By Ken Johnson
(Editor's Note: The following sermon was
preached at the 34th Annual Missions Conference of
Thirty-four years ago I was privileged to stand in this pulpit and preach in the opening services of the First Annual Missions Conference of Tabernacle Baptist Church pastored by E. L. Bynum. I have also counted it a privilege to be present and speak in many of the services in subsequent Conferences that have followed.
The annual verse to be emphasized this year has been the text I have chosen for the subject matter of my message:
Looking for that blessed hope, and the
glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour
Jesus Christ;... (Titus 2:13)
The pastor has assigned the subject of
"The Imminent Pre-Trib Coming of Christ"
for the message I am to bring; I rejoice to confess 34 years and more past,
this church taught this doctrine and I continue to rejoice that the halls of
this Truth are still found solidly proclaimed after over half a century of
unwavering love for this BLESSED HOPE.
I am fully aware that I cannot deal with every
problem relative to the Imminent Pre-Trib Coming of
Christ. I do intend with purpose and design to confront some of the problems
men confront us with that denies the very essence of this hope. Their arguments
are legion but I am convinced they are totally mistaken and without credulity.
---The A-Mill scholar B.B. Warfield, a
Presbyterian, wrote: "The Plan and Structure of the book [of
Revelation--KJ], the whole of which seems to have been seen by John in one day
(1:10), are exceeding artistic, and are based on progressive repetitions of
seven-fold visions....It is of the first importance to its correct
understanding, that we should grasp the fact that its prime design is not
chronological, but ethical." [B.B. Warfield, Selected Shorter Writings,
Vol. II, pp. 86,87.]
---William Hendriksen,
another A-Mill, follows Warfield and states the Book of Revelation:
"...was intended not only for those who first read it, but for all
believers throughout this entire dispensation... [p.10]"
and that "The book of Revelation consists of seven sections. They
are parallel and each spans the entire new dispensation, from the first to the
second Coming of Christ. [p.22]." [W. Hendriksen, More Than
Conquerors, pp. 10 & 22.]
These two thus deny the 1,000 year reign and
equate the seven years tribulation to nothing more than historical persecution
leading to the Second Coming and general resurrection and judgment.
Kimball, another of this same thinking, in
fact says, "No where in the Scriptures does the word 'Tribulation' refer to a final, seven year period of unparalleled distress
at the close of this present age." [W. R. Kimball, What The Bible Says About The Great Tribulation, p.112.]
I point this out to display the position of
those who deny any dispensational aspect of the doctrine of the Second Coming
and deny the Seven Years Tribulation. Bro. Larry Jones will deal with this
subject in detail. I will only say these men follow a "Soteriocentric
Eschatology which is wrong when they are forced to the position Brinsmead holds when he concludes: "NO
Those who are universal church and
dispensational holding either Post-Trib or Mid-Trib or Pre- Wrath rapture embrace a Soteriocentric
Ecclesiology which embraces a concept of the church as "all the redeemed" and insist it endures the Tribulation in
whole or in part.
Ladd in his two works --The Gospel of The Kingdom and Crucial Questions About The Kingdom
of God reveals he is Pre-Mill. Yet, in his book The Blessed Hopehe
reveals his position is that of a Post-Trib Rapture
with the usual thinking of time governed by his treatment of the Olivet
Discourse and Pre-Tribulation eschatology being a 19th century invention coming
to America through Darbyism. MORE
ON THIS LATER. Jim McKeever believes
Christians will go through the Tribulation --- but possibly only half way. His
book, Christians Will Go Through The Tribulation,
p.41 says, "The Book of Revelation is Sequential and these events occurred
once in the middle of the seven years of Tribulation and again at the end of
the Tribulation. (The logical conclusion of this view would be that the Rapture
occurs in the middle of the Tribulation).
It really doesn't matter to me which one you
believe;...The position for which there is no basis is
that the Rapture will occur before the Tribulation. It cannot occur until the
last trumpet."
holds Rev. 12:1 to 20:6 are an amplification of Rev.
11:15-19 and the 7th Trumpet. He writes some 350 pages but only about 39 deal
with his Post-Trib concept. 197 pages explain how to
survive physically all the ills of the Tribulation. He of course offers for
sale the necessary items suggested.
Marvin Rosenthal and his Pre-Wrath theories
also depends heavily on a rapture at the 7th Trumpet.
But his position is a "2/3rds" Tribulation
rapture. He writes, [On page 61.]-- "It will also be demonstrated that the
70th week of Daniel has three major, distinct, and identifiable periods of
time: the 'beginning of sorrows,' the Great Tribulation, and the Day of the
Lord --- all found in the Olivet Discourse."
On page 109 he also states: "This, then,
is clear. The entire week is not shortened. The last three and one half years
of that seventieth week are not shortened. What the Lord Himself teaches is
shortened is the Great Tribulation. It is less than three and one-half years in
duration. It begins in the middle of the seventieth week, but it does not run
until the end of the seventieth week.
Thus Rosenthal presents a "2/3rds"
Tribulation Rapture which has been veiled in the Book of "The
Unveiling" for nearly 2,000 years.
Tonight, may we look at two points in my
subject to be covered: (1) The Pre-Tribulation Rapture and (2) The
Imminent Coming. If these are denied, we have in
common in all the above theories a basis to forget looking for our Lord and the
evident cause to look for seven years of tribulation and the Anti-Christ as
opposed to the True Christ and the Rapture of the Saints at any time.
A. Note in V.3 Jesus says,
---This is a present tense used as a future in
Greek. In Greek syntax this is an expression of IMMANENCY.
---Webster's Greek Grammar says on
p.82, "The present is used for the future to express the certainty of a
coming event."
---Webster quotes Vaughn's remarks of the
contrast of a future indicative active and the present indicative active used
as a future and says it expresses "MORE STRONGLY"..."The
certainty, imminence..."
---Danna and Mantey
in A manual Grammar of The Greek New Testament, p.185 says: "This
use [the Futuristic Present] of the present tense denotes an event which has
not yet occurred, but which is regarded as so certain that in thought it may be
contemplated as already coming to pass."
---McDonald in his Greek Enchridion, p.20 says the same concerning this meaning
---In fact Burton in his Moods and Tenses
of The N.T. Greek, p. 10 says that the present used as a future is used
"...for the sake of vividness, with reference to a fact still in the
future, is recognized by all grammarians."
B. The denial of some
declares Jesus could not come immediately because.
BUT, Jesus was speaking to the Apostles and he
breathed on them the Spirit BEFORE He ascended in Jn.
(2) Peter is said to have been
told he would
BUT, V.19 explains this is signifying by what
DEATH he would glorify God. This spake he, signifying
by what death he should glorify God. And when he had spoken this, he saith unto him, Follow me. (John
gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace
that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; (1 Peter
(3) Paul is denied believing in
an imminent return because it would take years for him to have revelation and
preach to Jews and Gentiles.
BUT, God's Word says Paul "Immediately
conferred not with flesh and blood."--Gal. 1:16.
If Paul had died a martyr the next day, his
testimony would still hold this as fulfilled. --ABEL'S BLOOD YET SPEAKS... By
faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he
obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it
he being dead yet speaketh. (Hebrews 11:4)
(4) James preached an imminent
Coming: Ja. 5:7,8, 7 Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the
Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious
fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early
and latter rain. 8 Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of
the Lord draweth nigh. (James 5)
(5) The Churches Paul started were evidently taught the IMMINENT COMING: So that ye come
behind in no gift; waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ: (1 Corin thians 1:7)
Behold, I shew you a
mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in
the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and
the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. (1 Corinthians
Phil. 3:20 says: For
our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ:
Col. 3:4 speaks of this church's being
reminded of Christ who shall appear and they appear with Him. When Christ, who
is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.
I Thess.
(6) Paul evidently taught his
young preachers of the Imminent Coming:
I Tim. 6:14, That thou keep this commandment
without spot, unrebukeable, until the appearing of
our Lord Jesus Christ: (1 Timothy
THANK GOD no person or church was exhorted
to wait for the Anti-Christ and seven years of tribulation.
A. First permit me to deal
with a point of history.
---In 1973 Dave MacPherson
published his book: The Unbelievable Pre-Trib
Origin. --- On p.104 he writes: "In light of the evidence I have
prayerfully and carefully given in this book relative to the Pre-Trib origin (which has been hidden for a long time), I
hereby ask all Bible teachers to declare a moratorium on such teaching --- at
least until they can check this out for themselves." ---NOTE 1973. [His
appendix gives Margaret Macdonald's vision on pp. 105- 108.]
---In 1974 MacPherson
wrote The Late Great Pre-Trib Rapture. On p.13
he wrote: "Those who journeyed to
As I well document in my earlier book on the
Pre-Trib origin, Darby was clearly a Post-Trib until the time of Margaret's revelation!
Although Pre-Tribs
cannot name any body of Christians before 1830 that ever taught a Rapture before Tribulation, they like to say that Darby
'rediscovered old Truths.'"
---On p.19 he also states, "The Post-Trib view was the only view of the second coming before
1830 and since that date has always been the majority view among
Bible-believing Christians."
---George Elden Ladd
wrote some 17 years before this writer concerning the new Revelation of a Pre-Trib rapture and says:
"It was at Powerscourt that the teaching of a
pre-tribulation rapture of the Church took shape. Tregelles,
a member of the Brethren in these early days, tells us that the idea of a
secret rapture at a secret coming of Christ had its origin in an 'utterance' in
Edward Irving's Church...Tregelles says, 'It was from
that supposed revelation that the modern doctrine and the modern phraseology
respecting it arose.'"
B. History Will Show
Baptists Are A Group These Writers Did Not Consult:
---Benjamin Keach
plainly shows he preached and believed in a Pre-Trib Rapture though he believed in a historical application
of Revelation and the second coming at the 7th trumpet:
(1) " His second personal
coming I judge will be at the beginning of the thousand years reign, when 'God
will tabernacle with men,..." Rev. 21:3.
(2) "There is a precursory
coming of our Lord, (as one notes) or a most glorious spiritual coming, to set
up a more visible and universal kingdom in this world, which will precede his
personal appearance; which I take to be the beginning of the latterday glory, and which will be at the sounding of the
'Seventh trumpet,' for then Jesus Christ will begin His spiritual and more
visible and glorious kingdom; or 'when the kingdoms of this world shall become
the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ,' Rev. 11:15,18. One design of this coming
of our Lord, is to destroy the son of perdition, and utterly to overthrow
Mystery Babylon....Now it is partly this coming of Christ (I conclude) our Lord
in the first place intends, though I will not exclude his personal appearance;
for I see no reason to doubt, but that the precursory coming of the Lord Jesus
is to prepare things for his personal appearance; when, (as a bridegroom) he
will appear to celebrate the marriage with his beloved spouse. Yet his coming
upon mystery Babylon, or by his bright appearance to destroy the son of
perdition, may be distinguished from the coming last mentioned, thought both
may be comprehended, or included by the Bridegroom's coming." [Benjamin Keach, Exposition Of The
Parables, p.643].
---Ivimey quotes Hansord Knollys, the date is
1689-1692, who states to the General Assembles at Curriers-Hall Cripplegate which is pastored by Knollys: "As Mr. Knollys has
been stigmatized as of Fifth-Monarchy principles, and as the sentiments of many
godly ministers upon that subject are but little known, the following extract
from one of his works will explain them: 'That the next glorious appearance of
the Lord Jesus Christ, will be his virtual and spiritual coming [NOTE: Knollys is referring to the rapture as
---In Vol. II, p.358, Ivimey
refers to Knollys and his pre-millennialism saying,
"...It appears that his opinion on this subject was not different from
that of Dr. Gill, and OTHERS [emp. mine--KJ].
---John Gill's (1697-1771) position is stated
in his commentary in Vol. VI, p. 560 re. I Thes. 4:15: "The apostle having something new
and extraordinary to deliver, concerning the coming of Christ, the first
resurrection, or the resurrection of the saints, the change of the living
saints, and the rapture both of the raised and living in the clouds to meet
Christ in the air, expresses himself in this manner..."
[This commentary was written over 50 years
before the supposed revelation of Margaret Macdonald.]
C. Now let us go to the
Word of God to also establish the rapture is Pre- Trib.
Rev. 3:10, Because thou hast kept the word of
my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall
come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.
tes oras tou periasmou: A.T. Robertson's small
grammar, p.121 says of "ek": "It is
always true to its root idea of OUT OF."
Dana & Mantey,
p.102 says of "ek": "In composition:
out of, away - emphasis."
---Not "dia tes oras" = dia with the genitive meaning "THROUGH THE TRIAL in
P.47 of Gundry's book The
Church and The Tribulation, --"The similarity of
the first four trumpets to the Egyptian plagues at least allows that the saints
will receive protection..."
I disagree THIS is meant!
D. Post-Trib,
Mid-Trib, and Pre-Wrath theories neglect the outline
of Rev. 1:19.
Write the things which thou hast seen, and
the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter;
(1) The vision of Christ = "Things which thou hast
seen."--The glory seen of vv. 12-18.
(2) The vision of the Churches = "The things which
(3) The vision of "The things which shall be hereafter;"
(After these things.)
E. This phrase, "meta tauta" ="After these things" is the
sequential key to the book of Revelation.
(1) It denies their being seven repeated visions.
(2) It establishes the continuity of the book.
(3) It is used 10 times in the book of Revelation:
This is the key to lead us through the book
of Revelation in the Divine sequence God has established for the outline he
gave in
"William Farrel,
the Waldensian Baptist, cried against the worldly
lives of his day which denied the reality of the coming Lord. He said,
"...What has come of men meddling and playing, as they have done, with the
things of God? Even the outward observances of which God has commanded have
disappeared. Where is the Lord's Supper? Who shall restore us that blessed
feast, in which we are called to remember Him --to shew
forth His death TILL HE COME? Alas!Men are living as though
they were dedicated to heathen gods. WHO IS THERE WHO CARES THAT CHRIST IS
COMING AGAIN?" [Beven, pp. 131,132.]
In The Book of Revelation:
1:19--God's outline is given.
4:1---After the message to the 7 churches. (2t)- -It
is stated God would show John what would be AFTER THE SEVEN CHURCHES.
7:1---After the 6th seal John SAW the paranthesis of
the 144,000 sealed Jews.
7:9---After seeing the Jews, John saw "A GREAT MULTITUDE." 9:12--Two
more WOES are to come after the first and then the 6th trumpet is mentioned.
15:5--AFTER seeing the sea of glass, John sees the seven LAST PLAGUES OR BOWLS
18:1--After the fall of RELIGIOUS
19:1--After the fall of commercial
20:3--John says AFTER THE MILLENNIAL, Satan shall be loosed a little season.
There must be a continued sequence for the 7
seals of 6:1 goes to 8:1 which has the 7 trumpets IN THE 7TH SEAL. The 7th
TRUMPET is heard in