment regarded as rushing to the front with its
new theology, which is no theology, but an opposition to the Word of the Lord.
That church in which we all gloried, as sound in the faith, and full of the
martyrs’ spirit, has entrusted the training of its future ministers to two
professors who hold other doctrines than those of its Confession. This is the
most suicidal act that a church can commit. It is strange that two gentlemen,
who are seeking for something newer and better than the old faith, should
condescend to accept a position which implies their agreement, with the ancient
doctrines of the church; but delicacy of feeling is not a common article
nowadays, and the action of creeds is not automatic, as it would be if consciences
were tender. In the Free Church there is a Confession, and there are means for
carrying out discipline; but these will be worth nothing without the personal
action of all the faithful in that community. Every man who keeps aloof from
the struggle for the sake of peace, will have the blood of souls upon his head.
The question in debate at the Disruption was secondary compared with that which
is now at issue. It is Bible or no Bible, Atonement or no Atonement,which we
have now to settle. Stripped of beclouding terms and phrases, this lies at the
bottom of the discussion; and every lover of the Lord Jesus should feel himself
called upon to take his part in an earnest contention for the faith once for
all delivered to the saints. From the exceeding boldness of Messrs. Bruce and
Dods, we gather that they feel perfectly safe in ventilating their opinions.
They evidently reckon upon a majority which will secure them immunity; and our
fear is that they will actually gain that which they expect. We are not sanguine
enough to believe that they are mistaken. Unless the whole church shall awake
to its duty, the Evangelicals in the Free Church are doomed to see another
reign of Moderatism. Have they suffered so many things in vain? Will they not
now make a stand?
Finding ourselves in a
community which had no articles of faith, and seeing deadly error rising up, we
had no course but to withdraw. Whether others think fit to do so or not is no
part of our responsibility; but nothing can free any true believer from the duty
of maintaining pure and undefiled religion in its doctrine, as well as in its
practice, by every means in his power. The most quiet country minister, the
most retiring deacon or elder, the most obscure Christian man or woman—each one
must come up to the help of the Lord against the mighty. The crisis becomes
every day more acute: delays are dangerous; hesitation is ruinous. Whosoever is
on the Lord’s side must show it at once, and without fail. Let those who so
sadly pine for "another reformation," and a remodeled creed, stand
out and say so, and no longer conceal their sentiments, or eat the bread of men
at whose most cherished convictions they are stabbing with might and main. Let
these be honest, and let the Evangelicals be true. The church expects every man
to do his duty. NOTES (FEB. 1890)
A certain newspaper
paragraph very kindly attempts to comfort "Mr. Spurgeon at his worst stage
of depression concerning the doubts of the day," by the assurance that
religion can never pass away. We can assure our friend that we never thought it
could. No fear as to the ultimate victory of the truth of God ever disturbs our
mind. We are sure that the doctrines of the gospel will outlive all the dotings
of "modern thought." The trouble is that, for the moment, error is
having its own way in certain parts of the visible church, where better things
once ruled; and, worse still, that good men will not see the evil, or, seeing
it, wink at it, and imagine that it will do no very great deal of harm. It is
ours to give warning of a danger which to us is manifest and alarming; and if
the warning makes us the butt of ridicule, we must bear it. Our protest is, no
doubt, regarded by some as a piece of bigotry, and by others, as the dream of a
nervous mind. Neither conjecture is correct; but we speak the words of love and
soberness. An American, who enquired of certain leaders in the
"Down-Grade" what they thought of Spurgeon’s conduct, was informed
that sickness and age had weakened his intellect. This has been their contemptuous
method all along; but facts are not to be set aside by such remarks. Be the
protester what he may, he declares his protest to be solemnly needful,
and he begs for attention to it. It may be the old truth is in the minority,
and that those who uphold it are thought to be troublers in
From a Congregational
Church a brother writes :—" I have heard several friends say that your
pictures of the ‘ Down-Grade ‘ are overdrawn; but in our church they have been
photographs. Commencing with denial of eternal punishment, our minister has
gone on to talk of ‘Mark’s garbled statements,’ ‘the legend of the Angel’s
song,’ and ‘The myth of the Resurrection.’ He says, ‘Christ is the natural son
of Joseph and Mary,’ and that ‘the Bible is but one of the Scriptures of
the human race.’ .... May the churches heed your warning, and so be saved from
our fate !" In this instance, old members are driven out, and all
protesters are held up to ridicule in the public prints as bigots wanting in
common sense. The churches are, some of them, courting the fate of this church
by seeking out clever men for preachers, irrespective of their doctrinal
beliefs. But, on the other hand, many are growing cautious, and, having been
once bitten, are shy of the new school. The evangelicals in the churches are
beginning to be divided from the
NOTES (MAY 1891)
NUMBERS of friends now
write to say how true our words upon the "Down-grade" were years ago.
It is our deep regret that it should be so. We spoke not without knowing what
we were about. It was not possible for us to give up all our authorities, nor
would it have served any useful purpose to have published names; but we spoke
truth which we could not help believing, and spoke it without exaggerating.
Matters were even worse than we knew of. We have not only to do with the lion
of open unbelief, but with the foxes of craft, who profess to love the gospel
which they labor hard to undermine. If we had to bear our witness over again,
we should not soften a syllable, but add emphasis to it. Indignant
correspondents continually send us notices of amusements held by various
churches; certainly, they can hardly become more childish and inane. But we
cannot be perpetually recording and talking about these absurdities. Cannot
Christian people make their own protests more emphatic in their several
districts? It is all very well to send this wretched rubbish to us; but why not
sweep it away yourselves? If we had a gracious revival, good people would find
better things to do than to get up nigger entertainments, and theatricals.
Our old-fashioned Wesleyan
friends must be greatly surprised by the utterances of certain of their leading
men; they have great need to look after the professors who train their rising
ministry; for if they cannot give a better account of Holy Writ than the divine
QUITE a stir has been
caused lately by the publication of the following document, which has been
erroneously called "Mr. Spurgeon’s Confession of Faith," or
We, the undersigned, banded
together in Fraternal Union, observing with growing pain and sorrow the
loosening hold of many upon the Truths of Revelation, are constrained to avow
our firmest belief in the Verbal Inspiration of all Holy Scripture as
originally given. To us, the Bible does not merely contain the Word of God, but
is the Word of God. From
beginning to end, we accept
it, believe it, and continue to preach it. To us, the Old Testament is no less
inspired than the New. The Book is an organic whole. Reverence for the NEW
Testament accompanied by skepticism as to the OLD appears to us absurd. The two
must stand or fall together. We accept Christ’s own verdict concerning
"Moses and all the prophets" in preference to any of the supposed
discoveries of so-called higher criticism.
We hold and maintain the
truths generally known as "the doctrines of grace." The Electing Love
of God the Father, the Propitiatory and Substitutionary Sacrifice of his Son,
Jesus Christ, Regeneration by the Holy Ghost, the Imputation of Christ’s
Righteousness, the Justification of the sinner (once for all) by faith, his
walk in newness of life and growth in grace by the active indwelling of the
Holy Ghost, and the Priestly Intercession of our Lord Jesus, as also the
hopeless perdition of all who reject the Savior, according to the words of the
Lord in Matthew 25:46, "These shall go away into eternal
punishment,"—are, in our judgment, revealed and fundamental truths. Our
hope is the Personal Pre-millennial Return of the Lord Jesus in glory.
Because Mr. Spurgeon’s name
was appended to this avowal of belief, it was supposed that he wrote it, and
issued it to the world. Some, very wise people even discovered that this was
the creed that Mr. Spurgeon wanted to force down the unwilling throat of the
Baptist Union! Poor souls, it is really a pity to be obliged to dispel such
blissful ignorance! Yet dispelled it will be, as soon as the simple but true
story of the manifesto is told.
About eighteen months ago,
the seven brethren, whose names appear at the head of the above list, banded
themselves together as a "Fraternal"; and from time to time they have
invited other like-minded brethren to join them. Membership is not confined to
Baptists. Dr. Sinclair Paterson belongs to the brotherhood, as did the late Dr.
Adolph Saphir, until he was called to the presence of the Lord he had so long
and faithfully served. Several public meetings have been held, at which clear
testimony upon the fundamental doctrines of the gospel has been given by
various members. In addition, many private gatherings for prayer and
consultation upon the Word and work of the Lord have taken place. At one of
these, it was suggested (not, however, by Mr. Spurgeon) that the time had
arrived when attention should be called, through the religious and secular
press of the country, to certain truths which, in many quarters, are either
ignored or rejected. The suggestion met with general approval, a committee was
appointed to prepare the document; in due time it was submitted to the whole
company, and when the exact wording had been settled, each member signed it in
the form in which it has been published to the church and the world. It might
just as well be called "Mr. Archibald Brown’s Confession of Faith,"
or Mr. White’s, or Mr. Hooper’s, or Dr. Paterson’s. It is as much theirs as it
is Mr. Spurgeon’s, and as much his as theirs; but no more appertaining to any
one of the thirty than to all the rest.
It is certainly a
"confession of faith" in this sense, that the brethren whose names
are appended to it do believe what they there state, and they are not ashamed
to confess their faith before any number of witnesses; but no one of them would
think of regarding this short statement as a full declaration of all that he
believes about the great verities of God. As for "Mr. Spurgeon’s
Confession of Faith," any one who wants to read that will find it
"writ large" in the thirty-six volumes of The Metropolitan Tabernacle
Pulpit. If the reading of two thousand two hundred sermons is too great a task
for the searcher after "Mr. Spurgeon’s Confession of Faith," he will
be able to get a condensation of it in the President’s Address delivered at the
last College Conference We venture to repeat here almost the last words written
by Mr. Spurgeon before his illness :—
"The Greatest Fight in
the World is our testimony for the present moment. It is to be had in a neat
form, and at a very small price—namely, sixpence. Nothing would please us more
than to see it scattered by scores of thousands, and rousing a controversy on
essential truths .... Those of our readers who abhor modern heresies, will be
our true allies if they will help us in scattering this bombshell where it may
do execution. In this address we speak without bitterness, but also without
reserve. The present policy of the Down-grade men is to be quiet and cautious;
but we shall no more copy their method than their doctrine. Our speech is outspoken.
Friends will be pleased to know that the demand for the first edition far
exceeds our expectations. Why not go in for fifty thousand?" A translation
of "Mr. Spurgeon’s Confession of Faith," that even men of the world
can understand, will be found at the Stockwell Orphanage, where living faith
shows itself in works of mercy for the widow and the fatherless (James
The manifesto has not met
with universal approval. The Christian World ridiculed "The ‘Faithful’
Few," by the quotation marks in the heading of a short article, in which
it said :—" It is a document which few will read without a feeling of
perplexity and sadness. These thirty gentlemen appear to regard themselves as a
little band of faithful adherents to the truth amidst a faithless church. The
profoundest thought, the highest learning, the devoutest inquiry, are by
implication branded as treason to the truth, if they have reached conclusions
different from those propounded in this manifesto. Infallibility would seem to
be the reward of the resolute refusal to allow the light of science and
scholarship to fall upon the divine Word.
All must be wrong except
the few who can pronounce this Shibboleth" Thank you, dear Christian
World; but your censure is a choice compliment and commendation to every member
of the Fraternal! The Echo called the manifesto "A Voice from Dark
Ages." A northern newspaper wrote as follows:— "No one who does not
possess the power to an alarming extent of persuading himself anything, can
possibly, if he have any real acquaintance with the controversy, hold the views
as to the sense in which the Bible is divine revelation which prevailed ,in
almost all the churches fifty years ago, It is not that theories have been
formed; but facts have been brought to light which must modify old-fashioned
opinions, and have already modified them to a considerable extent. It did not,
however, require any new discoveries of criticism to disprove the dogma of
verbal inspiration upon which Mr. Spurgeon and his friends insist as one of the
prime essentials of Christianity. If it be an essential, then Christianity is
no better than a myth. And these men, with all their boasted loyalty to
religion, ought surely to see that in associating the Christian belief with
unnecessary, unprovable, and directly disprovable dogma, they are doing the
work of the atheist and unbeliever, who stand by smiling to see the process of
destruction going on from within. If religion and verbal inspiration must stand
or fall together, then it is the latter alternative which will happen—assuredly
they will fall." The italics are ours.
The Baptist, in publishing
the manifesto, said :—"It is perhaps remarkable, not so much for the
signatories, as for the names which are conspicuous by their absence."
Similar remarks have been made by other papers; but the writers of them appear
not to have noticed the first words of the document :—" We, the
undersigned, banded together in Fraternal Union." It is just what it
professes to be, an avowal of belief made by the members of a Fraternal. If it
is asked, "Why is Mr. So-and-so’s name not there?" the answer
is," He is not a member of the Fraternal, and therefore his name has no
right to be there." Many clergymen and ministers have written, expressing
their willingness to sign the manifesto; and various signs indicate that there
is a very widespread desire for some kind of union in which lovers of the old
faith might join with brethren like-minded, without being compromised by
association with those who are not one with them in the faith. That, however,
was not the object of those who signed this paper. Fraternals have been used
often enough for the spread of Down-grade error; it therefore seemed right to
make use of a Fraternal for the declaration of belief in Up-grade truth. If any
Down-graders are not satisfied with what has been done, let them accept the
challenge of the editor of Word and Work, himself one of the signatories of the
document :—"
Such a manifesto as this is
at least timely, and the men who sign it make no secret of their creed. Is it
too much to expect that those who have changed their beliefs will be honest
enough to express in language similarly plain the extent of the change, that
all the world may see clearly where they stand? It is a fair challenge; will it
elicit a fair response?"
The Down Grade
(March 1887)
The Down Grade
(April, 1887)
Sword and Trowel NOTES
(april, 1887)
Another Word Concerning
the Down-Grade
(August, 1887)
Our Reply to Sundry
Critics and Enquirers
(September, 1887)
The Case Proved
(October, 1887)
A Fragment Upon the
Down-Grade Controversy (November, 1887)
Restoration of
Truth and Revival
(December, 1887)
Sword and Trowel NOTES
(december, 1887)
The Baptist Union Censure
(February, 1888)
Sword and Trowel NOTES
(march, 1888)
Progressive Theology
(April, 1888)
Sword and Trowel NOTES
(APRIL, 1888)
Sword and Trowel NOTES
(MAY, 1888)
Sword and Trowel NOTES
(JUNE, 1888)
Sword and Trowel NOTES
(JULY, 1888)
Sword and Trowel NOTES
(AUGUST, 1888)
Current Religious Perils
(September, 1888)
Sword and Trowel NOTES
Sword and Trowel NOTES
(OCTOBER, 1888)
Sword and Trowel NOTES
(NOVEMBER, 1888)
Attempts at the Impossible
(December, 1888)
Sword and Trowel NOTES
(JANUARY, 1889)
Questions for
"Down-grade" Doubters
(March, 1889)
Sword and Trowel NOTES
(MAY, 1889)
Sword and Trowel NOTES
(JUNE, 1889)
This Must Be a
Soldiers' Battle
(December, 1889)
Sword and Trowel NOTES
(FEBRUARY, 1890)
Sword and Trowel NOTES
(MAY, 1891)
"Mr. Spurgeon's
Confession of Faith"
(August, 1891 )
A Sermon for the Time Present
(Metropolitan Tabernacle
Pulpit, No. 1990,
October 30, 1887)
The "Down Grade" Controversy
from Mr. Spurgeon's Standpoint
(From The Autobiography,
Vol. IV)