Christ Revealed
In The
G. E. Jones
Jonesboro, Ark.
Published by
Printers and Publishers
Jonesboro, Arkansas
Jesus Christ is the central theme in the tabernacle, even
He is the central figure in all scripture. He said to the Jews, "Search the
scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which
testify of me." John 5:39. In the
afternoon of the day of our Lord's resurrection
two of His disciples were journeying from
Jerusalem toward the village of
Emmaus. As they journeyed they talked together over all that had
recently taken place. While they walked and reasoned Jesus drew near as a
stranger and asked them what manner of
communications they were having with one another, and why they were so
sad. They asked Him if He were a stranger
and had not heard of Jesus who was a prophet mighty in deed and word, and
how the chief .priests and rulers had condemned Him and had Him
crucified, and how the women had found
His grave empty, and had astonished them by saying they had seen an angel
which had said He was risen from the dead. Then Jesus said to them, "O fools,
and slow of heart to believe all that
the prophets have spoken: ought not
Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into His glory?"
Then, beginning at Moses and all
the prophets, He expounded unto them all
the things concerning
Himself. After their eyes were opened to know Him, and He had vanished
out of their sight they said, "Did not our heart burn within us, while He
talked with us by the way?"
Luke 24:13-32.
When God made the earth He concealed beneath its surface
vast stores of treasure that lay hidden from men. They
walked to and fro over this hidden wealth for years
unconscious of its existence. But there it was all the while
awaiting the time when someone would probe beneath the
earth's surface and find it. Even so,
when God gave to us the holy scriptures He
concealed beneath its surface a vast wealth of spiritual truths for His people.
Paul speaks of the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the world
unto glory. 1
Corinthians. 2:7. In the tabernacle, its
furniture, and its service, God concealed an inexhaustible mine of spiritual
truths for us. For years many of us have passed over this hidden wealth,
unconscious of its existence. But all the
while it has been there awaiting our discovery. As step by
step this writer has been led to see the
glorious truths hidden in this structure, he has been made to marvel, his
heart has leaped for joy, and he has been given a more profound respect
for the wisdom of God as shown in the inspired scriptures.
May the Holy Spirit so lead us, and enlighten us as we go into the study of this
great subject that we shall so see Christ revealed in the word that our hearts
shall burn within us. May we behold His divine perfection, His glorious attributes,
His divine love, His willing sacrifices for us, and the all-sufficiency
of His matchless grace. Bowed down with
grief and sorrow, and hindered by their
unbelief in His resurrection, those disciples on the road to Emmaus had
not recognized their Lord and Savior. But when He had expounded the
scriptures, and their eyes had been opened, then that
which had been dark to them was now as clear as the noon-day sun. So beneath the
surface of the scriptures concerning the tabernacle, the glorious truths about
Christ have long lain hidden from our eyes. But as we attempt to walk amidst the
concealed truths of this ancient sanctuary may the Spirit of God open our eyes
and hearts to see and rejoice in the marvelous truths contained therein.
I wish to acknowledge the assistance of my wife and the
boys of the Jonesboro Bible School in helping me study out
the construction of the tabernacle, and
in making a model for study. In the last of the book, the reader will
find the instructions as to how we made our model for the tabernacle.
What we did, others can do.
In closing this introduction, I wish to remind the reader that this is a subject
that demands patient and careful study on his part. Take plenty of time and
endeavor to concentrate on the scriptures given. If he will do so I am sure that
he will find it one of the richest fields of thought he has ever entered. At
times the writer has been so filled with joy that he could scarcely continue
writing, and he has been made to say in
the words of the song writer —
"I stand amazed in the presence
Of Jesus the Nazarene,
And wonder how He could love me,
sinner, condemned, unclean.
How marvelous, how wonderful!
And my song shall ever be,
How marvelous, how wonderful!
Is my Savior's love for me."
-- G. E. Jones
A tabernacle is a dwelling place. In Hebrews 11:8-9 we read,
"By faith Abraham, when he was called to go into a place
which he should afterwards receive for an
inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went. By faith
he sojourned in the land of
promise, as in a strange country,
with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs
with him of the same promise."
Then in 2 Corinthians.
we read, "For we know that of our earthly house of this
were dissolved, we have a building of God,
house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. For
in this (tabernacle) we groan, earnestly
desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven. If so
being clothed we shall not be found
naked. For we that are in this
tabernacle do groan, being burdened: not for that we should be unclothed,
but clothed upon, that morality might be
swallowed up of life." Again
in Revelation 21:1-3 we read, "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for
the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there
was no more sea. And I, John, saw the holy
city, New Jerusalem, coming down
from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And
I heard a great voice out of heaven
saying, Behold the TABERNACLE of God is with men, and He will
dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and
God Himself shall be with them, and
be their God."
From the scriptures we see that a tabernacle is a dwelling
place. In the case of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Hebrews
11:8-9), as well as with us (2
Corinthians 5:1-4), it represents a temporary dwelling place. But in the case of
God in Revelation 21:1-3, it represents a permanent and an abiding
dwelling place. We shall enlarge on this as we go further in this
In Ex 25-8 we read where God said unto Moses, "And let them make me a
sanctuary; that I may dwell among them " Here we
see the purpose of the tabernacle that was built in the wilderness. It was to be
a dwelling place for God among the
Children of Israel. Here we have presented
to us a most sublime and consoling
thought. God has revealed His
desire and purpose to dwell among His people. What condescension on God's part!
What rich promises for those who
are His people! The God of all the universe has desired and has purposed
to dwell among His people, to commune
with them and bless them, and to be their God, and to bestow upon them the
fullness of His glory and joy. Can we believe it? Can we by faith begin
to comprehend what all this has meant to us in the past, what it means to us
now, and what it shall ever mean to us in
the ages to come?
Not only did this tabernacle, and the dwelling place
of God in the tabernacle, foretell the
dwelling of God in Christ among men at His first advent, and God dwelling
among us and in us through the Spirit, but it foretold the return of Christ to
dwell among men in the thousand years reign.
Finally, it speaks of God dwelling among
men in the eternal age after the consummation of all things. It foretells the
time when God shall dwell among men, and be with them, and
be their God. Exodus.
21:3. It foreshadows the time when God shall
banish all our troubles, and shall wipe all tears from
our eyes; and when there shall be no more
death, nor sorrow, nor crying, nor pain, nor heartache. Revelation 21:4.
Only yesterday I assisted in a funeral of a man and his wife, two members of a
church where I preach. They were drowned
when the truck in which they were riding went into a flooded ditch that
had overflowed the road. As I witnessed the grief and heartache of the children
and other loved ones, I felt a deep longing for the time when the tabernacle of
God will be with men, and He shall dwell
among them, and death and sorrow will forever be past for His people.
What a glorious thought that God has purposed to dwell among
men! What it will all mean only eternity
will unfold.
In our study of the tabernacle, we shall see how, and on what grounds, God can
and will dwell among His people. God is
Holy. Man is a sinner. But His divine wisdom had devised a way whereby He
can meet the sinner in peace, commune with him, and dwell among men in justice
and grace. Not only did God devise that
plan, but He, Himself, has worked
it out in perfect keeping with his Holy character. These things we shall
see unfold to us in the tabernacle and
its services.
The idea of the tabernacle of the testimony had its origin
with God. The human mind could never have foreseen the
truths typified in it, nor the glorious future foretold in it, nor could we have
devised such a structure that was so fitting in its types and figures. What a
remarkable testimony it bears to the inspiration of the word, and to the wisdom
that designed it! The idea of God dwelling among men is
foreign to the thinking and philosophy of
men. They think of a God who keeps Himself at a distance from men; not of
a God who delights to dwell among men.
When Nebuchadnezzar demanded of the magicians and astrologers and wise
men of the Chaldeans that they recall his forgotten dream and to give its
interpretation, they said to him, "It is a rare thing that the king
requireth, and there is none other
that can show
it before the king, except the gods, WHOSE DWELLING
Dan 2:11.
For some time I have been studying the opposition to the reign of Christ and His
saints on this earth from the third century to the present time. The foundation
of that opposition is found in man's inability to grasp the idea that God can
return in the person of Christ and dwell among men. The thing that offended the
Jews the most in the teachings of Jesus was His claim to be God in the flesh.
Jesus said to them, "Many good works have I showed you from my Father; for
which of these works do ye stone me?" They answered by saying, "For a
good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a
man, makest
thyself God." John 10:32-33.
They failed to see in Him God
manifest in the flesh.
Had they known their scriptures,
they would have expected their Messiah to be God in the form of man. Had they
understood the lesson of the tabernacle, they would have recognized that God was
in the flesh dwelling among men in the person of Jesus Christ.
Their inability to
grasp the idea that God purposed to tabernacle among men, kept them from knowing
the Christ when He came. Men's inability to grasp that idea today
causes them to stumble over the return of Christ to reign, and to
reject that doctrine. I have in my
possession a book written by a
prominent Amillennialist. Right here is found the
basis of his objection to the doctrine that Christ will return to the
earth to reign. Let us away with such unbelief and
philosophies of man and stand upon the
word of God. Let us remember that He has said, "My thoughts
are not your thoughts, neither are my
ways your ways."
Isaiah. 55:8. In
the statement, "Let them make me a sanctuary; that I may
dwell among them"
(Exodus 25:8), we have revealed God's purpose
to dwell among men.
As has already been implied, God found a dwelling place
among men in the person of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
He was God manifest in the flesh. 1 Timothy 3:16. We
where Paul said, "It pleased the Father that in Him should
all fulness
dwell." Colossians 1:19. Again
the apostle said, "In Him
dwelleth all the fulness
of the Godhead bodily."
Colossians2:9. Our Lord said to
His disciples, "The Father that dwelleth in
me, He doeth the works." John 14:10. So God found a dwelling place
(or tabernacle) among men in Jesus Christ,
when He came and dwelt among them.
"And the word was made
flesh, and DWELT AMONG US, (and we beheld His
glory, the glory as of the only begotten
of the Father), full of grace and truth."
John 1:14.
When we compare the verses just quoted with the statement,
"Let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell
among them"
(Exodus 25:8), then the meaning of the
tabernacle begins to shine upon us.
First and foremost, it was designed to reveal unto us Christ and His
redeeming work, and His rule and reign
among men.
Then, God dwells among us today in the person of the
Holy Spirit, who dwells in the hearts of
His people. "Now therefore, ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow-citizens
with the saints, and of the household of God; and are built upon the foundation
of the apostles and the prophets, Jesus
Christ, Himself, being the chief cornerstone;
and in whom all the building fitly framed
together groweth
unto an holy temple in the Lord: in whom
ye also are builded together for an HABITATION OF
GOD through the Spirit."
Ephesians 2:19-21.
Many, many passages could be given to show that God
dwells in His people through the Spirit. Jesus talking to
His disciples about the Spirit said, "HE
and shall be in you." John
14:17. All this God does on the basis of what
Christ has done for us. Not only did God
dwell among men in the person of His Son, but because
of what Christ accomplished by His death
and resurrection, God can dwell in us and among men in the person of the
Next, God shall again dwell among men in the person of
His Son when Christ returns to earth to reign for a thousand
years. Here I wish to give the following
quotation from the Smith-Goodspeed
translation: "Thus sayeth the Lord: I will
return to Zion, and I will DWELL in the
midst of Jerusalem; and Jerusalem shall be called, The Faithful City, and
the mountain of the Lord of Hosts, the
Holy Mountain." Zechariah 8:3.
Then the Lord goes on to say, "If it seem incredible in the
sight of the remnant of this people in those days, in my sight will it seem
incredible?" Zechariah 8:6. The idea of God dwelling among men may be
incredible with men, but not with God. He revealed that very purpose when He commanded
the people to make the tabernacle. Though the idea of our Lord's return
to dwell in the midst of Jerusalem is incredible in the eyes of men, yet God
declares it is not incredible in His eyes. Then let us lay aside all human
reasoning and meekly and gladly accept the word of truth.
The Lord made the land of Palestine for a place for Him to dwell in. After the
children of Israel had safely passed through the Red Sea, they sang a song of
triumph. In that song they described the fear that would come upon the
inhabitants of Palestine. Then they told of the Lord bringing them into the
place which He had made for Him to DWELL in. "The people shall hear, and be
afraid: sorrow shall take hold of the
inhabitants of Palestine. ... Fear and dread shall fall upon them; by the
greatness of thine arm they shall be as still as a
stone; till the people pass over, O Lord, till the people pass over, which thou
hast purchased. Thou shalt bring them in, and plant them in the mountain of
thine inheritance (Palestine), IN THE
sanctuary, O Lord, which thy hands have established. The
Lord SHALL REIGN for ever and ever."
Exodus 15:14-18.
When we compare this passage with the many passages about the Lord reigning in
Jerusalem, and dwelling in the midst of Jerusalem and Zion, it becomes clear
that Christ will return to Palestine to dwell among His people Isaiah
24:23; Jeremiah. 3:17; Ezekiel 43:7; 43:9;
Psalms 76:2; Joel 3:17:
3:21; Zechariah 2:10; 8:3- 8. Finally,
when the redemptive work of Christ has been completed, and He has reigned until
He has put all enemies under His feet, and the last enemy, death, shall have
been destroyed, (when death and Hades are cast into the lake of
fire, Revelation 20:14) then will come
the new heaven and the new earth and the Father Himself shall have His
dwelling with men. Revelation 21:1-4.
Then God's ultimate purpose in redemption
will have been accomplished. His desire and purpose to dwell among men
shall have been brought to pass. The
incarnation of Jesus Christ, His death, His resurrection, and His return
to this earth to reign a thousand years were
all in God's great plan for bringing this
about. He shall not stop short of complete redemption for His fallen creation.
In this connection it is well for us to consider the order
in which God had the children of Israel to
encamp about the tabernacle, keeping in mind that it was built for a
dwelling place for God among that people.
That arrangement is found in
Numbers 1:52-3:38. In Numbers 1:52-53, we read where God
said, "And the children of Israel shall
pitch their tents, every man by his own camp, and every man by his
own standard, throughout their hosts. But the Levites shall pitch round about
the tabernacle of testimony."
There was an outward arrangement and an inward arrangement. The outward
arrangement was given first, and the inward arrangement was given next. We read
where Paul said, "Howbeit that was not
first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward
that which is spiritual."
1-Corinthians 15:46. Man has the outward
birth before he has the inward birth. When Christ was first on the
earth He dwelt among the children of
Israel in their unconverted state. When next He dwells among them, they
will have been born again. In Ezekiel
37:26-28, we read, "Moreover I will make a covenant of peace
with them; it shall be an everlasting covenant with them: and I will place them,
and multiply them, and set my sanctuary in the midst of them
forevermore. My TABERNACLE shall be
with them: yea, I will be their God and they shall be my people. And the
heathen (Gentile nations) shall know that I, the Lord, do sanctify
Israel, when my sanctuary shall be with them forevermore."
This shows us that at our Lord's return, God's tabernacle will be in the midst
of a converted Israel, dwelling in natural
bodies, and able to multiply; whereas at His first advent He
dwelt among an unbelieving Israel. This
would seem to be one reason why
God first gave the order of the outer arrangement
of the camp and then gave the inner arrangement.
In the outward arrangement, the first mentioned was the camp of Judah, on the
east side, consisting of the tribes of
Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun, with the standard of
Judah. Numbers
2:1-7. On the south side
was the camp of Reuben, consisting of the tribes of Reuben, Simeon, and
Gad, with the standard of Reuben. Numbers 2:10-17. On the west side was the camp
of Ephraim, consisting of the tribes of Ephraim. Manasseh,
and Benjamin, with the standard of Ephraim.
Numbers 2:18-24. On the north side was the
camp of Dan, consisting of the tribes of Dan, Asher, and Naphtali, with
the standard of Dan.
Next came the inward arrangement of the camp, with
the Gershonite division of the Levites pitched
behind the tabernacle, westward. Numbers
3:21-26. These had charge of the tent and its coverings, the hanging for
the door of the tabernacle, the hangings for the court, the curtain for the gate
of the court, and the cords. On the south side, next to the court, was pitched
the Kohathite division of the Levites. These had
charge of the furniture and the hanging for the veil. Numbers 3:27-32. On the
north side was the Merarite division of the Levites.
These had charge of the boards, bars, pillars, sockets, and vessels thereof, and
the pillars of the court, their sockets, their pins, and their cord. Numbers
3:33-37. Moses and the priests pitched on the east in front
of the gate. Numbers
From this we see that the whole camp was built around the tabernacle, which was
God's dwelling place in the midst of them. Thus, the tabernacle was in the very
center of the camp, and God's dwelling place was in their very midst.
When God builds, He builds around Jesus
Christ, His Son, in whom He dwelt among men. Christ is to be the very
center of all our life and its activities. Israel, pitched around the
tabernacle, saw the glory of God resting
upon it. Exodus 40:34-38. Even so, when we are built around Jesus Christ,
and He is the very center of all our thoughts, devotions, and activities, we,
too, shall behold His glory, and God shall manifest Himself to us. What a
beautiful picture we see in all this! In these things God is saying to us, "Let
me build you around my Son, and you, too,
shail behold my glory, and I will commune
with you, and manifest myself unto you."
But we must not rob Israel of her golden promises. First of all, these things
apply to Israel. God was talking about them when He said to Moses, "Let them
make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them." Exodus 25:8. First of
all, God is teaching that Jesus Christ, in whom He dwelt, came of the lineage of
Israel. It was Israel that was to make
Him a tabernacle. It was Israel of whom Jesus Christ was to be born.
Next, God was picturing to us, and to Israel, in the arrangement of the camp,
with the tabernacle in the center, the scheme of things in the millennial age.
Jesus said to the twelve apostles, "When the Son of Man shall sit in the
throne of His glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve
thrones, judging the twelve tribes of
Israel." Matthew 19:28. His
worldwide reign will be built around Himself and Israel, with the twelve
apostles reigning over the twelve tribes which we see grouped around this
tabernacle. The Lord has not cast off
Israel forever. He said that He would not do so. "If my
covenant be not with day and night, and if I have not appointed the ordinances
of heaven and earth; then will I cast away the seed of Jacob, and David my
servant, so that I will not take any of his seed to be rulers over the seed of
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: for I will cause their captivity to
return, and have mercy on them."
Jeremiah. 33:25-26. "I will not
utterly destroy the house of Jacob, saith the Lord."
Amos 9:8. "For a small moment have I forsaken thee; but with great mercies will
I gather thee." Isaiah. 54:7.
The same one whom God forsook for a time He will gather with great
mercies. If the first pronoun "Thee" in this verse refers to
Israel, so does the last "Thee" refer to
Israel. Now, just how would it sound to read the
verse like this, "For a small moment have I forsaken thee
(National Israel), but with great mercies will I gather thee (The
church)." The same one forsaken for a small moment is the same one gathered with
great mercies. In Israel (all twelve tribes) gathered around the tabernacle, we
see Israel (all twelve tribes) gathered again, with the Lord dwelling in their
midst. "The place of my throne, and the place of
the soles of my feet, where I will DWELL in the midst of the children of
Israel forever." Ezekiel 43:7. "Let them make me a sanctuary;
that I may DWELL among them."
Exodus 25:8.
Counting the outer court, there were three divisions to the tabernacle: the
outer court, the holy place, and the most holy place, sometimes called the
Holiest of all. Hebrews 9:3. The tabernacle proper consisted of the holy place
and the most holy place. They were separated by the veil. "And thou shalt
hang up the veil under the taches, that thou
mayest bring in thither within the veil the ark of
the testimony: and the veil shall divide unto you between the holy
place and the most holy place."
Exodus 26:33. The holy place was in the front of the tabernacle, and the
most holy place was in the back of the tabernacle. The priests went in the holy
place to minister every day. But the high priest alone went into the most holy
place on only one day of the year, which was the day of
atonement. "Now when these things were thus ordained, the priests went
always into the first tabernacle,
accomplishing the services of God. But into the second went the high priest
alone once every year, not without blood, which he offered for himself, and for
the errors of the people."
Hebrews 9:6-7. See also Leviticus 16:2-31.
The tabernacle was a tent-like structure which was made
of boards overlaid with gold which stood
upright, and on the top of which were laid four layers of curtains, which
shall be described in another section of the book. Around this tabernacle there
was erected a court made of linen curtains hung upon silver rings made in
pillars of brass which were set in
sockets of brass. Exodus 27:9-18.
The tabernacle was thirty cubits long, twelve cubits wide, and ten cubits high.
There were twenty boards on both the south and north sides. These boards were a
cubit and a half wide and they stood upon
their ends. Each board had two tenons in the
lower end which were set in two sockets
of silver. Twenty times one and a half cubits makes thirty cubits. This
was the length of the tabernacle. The boards being ten cubits long and standing
on their ends made the tabernacle ten
cubits high. Exodus 26:15-21.
At the west side, or back end, there were six boards plus
two corner boards, making eight in all. Exodus 26:22-25. Eight
times a cubit and a half makes twelve cubits, the
width of the tabernacle. The court around the tabernacle, was one hundred cubits
long, fifty cubits wide, and five cubits high. The gate to the court was twenty
cubits wide and was in the east end of the court. On each side of this gate
there were hangings fifteen cubits wide. These dimensions may be
found by reading Exodus 27:9-18. Later on
in this work we shall study the structure of the court along with its
typical significance.
For the benefit of the reader, I will say that a cubit has been generally
reckoned as about eighteen inches. But the student will find it more convenient
to remember all the dimensions of the tabernacle and its furniture in terms of
cubits, rather than in feet and inches.
Besides, the symbolism of the tabernacle is worked out on the basis of
cubits and not our measurements of inches and feet.
The holy place was twenty cubits in length, twelve cubits wide, and ten cubits
high. The most holy place took up the remaining ten cubits of the length of the
tabernacle. Thirty cubits, which was the
whole length of the tabernacle, minus twenty cubits, leaves ten cubits
for the length of the most holy place. This is seen by where the veil was hung,
which was under the
taches. Exodus 26:33. This shall be brought out more clearly in
our study of the curtains.
Before proceeding to examine the material of the tabernacle and studying their
meaning, it is necessary to consider the meaning of some Bible numbers. This has
been one of
the most profitable and enlightening fields of study this writer has ever
entered. Since beginning this treatise, the
writer has had a thing to open up to him
which he has sought for eighteen years to understand. Now it is as clear
as the noon day sun. He found this light
by studying the meaning of some Bible numbers which occur over and over
in the tabernacle. In the outset of this part of the book I can confidently
promise the reader a spiritual feast. The very fact that one of the books of the
Bible is called "The Book of Numbers" shows that God is interested in numbers
and that certain numbers bear an indelible
stamp of design.
(A). Number Three.
The number THREE stands as a figure of the resurrection. This has been
known to the writer for years, but now it is clearer than ever. When the scribes
and Pharisees asked Jesus for a sign He
said to them, "An evil and adulterous
generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no
sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas: for as Jonas was
THREE days and THREE nights in the whale's belly;
so shall the Son of man be THREE
days and THREE nights in the heart of the earth." In another
place when they asked Him for a sign, He said, "Destroy this temple, and in
days I will raise it up."
John 2:19. In John 2:21 we read,
"He spake of the temple of his body." During
our Lord's personal ministry, He raised three people from the
dead; the son of the widow of Nain (Luke
7:11-15); the daughter of the
ruler Jairus (Luke 8:41-55); and Lazarus of Bethany
(John 11:43-44). There were three people raised from the
dead in Old Testament. I Kings 17:17-23;
II Kings 4:18-35; and II Kings
13:21. In raising the widow's son, Elijah stretched himself upon the body
of the child THREE times. 1 Kings
17:21. When Elisha raised the Shunammite's son, he
put (1) his mouth upon the child's mouth, (2) his eyes upon
the child's eyes, and (3) his hands upon
the child's hands.
When Pharoah said to Moses, "Go ye, sacrifice to
your God in the land," Moses said, "We will go THREE days
journey into the wilderness and sacrifice to the Lord our
God, as He shall command us."
Exodus 8:25-27. The three days
journey put Israel beyond the Red Sea where we have another
figure of the resurrection. Exodus 12:37-14:27.
When Israel came to Jordan just before crossing over into Canaan, they encamped
THREE days before crossing. Josh
3:1-2. The waters of Jordan were parted THREE times.
Joshua 3:14-17; II Kings 2:6-8; and II
Kings 2:13-14.
In connection with our groaning and waiting for our bodily redemption, Paul
used the word OURSELVES three
times. "And not only they, but (1) OURSELVES also, which
have the first fruits of the Spirit, even we (2) OURSELVES groan
within (3) OURSELVES, waiting for the adoption, to
wit, the redemption of our body."
Romans 8:23. This will take
place at the resurrection of the saved.
speaking about our resurrection, Paul said, "There is one glory of the (1)
sun, and another glory of the (2) moon, and another glory of the (3) stars: for
one star differeth from
another star in glory. So also is THE
RESURRECTION of the dead."
I Corinthians. 15:41-42.
This by no means exhausts the proof about the number THREE standing for the
resurrection, but it is sufficient proof.
The number THREE also stands for the Trinity. "There
are THREE that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word,
and the Holy Ghost: and these Three are one."
I John 5:7. I have often wondered if the Three days and nights our Lord lay in
the grave did not have something to do with the Trinity. In Hebrews 9:14, we
find that (1) Christ, (2) through the Spirit (3) offered Himself unto God. All
three were involved in His resurrection. John 2:19; Romans 8:11. So will all
three be involved in our resurrection. John 6:40; and
Romans 8:11.
(B). Number Four.
Four is a number that stands for creation. This word is
used FOUR times by Paul in Romans
8:19-22. "For the earnest expectation of the (1) CREATURE
waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.
For the (2) CREATURE was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by
reason of him who subjected the same in
hope, because the (3) CREATURE itself also shall be delivered from
the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God, for
we know that the whole (4) CREATION groaneth
and travaileth in pain together until now " In
the Revised Version all four times the
word is CREATION.
Why the number FOUR should stand for the first creation is understood when we
examine Genesis 1:26. "And God said let
US make MAN in OUR image, after OUR
likeness "
The plural pronoun is used three times with reference to God. So there are four
parties in this verse. The first three are the Trinity who did the work of
creating. The FOURTH person is the man who was created. When the first creation
was marred by sin, the same divine Trinity (Three) had to work again to form a
new creation and again man, a fourth party, was involved. Thus we have three
persons working twice, and man being made twice. Two times three plus two times
one equals EIGHT, a new creation.
(2x3+2x1=8). This will be discussed later.
In Revelation 4:6 we read, "And round the throne, on each side
of the throne, (FOUR sides) are FOUR living CREATURES."
R. V. Then in Revelation 4:9-11, we read, "And whenever the living
CREATURES give glory and honor to him that sitteth
on the throne, —the twenty-four elders
fell down before him who is seated on the throne and worship him who
lives for ever and ever; they cast their crown before the throne, singing,
'Worthy art thou, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power,
for thou didst CREATE all things and by thy will they existed and were CREATED.'
" R.
V. We notice that it is when the FOUR living CREATURES give glory to God that
the elders worship Him because of
Going down into the next chapter, we find that when
the Lamb takes the book of seven seals
that the FOUR living CREATURES and the elders sing, "Thou art worthy to
take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast
slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every (1)
kindred, and (2) tongue, and (3) people,
and (4) nation." Here we have the FOUR words, kindred, tongue, people,
and nation, used showing that Christ will save some from all
God's creation.
In this connection let us read Acts 10:10-13. He
fell into a trance, and saw heaven open, and a certain vessel descending unto
him, as it had been a great sheet knit at the FOUR corners, and let down to the
earth: wherein were all manner of (1) fourfooted
beasts of the earth, and (2) wild beasts and (3) creeping things, and (4) fowls
of the air and there came a voice to him, "Rise Peter; kill and eat." In
this vision we find a vessel like a sheet knit at FOUR corners,
and four different creatures in it. By
means of this vision the Lord was teaching Peter that the gospel was for
all humanity.
Now let us read Revelation 5:13. "And every CREATURE
which is in (1) heaven, and (2) on the earth, and (3) under the
earth, and such as (4) are in the sea, and all that are in them,
heard I saying, (1) Blessing, and (2) honour, and
(3) glory, and
(4) power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne,
and unto
the Lamb."
In the sixth chapter when the Lamb breaks FOUR seals
in succession we hear the FOUR living CREATURES
(Beasts—King James) speaking out. FOUR horsemen ride
out on horses of FOUR colors, and they kill with FOUR
things, (1) the sword, (2) hunger, (3)
death, and (4) the beasts of the
In Revelation 7:1, we find FOUR angels standing on the FOUR
corners of the earth holding the FOUR winds of the earth.
Then in Revelation 9:13-15., we find John
heard a voice from the FOUR horns of the golden altar saying to the angel
with the sixth trumpet, "Loose the
FOUR angels which are bound
in the great river Euphrates."
The FOUR angels were loosed
which were prepared for (1) an hour, and
(2) a day, and (3) a month, and (4)
a year.
God has stamped the number FOUR all over His
creation. There was a river in Eden with FOUR heads. There are FOUR phases of
the moon. There are FOUR seasons of the
year. There are FOUR kinds of flesh, (1) the
flesh of men, (2) of beasts, (3) of
fishes, and (4) of birds. I
Jesus said to His disciples, "Ye shall be witnesses unto
me both in Jerusalem, (2) and in all Judea, (3) and in Samaria,
(4) and unto the uttermost part of the earth."
Acts 1:8.
(C). Number Five.
The number FIVE stands for grace. Five is four plus one. (4 and 1 is 5). We have
seen that FOUR stands for God's creation,
or man in his natural state. As such he needs grace. When God created
man, His ultimate aim was to manifest His
grace. Paul says that God "Hath raised us up together, and made
us to sit together in heavenly places in
Christ Jesus: THAT in the ages to come He might show the
exceeding riches of His GRACE in His
kindness toward us through Christ Jesus." Ephesians 2:6-7. Then the
apostle speaks of the "GRACE which was given us in Christ Jesus before the
world began." II Timothy 1:9. So God had grace in mind
before He created man.
In Ephesians 4:1-3, we read where Paul said, "I therefore,
the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation
wherewith ye are called, with all (1) lowliness and (2) meekness, with (3)
longsuffering, (4) forbearing one another
in love: (5) endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of
Here are five things mentioned in connection with the believer's walk. The last
is keeping the unity of the Spirit in the bond of PEACE. In all of the
salutations, GRACE comes before peace. "GRACE be
to you, and PEACE, etc." Ephesians 1:2. So it is grace that enables the
believer to walk worthy of his calling.
The Holy Spirit as COMFORTER is mentioned FIVE times. In John 14:16; 14:26;
15:26; and 16:7, we have the COMFORTER promised. In Acts 9:31 we read, "Then had
the churches rest … and were edified and walking in the fear of the Lord, and in
the COMFORT of the Holy Ghost, were
multiplied." This makes FIVE references to the COMFORTER.
There were FIVE ingredients in the holy anointing oil,
which was a symbol of the Holy Spirit.
They were (1) myrrh, (2) sweet cinnamon (3) sweet
calamus, (4) cassia, and (5) oil
olive or olive oil. Exodus 30:23-25.
In Numbers 3:45-51, we find that FIVE shekels of redemption
money had to be paid for the redemption of the first born of the twelve tribes
which exceeded the number of the Levites.
In Ephesians 1:7 we find that we have redemption through the blood of
Christ according to the riches of his GRACE.
This stamps the number FIVE as standing
for grace.
In Romans 8:28-30 we find FIVE things mentioned in connection
with God's election of GRACE. (1) God foreknew them, (2) He predestinated them,
(3) He called them, (4) He justified them, and (5) He glorified them. In Romans
8:33 we find Paul is speaking of the elect. "Who shall lay anything to the
charge of God's elect?" In Romans 11:6 we find that
election is of grace.
The word HOPE is used FIVE times in succession in
Romans 8:24-25. "For we are saved by (1)
HOPE: but (2) HOPE that is seen is not (3) HOPE: for what a man
seeth, why doth he yet (4)
HOPE for? But if we (5) HOPE for that we see
not, then do we with patience wait for
it." Then in II Thessalonians. 2:16 we find that we
have been given a good HOPE through
In I Pet 1-2 we find Peter writing to the strangers
throughout (1) Pontus, (2) Galatia, (3)
Cappadocia, (4) Asia, and (5)
Bithynia. He calls them Elect according to the foreknowledge of the
Father. Then he goes on to speak of the
inheritance to which God according to His MERCY had begotten them.
First, that inheritance is incorruptible. Second, it is undefiled. Third, it
fadeth not away. Fourth, it is reserved in heaven.
Fifth, they were kept by the power of God for that inheritance.
There were five things God promised to do for Abraham.
First, He would make him a great nation. Second, He would
bless Him. Third, He would make his name great. Fourth,
He would bless those that blessed him. Fifth, He would curse those that cursed
him. Genesis 12:2-3. Here we see GRACE shows itself. As the result of this,
Abraham was to be a blessing.
We find FIVE things God said He would do for Jacob.
First, He would give him the land on which
he was sleeping. Second, He would
be with him. Third, He would keep him in all places where he went.
Fourth, He would bring him again to this land. Fifth, He would not leave him
until He had done all He had promised.
Genesis 28:13-15. As a result of these FIVE things, God would do for
Jacob, he would
spread abroad and would be a blessing.
Here we find GRACE giving, GRACE accompanying, GRACE keeping, GRACE bringing
home, and GRACE not forsaking.
Now let us read John 3:14-15, and see
what we find.
(1) As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness,
(2) Even so must the Son of man be lifted up:
(3) That whosoever believeth in Him
(4) Should not perish,
(5) But have eternal life.
We find the same in John 3:16.
(1) For God so loved the world,
(2) That He gave his only begotten Son,
(3) That whosoever believeth in Him.
(4) Should not perish,
(5) But have everlasting life.
In 1 Pet 5-10 we find that the God of all GRACE has called
us In Heb 2:9 we find that God's Son by the grace of
God tasted death for every man. In Hebrews10:29
we find the Holy Spirit called "The Spirit of GRACE”
Then in Acts
18:27 we find people believing through
GRACE, so in John 3-16 we have: First, the God of all GRACE loving;
Second, the Son by the GRACE of God tasting death for every man; Third the
Spirit of GRACE who enables one to believe; Fourth, the sinner who needs GRACE
and was perishing; and Fifth, the sinner receiving everlasting life, or saved by
GRACE. In the first three numbers we see
the Trinity giving, suffering and enabling. In the number FOUR we see
the creature who was perishing being met by the God
of Grace; and in number FIVE we see him
saved by Grace.
Now let us see GRACE displayed in the number FIVE
in Hebrews
(1) "How much more shall the blood of Christ,
(2) Who through the eternal Spirit
(3) Offered himself without spot to God,
(4) Purge your conscience from DEAD works
(5) To serve the living and true God.
Again we see the trinity working in Grace in the first three. Again they find
the creature, the sinner, in number FOUR, in a condition of death. Then in
number FIVE we see him alive and serving God. Note how in John 3:14-16 both
times the creature is met by God in number FOUR. In
number FOUR in John 3:14-15, the creature
was in a perishing condition. In
number FOUR in Hebrews 9:14 we found him in dead works. In each case in
number FIVE we find him saved by God's
In Hebrews 9:14 in Numbers One, Two, and Three we see the
Son, the Spirit, and the Father. In number FOUR we see man in dead works. In
number FIVE we see a man made
alive and ready to serve God. So number
FIVE brings man to where he has been saved by GRACE.
Much more could be brought, but this is sufficient to show that the number FIVE
stands for grace. We find this number used over and over in the tabernacle.
There are FIVE bars on each of the sides, south, north and west, and at the
entrance at the door there are FIVE pillars. The
hanging of the court was FIVE cubits
high. In one place we find FIVE curtains coupled together to make one
curtain. Then another five were coupled together to make one curtain, and these
two broad curtains were coupled one to the
other. Then we have five more curtains
coupled together to make a broad
curtain. This one is coupled to another broad curtain made of six narrow
curtains. Each of these twenty-one narrow curtains going into the broad curtains
were FOUR
cubits wide.
(D). Number Six.
Six is the number of man as related to his works. He was created on
the sixth day, Genesis 1:16-31. Because of his sin he was condemned
to work under a curse. God said to
him, "Cursed is the ground for thy sake;
in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life.
... In the sweat of thy face
shalt thou eat bread, till thou return
unto the ground." Genesis
3:17-19. He was commanded to
work SIX days. "SIX days thou shalt labor and do all
thy work." Exodus 20:6. There were SIX things which men
did, or attempted to do, at the tower of Babel. (1) They took brick. (2) They
burned them thoroughly. (3) They had slime for mortar. (4) They set out to build
a city. (5) They set out to build a tower that would reach unto heaven. (6) They
were going to make them a name.
Exodus 11:3-4.
Nebuchadnezzar, in his attempt to unify
all religions in the work of his golden image, made an image
sixty cubits high, SIX cubits broad, and they played SIX
different kinds of musical instruments
when he called on the people to
worship that image. Dan. 3:1-5. In Revelation
13:16 we read, "And he causeth all, both (1)
small and (2) great, (3) rich and (4)
poor, (5) free and (6) bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in
their foreheads. In the same connection, we find that the
two-horned beast, who is the false prophet (Revelation
19:20), does SIX things. (1) He does great wonders. (2) He
deceiveth them that dwell on the earth. (3)
He has an image made of the beast. (4) He
gives life unto the image of the beast. (5) He causes the people to
worship the image of the beast. (6) He
causes people to receive a mark in their foreheads or right hand in order
to buy or sell. Revelation
The giant Goliath who defied the armies of Israel, whom
David slew with a stone in the name of Lord God of hosts,
had six pieces of armor. They were
(1) an helmet of brass;
(2) a coat of mail; (3) greaves of brass
on his legs; (4) a target of brass
between his shoulders; (5) a spear; and (6) a shield.
I Samuel 17:5-7.
Thus, the number SIX is seen to be the number of man as related to his works
toward self advancement or self
improvement It ignores God's power and God's
grace. It is a denial of the doctrine of depravity. It is expressive of
man's efforts to save himself by his own
wisdom and works. The SIX things they undertook at the building at Babel
were for the purpose of keeping themselves from being scattered abroad upon the
earth. They said, "Lest we be scattered abroad on the face of the whole earth."
Genesis 11:4. The tower they were going to build was to reach unto heaven. They
were going to climb up to heaven by their own works. They were going to make for
themselves a name. Verse 4.. Here we see the element
of boasting. We are told that salvation
is not of works, lest any man should boast. Ephesians 2:9. Grace, which
men despise and reject, brings a sense of
humility, and riot of pride and boasting.
This effort on the part of men failed. God was displeased and confounded their
language, and they could not understand one another's speech, and they were
scattered abroad on the face of the whole earth.
Goliath was seeking to save himself from death with his SIX pieces of armor. Men
hope to save themselves from eternal death by their own works.
In the work of the beast and the false prophet we see a
political, religious, and economical
combination. In the worship of
the beast and his image (Revelation 13:8 and 13:15) we see all false
religions headed up in the beast. In Revelation 13:7 we see that he is to have
power over all kindreds, tongues, and nations. Here
all political power will be headed up in him. In the mark of the beast, which
people must receive to buy or sell
(verses 16-17), we see all
economical power headed up in the beast. This will be the
culmination of man's wisdom and efforts
to save himself from war, religious divisions, and
economic disaster. It will fail as did man's efforts at Babel, and as did
Goliath's effort to save himself. We are told in
I Corinthians. 2:6
that the wisdom of this world comes to naught.
Six is one more than FIVE—In man's efforts to save
he ignores the all-sufficiency of God's grace and promises, which causes him to
trust in his own works. Those
who expect to make a better world by their wisdom and works ignore prophecies of
God's word and despise and reject what God's word abundantly teaches, namely,
that Christ will return to earth to reign and set things in order.
SIX lacks one of being SEVEN, the number that denotes
completion. Man's work brings nothing to completeness.
Only in the beast with SEVEN" heads we see the final end
of human government.
(E). Number Seven.
The number SEVEN denotes completion. God finished
His work of creation and rested on the seventh day. Seven days make a full week.
In the book of Revelation we find SEVEN
candlesticks representing seven churches. There is a book of SEVEN seals.
There are SEVEN angels with SEVEN
trumpets. The Larnb is pictured with SEVEN horns
and SEVEN eyes. This number occurs
so often in the BIBLE that most
people know its significance.
The word rule or reign is connected with the Lord
SEVEN times in the book of Revelation.
Revelation 11:15; 11:17; 12:5;
19:6; 19:15; 20:4; and 20:6. The last two times it is connected with the
thousand years reign. This shows that the thousand years reign will consummate
our Lord's work on this present earth. In Revelation 22:3-5 we have the throne
of God and the Lamb connected with the new Heaven and the new earth. This makes
the EIGHTH time our Lord's name is connected with the word reign. In our next
topic we shall see that eight represents a new beginning. So the
reign of Revelation 20:6 will be
connected with the old earth." The one of Revelation 22:3-6 will be connected
with the new earth.
This will come in as we study the tabernacle and its services.
We will see how it pictures a complete redemption
for us.
(F). Number Eight.
The number EIGHT signifies a new beginning. Since there are seven days in the
week the EIGHTH day would begin a new week. There were EIGHT people saved in
Noah's ark to begin repopulating the earth. The male child
of the Israelites was circumcised on the
EIGHTH day. "Ye shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall
be a token (or sign) of the covenant betwixt me and you. And he that is EIGHT
days old shall be circumcised among you,
every man child in your generations." Genesis 17:11-12. This circumcision
of the flesh was a sign or type of the circumcision of the heart, or the new
birth. "He is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision,
which is
outward in the flesh: but he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and
the circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not the letter."
Romans 2:28-29. Then we read, "If any man
be in Christ, he is a new creature." II Corinthians. 5:17.
Saul was Israel's first king. He proved to be a failure and God rejected him.
Then God sent Samuel to anoint David, the EIGHTH son of Jesse, to be the second
king. I Samuel 16:10-12. So in David we
see a new beginning.
After Moses had consecrated Aaron and his sons they awaited seven days before
the tabernacle (Leviticus 8:1-35) and on
the EIGHTH day they began their service. Leviticus 9:1-2.
Now let us pause here long enough to consider again the
arrangement of the camp. We have seen that there was an outward arrangement, and
an inner arrangement around the tabernacle. We have seen that the outward
arrangement was given first. Numb. 2:3-31 and 3:17-38. The outward arrangement
consisted of FOUR camps, each consisting of the three tribes. They were the camp
of Judah on the east, Numb. 2:3-7; the
camp of Reuben on the south, Numb. 2:18-24; the camp of Ephraim on the
west, Numb. 2:10-16; and the camp of Dan
on the north, Numb. 3:25-31. These in the outward arrangement had to
pitch FAR OFF. "Every man of the children of Israel shall pitch by his own
standard, with the ensign of their
father's house: FAR OFF about the tabernacle shall they pitch." (Each
camp had a standard, and each tribe an
ensign. Verses 2; 3; 10; 18; and 25.) Then we
read in Numb. 1:53, "But the Levites
shall pitch round about the tabernacle of the testimony, that there
be no WRATH
upon the congregation." The outer group consisted of FOUR divisions. This
represents man in the old creation which is fallen, and is under a curse. They
are by nature children of "WRATH." Paul
teaches that we "Were by nature the children
of WRATH, even as others." Ephesians 2:3. In the same connection, he
said, "Ye who sometimes were FAR OFF have
been made nigh by the blood of Christ." Ephesians 2:13. So this first
group of FOUR standing FAR OFF, subject to the WRATH of God, represents the old
man, dead in trespasses and sins. Ephesians 2:1. A new order or arrangement had
to be made to keep the WRATH of God from
coming on that group. So next we see the Levites grouped around the
tabernacle in FOUR divisions: the Gershonites,
Kohathites, the Merarites,
and Moses and the priests. Exodus 3:17-18. Now we have
EIGHT groups, which represents the new
creation or the new birth, the outer arrangement being made first and the inner
arrangement made last. And right in the center of the whole
camp was the tabernacle in which God was dwelling, so here we have the new birth
pictured, and Christ in us The hope of Glory."
Colossians 1:27. The light of the pillar of cloud and fire rested on the
tabernacle in the very heart of the camp.
Exodus 20:38. Paul said, "For God who commands the light to shine out of
darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the glory of God in
the face of Christ Jesus." II Corinthians. 4:6. There
is no limit to what could be said on this
point. We have the two births; the outward and inward man; and Christ in our
hearts; and the glory of God's
presence in the inner man as a testimony of being saved from
the WRATH to come.
Right after telling us about the inner arrangement of
the camp, the Lord goes on to tell of the
number of males of the Levites from a month old and upward. That number
was twenty-two thousand. Numb. 3:29. Then
He told Moses to number all the
FIRSTBORN of the children of Israel, that is
of the twelve tribes in the outer group, from a month old and upward.
Vs. 10-43. There were twenty-two thousand
two hundred and seventy-three. This group
of FIRSTBORN exceeded all the males of the Levites by two hundred and
seventy-three. God accepted the Levites instead of the
FIRSTBORN of the other tribes.
Verse 34. This odd number of 273 had to be
redeemed with FIVE shekels apiece. Numb.
This shows that the FIRSTBORN represents the birth of
the flesh, or first birth. Such stand in need of redemption. This group was
redeemed with FIVE shekels of money apiece. FIVE stands for grace. Money stands
for riches. In Ephesians 1:7 we read, "In whom we have REDEMPTION through his
blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the
Let the reader keep in mind that this 273 that had to be
redeemed did not come from the Levites but
the other tribes, those in the outer arrangement.
After discussing number THIRTEEN we shall come back
to this 273 who were redeemed and find something amazing.
Number Ten.
The number TEN occurs several times in our tabernacle
study. It evidently represents God's law as found in the TEN
commandments. Exodus 20:1-17. Since Christ came to fulfill the law, we
might expect to find in the tabernacle a number expressive of the law. The
picture would be incomplete without it.
The TEN commandments were given in connection
with God's revelation about the tabernacle.
It was the work of Christ, about whom the
tabernacle speaks, to fulfill the
Number Twelve.
The number TWELVE represents divine government, or
government by divine appointment. Jesus said to His apostles, “Ye which have
followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of
his glory ye also shall sit on TWELVE thrones, judging the twelve tribes of
Israel." Matthew 19:28..
We find TWELVE princes in Genesis 17:20 and in Numbers
1-44 In Rev 12-1 we see a symbolic woman (representing
Israel) with a CROWN on her head with TWELVE stars.
There are twelve months in the year, and there are twelve signs in the zodiac.
There are twelve hours of day and twelve in the night when they are evenly
Number Thirteen.
The number THIRTEEN stands for REBELLION. To Go
beyond divine government is to be in Rebellion. To go beyond the number TWELVE
is to go to number THIRTEEN.
Since Twelve stands for divine
government, then THIRTEEN stands for rebellion. In Genesis 14:4 we
read, "Twelve years they served Chedorlaomer, and in
the THIRTEENTH year they REBELLED." Nimrod, who led the rebellion at Babel
(Genesis 10:10 and Genesis 11:1-9), was
the THIRTEENTH, named from Ham. Those names are as follows (1) Ham, (2)
Cush, (3) Mizriam, (4) Phut,
(5) Canaan, (6) Seba, (7)
Havilah, (8)
Sabtah, (9)
Raamah, (10) Sabtechah,
(11) Sheba, (12) Dedan, and (13) Nimrod.
Abraham was 86 years old when his son by
the bondwoman was born. Genesis 16:16. The next verse takes up the story
of his life when he was 99 years old, or THIRTEEN years later. God said to him,
"I am the Almighty (all powerful) God;
walk thou before me, and be thou
perfect." Genesis 17:1. This was a rebuke to him for resorting to the
bondwoman to give birth to the heir.
Moses said to Israel, "From the day that thou didst depart out of the land of
Egypt, until ye came to this place, ye
have been REBELLIOUS against the Lord." Deuteronomy 9:7. The words
"Rebel," "Rebellion," "Rebelled," "Rebellious," "Rebel"
(noun), and "Rebels" are used THIRTEEN times concerning Israel’s conduct
in the wilderness. Those words are found
in Numbers 14:9; Numbers 17:10; 20:10; 20:24; 27-14- Deuteronomy
1:26; 1:43; Deuteronomy 9:7; 9:23; 9:24;
31:27 (twice) and Psalms 78;8.
A close reading of the 78th Psalm shows that the wilderness
experiences of Israel are under consideration. Notice
verses 15-24. This shows that the word
"Rebellious" in the eighth verse applied to them in the wilderness. But
the third verse of the 107th Psalm shows
that it applies to Israel after
her dispersion. So Psalms 107:11 does not apply to Israel in the
wilderness. That leaves just THIRTEEN times the
words Rebellious, Rebel or Rebellion
applies to them in the wilderness.
Counting the tribe of Levi there were 13 divisions to
this rebellious nation of Israel. Those
tribes were: (1) Reuben, (2) Simeon, (3) Judah, (4) Issachar, (5)
Zebulon, (6) Ephraim, (7) Manasseh, (8)
Benjamin, (9) Dan, (10) Asher, (11) Gad, (12) Naphtali, and (13) Levi.
The first twelve tribes with their twelve princes are listed in Numb. 1:5-16. In
Numb. 1:47 we read, "But the Levites
after the tribe of their fathers were not numbered among them."
That is, they were not numbered among the twelve because they were taken out
for the service of the Lord's sanctuary. When
there was a rebellion against the
priesthood of Aaron (Numb.
16:1-50) the Lord had the 12 princes of the 12 other tribes to bring
their rods with their names written on them. Then Aaron, the priest, of the
tribe of Levi brought his rod with his name on it. These rods, 12 for the other
tribes and one for Aaron made THIRTEEN.
They were put in the tabernacle.
The next day Aaron's rod had budded, bloomed, and was yielding almonds.
Numb. 17:1-8. The Lord said to Moses, "Bring Aaron's rod again before the
testimony, to be kept as a token against
the REBELS."
Numbers 17:10.
Israel was no more rebellious than any other nation. Their rebellious nature
only pictures the depravity of all mankind
by nature.
On the THIRTEENTH day of the first month, Haman secured a decree signed to have
all the Jews in Persia put to death on the THIRTEENTH day of the twelfth month.
Esther. 3:11-13.
The word DRAGON, which refers to the devil, is found
THIRTEEN times in the book of Revelation. Revelation 12:3; 12:4;
12:9; 12:13; 12:16; 12:17; 13:2; 13:4; 13-11; 16-13; 20-3 and twice
in Revelation 12:7. He became the first to break away from divine
government, so he was the first rebel.
Now we are ready to consider the two hundred and seventy-three of the first born
who were redeemed with FIVE shekels each. Here we find something to make us
marvel. The Lord said, "Take the
Levites instead of all the firstborn among the children of
Israel, and the cattle of the Levites instead of their cattle and the
Levites shall be MINE: I am the Lord. And for those that are to be
redeemed of the two hundred and threescore and thirteen (273) of the firstborn
of the children of Israel, which are more than the Levites; thou shalt even take
FIVE shekels apiece by the poll after the shekel of the sanctuary shalt thou
take them:…and thou shalt give the money whereby the odd number of them is to be
REDEEMED, unto Aaron and to his sons.” Numb. 3:34-48.
We have seen that the number THIRTEEN signifies rebellion
Now let us divide the 273 by 13 and we see we have
exactly 21 (273 divided by 13 is 21). A few days ago the
writer knowing that THIRTEEN was the number for rebellion,
decided to divide the number 273 by 13. He found it went into that number
exactly twenty-one times. This caused him
to do some more investigating. Then he found that there were recorded
exactly twenty-one acts of disobedience on the part of the people from Egypt to
Moab. The key is found in the statement of Moses in Deuteronomy 9:7, "From the
day that thou didst depart out of the land of Egypt, until ye came into this
place, ye have been REBELLIOUS against
the Lord." So the time to begin counting begins with their departure out
of Egypt. Those 21 acts of disobedience
are found in Exodus 14:11-12; 15:23-24; 16:2;
16:19-20; 16:27-28; 17:1-4; 32:1-6;
Leviticus 10:1-2; Leviticus 24:11-14;
Numbers 11:1-3; 11:4-34; 12:1-15; 14:1-4;
14:40-45; 15:32-36; 16:1-33;
16:41-46; 20:1-6; 20:9-13; 21:4-8 and 25:1.
Those 21 acts of disobedience were the outward fruits of
the rebellious nature they had. That rebellious nature is a symbol of man's
depravity. Those outward acts picture the
fruits of man's depraved nature. That rebellious nature
shows the disposition of the natural man
toward God. "The carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to
the law of God, neither
indeed can be." Romans 8:7. So
the number THIRTEEN shows the rebellious nature of the natural
heart of all mankind.
The only remedy for a rebellious disposition is redemption
through GRACE. This is what is pictured by the 273 firstborn being redeemed by
FIVE shekels apiece. "In
whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness
of sins, according to the riches of His GRACE."
Redemption by grace gives a man a disposition to obey God
rather than to rebel against Him. Now let us take the number
13 signifying rebellion, from 21, the number of Israel's disobedient acts, and
we have EIGHT left. This number indicated a new nature, the born again person.
Not only does redemption through GRACE,
pictures by the 273 being redeemed with FIVE pieces of money, take care
of our rebellious nature, but it brings forgiveness for all the sins our
depraved nature brought about. In the 13 x 21 we see the
exceeding sinfulness of sin. Romans 7:13.
In the redemption of that 273 by FIVE pieces
of money, we see the exceeding riches of
God's grace. Ephesians 2:7
God said to Israel, "I will take away the stony heart
out of your flesh, and I will give you
an heart of flesh."
Ezekiel 36:26. So GRACE takes away or subtracts. Now let us take away
that stony heart or rebellious nature represented
by number THIRTEEN and see the result.
Twenty-one (the number of Israel's acts of disobedience), minus THIRTEEN
leaves EIGHT, the new nature, or the new heart God said He would give. Ezekiel
36:26. Then let us subtract Five, the number for
GRACE, from THIRTEEN, the number for rebellion and we have EIGHT left, the
number for the new creation. (13 minus 5
equals 8).
But GRACE also adds. Let us add THREE (the trinity) and FIVE (GRACE) and we have
EIGHT, the new nature. Grace (5) adds to us the divine nature. In II Peter 1:4
we learn that we are partakers of the DIVINE nature. The Father is said to dwell
in us. Christ dwells in us. Jesus said, "If any man love
me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him and we will come unto
him, and make our abode with him." John 14:23. Then the Spirit is said
to dwell in us. Jas. 4:5. So we have in us
GRACE (5) and the divine trinity
(3) and that makes eight, the new nature.
( J). Number Twenty-one.
From what we have seen above about Israel's disobedience and rebellious nature,
it seems that TWENTY-ONE would represent the sum total of man's sinful acts.
When God redeems He redeems from all our
iniquities. "He shall
redeem Israel from ALL his iniquities."
The redemption
of the 273 FIRSTBORN took care of (13 x 21) Israel's rebellious nature
multiplied by her transgressions.
The difference between the number SIX and the number
TWENTY-ONE in their typical significance seems to be that
SIX denotes man's work, under the leadership of Satan, in seeking to save
himself, apart from God's grace and power.
The builders of the tower of Babel sought to save themselves from being
scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.
Their efforts failed. Genesis 11:4-8. Goliath's SIX pieces of
armor were for the purpose of saving his
life. They failed to do so. The exaltation of the beast as ruler over all
nations, and as head of all false
religions will be the result of a combination of religious and political
power in an effort to keep humanity from
destroying civilization It will fail. On the
other hand, TWENTY-ONE represents the sins
of man under the influence of His
depraved nature. The lusts of the flesh lead to adultery, drunkenness,
stealing, covetousness, extortion, anger, foolish talking, etc. None of these
are done to the end that the doer of them might be saved, but because
of his depraved nature.
(K). Number Forty.
The number FORTY seems to represent a testing or trying.
Israel was tested FORTY years in the wilderness. Jesus
was tempted of the devil FORTY days. Luke 4:1-2. When
Moses was up in the mountain FORTY days, Israel grew
impatient and made a golden calf.
Exodus 24:18 and Exodus 32:1-7.
(L). Number Six-Hundred.
As yet this writer has not found this number used in connection with the
tabernacle. But since it is important in counting the number of the beast, about
which there has been much said and written, this writer wishes to digress
long enough to consider this number.
This number is found connected over and over with warfare.
"And he (Pharoah) made ready his chariot, and
took his people with him: and he took SIX HUNDRED chosen chariots, and
all the chosen chariots of Egypt." Exodus 14:6-7.
In Judges 3:31 we read where
Shamgar slew SIX HUNDRED of the
Philistines. In Judges 18:7-29 we find that the tribe
of Dan sent SIX HUNDRED men
appointed with weapons of war.
Verse 11. In Judges 20:47 we find that SIX HUNDRED
of the warriors of the tribe of Benjamin fled to the rock
Rimmon. In I Samuel 13:15 we find that Saul had with
him about SIX HUNDRED warriors to
do battle with the Philistines. The head of the spear of Goliath weighed SIX
shekels of iron. When David pursued the Amalekites
and overthrew them he had SIX HUNDRED
warriors. 1 Samuel 50:1-20. Notice
especially the ninth verse.
All these things show us that this number is connected with warfare.
In reading about the beast, we find where
men will say, !:Who
is like unto the beast? Who is able to
make WAR with him."
Revelation 13:4.
(M). Number Sixty-Six.
The numbers SIXTY and SIX, or Sixty-six is connected
with idol worship. In Dan. 3:1 we find that Nebuchadnezzar
made an image SIXTY cubits high and SIX cubits broad. He
attempted to unify all religions in the worship of his image.
Thus he was seeking to make himself the head of all religions.
He was king of Babylon. He passed a decree that
all must worship his image and that those
who refused should be put to death. Dan. 3:1-28. He exalted himself above
the God of heaven and defied Him. When
the three Hebrew children refused to worship his image, he said unto
them, "Who is that God that shall deliver you out of my hands."
Dan. 3:15.
All this foreshadowed the work of the beast. He will
exalt himself above all that is called
God. II Thessalonians. 2:3-4 and
Revelation 13:6-7. He will have an image erected and will have a
decree passed that all men shall worship
his image or be put to death.
Now let us add SIXTY SIX to SIX HUNDRED
and we have the number of the beast SIX HUNDRED THREESCORE
and SIX, or 666. Revelation 13:18. It shows us that the beast will be an
irresistible warrior, against whom the world cannot stand, and that he
will seek to unify all religions in the
worship of himself and his image. This shows us what
the beast will be. It is useless for us
to try to find out who he will be, as Paul tells us he is not to be revealed
until his time. II Thessalonians.
(A). Its Sides or Walls.
The sides or walls of the tabernacle were made of shittim
standing up. These boards were ten cubits long and
a cubit and an half wide and were overlaid with gold. "And
thou shalt make boards for the tabernacle of shittim
wood standing up.
Ten cubits shall be the length of a board, and
a cubit and a half the breadth of one
Exodus 26:15-16.
"And thou shalt overlay the boards with gold, and make their rings with gold for
places for the bars: and thou shalt
overlay the bars with gold."
Exodus 26:29.
The boards were TEN cubits high. We have seen that the number TEN represents the
law. There were TEN commandments. Christ met every
requirement of the law and fulfilled it
for us. Matthew 5:17.
The shittim wood was a desert growth and pictures
the human nature of Christ. Isaiah speaks of Christ as a root out of dry ground.
"For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and
as a root out of dry ground." Isaiah.
53:2. The gold with which the boards were overlaid
evidently represents the heavenly, or divine nature of Christ. The
street of the New Jerusalem which John saw
descending out of heaven was pure gold. "And the street of the city
was pure gold, as it were transparent glass."
Revelation 21:21. See also Revelation
4:2-3; 5:8 and 8:3. Thus in the shittim wood overlaid
with gold we have set forth both the divine and the
human nature of Christ.
Each of the boards had two tenons in the lower end
these tenons were set in sockets of silver. "Two
tenons shall
there be in one board, set in order one against another: thus
shalt thou make for all the boards of the tabernacle. And
thou shalt make the boards for the
tabernacle, twenty boards on the south side southward. And thou shalt
make forty sockets of silver under the
twenty boards; two sockets under one board for his two
tenons, and two sockets under another board for his two
tenons. . And for the second side of the tabernacle
on the north
side there shall be twenty boards: and
their forty sockets of silver; two sockets under one board, and two sockets
under another board." Exodus
The twenty boards on each of the sides
north and south made the tabernacle thirty cubits long as each board was
a cubit and a half wide and they stood on their ends. Exodus 26:15-16. This has
already been pointed out. As each of the boards had two
tenons there had to be forty sockets of silver under the twenty boards on
each side. These sockets were holes in
bars or plates of silver.
Silver is generally recognized as a symbol of redemption.
It was used for redemption money. "When thou
takest the sum of the children of Israel after their
number, then they shall give every man a ransom for his soul unto the Lord, when
thou numberest them; that there be no plague among
them, when thou numberest them. This
they shall give, every one that passeth among them
that are numbered, half a shekel: (A shekel is twenty
gerahs:) a half
shekel shall be the offering of the Lord. . . . The rich shall not give more,
and the poor shall not give less than half a shekel, when they give an offering
unto the Lord, to make an
atonement for your souls."
Exodus 30:12-15. "If a soul commit a trespass, and sin through
ignorance, in the holy things of the Lord,"
then he shall bring for his trespass unto
the Lord a ram without blemish and of the flocks, with thy estimation by
SHEKELS OF SILVER, after the shekel of the sanctuary."
Leviticus 5:15. "And for those that are
to be REDEEMED of the two hundred and threescore and
thirteen of the firstborn of the children of Israel, which are more than the
Levites; thou shalt even take five shekels apiece by the poll, after the
shekels of the sanctuary shalt thou take
them: . . . and Moses took the REDEMPTION money of them that were
over and above them that were redeemed by the Levites." Numbers
From the above we see that the shekel of the sanctuary was a shekel of silver,
and that this silver money was used for redemption. We have already seen that
the tabernacle was built for a dwelling
place for God among the children of Israel. "Let them make me a
sanctuary; that I may dwell among them." Exodus 25:8. If God dwells among
His people He can only do so on the basis
of redemption. All the boards of
the tabernacle were set in sockets of silver, this indicating that God's
dwelling among men is based upon redemption. This redemption came through Jesus
Christ who was both human and divine. This two-fold nature of Christ we have
seen in the shittim boards which were overlaid with
In giving the instructions about the boards we find that the order in which the
numbers of the boards were given was for the south side, the north side, and the
west side.
There were twenty for the south side, twenty for the north
side, and eight for the west end. These
boards stood upright. By adding the boards on the south and north side we
have forty boards. Christ was tempted forty days by the devil. "And Jesus
being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan and was led by the Spirit
into the wilderness, being forty days
tempted of the devil." Luke
4:1-2. He stood upright through all this temptation. In
Isaiah. 28:16 we read, "Behold
I lay in Zion for a foundation a TRIED stone, a precious corner stone, a
sure foundation." Christ is that foundation
and He is the foundation of our salvation.
The EIGHT boards in the back show us that it was the
second Adam (I Corinthians. 15:43), the
head of the new creation, who was being tried, and who stood upright
through it all.
The boards were held together with bars of shittim
which were overlaid with gold. There were five bars to the side. These bars were
put through rings of gold made on the
boards. The middle bar reached from one end of the tabernacle to the
other. This left two bars for the top row of rings and two for the bottom row.
This will be seen by reading Exodus
We have seen that number FIVE stands for grace. Each
of the sides, south, .north, and west had FIVE bars, Exodus 26:36-37, and at the
door were FIVE pillars. Thus on every side we have a picture of grace. John said
that Christ was full of GRACE and truth. "And the Word was made flesh and
dwelt among us, (and we behold his glory, the glory as the only begotten of the
Father,) full of GRACE and truth."
John. 1:14.
In Christ, represented by the tabernacle, the believer is shut in by grace on
every side, and surrounded by the boards set in sockets of silver representing
There we find five bars to the side and the middle bar went from end to end,
Exodus 26:26-28. This made three rows of bars to each side, and thus three rows
of rings to the side. This shows that in Christ dwells the
fulness of the Godhead (the Trinity) bodily, Colossians 2:9,
and that all THREE were involved in our salvation by grace.
(B). Its Curtains.
Over these upright boards there were laid four layers of curtains. The first
layer of curtains was made of fine twined
linen, and blue, and purple, and scarlet: with cherubims
of cunning work. Exodus 26:1-6. This, when laid over the boards, was
called the tabernacle. "And thou shalt make fifty taches
(pronounced tacks) of gold and couple the curtains (linen curtains) together
with the taches: and it shall
Exodus 26:6.
Over the linen curtains as a covering there was laid a
layer of curtains made of goat's hair.
Exodus 26:7-13. These, when put together, were called the tent. "And
thou shalt make fifty taches of brass, and put the
taches into the loops, and couple the TENT together,
that it may be one." Exodus 26:11.
As a covering for this tent of Goat's hair there was laid over it a covering of
ram's skin dyed red. Then above it as
another covering was laid a covering of badgers
skins. There are no dimensions given concerning the last two layers of
curtains. As there is no mention of any ridge pole it would seem that these
curtains were laid flat across the top and held tightly in their place by means
of tent pins and cords. Exodus
We have seen that the number FOUR stands for creation. By means of the vessel
like a sheet knit at FOUR corners, and FOUR kinds of creatures in that vessel
(Acts 10:11-13) the Lord was showing Peter that the gospel was
for every nation, Acts 10:35. So in the
FOUR layers of curtains we see a covering for men of all nations.
(1). The Linen Curtains.
There were ten linen curtains which were twenty-eight cubits long and four
cubits wide. These curtains were laid over
the walls crosswise, or over the tabernacle from south to
north. "Thou shalt make the tabernacle
with ten curtains of fine twined linen, and blue, and purple, and
scarlet: with cherubims of cunning work shalt thou
make them. The length of one curtain shall be eight and twenty cubits, and the
breadth of one curtain four cubits: and every one of the
curtains shall have one measure."
Exodus 26:1-2.
We have seen that the tabernacle was twelve cubits
wide. When laid across the walls these
curtains would hang down the sides eight cubits on each
side. The length of the curtains we have seen to be twenty-eight
cubits. Twenty-eight cubits less twelve (the width of the tabernacle) leaves
sixteen cubits to hang down the outside of the walls. This
would be eight cubits on the south side
and eight on the north side. From front to back, or from east to west,
the tabernacle was thirty cubits long. (There were twenty boards a cubit and
half in length on each of the sides south and north. Ex 26-15-21)
Since the boards were ten cubits long and stood on
their ends the height of the tabernacle was ten cubits Exodus 26:15-16. So it
would take forty cubits of curtains to reach from the front to the back and the
ten cubits down the back side. The number of linen curtains was ten. Their width
was four cubits. Exodus 26:1-2. Ten times four
cubits equals forty cubits.
Five of the ten curtains were coupled together to make a broad linen curtain,
and the other five were coupled together
to make a second broad linen curtain. "The five curtains shall
be coupled together one to another; and the other five curtains shall be coupled
one to another. And thou shalt make loops of blue UPON the edge of the one
curtain (the broad one made of five,)
from the selvedge in the coupling; and likewise shalt thou make IN the
uttermost edge of another curtain, in the coupling of the second; that the loops
may hold one of another. And thou shalt make fifty taches
of gold, and couple the curtains together with the taches:
and it shall be one tabernacle."
Exodus 26:3-6.
From this we see that five of the linen curtains four cubits in width (V. 2)
were coupled together to make one broad linen curtain. The other five were
coupled together to make the second wide curtain. This would give us two broad
linen curtains twenty (5x4 cubits)
cubits wide and twenty-eight cubits long. It is likely these narrow curtains
were sewed together. Upon the edge of one curtain there were fifty loops of
blue. In the edge of the second there were fifty loops of blue. The loops being
upon the edge of one, and in the edge of the other made the edges to fit
together perfectly with no overlapping of the curtains. Fifty
taches of gold ran through the loops to fasten these
two broad curtains together.
By reading Exodus 26:33 we see that it was the broad curtains that were coupled
together with the taches, not the ten narrow
curtains, four cubits in width. We also find out where the veil was hung.
"And thou shalt hang up the veil under the taches,
that thou mayest bring in thither within the veil
the ark of the testimony: and the veil shall divide unto you between the holy
place and the most holy." There was but one veil, and since it hung under
the taches there was but one row of golden
taches. So these fifty taches
of gold coupled together the two broad linen curtains which
had been made out of the ten narrow ones.
We have seen from the verse above that the veil was
hung under the taches.
When five of the curtains four cubits
in width (verses 2-3) were made into one
broad curtain that curtain would
be twenty (5 x 4) cubits wide. So it would be
twenty cubits back from the front where
the taches coupled this curtain to the other
broad curtain. This shows us that the veil was twenty cubits back from the front
end since it hung under the
taches. Since we have already learned that
the veil divided between the holy place and the most holy place was twenty
cubits long and the most holy place was
ten (30 — 20 equals 10) cubits.
There were FIVE of the linen curtains FOUR cubits wide
made into one broad curtain, and FIVE were made into another. Thus we
have both the number for creation (FOUR)
and the number for grace (FIVE) coupled together. In creation God was
planning to display His grace: The two broad
linen curtains each made of FIVE narrow ones met over the
place where the veil was hung, Exodus 26:38. The veil represented the flesh of
Jesus Christ. In Hebrews 10:20 we read of
the new and living way, which Christ has consecrated for us.
"Through the veil, that is to say his flesh." The rending of
the veil, or death of Christ, made both
Jew and Gentile one. Ephesians 2:14. So both Jew and Gentile are
represented in Christ, and grace is for
both. This seems to be the lesson of the two broad curtains, each of
which is made up of FIVE narrow ones, meeting over the place where the
veil was hung.
Let the student keep in mind that these curtains were twenty-eight cubits long.
When five narrow curtains were put together to make a broad curtain that broad
curtain, while five times as wide as one narrow curtain, was of the
same length as the narrow curtains.
The blue, purple, scarlet and the cherubims of
cunning work were embroidered into the linen curtains by those whose hearts the
Lord had filled with the Spirit of God and
wisdom, and understanding and knowledge
to do such work. "And Moses said unto the children of Israel, See, the
Lord hath called by name
Bezaleel … and He hath filled him with
the spirit of God, in wisdom, in
understanding, and in knowledge,
and in all manner of workmanship; and to devise curious works, to work in
gold, and in silver, and in brass, and in
the cutting of stones, to set them, and in carving of wood, to make any
manner of cunning work. And he hath put in his heart that he may teach, both he,
and Ahioliab …
them hath he filled with wisdom of heart, to work all manner of work, of
the engraver, and of the cunning workman,
of the embroiderer, in blue, and in purple, in scarlet, and in fine
linen, and of the weaver, even of them that do any
work and of those that devise cunning
work." Exodus 35:30-35.
From the above passage of scripture we learn some very important lessons. The
purpose of the tabernacle was to how to us God in Christ reconciling man unto
Himself. It speaks of Christ and His
redemptive work. To do the cunning work necessary to such a structure men
had to be supernaturally endowed with wisdom and skill. Even so did men have to
be supernaturally inspired to write the scriptures in which Christ is set forth
before us in all His divine attributes and perfection.
None but men inspired of God could write
the scriptures. Bezaleel and
Ahioliab were endowed to
work and to teach others in whom God put wisdom and understanding.
"Then wrought Bezaleel and
Ahioliab, and EVERY wise-hearted man, in whom the Lord put wisdom
and understanding." Exodus
Those who impart to others the truths that are set forth in the word of
inspiration must be enlightened by the Spirit of God to set forth these truths,
even as God put wisdom in all who did any work on the tabernacle. God first
revealed the pattern unto Moses. All the instructions about how it
was to be made were given to him in the
mountain. Exodus 25:40. "Look that thou make them after their pattern,
which was shewed thee in the mount." After that
others had to be endued with wisdom to
teach and to carry out what had been
revealed to Moses. So must men be filled
with wisdom from God to teach and carry out what has been revealed in the
word of God. Paul prayed that the Colossians
"might be filled with the knowledge of His (God's) will in all wisdom
Colossians 1:9.
We have seen that the linen curtains were embroidered
with cunning work in blue, purple, and
scarlet, with cherubims.
Over these curtains was laid a rough covering of goat's hair. Thus the
glory and beauty of the linen curtains was not seen from the outside, but was
only visible to the priests who went into
the tabernacle. Even so the beauty and glory
of Christ is only seen and appreciated by
those in Christ. Unbelieving
Israel saw no beauty in Him. "When we shall see
Him, there is no beauty that we should
desire Him." Isaiah 53:2.
So, the rough goats' hair presents Christ as viewed by a lost world. But
the linen curtains with their beautiful cunning work of blue, purple, scarlet
and cherubims show us Christ
as seen by the believer who is in Christ.
Blue, which is the color of the sky, would seem to show
us the place from whence Christ came. Purple denotes royalty,
or kingship. When they mocked Christ as King of the
Jews they put on Him a purple robe and a crown of thorns.
John 13:2-3. Scarlet is the color of
blood, and indicates His
suffering. In one place it is said they put a scarlet robe upon Jesus.
Matthew 27:28. So both the scarlet and purple colors were connected with
Christ's humiliation. The fine linen represents righteousness. In Revelation
19:8 we read, "The fine linen is the
righteousness of saints."
Christ said to the church of Laodicea, "I counsel thee to buy of me
gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich;
and white rainment, that thou
be clothed." Revelation 3:18.
Therefore the righteousness of the
saints is the righteousness of Christ. So in the blue in the curtains we
have a man from heaven. In the fine linen we have a sinless man. In the purple
we have a royal man. In the scarlet we have a suffering man. In the blue we see
a man from heaven. In the purple we see
Jesus as our King. In the scarlet
we see Him suffering for our sins. In the fine linen we see in Him our
righteousness. As the beautiful work of the linen curtains was delightful to the
eyes of the priests who went into the
tabernacle, even so do we find our delight in what we see in
Christ. David said, "One thing have I desired of
the Lord , that will I seek after; that I may
dwell in the house of the Lord all the
days of my life, TO BEHOLD
enquire in His temple. Psalms 27:4. Again we read, "Let thy work
appear unto thy servants, and thy glory unto their children. And
let the beauty of the Lord our God be
upon us." Psalms 90:16-17.
Then in Psalms 96:6, we read, "Honour and
majesty are before him; strength and beauty are in his sanctuary."
In everything in the tabernacle we see uniformity, beauty
and perfection. The linen curtains were all of one size. They were made to fit
perfectly. The boards were all alike and of one measure. Everything denoted
divine perfection and beauty.
(2). The Curtains of Goats' Hair.
There was made for the tabernacle of linen curtains a
covering of goats' hair curtains. There
were eleven of these goats' hair curtains, whereas, there were only ten
of the fine linen curtains. The breadth of the curtains of goats' hair
was the same as the breadth of the linen
curtains, that is, four cubits.
But they were thirty cubits long, or two cubits longer than the linen
curtains. That would allow them when laid
over the linen curtains to go a cubit below the linen curtains
on each side of the tabernacle. The extra curtain doubled
over the forefront of the tabernacle. Five of these goats
hair curtains were put together to make a
broad one, and six of them were put together to make a second broad one.
They were coupled together with fifty
taches of brass. The broad curtain made of
the six narrow ones was laid over the front part of the tabernacle and the sixth
curtain in this broad one doubled in the
forefront of the tabernacle.
"And thou shalt make curtains of goats' hair to be a covering
upon the tabernacle: eleven curtains shalt thou make. The length of one curtain
shall be thirty cubits, and the breadth of one curtain four cubits: and the
eleven curtains shall be of one measure.
And thou shalt couple five curtains by themselves,
and six curtains by themselves, and shalt double the sixth curtain in the
forefront of the tabernacle.
(This shows the purpose of the extra curtain). And thou
shalt make fifty loops on the edge of the
one (broad one) that
is outmost in the coupling, and fifty loops in the edge of the
curtain which coupleth the second. And thou shalt
make fifty taches of brass, and put the
taches in the loops, and
couple the tents together, that it may be
one. And the remnant that remaineth of the
curtains of the tent, the half curtain that remaineth,
shall hang over the backside of the tabernacle. And a cubit on the one side,
and a cubit on the other side of that which remaineth
of the length of the curtains of the tent,
it shall hang over the sides of the tabernacle on this side and that
side, to cover it."
We have found that the tabernacle was thirty cubits long
and ten cubits high. So the distance from the front of the tabernacle on top to
the back end and down the back side would
be forty cubits, or the length (30 cu.) plus (10 cu.) the height. There
were ten linen curtains four cubits wide.
Ten times four cubits equals forty cubits. So these ten linen curtains
would exactly reach from the front end on top to the back (30 cu.) and leave ten
cubits down the back side which was ten
cubits high. (The boards stood on their ends and were ten long.
The eleven curtains of goats' hair four cubits in length,
when put together would reach (11 x 4 cu.) forty-four cubits. One curtain
of four cubits doubled over the forefront. This left the remaining forty
cubits to cover the top and go down the
back side. After one narrow curtain, the sixth, in one broad curtain, has
been doubled that left the width of five of the curtains (5 x 4 cu.) to reach
back to where the brass taches
coupled the front broad curtain to the
back one. This would place the row of brass taches
twenty cubits back from the front and
exactly over the taches of gold in the linen
curtains. The back goats' hair curtain made of five narrow ones was
(5x4 cu.) twenty cubits wide. Ten
cubits of this one, or half of it would cover the
remaining ten cubits of the top and leave the other half to cover the ten cubits
behind the tabernacle. In other words,
the goats' hair curtains covered
four cubits in the forefront of the tabernacle, the thirty cubits on top,
and the ten cubits behind it. Add these figures and we have forty-four cubits.
This explains why there had to be eleven curtains four cubits wide. Eleven times
four makes forty-four.
The ten linen curtains plus the eleven curtains of goats'
hairs makes twenty-one, exactly the number
of sins recorded against Israel in the wilderness: Here we see a perfect
covering for their sins. Not all of those
twenty-one sins had been committed
when the 273 were redeemed in Numbers 3:45-51.
This shows that when that redemption took
place God's foreknowledge took
into consideration those future sins and accounted for them also. This
shows that when God saves a person He not
only redeems him from his past sins, but from his future sins. "By one
offering he hath perfected forever them
that are sanctified." Hebrews
10:14. "By the which will we are
sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus
Christ once for all."
Hebrews 10:10. "And you, being dead in your sins and in the
uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened
together with Him, having forgiven you ALL trespasses." Colossians 2:13. How
beautifully that is seen in the redemption of the two hundred and seventy-three.
Numb. 3:45-51.
Then the curtains being only thirty cubits long would reach the twelve cubits
across the tabernacle and leave eighteen cubits, or nine cubits on each side.
This would make it come a cubit below the linen curtains on the south
side and on the north side.
Whereas the linen curtains, which formed the inner layer,
were coupled together with taches of gold we find
that the goats' hair curtains were coupled together with brass
taches. Brass seems to be a symbol of judgment.
Jesus said, "As Moses lifted up the
serpent in the wilderness, even
so must the son of man be lifted up: that
whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
John 3:14-15. The serpent that was lifted
up in the wilderness was made of brass. "And Moses made a serpent of
brass, and put it upon a pole and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten
any man, when he, beheld the serpent of brass, he lived" Numbers 21:9. The
fiery serpents had been sent among the children of Israel as a judgment upon
them because of their murmurings. Numbers
21:5-7. The judgment was taken away when they looked upon the uplifted
serpent of brass. Here we have a picture
of Christ taking our judgment upon Himself.
The curtains of goats' hair seem to carry out the same thought. On the
day of atonement Aaron took two goats and presented
them before the Lord at the door of the tabernacle. One goat was offered as a
sin offering. Aaron laid his hands upon the head of the other goat and confessed
over him the iniquities of Israel and the goat was sent away by a fit man into a
land not inhabited to bear away the iniquities
of Israel. Leviticus 16:7-10 and 16:20-22. So, the two
goats taken together picture Christ dying for
our sins and bearing away our sins forever. The goat over
which the .iniquities of Israel had been confessed together with the slain goat
shows Christ dying for our sins and bearing them away for all time. The curtains
of goats' hair coupled together with brass taches'
sets forth this same truth.
We notice that there were SIX narrow curtains of goats' hair coupled together to
make one broad curtain, and FIVE were coupled together to make another
broad one, Exodus 26:9. We have seen that SIX stands for the works of
man. The question arises then where do
the works of man come in? It was man that took Christ and put Him to
death because they saw no beauty in Him.
"When we shall see Him, there is no beauty that we should desire
Him." Isaiah53:2. They did it to save themselves from the Romans. "Then
gathered the chief priests and Pharisees a council, and said, what do we?
(Notice man's work) for this man doeth many miracles.
If we let him thus alone, all men will believe him: and the Romans shall come
and take away both our place and our nation. And one of them, named Caiaphas,
being the high priest that same year, said unto them, Ye know nothing at all,
nor consider that it is expedient for us, that one man should die for the
people, and that the whole nation perish not, and this he spoke not of himself:
but being high priest that year, he
prophesied that Jesus should die for that nation; and not for that nation
only, but also he should gather together
in one the children of God that were scattered abroad. Then from that day
forth they took counsel together.”
Let us now study the goats' hair curtains in the light of this passage.
First, I wish to call attention to what that
council said, "What shall we (men) DO?"
Here we have the works of men symbolized by SIX. The thing they
decided to do was put Jesus to death. This is what is represented by the SIX
curtains of goats' hair. This eleven goats' hair curtains made a covering.
"Thou shalt make curtains of goats' hair to be a covering upon the tabernacle:
Eleven curtains shalt thou make." Christ died that we might have a
covering for our sins. So the work of these men in putting Christ to death was
necessary to the plan of salvation.
Next, we see GRACE in the 51st verse. "Being high priest that year, he
prophesied that Jesus should die for that nation." Here is GRACE,
represented in the FIVE curtains
of goats' hair that made up one of the broad curtains. In Exodus 26:9, we
see that one of SIX curtains was in front or came
before. So do we see the works of men in
John 11:47-50 before we see
GRACE in John 11:51.
Next, we see in the death of Jesus that not only would Christ die for that
nation, but that "He should gather together in ONE the children of God
scattered abroad." Now let us read Exodus 26:11 in the light of this verse
and see how they fit together in the picture. "And thou shalt make fifty
taches of brass, and put the
taches into the loops and couple the tent together, that it may be ONE."
When the SIX curtains of goats' hair and the FIVE were coupled
together the TENT was ONE. By the death of Jesus all of God's
children, Jews and Gentiles were made
ONE in Christ. "Other sheep I have which are not of this
fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice and there shall be
ONE fold and ONE shepherd." John 10:16. So in John 11:47-50 we
see the works of men, represented by the SIX goats' hair curtains,
connected with the death of Jesus. Next,
we see the GRACE of God in John 11:51-52, represented by the
FIVE curtains. Next, we see all of God's children, Jew and Gentiles made
ONE by the death of Jesus, represented by coupling the SIX and the
FIVE together to make the tent ONE.
In Exodus 26:9, we see that the SIXTH curtain was doubled in the
forefront. This left FIVE of the SIX to reach back and
couple to the back curtain, made of FIVE, making them
meet over the veil as did the linen curtains.
Lastly, let us see how men's works failed to do what they
expected. They were going to put Christ to death so the Romans would not come
and take away THEIR place and nation. That is exactly what happened after
the death of Christ So they did not prevent the
Romans from taking away their nation. But God brought grace out of it all and
someday Israel will be restored because
of the death of Christ.
To go over and cover the tent of goats' hair curtains there
was made a covering of rams' skins dyed red. This was the third layer of
curtains. Nothing is said about how long or how wide this covering was. It is
just stated, “And thou shalt make a
covering of rams' skins dyed red, and a covering
of badgers' skins."
Exodus 26:14.
In order for this covering to be made there had to be
death on the part of the animals from
which these skins came. These skins were dyed red. This suggests the
shedding of blood. So in the covering of rams' skins we have a picture of death
and the shedding of blood. In Hebrews 9:22 we read,
"Without the shedding of blood there is no
The death of the rams which furnished the skins for this
covering speaks of atonement. On the Day of Atonement a
ram was used for a burnt offering.
Leviticus 16:2-3. Thus, these were
representative of the atoning blood of Christ.
This covering of rams' skins dyed red was laid over the tabernacle showing that
all who are in Christ are under the
blood. This covering of rams' skins
together with the covering of badgers' skins, sheltered all that was
beneath from any rain, wind, hail, or storms that might come. Even so, the death
of Christ shelters all who are in Him from the
storms of God's wrath and judgment. "A
man shall be as a hiding place from the wind, and a covert from
the tempest: as rivers of water in a dry
place, as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land."
Isaiah 32:2. That MAN is the
MAN Christ Jesus.
The fourth and last layer of curtains was that of the
badger skins. This was laid over the
curtain of rams' skins these animals also had to die for their skins to
be used, Every way we turn we are confronted with
something that speaks of death, the
shedding of blood, and substitution and covering for
our sins. In the word of God we read,
"Blessed are they whose
iniquities are forgiven and whose sins are
covered.” Romans 4:7.
(5). THE VEIL.
The next thing we shall consider is the veil of the tabernacle. It was hung
under the taches and separated the holy place from
the most holy place. The ark of the testimony on top of which the mercy seat
rested was the one piece of furniture that was within the veil, or in the most
holy place.
"And thou shalt hang up the veil UNDER THE TACHES,
that thou mayest bring in thither within the veil
the ark of the testimony: and the veil
shall divide unto you between the
holy place and the most holy place."
Exodus 26:33.
In Exodus 26:1-6 we found that the
taches of gold coupled together the two broad
linen curtains, each of which was made of five narrow curtains, four cubits in
width. This made each broad curtain twenty
cubits wide. So these curtains were coupled together with the
taches twenty cubits back from the front. Since the
veil was hung under the
it was twenty cubits back from the front of the tabernacle. So the holy
place was twenty cubits long and the most
holy place was ten cubits.
This veil has a two-fold significance. We learn this in the book of Hebrews.
First of all, the place within the veil,
or the most holy place, represents heaven where Christ went
to intercede for us. In Hebrews 19:20 we read, "Which hope we
have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which
entereth into that within the veil; whither the
forerunner is for us entered, even
Jesus, high priest forever after the order of
In the second place the veil was a type of the flesh of
Jesus Christ. In Hebrews 10:19-20 we read,
"Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest
by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for
us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh." The veil in the tabernacle
stood between the priests and the most
holy place. None could enter that place save the high priest,
and he but once a year.
Heb 9:8: "The way into the holiest
of all was not yet made manifest, while yet the first tabernacle
was yet standing." But when
Christ on the cross “cried with a loud voice, and yielded up
the ghost, then the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the
bottom." Matthew 27:50-51. This
rending of the veil opened the way to the most holy place. There was
nothing now to keep man from entering.
This rent veil pictured the rent flesh of Jesus
Christ. By His broken body and shed blood
He has removed every barrier
between a holy God and a sinful people. The way is open to the mercy
seat. Every hindrance has been removed.
God can now act in mercy and grace because of the rent veil or flesh of Jesus
Christ. Not until the flesh of
Jesus was rent was the way into the holiest of all made manifest.
"Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens,
Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our
profession. For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the
feelings of our infirmities; but was in
all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come
boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain
mercy, and find grace to help in time of need."
Hebrews 4:14-16.
Let the reader keep in mind the difference in what God has always seen and what
man has seen. From before the foundation of the world God has seen the rent
veil, or the flesh of Jesus, and could save men on the merits of Christ.
But it was not until Christ died that
men's eyes were opened to see what God had seen all along, or to really
understand the meaning of the Old
Testament figures. Now we have the
glorious privilege of entering by the aid of the Spirit into the glorious
secrets and wisdom that were in the mind of God in ages past. Paul said,
"We speak the wisdom of God in a
mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before
the world unto our glory."
1 Corinthians 2:7.
At this point let us consider the 50 gold taches and
the 50 brass taches that coupled the curtains
together exactly over the place where the veil was hung. In Exodus 26:23 we
read, "Thou shalt hang up the veil
under the taches." To get the
significance of the taches all we need to do is to
read Leviticus 23:10-16. In verse 10 we
find that the Lord commanded Israel that when they reaped their harvest
they were to bring a sheaf of the first fruits unto the priest. Next, we read
where it is said, "And he shall wave the sheaf before
the Lord, to be accepted for you on the
shall the priest wave it."
Leviticus 23:11. Here, we have the picture of the resurrection of Jesus
Christ. The Sabbath was the seventh day of the week. Exodus 20:10. The MORROW
after the Sabbath would therefore be the first
day of the next week. By reading Matthew
28:1-7 we find that our Lord was raised from the dead on the first day of
the week, or the MORROW after the
Sabbath. In 1 Corinthians 15:20 we
read, “Now is Christ risen from the
dead, and become the FIRSTFRUITS of them that slept.” So the
waving of the firstfruits of the harvest was
typical of the resurrection of Christ. Now let us read Leviticus 23:15-16.
“And ye shall count unto you from the morrow after the Sabbath, from the day
that ye brought the sheaf of the wave offering; seven SABBATHS shall be
complete; even unto the MORROW after the seventh SABBATH shall ye number
FIFTY DAYS; and ye shall offer a
NEW meat offering unto the Lord. Something new took place just 50
days after our Lord's resurrection. The Holy Spirit descended in all His power
on the day of Pentecost, just 50 days after our Lord was raised from the
dead So, the fifty
taches that coupled the curtains together
were typical of the Holy Spirit and His
Those taches coupled the curtains together right
over the place where the veil was hung. Before the Holy Spirit
could descend to lead and guide, and
enlighten us, Christ must die, and be raised from the dead. The veil of
the flesh of Christ had to be rent. Moses
had to smite the rock of Horeb, which was a type of
the smiting of Christ (1 Corinthians 10:4), before the water came forth
to quench the thirst of the children of Israel. Exodus 17:1-6. All that the
Spirit does, He does as the result of the rent veil of our Lord's flesh, and His
resurrection. On the day of Pentecost Peter said, "Therefore being
by the right hand of God exalted, and
having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, he hath shed
forth this, which ye now see and hear". Acts 2:33.
Then how fitting it is that the
taches, both in the linen curtains, and the
curtains of goats' hair came right over the place where, the veil was hung. We
have seen that there were FIVE narrow linen curtains, each FOUR
cubits wide, that were fastened together
to make a broad one. And five more were fastened
together to make a second broad one.
Exodus 26:1-3. These two broad
ones were coupled together with 50 taches of gold,
and it made ONE tabernacle. And
these two broad curtains met and
were joined together into ONE by the 50 taches of
gold, right where the veil was
hung. Exodus 26:33. On the other hand there were SIX curtains of
goats' hair, four cubits wide, fastened together to make a broad goats' hair
curtain, and FIVE more FOUR cubits wide fastened together to make
another. Exodus 26:7-11. These were
coupled together with 50
of brass. The broad one made out of six curtains was in the front. This
was one more than was found in either of the broad linen curtains. But here
again the wisdom of God and the marvels of
divine inspiration are displayed. The sixth curtain was doubled in the
forefront of the tabernacle. This made
the taches to come right over the veil, and couple
the two broad curtains of goats'
hair together at the veil. No wonder Paul shouted, "God forbid that I
should glory, save in the cross of Jesus
Christ." Galatians 6:14. No
wonder he said, "We preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumbling
block, and unto the Greeks foolishness; but unto us who are
called, Christ the power of God, and the
WISDOM of God." "O the
depth of the riches both of the wisdom
and the knowledge of God."
Romans 11:33.
It was the 50 taches that joined the curtains
together and
made them one. It is the Holy Spirit's work to bring us to Christ and make us
one. And He does that by virtue of the
rent veil or the flesh of Jesus. Christ prayed that His people
should be ONE. John 17:20-21. We
are made ONE by the Holy Spirit pictured by the 50
taches, which were over the
veil and made the curtains to become one
right over the veil. The Holy Spirit makes the Jew and Gentile ONE
by virtue of the death of Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 2:14-15. By virtue of His rent flesh (the veil) GOD is
to gather together in ONE all
things in Christ. Ephesians 1:10. This, God will accomplish
through the work of the Spirit symbolized
by the 50 taches.
In the case of the linen curtains they were coupled together with the
taches of gold. It is the work of the Spirit that
enables us to believe in Christ and become clothed with the perfect
righteousness of Christ, represented by the fine linen. "The fine linen is
the righteousness of the saints."
Revelation 19:8. It is ours by reason of the rent veil. It was also the
work of the Spirit through which Christ offered Himself
unto God. "How much more shall the
blood of Christ, who
THROUGH THE ETERNAL SPIRIT offered Himself without
spot to God, purge your conscience from
dead works to serve the living God."
Hebrews 8:14. In that offering Christ was
bearing the judgment for our sins. That is why those taches
were of brass. The Holy Spirit coupled together the death of Christ,
brought about by the works of man (Represented
by the SIX curtains), and the GRACE of
God, represented by the FIVE
narrow curtains in the other broad one. How marvelous
are the ways of God.
Within, or behind the veil was the most holy place. In
this place there was no window, lamp, or
candle. No earthly light ever shined in that place. But when the high
priest entered on the Day of Atonement the glory of the presence of God, who was
typified as dwelling above the mercy seat between the
cherubims, lit up the place. Leviticus 16:2. In Psalms 80:1 we read,
"Thou that dwellest between the
cherubims SHINE FORTH." The only light that can ever banish
the spiritual darkness of men, and illuminate the minds and hearts of men, is
the heavenly light that lighted that place. Because of the rent veil of the
flesh of Jesus all men may have access to that light and may behold the glory of
God in the face of Jesus Christ. The
wisdom of men cannot bring us there. “After
that in the wisdom of God the world by
wisdom knew not God, it
pleased God by the foolishness of preaching (Of the cross of Christ) to save
them that believe." 1 Corinthians 1:21. Because of the death of Christ that
light now shines in our hearts. II Corinthians 4:6. May the Lord be praised for
"And thou shalt make an hanging for the door of the
of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen, wrought with needle
work. And thou shalt make for the hanging five pillars of
shittim wood, and overlay them with gold, and their hooks shall be of
gold: and thou shalt cast five sockets of
brass for them."
Exodus 26:36-37.
We notice that the pillars for the door were set in sockets of brass. All the
boards were set upon sockets of silver as were the sockets for the pillars of
the veil. The sockets of brass were at the threshold. All within the tabernacle
rested on sockets of silver. When the
priest passed over the threshold he left behind all that was of brass and
stood on the ground where all the boards
and pillars for the veil rested on sockets of silver. Behind him was that
which spoke of judgment and on every side
was that which spoke of redemption.
So when we enter into Christ we leave behind all judgment and stand on
the ground of redemption. "There is therefore now no condemnation to them
which are in Christ Jesus."
Romans 8:1. "He that
heareth my word, and believeth
on Him that sent me, hath everlasting
life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto
life." John 5:24.
Christ said of Himself, "I am the door: by me if any man
in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out and find pasture."
John 10:9. A door is a way of entrance. Jesus also said of Himself, "I am the
way, the truth, and the life: no man
cometh unto the Father, but by me."
John 14:6. To enter into the tabernacle, or to approach the holy of
holies, one had to go through the door. If we approach God we must do so through
The pillars at the door were set in sockets of brass. He who is our door had to
suffer the judgment due us for our sins.
When we enter in by Him who is the door, we are saved. We are then
placed on redemption ground and for us
there is no more condemnation.
There were FIVE pillars for the door. "And thou shalt
make an hanging for the door of the tent,
of blue, and purple and scarlet and fire twined linen, wrought with
needlework, thou shalt make for the hanging FIVE pillars," etc. is
our number for GRACE. "By me if any man enter
in he shall be saved."
John 10:9. "By GRACE are ye
saved through faith." Ephesians
2:8. This gives us the symbol of GRACE all around the tabernacle, on all
sides and the top, and at the base
redemption in the silver sockets.
There were FIVE bars on each side, south, north, and
west Then we
have FIVE pillars in the doorway. Above we have two broad linen curtains,
each of which is made up of
FIVE narrow ones. Then on top of this we have a covering
of goats' hair. One of these broad curtains was made of
narrow curtains. So here we have GRACE represented to us SEVEN
times in the tabernacle itself. This is the number of completeness. Paul
said, "Ye are COMPLETE in Him, "which is the head of all principality
and power." Colossians 2:10. So we are
saved with a complete salvation. We are clothed in the righteousness of
Christ represented in the fine linen. We
are coupled together and sealed by the Holy
Spirit, represented by the fifty
taches. Over us we have the blood,
represented by the covering of rams' skins dyed red. Then beneath our feet are
the silver sockets representing an eternal
"How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord,
Is laid for your faith in His excellent word;
What more can He say than to you He hath said,
You who unto Jesus for refuge have fled?"
Around the tabernacle was a court made of fine twined
linen hung on hooks of silver on pillars
of brass. The pillars of brass were set in sockets of brass, and they had
fillets of silver. Exodus 27:9-10. The
court faced the east, as did the tabernacle. Exodus 27:13. It was one
hundred cubits long and fifty cubits wide,
and the hangings around it were five cubits high. "The length of the
court shall be an hundred cubits, and the
breadth fifty cubits everywhere, and the heighth
five cubits of fine twined linen, and 'their sockets of brass."
Exodus 27:18. The south and north sides were one hundred cubits, while the west
end and the front of the court were fifty cubits. Exodus 27:9-16.
There were twenty pillars of brass in each side, south and north, and ten
pillars in the west end, and eight in the east end. The corner pillars,
however, would be counted twice, even as a corner post in a fence would be used
for a fence in two sides of a yard or field.
the east end was the gate. It was twenty cubits wide. The
hanging for it was made of blue, and purple, and scarlet,
and fine twined linen, wrought with needlework. There
were four pillars of brass in the gate.
These were set in sockets of brass and had silver hooks and fillets.
Exodus 27:16-17. On each side of the gate there were hangings of fine twined
linen fifteen cubits in width. There were three pillars for the hangings on each
side of the gate. Exodus 27:13-15. The twenty cubits in the gate plus the
fifteen cubits on each side would make
fifty cubits, the breadth of the court. Since the hanging for the gate
was twenty cubits and the hangings on
each side of it were fifteen cubits these hangings would have to meet
edge to edge to exactly enclose the fifty cubits in
front. Thus each end of the hanging for
the gate would hang on the same
pillar as did the hangings which they met on the sides. So the two corner
pillars in the gate were also used for the hangings on each side. So actually
there were only eight pillars in the east end.
The fillets on the pillars were narrow bands of silver at the top of the
pillars. They may be made in a miniature model of the tabernacle and its court
by painting the top of the pillars the
color of silver.
The blue, purple, scarlet, and fine needlework in the hangings for the court
were found only in the hangings for the gate. As one approached the tabernacle
from the wilderness he first saw the
linen hangings on pillars of brass with hooks and fillets of silver. There is
set forth in this the perfect righteousness which God demands and which
the sinner does not have. The sinner not being able to meet
the righteous
demands of God's law, is convicted
by the Spirit and made to see his
condemnation before God. His
condemnation and judgment is set forth by the pillars of brass. But those
pillars of brass were tipped with fillets
of silver, symbolizing redemption. At the same time the Spirit convicts
the sinner of failing to meet God's
standard of righteousness, and shows him that he is under condemnation, He also
offers to the sinner redemption.
This brings us to the gate of the court where we see the hangings of
blue, purple, scarlet, and fine linen. This shows that the righteous demands of
God were met in Jesus Christ, the royal
man from heaven who suffered for our sins. And that gate of blue, purple,
scarlet, and fine linen, hung on hooks of
silver, is an invitation to the sinner to come and find redemption
through the shed blood of the righteous
man from heaven. Standing before the gate the condemned sinner may hear
the blessed invitation: "Look unto me, and
be ye saved, all the ends of the earth:
for I am God, and there is none else.” Isaiah 45:22.
A gate speaks of the way of approach
to the court. There is but one way of approach
God. Jesus said, "No man cometh to the Father
but by me."
John 14:6. The scarlet
in the hanging of the gate speaks
of the shed blood of Jesus on the basis of which God can invite men to
approach Him.
Both the tabernacle and the court faced the east, or toward the sunrise.
In Malachi 4:2 we find Christ spoken of
the Sun of Righteousness. "Unto you that fear my name
shall the Sun of
righteousness arise with healing in His
wings." Isaiah 60:1 we read:
"ARISE, shine; for thy light is and the glory of the Lord in risen
upon thee." Thus in the eastward look of the tabernacle Israel was
taught to look for the coming of the
promised "Sun of Righteousness", Jesus Christ their Messiah and
Saviour. So we are taught to wait and look for His
return. "We have a more sure word of prophecv
whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a
light that shineth
in a dark place, until the DAY DAWN, and the day star arise in your
hearts." II Peter 1:19. For
us, Christ at His appearing, will be the day
star proclaiming the approach of the day. "I Jesus have sent mine angel to
testify unto you these things in the
churches. I am the root and offspring of David, and the bright and
morning star." Revelation 22:16. To Israel Christ will be the "Sun of
Righteousness" at His return to the earth. Facing the east, the tabernacle
teaches us to watch for the coming of Him
of whom the tabernacle speaks.
At His return to Israel Jesus Christ will come from the
east. "Afterward He brought me to the
gate that looketh toward
the east: and, behold the glory of the God of Israel came from the way of THE
EAST: and His voice was like the noise of many waters; and the earth
shineth with His glory."
Ezekiel 43:1-2. In Revelation 1:12-16
John gave us a description of Christ in the midst of the seven golden
candlesticks. In that description John said that His (Christ's) voice was
as the sound of many waters. So the one in
Ezekiel 43:2, who comes
from the way of the east, and whose voice
was like the noise of many waters, can be none other than Jesus Christ.
But let us read further in Ezekiel's prophecy. "And the
glory of the Lord came into the house by
the way of the gate whose prospect is toward the EAST. So the Spirit took
me up, and brought me into the
inner court; and behold the glory of the Lord filled the house. And I
heard Him speak unto me out of the house; . . . and He said unto me, Son of
man, the PLACE OF MY THRONE, and
the place of the soles of MY
FEET, where I will DWELL
in the midst of the children of
Israel forever." Ezekiel 43:4-7.
Here Ezekiel tells us that the glory of the God of Israel
came from the way of the east. In Hebrews
1:2-3 we read where God "Hath
in these last days spoken unto us by His Son, . . .
who being the brightness HIS GLORY, and
the express image of His person, .
. . when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of
the Majesty on high." So the glory of
the God of Israel, whose voice was like the noise of many waters, was Christ. He
is the one whom Ezekiel saw coming
from the EAST.
In Ezekiel 43:1-7, we see one entering the eastern gate, who
is to sit on His throne. He said to Ezekiel, "The place of my THRONE,
and the place of the soles of my feet, where I will
dwell in the midst of the children of Israel forever."
V. 7. This is none other than the promised Son of David, who
should sit upon David's throne. "Unto
us a child is born, unto us
a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulders:
and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor,
The Mighty God, the everlasting
Father, the Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace
there shall be no end, upon the THRONE
of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with
judgment and with justice from henceforth
and forever." Isaiah 9:6-7. As
Son of David, this person (Christ)
was a man. But He was also God. Isaiah
said He was the Mighty God. He was a child
born, a human being, yet God. Then
in Ezekiel 44:1-2 we find the gate toward
the east was shut, "Because the Lord, the God of Israel,
hath entered by it."
The person in Ezekiel 43:1-7 who comes into the house by the way of the
gate whose prospect is toward the east,
is the same person who in Ezekiel 44:2 is called "The Lord, the God of
Israel." Here is the Christ, the Messiah of the Jews, man, yet God,
and God, yet man. In John 1:1 we read,
"In the beginning was the WORD, and the Word
was with God, and the Word was God."
Then in John 1:14 we read, "The
WORD was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld His glory
as of the only begotten of the Father) full of grace and truth."
This is He of whom the Psalmist was speaking when he said, "Lift up your
heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting
doors; and the King of glory shall come in."
Psalms 24:7. This is Jesus Christ, the
King of the Jews (Matthew 2:2) and
of the whole earth (Zechariah 14:9), when He shall return to
earth in His glory. Matthew 25:31.
From these verses we see that when Christ returns to sit His throne, and DWELL
in the midst of the children of Israel He
will come from the east. So the tabernacle, which represents God's
dwelling place among the Israelites, facing
eastward foretells the coming of Christ,
in whom God dwells, to sit upon His throne at Jerusalem and to dwell
among the children of Israel. Ezekiel tells us that He will come from the east.
And the Lord said to Ezekiel, "Son of man, the place of my THRONE, and
the place of the soles of my feet, where I WILL DWELL in the midst of the
children of Israel forever." Thus we see the significance of the statement
in Exodus 25:8, "Let them make Me a sanctuary;
that I may dwell among them."
In the day of the Lord, when Christ comes to make war against Israel's enemies,
as they will be gathered against Jerusalem to battle, He will descend to the
Mount of Olives which is east of Jerusalem. "Then shall the Lord go forth,
and fight against those nations, as when
He fought in the day of battle. And His feet shall stand in that day
(when He comes to fight against the
nations) upon the Mount of Olives,
which is before Jerusalem on the EAST."
Zechariah 14:3-4. From that mountain east of Jerusalem He will no doubt
enter the temple, or house of the Lord, as
Ezekiel tells us. Ezekiel 43:1-7.
In Ezekiel, chapter forty to the end of chapter forty-two Ezekiel gives us a
prophecy of the temple which shall be built by the Jews in the future. This is
the house into which the Lord, the glory of the God of Israel, will enter from
the east. Ezekiel 43:1-5. "The Lord,
whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to His temple. But who may abide
the day of His coming? And who shall
stand when He appeareth? For He is like a
refiner's fire, and like fuller's soap: and He shall sit as a refiner and
purifer of silver, that they may offer unto
the Lord an offering of righteousness.
Then shall the offering of Judah and Jerusalem be pleasant unto the Lord,
as in the days of old, and as in former
years." Mal. 3:1-4.
Yes, the Lord will suddenly come to His temple, and He
shall come by the way of the east. When
He comes the earth will shine with His glory. "The glory of the God of
Israel came from the way of the east; and His voice was like the
noise of many waters; and the earth
SHINED with His glory.” “The EARTH shall be full of the knowledge of
the Lord as the waters cover the sea.” Isaiah 11:9.
Our Lord compared His return to lightning coming out of the EAST. “For
as the lightning cometh out of the east,
and shineth even unto the west; so shall the coming
of the Son of man be."
Matthew 24:27.
In confirmation of the above let us now read Ezekiel 44:1-2.
"Then He brought me BACK the way of the gate of the outward sanctuary which
looketh toward the EAST; and it was shut.
Then saith the Lord unto me;
This gate shall be shut, it shall not be opened, and no man shall enter
in by it; BECAUSE the Lord, the God of Israel, hath entered it
(eastern gate) therefore it shall be shut." This is in keeping with the
prophecy in Ezekiel 43:1-7, and is
positive proof that Christ will come from the EAST when He returns
to sit on His throne and to dwell in the midst of Israel. The eastern gate being
shut after the Lord returns may signify that the prophecies concerning Christ's
return have now been fulfilled. Christ, "the Sun of Righteousness", being
come into His glory, the eastern gate through which He has entered will be shut.
Israel need no longer look for their "Sun of Righteousness" to arise. He
will have arisen on them with glory and their
Sun will no more go down. "Thy Sun
shall no more go down; neither shall thy moon withdraw itself: for
the Lord shall be thine everlasting light, and the
days of thy mourning shall be ended." Isaiah 60:20. Their God will be
dwelling in the midst of them.
The first thing about which God gave instructions was the Ark of the Testimony.
Exodus 25:10-16. It was the first article of furniture to be put in its place.
Exodus 40:18-21. It occupied the leading
place in God's communications to Moses. In the last chapter of Exodus we
have the setting up of the tabernacle and
its dedication. When the work of dedication
was completed then the pillar or cloud
covered the tabernacle and the glory of God filled it. Exodus 40:34. In
the opening verse of the next book, Leviticus, we read, "And the Lord called
unto Moses and spake unto him OUT OF THE TABERNACLE."
Leviticus 1:1. Then in numbers 7:89 we read,
"When Moses was gone into the tabernacle
of the congregation to speak with
him, then he heard the voice of one speaking unto him from off the mercy
seat that was upon the ark of the testimony, from between the two
cherubims." God
had now come down from Mt. Sinai where He
spoke in judgment and had taken
His seat on the mercy seat that was upon
the ark where He could speak to His people
in mercy.
The position of the ark was most significant. Its place was within the veil, in
the most holy place. Thus it formed the
base of God's throne of grace. Everything about it speaks of mercy and
grace for the sinner. But it, together with the mercy seat, also speaks of a
satisfied law, and of the terms on which a Holy God can meet His sinning
creature in both mercy and peace.
On the Day of Atonement the high priest went within the veil and sprinkled the
blood upon the mercy seat that was upon
the ark. Leviticus 16:1-15. Notice especially verses 14-15.
This was typical of the work of our High
Priest, Jesus Christ, in Heb 9:7, we read,
"But into the second, (Most Holy Place) went
the high priest alone once each year, not
without blood, which he offered for himself, and for the errors of the
people.” Then a few verses below we read, “But Christ being come an
high priest of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle,
not made with hands, …neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by His own
blood, He entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal
redemption for us.” Hebrews 9:11,12.
Now let us read Hebrews 4:14-16. "Seeing then that we have
a great high priest, that is passed into THE HEAVENS, Jesus the Son of
God, let us hold fast our profession. For we have
not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities;
but was in all points tempted like as we
are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly unto THE
that we may
obtain MERCY and GRACE to help in the time of need."
From these verses we see that the mercy seat resting upon the ark, which was
within the veil, was typical of the throne of grace within the heavens where
Christ, our High Priest, has gone.
An Ark is designed to preserve intact whatever maybe placed within it. An ark
carried Noah and his family and all that
was therein, safely through the flood. The mother of Moses placed him in an ark
that preserved him from the waters of the Nile River. So the Ark of the
Covenant was designed to preserve God's covenant unbroken in the midst of an
erring people. In this ark of the testimony were placed
the tables of stones on which were
written the ten commandments.
Exodus 25:16, and Deuteronomy 10:1-5. This shall be
more fully discussed later on.
Now let us read the instructions which God gave Moses about the construction of
the ark. "And they shall make an ark of shittim
wood; two cubits and an half shall be the length thereof, and a cubit and an
half the breadth thereof, and a cubit and an half the
heighth thereof. And thou shalt
overlay it with pure gold, within and without shalt thou overlay it, and
shall make upon it a crown of gold round about. And thou shalt cast four rings
of gold for it, and put them in the four
corners thereof; and two
rings shall be in one side of it, and two rings shall be in the
other side of it. And thou shalt make staves of shittim
wood, and overlay them with gold. And thou shalt put the staves into the rings
by the sides of the ark, that the ark may be borne
with them. And thou shalt put into the ark the testimony which I shall give
Exodus 25:10-16.
From the above we see that the ark was two cubits and
a half long, and a cubit and a half wide,
and a cubit and a half high. It was
overlaid with pure gold within and without. It had four rings of gold in
the four corners. Through these rings of
gold were placed staves of shittim wood covered with
gold. By means of these staves the ark was carried by the
Levites when the people were journeying
from place to place during their sojourn in the wilderness.
These staves were not to be taken from the rings, but they were to be always
left in them.
First, let us notice that the ark was overlaid with gold WITHIN and
without. Wherever the word speaks of this it is always stated within and
without, never without and within. Exodus
37:1-2. "Man looketh on the outward appearance
but God
looketh upon the heart."
I Samuel 16:7. With Him, outward righteousness to be acceptable must be the
result of an heart that is right before Him.
David said to the Lord, "Behold, thou desirest
truth in the inward parts." Psalms 51:6.
Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for making the
outside clean and leaving the
inside full of extortion and excess. He told them to first cleanse that
which was within the cup and platter.
Matthew 23:23-26. Again, our Lord said, "A good man out of the
good treasure of his heart bringeth forth good
things." Matthew 12:35. The world
expects to be made acceptable unto God by
outward deeds. The word of God teaches
that we must first be made right within.
Jesus Christ did the will of God in all things because He was pure gold within.
He was sinless within and without. It was His delight to do the Father's will.
"Then, said I, Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it is written of me. I
delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law is
written in my heart."
Psalms 40:7-8.
By reading Exodus 25:16 and Deuteronomy 10:1-5 we find that the
law of God, the tables of stones
containing the Ten Commandments were placed within the ark. This pictures
to us the law of God within the heart of Christ. This was the tables
of stones as given the second time.
Deuteronomy 10:1-5. The first time
the Ten Commandments were given in stones Moses threw them down in anger
when he found Israel had made the golden
calf to worship. "And it came to pass, as soon as he came nigh
unto the camp, that he saw the calf, and the
dancing: and Moses' anger waxed hot, and
he cast the tables out of his hands, and brake
them beneath the mount." Exodus 32:19. This signifies what man has done to
God's holy law. He has broken the whole
law. "For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in
one point, he is guilty of all."
Jas. 2:10. The second time Moses was called into the mountain and
received the Ten Commandments in a second set of stones. This time they were not
broken, but placed intact within the ark. This typified what Christ did
for God's law. He said, "Think not that
I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to
destroy, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth,
shall pass, one
or tittle shall in no wise pass from the
law, till all be fulfilled."
Matthew 5:17-18. He was made under the law. "When the
fulness of time was come, God sent forth His Son,
made of a woman, made under the law, that we
might receive the adoption of sons."
Galatians 4:4-5. Being made under the law, He obligated Himself to keep
the law. This He did in every respect. In so doing He furnished the obedience
which the law demanded of man, which man could not render. Having rendered that
obedience which God's righteous law demanded He paid man's penalty for a broken
law by dying as a substitute for the sinner. This however, will be more clearly
brought out in our study of the mercy seat.
As we have seen, the ark had rings of gold made at the four corners. Through
these were placed staves of shittim wood overlaid
with gold. The ark had to be carried as Israel journeyed in the wilderness. Here
we have set forth the pilgrim life of Jesus while He was in the world. He had
no certain abiding place. He said of
Himself, "The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have
nests: but the Son of man hath not where
to lay His head.” Matthew
8:20. "He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and
the world knew Him not." John 1:10. It was prophesied of Him, "I am
become a stranger unto my brethren, and an alien unto my mother's children. For
the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up, and the
reproaches of them that reproached thee are fallen on me." Psalms 69:8-9. He
was indeed a stranger and pilgrim in the world. This was the meaning of the
rings and staves by which the ark was borne from place to place.
We read where God said to Moses, "The staves shall be in the rings of
the ark: they shall not be taken from it." The staves were to remain in the
rings upon the ark. They were not to be removed. It was to be in constant
readiness to be moved. Here we see pictured the constant readiness of Christ to
do His Father's will. Jesus said of Himself, "The
Father hath not left me alone; for I do always those things
that please Him."
John 8:29.
"And thou shalt make a mercy seat of pure gold: two cubits and a half shall be
the length thereof, and a cubit and a
half shall be the breadth thereof. And thou shalt make two cherubim's of
gold, of beaten work shalt thou make them, in the two
ends of the mercy seat. And make one cherub on the one end, and the other cherub
on the other end: even of the mercy seat shalt thou make the
cherubims on the two ends thereof. And the
cherubims shall stretch forth their wings on high,
covering the mercy seat with their wings, and their faces shall look one to
another; toward the mercy seat shall the
faces of the cherubims be. And thou shalt put
the mercy seat above the ark; and in the ark thou shalt put the testimony that I
shall give thee. And there I will meet with thee, and I will commune with thee
from above the mercy seat, from between
the two cherubims which are upon the ark of
the testimony, of all things which I will give thee
in commandment unto the children of
Exodus 25:17-22.
Here we have one of the most interesting and profitable and heart stirring
lessons to be found in the word of God.
The very name of this article of furniture, "The Mercy Seat", shows its
meaning. It speaks to us of mercy and grace. It tells us of a God who delights
to show mercy. It tells of the
basis on which He can and does show mercy. In it God unfolds unto us His
great loving heart which yearns over His fallen and sinful creatures. It speaks
to us of the great love wherewith He
loved us. "But God, who is rich in mercy, for His great love
wherewith He loved us, even when we were dead In sins, hath quickened us
together with Christ, (by grace are ye
saved;) and hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in
heavenly places in Christ Jesus: that in the
ages to come He might show THE
EXCEEDING RICHES OF HIS GRACE in His kindness toward us
through Christ Jesus."
Ephesians 2:4-7.
To truly appreciate these verses in Ephesians we need to
read the verses that come before and see the dark background
on which Sovereign mercy and grace are displayed. In those
verses we find that we were in times past dead in trespasses and sins, walking
after the course of this world, indwelt by the spirit of Satan, having our
conversation in the lusts of the flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and
mind; and were children of wrath.
Ephesians 2:1-3. We were also without Christ, aliens from the
commonwealth of Israel, having no hope, and without God in the world. Ephesians
2:11. Into this dark and dismal situation mercy and grace stepped forward and
completely changed the picture. "BUT GOD (what depth of meaning in
these two words), who is RICH IN MERCY, for His great love wherewith
He loved us, even when we dead in sins, hath quickened us," etc. Of all this
the mercy seat speaks in the sweetest of
tones. In that mercy seat we see the great compassion of the heart of God. Mercy
is for the sinful and unworthy. Being sinners we need mercy. God being
love, delights to show mercy. O what tenderness and
pathos we see in that mercy seat. The very thought of it stirs the deepest
emotions of our hearts and melts our eyes to tears. In it we see hope for the
hopeless. In it we see forgiveness for all our sins. In it we see balm for our
sin sick and weary souls. In it we see a fountain for our cleansing. In it we
see a refuge from the wrath to come.
"From every stormy wind that blows,
From every swelling tide of woes,
There is a calm, a sure retreat:
Tis found beneath the mercy seat.
There is a place where Jesus sheds
The oil of gladness on our heads;
A place than all beside more sweet:
It is the blood bought mercy seat.
Oh let my hand forget her skill,
My tongue be silent, cold and still,
This bounding heart forget to beat
If I forget thy mercy seat.”
This mercy seat, being two and a half cubits in length, a cubit and a half in
breadth, would exactly fit the top of the ark on which it rested. What fitness
we discover in all God's plans and ways! Not one thing was done in vain. There
is no overlapping in His divine pattern of things. Everything about the ark and
mercy seat, as well as in all the tabernacle, was
harmoniously related to each other. So it
is in God's great system of truth. There can be no discord in divine
revelation. Like the strings in a great musical instrument,
or like the different instruments in a great orchestra, everything is in
tune with the other. In everything we see the master mind of God. In everything
we see the stamp of divine inspiration, and a wisdom that was infinite in its
In giving the instructions for the ark the Lord told Moses
to put in it testimony which He should give him. Exodus 25:16.
In His instructions about the mercy seat, He repeated what He had said about the
testimony. "And thou shalt put the mercy seat above the ark; and in the ark
thou shalt put THE TESTIMONY
that I shall give thee." Exodus
25:21. Since God had already told Moses to put the testimony in the ark,
to of the
blood of Jesus Christ, which was shed for us. It
shows us that the way to mercy's door is a blood-sprinkled way. Not the
labor of our hands could fulfill the law's demands. Not our zeal, our good
works, our good intentions, nor our observance of rituals and ceremonies could
for us atone. Every step of the way is marked by the blood of the cross. The way
to the loving, outstretched arms of mercy is by
the blood of Christ. It is stained with
crimson all the way.
"There is a fountain filled with blood,
Drawn from Immanuel's veins;
And sinners plunged beneath that flood,
Lose all their guilty stains.
since by faith, I saw the stream
Thy flowing wound supply,
Redeeming love has been my theme,
And shall be till I die."
The blood-sprinkled mercy seat resting above the tables
of stones shows us judgment mingled with mercy. The
broken tables at the foot of Mt. Sinai demanded judgment.
But that judgment was borne by Him, who
alone could keep the law unbroken, when He died for us. So here we find
that "Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and
peace have kissed each other."
Psalms 85:10. Here the Father plants the forgiving kiss upon the cheek of the
returning prodigal, and puts upon him the best robe of all, the perfect
righteousness of Christ.
This blood-sprinkled mercy seat speaks to the sinner of
pardon and peace. It shows us the loving kindness of God
in giving His Son to reclaim us. It shows
us the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ who came to lift us from our fallen
state into a glorious place of
sonship with God.
"In loving kindness Jesus came,
My soul in MERCY to reclaim,
And from the depths of sin and shame,
Through GRACE He lifted me.
He called me long before I heard,
Before my sinful heart was stirred,
But when I took Him at His word,
He lifted me.
His brow was pierced with many a thorn,
His hands by cruel nails were torn,
When from my guilt and grief forlorn,
In love He lifted me.
From sinking sand He lifted me,
With tender hand He lifted me,
From shades of night to plains of light,
O praise His name, He lifted me!"
In the cherubims at each end of the mercy seat we
have a beautiful picture. These cherubims were made
of beaten gold and stood on each end of
the mercy seat with their faces
turned inward and looking down upon the mercy seat. Their
wings were outstretched toward each other
and overshadowed the mercy seat. We find in Genesis 3:22-24 that after
man had sinned in eating of the forbidden fruit that God drove him from the
garden, and placed at the east of the Garden of Eden,
Cherubims, and a flaming sword, to keep the way
of the tree of life.
Here was judgment mingled with mercy. Had man been
permitted to eat of the tree of life he could have perpetuated his bodily
existence and would have lived forever in a state of rebellion against God. So
while it was a judgment to drive man out, it was also an act of mercy to keep
him from eating of the tree of life in his rebellious state.
But at the mercy seat we find no flaming sword. We see faces full of compassion
looking down upon a place of mercy and grace, a place where God can meet a
sinner in peace.
These cherubims were made of beaten gold. The beaten
gold speaks of the bruising of our Saviour which He
that we might find mercy. We read where Isaiah prophesied
of Christ as follows: "I gave my back to the smiters,
and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair: I hid not my face
from shame and spitting." In Matthew 27:26 we read: "Then released
he Barabbas unto them: and when he had
scourged Jesus, he delivered Him to be
crucified." Then we read
in Matthew 27:30 "And they spit upon Him, and took the reed, and smote Him on
the head." Isaiah said, "He was wounded for our transgressions. He was
bruised for our Iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and by
His stripes we are healed." Isaiah 53:5.
A scourge was made of a heavy broad strap of leather in which were fastened
slugs of lead. It was applied to the bared back of the victim. Every
time this scourge was laid across our
Saviour's back the flesh was broken and the
blood flowed.
In the beaten gold of the cherubims upon the mercy
seat we see a picture of the scourging our Saviour
received and the wounds in His hands and
feet as he was nailed to the cross. Every time the hammer fell to beat
out the gold for the cherubims upon the mercy seat,
it sounded out the strokes of our
Saviour's scourging and the blows of the hammers
which nailed Him to the cross. Because of all this suffering on the part of
Jesus Christ God can meet a sinner in
The outstretched wings of the cherubims over the
mercy seat speak to us of a safe refuge for the sinner, a place where those who
trust in Christ are sheltered from all harm. Here
we find a hope that is both sure and steadfast, a hope that
holds us safe amidst the storms and
tempests of life. We are told that our hope entereth
into that within the veil.
"God, willing more abundantly to shew unto the heirs
of promise the immutability of His
counsel, confirmed it with an oath; that by two immutable
(unchangeable) things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might
have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold on the hope set
before us: which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast,
and which entereth into that WITHIN THE VEIL;
whither the forerunner is for us entered, even Jesus, made an high priest
forever, after the order of
Hebrews 6:17-20.
So the mercy seat within the veil represents a sure refuge
for a guilty sinner. The outstretched wings of the
cherubims over the mercy seat symbolize a place of certain refuge.
David said, "BE MERCIFUL
unto me, O God, be MERCIFUL unto me: for my soul
trusteth in thee: yea, in the shadow of thy wings
will I make my refuge, until these calamities be
Psalms 57:1. By trusting in the Lord, David found grace for his needs,
and an unfailing refuge beneath God's
wings of mercy.
"Jesus, lover of my soul,
me to thy bosom fly,
the nearer waters roll,
the tempest still is high!
All my trust on Thee is stayed,
my help from Thee I bring;
Cover my defenseless head
the shadow of Thy wing."
The mercy seat was the place appointed of God where He would meet His people.
"And there will I meet with thee, and I will commune with thee from above the
mercy seat, from between the two cherubims which are
upon the ark of the testimony, of all things which I give thee in commandment
unto the children of Israel." This speaks of a place where God will meet the
sinner in mercy. It is not only a place
of His appointment, but a place which He Himself has provided, in terms
satisfactory with Himself, and in keeping with divine justice.
This appointed place where God meets the sinner in mercy is a place of
propitiation. In Romans 3:24-26 we read, "Being justified freely by His
GRACE through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Whom God hath sent
forth to be a propitiation through faith in His blood, to declare His
righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through
the forbearance of God; to declare, I say,
at this time His righteousness: that He might be just, and the justifier
of him which believeth in Jesus."
The word translated "Propitiation" in the above quotation is from a Greek word
which Young's Concordance tells us
means "Place of propitiation." Jesus Christ, through His
death, resurrection, and ascension
provided a place of propitiation where God can be righteous and
FREELY justify the sinner who
believes in Jesus. The mercy seat resting above
the unbroken tables of the law proclaims
God as being righteous in
justifying the one who has faith in the blood of Jesus Christ. It speaks
of a place of propitiation through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. When a
Holy God and an unworthy sinner meet on a bloodstained platform all is forever
settled. God is forever satisfied and the sinner is forever saved. God has
justified the sinner, and who can lay anything to his
charge? "Who shall lay anything to the
charge of God's elect? It is God THAT JUSTIFIETH. Who
is he that condemneth?"
Romans 8:33-34. Justice has been satisfied, divine love and wisdom
have been fully shown,
grace has been displayed, the sinner has
been saved, and God has been
Not only was the mercy seat a place where God met His
People, but it was a place where He would commune with them. God is not content
to just forgive the sinner and take away his guilt, but He goes still further
and makes this known to him by communing with the one He meets in mercy. He
speaks to our hearts in tenderness and love.
Thank God that there is a conscious
communion between God and the pardoned sinner. In the heart and soul of
the forgiven sinner God communes with him through His spirit. This communion of
God unto the sinner whom He meets in
grace at the blood-sprinkled mercy seat gives that person an assurance that all
is well with his soul.
"When peace, like a river attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say,
It is well, it is well with my soul.
My sin, Oh, the bliss of this glorious thought
My sin— not in part, but the whole,
Is nailed to the cross and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul."
May the Holy Spirit so lead us as we think upon the
mercy seat until we see the riches of
God's grace as we have never before
seen it. May our understanding be enlightened until we see in that blood
stained mercy seat the wisdom of God and the all sufficiency of His redeeming
grace through Jesus Christ. Resting in that finished
work of Christ may our spirits be lifted above the
groveling things of this vain world until
we can sing in the words of the song writer:
"There, there on angel wings we soar,
And sin and sense molest no more;
And heav'n comes down our souls to greet,
And glory crowns the mercy seat.
Ah! Whither could we flee for aid,
When tempted, desolate, dismayed;
Or how the hosts of Hell defeat,
Had suff'ring saints no mercy seat?"
Thus far our study of the tabernacle furniture and its
meaning has confined us to that which was
within the veil in the most holy
place. Within that veil we have seen the work
of Christ in our behalf before God's
throne of mercy. It gives us the position of the believer within the
heavenlies as he is
represented before the Father in the
person of His High Priest and Federal Head, Jesus Christ. Now, we are
ready to come without that veil and see
the believer in Christ occupying
the place of a worshipper. Not until the atoning blood of Christ has made
us acceptable before God's presence can we
truly take our place as worshippers and offer up unto Him praise and
adoration. How fitting it is then, that the ark and the mercy seat should be
mentioned before the table of
(Exodus 25:10-23), made before the table of shewbread
(Exodus 37:1-10), and set in place before it was, (Exodus 40:1-4)
and (40:20-22). The divine order of things
is always the right order. And the table of
shewbread is always the third in order of the furniture. Now let us
endeavor to study the table and its
"Thou shalt also make a table of shittim wood: two
cubits shall be the length thereof, and a
cubit the breadth thereof, and a cubit and a half the
heighth thereof. And thou shalt overlay it with pure
gold, and make thereto a crown of gold round about. And thou shalt make for it
four rings of gold, and put the rings in the four corners that are on the four
feet thereof. Over against the border shall the rings be for places of the
staves to bear the table. And thou shalt make staves of
shittim wood, and overlay them with gold, that the table may be borne
with them. And thou shalt make the dishes thereof, and bowls thereof, to cover
withal: of pure gold shalt thou make them.
And thou shalt set upon the table
shewbread alway."
Exodus 25:23-30.
On this table, stood food for the priests of God.
In Leviticus
24:5-9 we read, "And thou shalt take fine flour, and bake twelve cakes
thereof: two tenths deals shall be in one cake. And thou shalt set them in two
rows, six on a row, upon the pure table before the Lord. And thou shalt put pure
frankincense upon each row, that it may be on the
bread for a memorial, even an offering
made by fire unto the Lord. Every Sabbath shall he set it in order before
the Lord continually, being taken from the children of Israel by an everlasting
covenant. And it shall be Aaron's and his sons', and they shall eat it in the
holy place: for it is most holy unto him of offerings of the Lord made by fire
by a perpetual covenant."
Believers in the Lord Jesus Christ are priests. "But ye are a chosen
generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a
peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of
Him who hath called you out of darkness
into His marvellous light." 1
Peter 2:9. "Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins
in His blood, and hath made us kings and priests unto God and His Father."
As believer priests we feed upon Christ
who is the bread of life. Jesus said of Himself, "I am the Jiving
bread which came down from heaven: if a man eat of
this bread, he shall live forever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh,
which I will give for the life of the world." John 6:51. Christ is not only
our salvation, but He is our spiritual
food. The believer delights to feed upon the riches of His grace which
builds him up and makes him to grow stronger and stronger in the Lord. As a
child grows larger and stronger through eating physical food, so the more we
meditate and think upon what Christ means to us, the more we grow in grace and
the stronger we become in the Lord.
This shewbread was to be kept continually on the
table before the Lord. It is essential to our spiritual growth that we have
Christ ever before us where we can feed upon Him
As this tabernacle was built as a dwelling place for God among the children of
Israel there had to be twelve cakes upon the table. Though the priests alone
ministered in the sanctuary, yet God dwelt among all the tribes, the one as well
as the other. He provided for all the tribes by giving them manna from heaven.
Thus all the twelve tribes had to be represented in the twelve cakes.
Twelve is an important number in God's dealings with Israel. He chose twelve
apostles. The twelve apostles are to sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve
tribes of Israel. Matthew 19:28. The New Jerusalem had twelve gates, and at
those gates are twelve angels. On those twelve gates are
the names of the twelve tribes of the
children of Israel. Revelation
21:12. The city has twelve foundations, and on these twelve foundations
are the names of the twelve apostles of the
Lamb. Revelation
The cakes were made of unleavened bread. "And this is the law of the meat
offering: the sons of Aaron shall offer it before the Lord, before the altar.
And he shall take of it his handful of the flour of the meat offering, and of
the oil thereof, and all the frankincense which is upon the meat offering, and
shall burn it upon the altar for a sweet savour,
even the memorial of it, unto the Lord. And the remainder thereof shall Aaron
and his sons eat: with unleavened bread shall it be eaten in the holy place; in
the court of the tabernacle of the congregation shall they eat it. It shall
NOT be baken
with leaven." Leviticus
Leaven is a symbol of evil, impurity, false doctrine,
strife, and vain glory. "Know ye not that a little leaven
leaventh the whole lump? Purge out therefore the old
leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are
unleavened. For even Christ our passover is
sacrificed for us: therefore let us keep
the feast, not with the old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and
wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth." I
Corinthians 5:6-8. The Passover, which
was a type of Christ, who is called our Passover, was eaten with
unleavened bread. Exodus 12:8-11; see also Matthew 17:6-12. Thus in the
unleavened cakes upon the table of shewbread we have
another picture of the sinless, spotless character of Christ Jesus. "Ye know
that He was manifest to take away our
sins; and in Him is no sin." I
John 3:5.
The table of shewbread was placed in the holy place
on the north side. "And he brought in the ark into the tabernacle, and set up
the veil of the covering, and covered the ark of the testimony; as the
Lord commanded Moses. And he put the table in the tent of the tabernacle
northward, without the veil. And set bread in order upon it before the
Lord; as the Lord had commanded Moses."
Exodus 40:21-23.
The next article of furniture mentioned was the candlestick. Exodus 25:31-40. It
was also the next one in order in which they were made. After the table of
shewbread was brought in and set in its place then
the candlestick was brought in and set over against the table of
shewbread, on the south side of the tabernacle.
"And he put the candlestick in the tent of the congregation, over against the
table on the side of the tabernacle
southward. And he lighted the lamps before the Lord; as the Lord
commanded Moses." Exodus 40:24-25.
The Lord's priests need light as well as food. Christ provides both for
us. Jesus said, "He that followeth me shall not
walk in darkness, but shall have the light of
John 8:12. To worship and serve aright we
must have the light of divine
truth. Over and over again the Lord said
to Moses, "And look that thou make
them after their pattern in
the mount."
Exodus. 25:40; 25:9; 39:42;
40:19, 21, 23, 27, 29 and 32.
In all these things God is seeking to impress His people that if they
worship and serve Him in an acceptable way,
they must do so according to a revealed
pattern. Through His churches which teach the word through the power of
the Spirit the believers in Christ are given the light which they
The candlestick with the seven lamps symbolize not
"THE CHURCH" as we so often hear the expression used,
but THE CHURCHES (plural) of the
Lord Jesus Christ. In Revelation 1:12-20 John saw Jesus Christ standing
in the midst of seven golden
candlesticks. Jesus said unto John, "The seven
candlesticks are the seven churches,"
Revelation 1:20. So, the seven lamps on the candlestick in the
tabernacle evidently represent the same thing, the churches (plural) of the
Lord Jesus Christ.
This writer cannot accept the theory that the tabernacle as a whole, or even the
holy place, represents the church. There was but one tabernacle. The word of God
teaches that there was a plurality of
churches. The word "Church" is
found in the plural form thirty-three times in the New Testament. In
this connection let me suggest to the reader that
he make a list of all the places where our
Lord used the word "Church". He will find this in the book of Matthew and
in the book of Revelation. Set these scripture references in order one under the
other. Then read each reference and write after it either "Local body" or
"Universal church" as each verse indicates. Then do the same with the book of
Acts, the book of Romans, the two books
of Corinthians, the book of Galatians, and on through the New Testament . He
will be surprised at the evidence that accumulates showing that a church
is a local body.
Next, this writer cannot accept the theory that the holy
place is a type of church because Hebrews
4:14-16; 6:19-20; and 9:7-12 shows us that in the most holy place we have
a type of heaven. The priest had to go
through the holy place to reach the most holy place. That theory would
teach church salvation. The lamps on the candlestick shed their light in the
holy place and on the way the priest had to go
toward the most holy place. The churches
may give us light and instructions as to how to worship and serve Christ,
and how to grow up in Him as we travel
along the road to glory, but they do not save us. They may teach us about Him
who does save, but Christ Himself does the saving, and not the churches.
We must be careful not to put the churches between the individual and his
Saviour. Much precious truth has been obscured by
trying to see the church, or rather the churches, where God meant for us to see
Christ. Many of the precious promises of
God to Israel have been stripped of their meaning by trying to apply them
to what some people call "The Church".
Many theologians have put "The Church" to the forefront and Christ in the
background. With them "The Church" is
everything, and Christ has been stripped of
His saving power. God's word teaches us
that Christ should have the
preeminence in all things. Colossians 1:16-18. But
with too many "The Church" has the preeminence in all things.
The reader may find the instructions for making the
candlestick in Exodus 25:31-40. Since
this is a lengthy passage the reader will be left to read it for himself.
We find that it was one work of beaten gold. It had one shaft. On each
side of this shaft were three branches,
vs. 31-33. There were seven lamps, v. 37. Evidently the seventh lamp was
at the top of the shaft, and three were on the branches on each of the sides. A
talent of gold was used in making the candlestick and its vessels. Exodus 25:39.
This would be worth more than $26,000.00
in our money today.
The branches of the candlestick all came out of the same shaft. This shows us
that scriptural churches all had a common origin. They were all of the same kind
of material.
For the candlesticks there were made tongs and snuff dishes. All who have ever
had any experience with a tallow candle or a kerosene lamp know how char forms
on the wicks and interferes with the candle or lamp giving light. For the lamp
to give its best light this char has to be kept snuffed or trimmed off. So it
was with the candlestick. The high priest, who dressed the lamps, had to keep
the accumulation of char snuffed off. So it is with the churches. There is
continually accumulating that which hinders them from giving their best light.
Our High Priest, Jesus Christ, has to keep us trimmed. That in our lives which
hinders the churches from giving their true light must be trimmed away.
The tongs for the candlestick were used by the high priest in trimming the wicks
of the lamps The snuff dishes were vessels into which
the char was deposited after being trimmed off. It was not to be thrown upon the
floor to soil and defile the sanctuary of the Lord.
The lamps were kept burning continually by means of olive oil which was supplied
to the lamps by the high priest. "And thou shalt command the children of
Israel, that they bring thee pure oil olive beaten for the light, to cause the
lamp to burn always. In the tabernacle of the congregation without the veil,
which is before the testimony, Aaron and his sons shall order it from evening to
morning before the Lord." Exodus 27:20-21. In Exodus 30:7 we find where
Aaron dressed (trimmed) the lamps. This typifies the work of Christ giving to us
the Spirit of God, who alone can cause °our lamps to burn and our lights to
shine. As charred wicks interfere with
the flow of oil to the light so does that which is dross in our lives
interfere with the work of the Spirit of
God in and through us.
The lamps were to be caused to burn continually. "And the Lord
spake unto Moses, saying,
Command the children
of Israel that they bring unto thee pure oil olive beaten for
the light' to burn continually. Without
the veil of the testimony in the
tabernacle of the congregation, shall Aaron order
it from the evening unto the morning before the Lord continually:
it shall be a statute FOREVER in your generations."
Leviticus 24:1-4. Here we have set forth in type the perpetuity of the churches.
"Unto Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus
throughout all ages, world without end,
amen." Ephesians 3:21.
The next article of furniture to be considered is the
golden altar of incense. It was brought in
after the candlestick was placed and its lamps lit, and was put in the
holy place before the veil. "And he
lighted the lamps before the
Lord; as the Lord commanded Moses. And he
put the golden altar in the tent of the congregation before the veil: and
he burnt sweet incense thereon; as the
Lord commanded Moses."
Exodus 40:25-27.
The incense which was burned upon this altar pictures
the prayers and worship of the saints of
God. We read where David said, "Let my prayer be set before Thee as incense;
and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice." The in Revelation
8:3-4 we see where it is written, "And another angel came and stood at the
altar, having a golden censer; and there
was given unto him much incense, that he
should offer it with the prayers of all the saints upon the
golden altar which was before the throne."
The incense was made of sweet spices. "And he made
the holy anointing oil, and the pure incense of sweet spices,
according to the work of the apothecary."
Exodus 37:29. These sweet spices gave forth a pleasing and delightful smell.
sets forth the delight there is to be found in the worship and
service of God, both to God and to those who worship Him in
Spirit and truth.
The description of this altar is found in Exodus 30:1-4, "And
thou shalt make an altar to burn incense upon: of shittim
wood shalt thou make it. A cubit shall be the length thereof,
and a cubit the breadth thereof; foursquare shall it be: and two cubits shall be
the height thereof; the horns thereof shall be of the same. And thou shalt
overlay it with pure gold, the top thereof, and the sides thereof round about,
and the horns thereof: and thou shalt make unto it a crown of gold round about.
And two golden rings shalt thou make to
it, by the two corners thereof, upon the two sides of it shalt thou make
it; and they shall be for the staves to bear it
withal." No strange incense was to be
burned upon this altar. "Ye shall offer no strange incense thereon, nor
burnt offering; neither shall ye pour drink offering thereon."
Exodus 30:9.
All efforts at worshipping God by the unhallowed powers of nature come under
the head of "strange fire." The Lord must be the object of our worship.
We are not to go before the Lord to commemorate Mother's Day, or Father's Day.
All such is out of place in our worship of the Lord. We need to worship and
praise Him, and to commune with Him. A lot of modern singing is nothing but
strange fire. The singers, rather than Christ, are exalted. We are not to sing
that someone can see how well we can sing, but to lead
the minds and hearts of the people to
adore and worship God. A lot of singing we have today should be relegated
back to the barn dance from whence it came. It is set to a swing time tune, and
stirs the feelings in one's feet rather than in his heart. If we would go back
to the old-time songs and congregational singing we would notice a difference in
our services.
We notice that no burnt offering or meat offering was to be offered upon this
altar. This is very significant and we shall discuss this after studying the
brazen altar.
Now we come out of the tabernacle to the brazen altar
which is before the door of the
tabernacle. "And thou shalt make an altar of shittim
wood, five cubits long, and five cubits broad; the altar shall
be foursquare: and the height thereof
shall be three cubits. And thou shalt make the horns of it upon the four
corners thereof: his horns shall be of the
same: and thou shalt overlay it with brass."
Exodus 27:1-2.
This brazen altar, when considered with the burnt offering
gives us a most profitable and soul-stirring lesson. It was
the place where the sacrifices and offerings were burned, with the
exception of the sweet incense which was burned on the altar of incense.
The brazen altar was outside the tabernacle, and in the
court of the tabernacle. It was set before the door of the tabernacle.
"And he set up the hanging of the door of the tabernacle
And he put the altar of burnt offering by the door
of the tabernacle."
Exodus 40:28-29.
This altar represented the cross of Jesus Christ. There
were FOUR horns on the FOUR
corners. To these four corners the
sacrifice was tied. In Psalms 118:27 we read, "God is the Lord,
which hath showed us light: bind the sacrifices with cords, even unto the
HORNS of the altar." When we
read this verse, along with Psalms 22:16
the Lord does indeed give us
light. In that verse we
read, "They pierced my hands and my feet." Christ had two
hands and two feet. By means of FOUR nails driven through His
two hands and two feet He was fastened to the cross. After His
resurrection our Lord appeared to His disciples and showed them His hands and
feet. Luke 24:48. Thomas said he would not believe the Lord was
raised unless he could see the prints of the nails. So here we see the meaning
of the four horns.
That altar was FIVE cubits in length and FIVE cubits
in breadth. In Hebrews 2:9 we
read that Jesus by the GRACE of God tasted death for EVERY
man. That altar had FOUR sides. It looked
east. It looked west. It looked north. And it
looked south. That death and His grace was
for all of earth's people, represented by the number FOUR. In
Revelation 5:9 we read, "And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to
take the book, and to open the seal thereof: for Thou wast
slain and hast redeemed us to God by Thy blood out of every kindred (1), and
tongue (2), and people (3), and nation (4)”. Its FOUR
sides show that through the death of Christ God offers grace to every nation.
That altar looked toward the yellow races in Asia. It looked toward
the black races in Africa. It looked toward Russia, toward the
battlefields in Korea, toward America, and toward every lost person of Adam's
This altar was made of shittim wood covered with
brass. Brass symbolizes judgment. The brazen serpent which Moses lifted up as a
remedy for the judgment that came upon Israel in the wilderness was a type of
Christ. "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the
Son of man be lifted up: that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but
have eternal life." John 3:14-15. This brazen
altar pictures the same. It speaks to us in the sweetest of words of
One who suffered for us on the cross and forever took
away the judgment of all who believe. It tells us, "He that believeth on Him
is not condemned." John 3:18. It speaks of eternal life and salvation. That
altar was three cubits deep. There was a grate on it. The sacrifice was laid on
the altar and burned to ashes. Those ashes went through that grate and sunk down
three cubits deep. When Christ died He went down into death for three days and
three nights.
But the number THREE is also associated with the resurrection. This altar
speaks of death, not forever, but only for THREE days. It speaks of
One who conquered death and is alive forevermore.
Now, let us consider the burnt offering in this connection. "And the Lord
called unto Moses, and spake to him out of the
TABERNACLE of the congregation, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, and
say unto them, If any man of you bring an offering
unto the Lord, ye shall bring your offering of the cattle, even of the herd, and
of the flock. If his offering be a burnt sacrifice of the herd, let him offer a
male without blemish: he shall offer it of his own voluntary will at the door of
the tabernacle of the congregation before the Lord. And he shall put his hand
upon the head of the burnt offering: and it shall be accepted for him to
make atonement for him. And he shall kill the bullock before the Lord: and the
priests, Aaron's sons, shall bring the blood and sprinkle the blood round about
upon the altar that is by the door of the tabernacle of the congregation. And he
shall flay the burnt offering, and cut it into pieces. And the sons of Aaron the
priest shall put fire upon the altar, and lay the wood in order upon the fire:
and the priests, Aaron's sons, shall lay the parts, the head, and the fat in
order upon the wood that is on the fire which is upon the altar: but his inwards
and his legs shall be wash in water: and the priest shall burn all upon the
altar, to be a burnt sacrifice, an
offering made by fire, of a sweet savour unto the
First, let us notice that God was now speaking to Moses out
of the TABERNACLE, v. 1. Before this God had been
speaking to Moses out of the mountain of
Sinai, which was a place where God spoke in judgment and wrath. Now that
the tabernacle is erected and dedicated
God comes down from the mountain and takes His seat above the mercy seat
between the cherubims. Now He can speak in mercy,
and of a way whereby sinful men may be accepted of Him.
The offering for the burnt sacrifice had to be a male. Jesus Christ, God's Son,
was a male, and Mary's firstborn son.
Luke 2:7.
In the next place the animal had to be without blemish. Here we see a picture of
the spotless character of Christ. "He was manifested to take away our sins:
and m Him was no sin " I John 3:5. He "Was in all points tempted like as
we are vet without sin." Hebrews 4:15. Peter spoke of Him as a "Lamb
without blemish and without spot", I Peter 1:19. Not
only was He without sin, but He must have
been without any blemish or defects in His body. Born without a depraved
nature He could not have been otherwise. He was the most perfect specimen of
humanity the world ever saw, the only perfect Lamb, sinless, and spotless, and
perfect in form.
"Majestic sweetness sits enthroned
Upon the Saviour's brow;
His head with radiant glories crowned,
His lips with grace o'erflow,
His lips with grace o'erflow.
No mortal can with Him compare,
Among the sons of men;
Fairer is He than all the fair
Who fill the heav'nly train,
Who fill the heav'nly train."
Next, we find that the offering was to be offered voluntarily. He said, "I
lay down my life that I may take it again.
No man taketh it from Me,
but I lay it down of Myself."
10:17-18. He "For the joy that was set before Him endured
the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right
hand of the throne of God."
Hebrews 12:2.
By laying his hand upon the head of the offering, the person bringing the
offering accepted it as a substitute for
and acknowledged himself as being a sinner worthy
of death.
This offering was accepted of God to make an atonement
for the one offering it. We read where Paul said that God
"Hath made us accepted in the beloved."
Ephesians 1:6.
Next, the animal was to be killed and its blood was to be sprinkled all over the
altar. So did the blood of Christ stain
the cross crimson.
The animal was flayed and cut to pieces, and laid on the
altar and burned to ashes. To flay means to remove the skin. This animal that
was without blemish when taken, was now marred beyond recognition. Here we have
a picture of the merciless treatment our Saviour
willingly bore that He might make
an atonement for our sins. They crowned Him
with a crown made of thorns. Matthew 27:29. They scourged Him with a scourge, a
heavy strap of leather with embedded
slugs of lead. Every time that scourge fell upon His back the flesh was
torn and the blood flowed. They slapped Him in the face, and smote Him on the
head, until as the prophet foretold,
"His visage was so marred more than any man, and His form than the
sons of men." Isaiah 52:14. That
perfect specimen of manhood, that body that was without a defect, was
torn and rent. They drove the cruel nails
through His hands and feet. They pierced His side until His
life's blood poured out in a stream and
stained the cross, and purchased redemption for you and me.
"Once I was straying in sin's dark valley,
No hope within could I see;
They searched through heaven and found a Saviour
To save a poor lost soul like me.
O what a Saviour, O hallelujah,
His heart was broken on Calvary;
His hands were nail-scarred,
His side was riven,
He gave His life blood for even me.
Death's chilly waters I'll soon be crossing,
His hand will lead me safely o'er;
I'll join the chorus in that great city,
And sing up there forevermore.
O what a Saviour, O hallelujah,
His heart was broken on Calvary;
His hands were nail-scarred,
His side was riven,
He gave His life blood for even me.”
Now let us contrast the brazen altar on the outside of the tabernacle with the
golden altar, which was on the inside. We
have seen that the burnt offering was for the purpose
of making an atonement. Leviticus 1:4. No burnt
offering was to be burned on the golden altar (Exodus 30:4), but on the
brazen altar. The brazen altar represents
the death of Christ by which we are reconciled to God. He did all that is needful
to our salvation. We are not to seek to add to His perfect work on the cross by
offering our own works, worship, and devotion as means to bring about our
salvation, or to keep us saved. The
brazen altar is the altar of Christ where He offered Himself to God. The
golden altar is our altar where we offer
ourselves to God, not to be saved, but because we are saved To burn a
burnt offering or meat offering, or pour a drink offering on the golden altar
would be to offer our worship and service to God for salvation, or to keep us
saved That would be to ignore the
finished work of Christ. But thanks
be unto God, we can humbly, thankfully offer our whole heart's devotion
unto God at the golden altar, because Christ gave Himself for us on the brazen
altar (the cross), and redeemed us for
all time to come. When we realize that Christ has saved us once for all
(Hebrews 10:10), then our fears are
removed, and we are free to joyfully, gladly offer to Him our heart's
devotion at the golden altar. Then it becomes sweet indeed to worship Him. Then
indeed, the sweet incense (Exodus 30:34-36) of the golden altar fills our hearts
with delight, and is well pleasing unto God.
Over and over again I have heard a certain sister tell how much her spiritual
life has meant to her, and how much happier she has been since she found out
that she was saved forever. Neither has the thought of this made her careless in
her way of living, but all the more devoted to her Lord's services. The motive
that prompts our service and devotions should always be the love of Christ, and
never the fear of being lost. Paul said, "The love of Christ
us." II Corinthians 5:14.
The last article of furniture to be considered is the brazen laver. It was set
in the court between the brazen altar and the tabernacle. Exodus 40:30. It was
the last article of furniture to be put in its place. After it was placed the
court was reared up. Exodus 40:33.
We find the instructions for making this laver in Exodus 30:18-20. "Thou
shalt also make a laver of brass, and his foot also of brass, to wash
withal: and thou shalt put it between the tabernacle of the congregation and the
altar, and thou shalt put water therein. For Aaron and his sons shall wash their
hands and their feet thereat: when they go into the tabernacle."
In Exodus 38:8 we find that this brazen laver was made of
looking glasses, or mirrors of brass.
"And he made the laver of brass, and the foot of it brass, of
looking glasses of the women assembling,
which assembled at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation."
Here we have a most practical lesson for us. In it we
see the believer's preparation for
worship. Each day before the priests went to burn incense before the
Lord, or to do any service, they had to go by the laver and wash their
hands and feet. This cannot represent
baptism, as some may teach, because it was to be done over and over
again, and it was the hands and feet that had to be washed. The soiled hands and
feet of the priests, already sanctified, anointed
and set apart for worship, represented
defilement of sin from which we
need to be cleansed over and over.
Let the reader keep in mind the difference between the guilt of sin and the
defilement of sin. We are saved from the guilt of sin once and for all (Hebrews
10:10) by the death of Christ. We are
cleansed from the defilement of sin by humbly
confessing to God our sins. "If we confess our sins, He is
faithful and just to forgive our sins, and to cleanse us from all
unrighteousness." I John 1:9. The pronouns "we" and "us" show that the
writer, John, was including himself in this verse. We get rid of the guilt of
sin once for all when we repent and
believe in Christ. But believers often become defiled with sin. This does
not cause them to be lost, but unfits
them for worship and service. We get rid of this defilement by confessing
our sins to God. Then we are prepared to
worship God aright This, then, is the lesson of the
brazen laver.
This laver was made of looking glasses. A looking
glass shows us what is wrong about
ourselves. That is what God's word does for the believer. David asked,
"Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his ways?" Then he answered by saying,
"By taking heed thereto according to thy
word." Psalms 119:9. So the
Bible, God's mirror, shows us our sins and shortcomings. It tells us not
to speak evil, one of the other. James 4:11. It tells us to put away lying and
speak the truth, every man with his neighbor. Ephesians 4:2. It
tells us to let no corrupt communications
proceed out of our mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying.
Ephesians 4:29. It tells us to "Let
all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil
speaking, be put away from you, with all
malice: and be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one
another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven
you." Ephesians 4:31-32. It
tells us to be chaste in our conversation. I Peter 3:2. It teaches us to
be patient. It tells us not to engage in foolish talking and jesting, but to
give thanks. Ephesians 5:4. Then it tells us that "If we confess our sins, He
is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all
unrighteousness." I John 1:9. This cleansing is what is represented by the
water in the laver, in which Aaron and his sons washed their hands and feet.
Paul said, "Christ also loved the church, and gave Himself
for it; that He might sanctify and
cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, that He might present
it to Himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such
thing; but that it should be holy and
without blemish." Ephesians
5:22-27. This is the lesson of the
brazen laver.
Brass stands for judgment. At the brazen laver is where the believer judges
himself. How strict we should be in
judging ourselves and how lenient of the other person! What a difference this
would make with us.
Every time Aaron and his sons went into the tabernacle to appear before the Lord
they had to wash their hands and feet.
Every time we go to the service of the Lord we should spend a few quiet
moments before the Lord in examining
ourselves, and then confess our sins to Him humbly, and with a petition
for grace to overcome all these things, ask Him to prepare us for the house of
worship. It is better to let the dinner
go uncooked, or the dishes unwashed, than to go into
the presence of God to worship with our
lives unwashed from defilement. What a difference it would make in our
services. What a difference in our lives. How the power of
God would rest upon us.
Here at the brazen laver is the place to unload that unforgiving spirit. Here is
the place to lay aside our grumpy
disposition, our malice, envy, and sulkiness.
How do we go to the house of God to worship? Do we
go there in love, kindness or with a grudge? Let us come to the brazen laver,
judge ourselves, and go away with a heart
that is joyful, full of praise and glory. That is the lesson the brazen
laver has for us. Let us heed it and profit thereby. Our prayers would be
answered. Our hearts would be light, and our souls would be refreshed with the
dews of heaven. If this were put into practice in our lives
a revival would soon sweep the land.
"Moreover the Lord spake unto Moses saying, Take
also unto thee principle spices, of pure myrrh five hundred
shekels, and of sweet cinnamon half so
much, even two hundred and fifty shekels, and of sweet
calamus two hundred and fifty shekels, and of cassia
five hundred shekels, after the shekel of
the sanctuary, and of oil olive an hin: and thou
shall make it an oil of holy anointment, an ointment compounded after the
art of the apothecary: it shall be an holy anointing oil. And thou shalt anoint
the tabernacle of the congregation therewith, and the ark of the testimony, and
the table and all his vessels, and the
candlestick and his vessels, and the altar of incense, and the altar of
burnt offering with all his vessels, and the laver and his foot. And thou
shalt sanctify them, that they may be
most holy: whosoever toucheth them shall be
holy. And thou shalt anoint Aaron and his sons, and consecrate them, that they
may minister unto me in the priest's
Exodus 30:22-30.
Here we see that nothing is left out. The tabernacle and
every piece of its furniture to the smallest thing, priests and
all, were anointed with this holy anointing oil which is a type of the Holy
Spirit. If we preach, we should have the
Spirit upon us. If we pray, it should be in the Spirit. If we sing, we
should do so in the power of the Spirit. If we teach, the Spirit must be in the
teaching. The people, the preachers, the singers, and all, should have the
Spirit upon them. We are not to sing for show. We are not to preach
for show, but in the Spirit of true
worship. "God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must
worship Him in Spirit and in truth."
John 4:24.
How much worship we have today that is not the result
of the working of the Holy Spirit! People
are called upon to lead the song service, or to sing in quartets, who do
not even know the Lord, or whose lives are
so filled with worldliness that
all spiritual power is excluded. People who belong
to the Lord mix, mingle, and take part in community
singings where anybody, whether
saved or unsaved, may take a leading part, direct the activities, or take
a prominent part in the singing. Paul
said, "Be filled with the Spirit; speaking to yourselves in
psalms and hymns and SPIRITUAL
songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord,"
Ephesians 5:19. How can unsaved
singers speak in spiritual songs?
How can they make melody in their hearts? How can such
singing profit or bless us? Is the anointing of the Spirit upon
their singing? Then how much out of place it is for the
children of God to throw themselves into
a mixed multitude where the unsaved have as much part as the saved, or where the
chief purpose of those who sponsor the singing is to advertise and sell
some new song book about three or four
times a year.
Now let us listen further to what God has to say. "And
thou shalt speak unto the children of
Israel, saying, This shall be an HOLY
anointing oil unto ME (God) throughout your
generations. Upon man's flesh shall it
not be poured, neither shall ye make any other like it, after the
composition of it: it is holy, and it
shall be HOLY unto you. Whosoever compoundeth
any like it, or whosoever putteth any of it upon a
stranger, shall even be cut off from his
people." Exodus 30:31-33.
When we call upon unsaved people to
contribute to our spiritual worship we are seeking to pour this
anointing oil on a stranger. Those who sing for the Lord must do so in
the power and under the influence of the Spirit. Oh, that we might put into
practice this lesson!
Everything that Jesus did He did through the power of the Spirit. He
was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to
be tempted. Luke 4:2.
After His temptation He "Returned in the power of the Spirit
into Galilee." Luke 4:14. When He opened the book of Isaiah to
read, He read where Isaiah prophesied of
Him, and said, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He hath anointed
me to preach the gospel to the poor: He hath sent me to heal the
broken-hearted, to preach deliverance to captives, and the recovering of sight
to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable
year of the Lord." Luke 4:18-19. When Jesus had
closed the book he said, "This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears."
V. 21. When Christ died He offered
Himself through the Spirit without spot
unto God. Hebrews 9:14. If we
follow the steps of Jesus, we too, will do everything
in the power of the Spirit.
What a difference it would make in our worship and services if we
followed the teachings of this lesson.
Before we sing, teach, preach, worship, or write, we should ask that the
Spirit use us, then yield ourselves to
Him to be used.
This holy anointing oil was not to be put upon a stranger.
"Whosoever putteth any of it upon a
stranger, shall even be
cut off from his people."
Exodus 30:33. The stranger represents
the lost sinner, one who is a stranger to grace. "Wherefore
remember, that ye being in times past Gentiles of the flesh,
who are called the uncircumcised by that
which is called the circumcision in the flesh made by hands; that at that time
ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and
STRANGERS from the covenant of promise,
having no hope, and without God in the world."
Ephesians 2:11-12.
So the lost man cannot receive the Spirit of God. Jesus said
to His disciples, "I will pray the Father, and He shall give
you another Comforter, that He may abide
with you forever: even the spirit of truth; whom the world CANNOT receive."
John 14:16-17. In Galatians 6:4 we
read, "BECAUSE ye are sons, God hath sent forth the
Spirit of His Son into your hearts,
crying, Abba, Father."
This forever establishes the fact that salvation comes before water baptism. In
Acts 10:44-47 we read that the Gentiles at the house of Cornelius received the
Holy Spirit before baptism. "While Peter yet spake
these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them that heard the word. And they
of the circumcision which believed were
astonished, because that on the
Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy
Ghost. … Then answered Peter, "Can any man
forbid water, that these should not be baptized, which have received the
Holy Ghost
as well as we?"
Those who teach that water baptism is necessary to salvation,
when confronted with this passage of scripture, say that this was a special case
to convince the Jews that the gospel was
for the Gentiles. This is what the vision was for that Peter had upon the
house top. God said that the holy anointing oil was not to be put upon a
stranger. Jesus said that the world
CANNOT receive the Spirit. If God gave the
Holy Spirit on this occasion to unsaved
men then God went contrary to what
He Himself taught in the lesson of the holy anointing oil, and He went
contrary to what Jesus taught when He said the world CANNOT receive the
Spirit. The scriptures were broken, God contradicted Himself, and He
has become the Author of confusion in His
own work. But that is impossible. Jesus said, "The scripture CANNOT be
John 10:35. The only scriptural conclusion is that
those Gentiles were saved without water
If those who teach such a doctrine would give more heed
to the lesson taught in the holy anointing oil they would not make such gross
Before the tabernacle or any of its furniture was used it was first dedicated
and sanctified unto the Lord. In Exodus 40-1-38 we find that dedication. First,
Moses anointed the tabernacle and every piece of furniture, to the smallest
detail. Then he anointed the priests. Exodus 40:9-16. After that each piece of
furniture was put in its place, beginning in the most holy place and ending with
the laver in the outer court. This gives us the order of God's approach to man.
The ark was given first, and on it was the mercy seat. Next was the table of
shewbread, then the candlestick, then the golden
altar, and next the brazen altar, and then the laver.
By starting at the ark of the testimony and going from there to the brazen altar
we see God in Christ, coming from glory to humiliation, shame and death, that He
might take us from a state of death, shame, and humiliation back to glory with
Him. He took part in our shame that we might share with Him in His glory.
Going the other direction we have man's approach unto
God. The first article of furniture he
came to was the brazen altar, which represents the cross of Christ. Then
comes the laver, which was between the brazen altar
where we obtain salvation in Christ, and the door of the tabernacle. When first
saved we are not only saved from the guilt of sin, but also from the defilement
of sin, and later on we become defiled and have need to be cleansed from that
again and again.
Next, the believer is ready for the spiritual food from off the table of
shewbread for the light of the churches, symbolized
by the candlestick, and for worship and devotion, pictured by the golden altar
of incense. Then finally he beholds himself as having already entered the
heavenlies in the person of Christ, his
representative, where his life is hid with Christ in God. Ephesians 2:6, and
Colossians 3:3.
After the furniture was all placed the court was set up. Then the pillar of
cloud rested upon the tabernacle and ABODE thereon, and the glory of the
Lord filled the tabernacle, vs. 34-35. If the cloud was taken up from the
tabernacle then the children of Israel went forward in their journey. If it was
not taken up, then they journeyed not until it was taken up, v. 37. Here we have
a profitable lesson in the leadership of the Spirit. If the Spirit of God leads
the way, then it is time for God's children to act. If the Spirit does not lead
them then they should tarry and wait upon the Lord. When God wanted Israel to go
up at Kadesh-Barnea
and possess the land they refused to go. When God condemned them to
wander forty years in the wilderness
because of their sin, then they attempted to go up without the ark and
Moses, and they were smitten before their
enemies. Numbers 14:1-45. So when we seek to do
something in our own strength we will fail. We should not tarry behind
when the Spirit leads. Neither should we run ahead of the Spirit of God.
Let the reader take notice of the fact that not until the tabernacle and every
article of its furniture had been dedicated with the anointing oil, was it put
into use. Christ did not enter His personal ministry until the Spirit came upon
Him. Everything we do, or say, or use for God's services should first be
consecrated to the Lord.
The firstborn represents those who have only had the first birth. God rejected
Cain, the firstborn of Adam, and accepted Abel the second born. The same was
true in the case of Ishmael and Isaac, and Jacob and Esau. In the land of Egypt
God smote all the firstborn of the Egyptians, and the
firstborn of Israel had to be sheltered by the blood of the Passover lamb.
Exodus 12:3-13. The 273 who had to be
redeemed in Numbers 3:45-50 were of the firstborn who exceeded the total
number of males of the Levites. So the
firstborn pictured those who have only been born of the flesh.
But we find the firstborn belonged to God up until a certain time, and then the
Lord took the Levites in the place of the firstborn. In Exodus 13:2 we read
where the Lord said unto Moses, "Sanctify unto me the firstborn, whatsoever
openeth the womb among the children of Israel, both
of man and beast: IT IS MINE." But in Numbers 3:45 we read where God
said, "Take the Levites INSTEAD OF THE FIRSTBORN among the children of
Israel, … and the LEVITES shall be MINE:
I am the Lord."
Now what is the meaning of all this, and why did the Lord make the change? Has
something taken place that God did not see? Not at all.
It is all according to the divine pattern of things. When God said that the
firstborn were His the law had not yet been given,
and the firstborn had never become accountable unto the law. The law had already
been given and Israel had already broken it by making the golden calf when God
told Moses to take the Levites instead of the firstborn. The lesson is that
small children who have never arrived at the age of accountability belong to
the Lord. Though sinners, yet they are not condemned. "The law
worketh wrath: for where no law is, there is no
transgression." Romans 4:14. Paul said, "For I was alive without the law
once: but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died." Romans 7:9.
How well this fits in with God's treatment of Israel from Egypt to Sinai. They
sinned over and over from Egypt to Sinai, but not one time did God send a
plague, strike one dead, or threaten one with death. But after the law was given
it was a different story. The people brought death and judgment upon themselves
by their disobedience.
When Israel came under the law then a different arrangement had to be made about
the firstborn. The Levites had to be taken in their place and the odd number had
to be redeemed with FIVE pieces of money. Numbers 3:45-50. So the child
is in a safe condition before he comes to the time when his sins are accounted
to him. After that he must have a substitute and must be redeemed by grace, of
which the FIVE pieces of money in
Numbers 3:45-50 was a type.
Counting the priests, there were four divisions of the Levites. (The priests
were from that tribe.) Those divisions were: the
Gershonites, the Kohathites, the
Merarites, and the priests. The location of these
four divisions has already been given in Chapter two, and the work the first
three were to do has already been given. The reader
will find that in Numbers 3:14-38.
In the 28th chapter of Exodus we read about the priests, and their garments,
and instructions for their consecration. The chapter is a lengthy one and the
reader will be left to go to the Bible for
himself. But there are a number of things to which it is needful to call
First, those priests were chosen beforehand by the Lord. Before they were ever
clothed with their special garments, or
anointed. Even so were we chosen in Christ beforehand.
In Ephesians 1:4 we read,
"According as He hath chosen us in Him before the foundation of
the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love."
The next thing to which we should give notice is that these priests had to be
clothed in special garments before they could minister before the Lord. "And
take thou unto thee Aaron, thy brother, and his sons with thee from among the
children of Israel, that he may minister unto me in the priest's office, even
Aaron, Nadab and Abihu,
Eleazar and Ithamar,
Aaron's sons. And thou shalt make holy garments for Aaron, thy brother, for
glory and for beauty." Exodus 28:1-2.
Even so, must we be clothed in righteousness which God provides before we
are ready to stand before the Lord.
First article of Aaron's apparel was the ephod with two
onyx stones on the shoulder pieces.
"And they shall make the ephod of gold, of blue, and of purple, of
scarlet, and fine twined linen, with cunning work. It shall have the two
shoulder pieces thereof joined at the two edges thereof; so it shall be joined
together. And the curious girdle of the
ephod, which is upon it, shall be of the same, according to all the work
thereof; even of gold, of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined
linen. And thou shalt take two onyx
stones, and grave on them the names of the children of Israel: Six of
their names on one stone, and the other six names of
the rest on the other stone, according to
their birth." Exodus
28:6-10. Aaron was the high priest of
Israel, and as such was a type of Jesus Christ, our high
priest, though not so perfect a type as
Melchisedec. Sin makes necessary an intercessor
or advocate who shall plead our case
before God.
This ephod was a garment like two aprons fastened together at the shoulders, and
girded to the body with a girdle, or belt. This beautiful garment was made of
fine twined linen interwoven with cunning
works of threads of blue, purple, and scarlet, and tiny wires of gold.
These garments were made for beauty and for glory. It speaks of the glory and
beauty of our Lord's work in our behalf. The scarlet thread shows that His blood
was shed for us. The purple threads show
us that He bore our sins, and is now our advocate before God, and is also King.
The blue and gold speak of His heavenly character and glory.
The shoulders on which the onyx stones were placed,
with the engraven names of the twelve tribes, teach
us that Christ is our strength. David said, "Let the words of my mouth, and
the meditations of my heart, be acceptable in
thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my
redeemer." Psalms 19:14.
The curious girdle with which the ephod was girdled around the body of the
priest, speaks of our Lord's work in our behalf. Before Jesus washed the feet of
His disciples He took a towel and girded
Himself. John 13:4.
The next piece of Aaron's apparel was the breastplate
of Judgment. This was made of gold, of
purple, and of scarlet, and of
fine twined linen. Exodus 28:15. It was foursquare and was made double.
Exodus 28:16. In it were set four rows of
precious stones, three to a row, and on these were engraved the names of
the twelve tribes of Israel. Vs. 16-21. It was
fastened to the shoulder pieces of the ephod with chains of pure gold, running
through two rings of gold on the upper corners of the breastplate. At the lower
corners of the breastplate, on the inward
side, were two rings of gold on the
ephod underneath. A lace (or tie) of blue
fastened the lower end of the breastplate to the ephod by means of these
rings and ties. This was to keep the breastplate from swinging
when the priest stooped over.
Vs. 26-29.
This breastplate was over the heart of the priest. "And Aaron shall bear the
names of the children of Israel in the breastplate of judgment UPON his HEART,
when he goeth in unto the holy place, for a memorial
before the Lord continually."
Exodus 28:29.
The heart is the seat of affection. This shows the love that Christ, our high
priest, has for His people. Our very
names are upon His heart. "Having loved His own that were
in the world, He loved them unto the end." (R. V.
Unto the
uttermost). John 13:1. He ever loves us and ever interceeds
for us. "Wherefore He is able
also to save them to the uttermost
that come unto God by Him, seeing He ever
liveth to
make intercession for them."
Hebrews 7:25.
The next piece of apparel was the robe of the ephod. It was worn underneath the
ephod. On the hem of this garment there were golden bells and pomegranates. A
bell was between each pomegranate. When Aaron went into the
most holy place he passed out of view of
the other priests and the people.
But as the music of these golden bells was wafted from beyond the veil it
fell on the ears of the waiting people as a blessed assurance that their priest
was living, and that God was accepting the offering. Even so has Jesus
Christ, our high priest, gone beyond the
veil for us. We cannot
see Him with our physical eyes, but from beyond the portals of glory the
Holy Spirit has come as a witness that our Priest and
Saviour is living. Within our hearts ring the golden music from heaven as
a blessed assurance of our acceptance before God in the person of Jesus Christ,
our Redeemer,
and our Priest. Exodus 28:31-35.
The other pieces of the priest's apparel were: an embroidered coat of fine
linen, the mitre, worn upon his head, a plate or
crown of pure gold with the words "Holiness to
the Lord"
engraven upon it, and fine linen breeches. Exodus
This plate with "Holiness to the Lord" engraven
upon it was upon the forehead of the priest. That shows, first of all, that the
mind of Christ was absolutely holy, and that God wants us to be holy in our
thoughts and in our minds.
The mitre upon Aaron's head would seem to be typical
of the glory and honor of Christ.
When we compare Exodus 28:2
and Hebrews 2:9 this conclusion is justified.
"And thou shalt make holy garments for Aaron thy brother for GLORY and
“But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels
for the suffering of death, CROWNED with GLORY and honor; that He
by the grace of God should taste death for every man” The
mitre was upon Aaron's head for GLORY. Christ
is crowned with GLORY and honor, and a crown is worn upon the head.
The word for "Crown" in Hebrews 2:9 is "Stephanas",
denotes a victor's crown. The word for a kingly crown is
"Diadema", and
is the word found in Revelation 19:11-21 where we read, "On His
(Christ's) head were many crowns". In Revelation
19:16 He is called "KING of KINGS, and
LORD OF LORDS." Aaron was a priest, not a king, and could not wear a
kingly crown, but one denoting victory.
Aaron did not enter his priestly work until the EIGHTH day after his
consecration. See Leviticus 8:1 to 9:1. Notice especially Leviticus 8:35 to 9:1.
The EIGHTH day would be the
beginning of a new week. Christ arose from the dead on the morrow after
the Sabbath, the beginning of a new week.
Leviticus 23:10-11; I Corinthians 15:20 and Matthew 28:1-7.
So, the mitre and
crown on Aaron's head, and the crown of glory of our Lord, represented victory
over the devil through death. It is through death that
Christ destroys him that had the power of death, that is, the devil. Hebrews
2:14. This verse follows closely after
the one that speaks about Christ being "Crowned with glory and honor; that He
by the grace of God should taste death for every man." This is
conclusive proof that the crown of Jesus
in Hebrews 2:9 is a crown denoting His victory
over the devil through death, not His
kingly crown. Aaron's mitre which was for
glory typifies this.
In the consecration of Aaron and his sons the anointing oil and the blood of the
sacrifice was sprinkled upon their garments. Leviticus 8:30. The blood was put
on the tips of the right ears of the
priests, upon the thumbs of their right hands, and upon the great toe (or
big toe) of their right feet, Leviticus
8:24. The ear is for hearing. The hand is for working. And the foot is
for walking. Like Christ, our ears should always be ready to hear what God says.
"He that hath an ear to hear, let him hear what the
Spirit sayeth to the churches." Revelation 2:11. Our hands should be under
the control of the Spirit of God. "I will therefore, that men pray
everywhere, lifting up HOLY HANDS." I Timothy 2:8. Our feet are to be
ready to go where He wants us to go, and only where He wants us to go. Paul
speaks of us having our "Feet shod with
the preparation of the gospel of peace."
Ephesians 6:15.
In Numbers 14:1-33 we find that there arose a
rebellion against the priesthood of Aaron. Four men by the names of
Datham, Abiram, and
On led a company of two hundred and fifty to
protest against Moses and Aaron. They claimed that all the people were holy, and
presumed to take censers and burn incense before the Lord. This rebellion met
with swift retribution. The Lord caused the earth to
open its mouth and swallow up these men
alive. They went down alive into the pit.
Here is a most solemn lesson of warning to any and all who seek to take the
place of Christ and put themselves between the sinner and God. The so-called
priests of today who presume to take the
place of Christ and place themselves into the priesthood need to take
warning. A fate awaits them like unto that which came on
Korah and his men.
After these rebels had been swallowed up alive by the earth, the Lord told Moses
to have the twelve princes of the twelve tribes to bring their rods, and for
Aaron to bring his rod for Levi.
Each man's name was written on his rod and those rods were placed in the
tabernacle, where they stayed overnight. The next day the rod of Aaron budded,
brought forth blossoms, and was bearing
almonds. The Lord had this rod of Aaron to be placed in the ark of the
testimony as a witness against the rebels.
Numbers 17:1-11
The old dead stick which Aaron had been carrying as a walking stick for months,
if not for years, had now come to life, and was bearing fruit. This budding rod
in the ark of the testimony is a witness
to the quickening power of Christ. "For as the Father
raiseth up the dead, and
quickeneth them;
even so the Son
quickeneth whom He will."
John 5:22.
This writer has already touched on some of the offerings
in the book of Leviticus. He will not attempt to go further.
To do so would expand this volume beyond
the writer's purpose. The reader may find an able discussion of those
sacrifices and their meanings in C. H. Mclntosh's
Notes on the Book of Leviticus.
The journeying of Israel in the wilderness was governed
by the pillar of cloud and fire. "At
the commandment of the Lord the children of Israel journeyed, and
at the commandment of the Lord they pitched: as long as the cloud rested upon
the tabernacle they rested in their tents. And when the cloud tarried long upon
the tabernacle many days, then the children of Israel kept the charge of the
Lord and journeyed not. And so it was, when the cloud was a few days upon the
tabernacle; according to the commandment of the Lord they abode in their tents,
and according to the commandment of the
Lord they journeyed. And so it was, when the cloud abode from even unto
the morning, and that the cloud was taken up in the morning,
then they journeyed: whether it was .by day or night that the cloud was
taken up, they journeyed. Or whether it were two
days, or a month, or a year, that the
cloud tarried upon the tabernacle, remaining thereon, the children of
Israel abode in their tents, and journeyed not: but when it was taken up they
journeyed." Numbers 9:18-23.
Let the reader study closely every word in this passage. It is full of meaning
for us. The movements of the children of Israel were governed by the pillar of
cloud and fire that abode upon the
tabernacle. When it was God's will for them to move on that cloud lifted
from the tabernacle and moved on to the place where God wanted them to camp, and
there it stopped. It might be lifted by day. It might be lifted by night. But
whether day or night the children of Israel
had to break camp and follow. So are we
to be ready to follow the Spirit
both when and where He leads. It is not ours, but His, to choose the time
and place for us. If the cloud abode on the tabernacle the children of Israel
were to abide where they were. They were
not to take up and move of their own accord. The Lord determined whether
they should go or stay. It is not ours to say when we go or when we stay.
All that is for the
Lord to determine. The
cloud might tarry two days, or a month, or a year, but however long it
might tarry, or however short a period it might tarry, the movements of Israel
were to be determined by the Lord. We may accomplish what the Lord has for us to
do in a certain place in a short time. Again, it may take us a longer time. But
whether long or short, we are to go or stay as His Spirit
leads. To move when the cloud did not move was to be disobedient to the
Lord. To stay when the cloud moved was also to be disobedient to the Lord.
Then another lesson we get out of this is that we sometimes
serve the Lord better by not doing, than by doing. On
the other hand we may serve better in
doing, than in not doing. If the Spirit does not lead us to do, then we
had better not do that thing. There is a
great deal of so-called "Christian Activity" among us today that is just
so much energy of the flesh and of the will of man. This amounts to less than
nothing. It confuses, misleads, and destroys. There
is too little service rendered in the
power of the Spirit. There is also too little waiting on the Spirit.
Sometimes the Lord would have us cease from our activities and wait upon Him.
Much feverish activity apart from the Spirit only serves to weary and confuse
us. The Lord says to us, "Be still, and know that I am God." Psalms
46:10. He also says, "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their
strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be
weary, they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31.
The reason so many soon grow weary is that they have not first waited upon the
Lord, to be renewed in strength. They
start out in the energy of the flesh and soon grow weary and faint. Let
us pray that we may learn this lesson.
Then, on the other hand, the Lord would have us to go forward. As He said to
Moses, "Speak unto the children of Israel that they go forward." To
refuse to go forward when the Spirit leads is to lose, like Israel, a golden
opportunity to go up and possess the
land, and to be turned back to wander for years in the wilderness of
confusion. Many a church has come face to face with a golden opportunity to
accomplish great things in the name of the Lord. The Spirit was pointing the
way, but through the influence of the wrong leadership, or through doubts and
fears and a lack of faith, they have let that opportunity slip from them, and
they are today floundering around in strife, confusion, discord and
Let us pray earnestly to know the will of God. Let us
have our hearts open to know and do His
will, then have faith to move forward. If we are doubtful of His will,
let us, like Gideon, put out the fleece,
until God shows the way. Judges
Neither is it ours to choose the time when we shall take our departure from this
world. That belongs to the Lord. It may be soon, or it may be long.
It may take place by day, or it may take place by night.
When the time came to move the tabernacle, then Aaron
and his sons came and took down the veil, and covered the
ark with it. Over this they put a
covering of badger's skins, and
spread over this a blue cloth (Numbers 4:5-6). The table of
the shewbread,
along with its vessels, was covered first with a cloth of blue, vs. 7.
Over this was placed a scarlet cloth, and
the same was covered with a covering of badger's skins,
vs. 8. Next the candlestick and its
vessels were covered with a cloth of blue, and then put within a covering
of badger's skins, vs. 9-10. The golden
altar of incense was first covered
with a blue cloth, and on top of this was a covering of badger's
skins, vs. 11-12. Next, the ashes were removed from the
brazen altar. The altar and all its
vessels were covered with a blue cloth, and then badger's skins, vs.
13-14. While this was being done the
Levites were not to go in and look while
the holy things were being covered.
Leviticus 4:18-20. Curiosity has no place in the service of the Lord.
Everything should be holy.
When all this had been done the Kohath division of
the Levites came to bear the furniture, and the priests appointed
every man his work.
Numbers 4:15 and 4:19.
When they set forward on their journey the standard of the camp of Judah, with
its three tribes, went first. Numbers
10:14-17. The tabernacle was taken down, and the Gershonites
and Merarites set forward with the tabernacle, the
Gershonites with the coverings, the curtains, the
hangings for the door, and the hanging for the court, (Numbers 3:23-26 and
10:17) and the Merarites with the boards, the bars,
the pillars, sockets, pins, and cords.
Numbers 3:33-37. These had wagons on which to haul what was under their
charge. Numbers 7:3-8. The Kohathites, however,
carried the furniture on their shoulders by means of staves placed in rings.
Numbers 7:9;
Exodus 25:14; 25:28; 27:7; 30:4.
After the sons of Gershon and the sons of
Merari had set
forward with the tabernacle they were followed by the
standard of the camp of Reuben, Numbers
10:17-20. Next came the
Kohathites carrying the furniture. Numbers 10:21.
These were followed by the camps of the
standards of Ephraim, and that of Dan, in the order mentioned.
But in Numbers 10:33-36 it seems that the ark of the Lord
led the way. "And they departed from the mount of the Lord three days
journey: and the ark of the covenant of the Lord went before them in the three
days journey; to search out a resting
place for them. And the cloud of the Lord was upon them by day, when they
went out of the camp. And it came to pass, when the ark set forward, that Moses
said, 'Rise up, Lord, and let thine enemies be
scattered; and let them that hate Thee
flee before Thee.' And when it rested,
he said, 'Return, O Lord, unto the many
thousands of Israel.'"
This passage indicates that the march pictured our Lord's
resurrection, our resurrection, our Lord's return, and the
restoration of Israel. The three days
journey is a picture of death and
resurrection. Our Lord took that three days journey
before us, even as the ark went before them. When the
ark was set forward the Lord's enemies
were scattered. Because of His
death and resurrection our Lord's enemies will be scattered at His
return. Paul said that Christ, "Having spoiled principalities and powers, he
had made a show of them openly,
triumphing over them in it."
Colossians 2:14-15. Then when He
comes for His people they shall have the victory
over death. "Then shall be brought to pass the saying,
Death is swallowed up in victory."
I Corinthians 15:54. The last of
all Moses said, "RETURN, O Lord, unto the many thousands of
Israel." Here we have a picture of our Lord's return to
Israel at His second advent to the earth.
This ark was going before to "SEARCH OUT A RESTING PLACE for
them", that is, Israel, v. 33. Now
let us read Jeremiah 30:10: "Therefore
fear thou not, O my servant Jacob,
saith the Lord; neither be
dismayed, O Israel: for lo, I will save
thee from afar, and thy seed from
the land of their captivity ; and Jacob shall return,
and shall be in REST."
In Isaiah 14:1-3 we read: "For the Lord
will have mercy on Jacob, and will yet
choose Israel, and set them in their OWN LAND … and it shall come to pass
GIVE YOU REST from thy sorrow; and from thy fear, and from the hard
bondage wherein thou wast made to serve." Again
we read where the Lord said, "Jacob shall return, and be in REST and
at ease, and none shall make him afraid."
Jeremiah 46:27. So when Moses said, "Return, O Lord, unto the many
thousands of Israel,"
he was foretelling our Lord's return to Israel to give them REST.
The resting place of Numbers 10:33 foretold this future rest for Israel, which
Christ's RETURN shall bring.
When the ark of the Lord went before them in the three
days journey they departed from the mount of the Lord. That mount was the
mountain of Sinai where the Law was given. It was a mountain of judgment and
condemnation. It was a mountain where
Israel had failed and made the golden calf. It was a mountain of human
shame, for there they had stripped themselves naked before the golden calf.
Exodus 32:25. It was a place of bondage.
And now grace, typified in the ark, was leading them away from that place
of bondage, condemnation, failure and
shame to a resting place. So God's
grace leads us out of our bondage, our sin, our failure, and our shame,
to a resting place in Christ.
"Out of my bondage, sorrow and night,
Jesus, I come, Jesus, I come;
Into Thy freedom, gladness and light,
Jesus, I come to Thee.
Out of my sickness into Thy health,
Out of my want and into Thy wealth,
Out of my sin and into Thy self,
Jesus, I come to Thee.
Out of my shameful failure and loss,
Jesus, I come, Jesus, I come;
Into the glorious gain of Thy cross,
Jesus, I come to Thee;
Out of earth's sorrows into Thy balm,
Out of life's storms and into Thy calm,
Out of distress to jubilant psalm,
Jesus, I come to Thee."
Then, as a result of that grace, and the leadership of Christ, who is grace
personified, some day these bodies of
ours, which are now subject to vanity,
shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious
liberty of the children of God. Romans
8:20-21. And in our joyous expectation of this our souls leap with joy,
and our eyes fill with tears, while we sing:
"Out of the fear and dread of the tomb,
Jesus, I come, Jesus, I come;
Into the joy and light of Thy home,
Jesus, I come to Thee;
Out of the depths of ruin untold,
Into the peace of Thy sheltering fold,
Jesus, I come to Thee."
Now, we come to a thing that is remarkable in its typical significance. We have
seen that God's dwelling place among the children of Israel was in the
tabernacle, and that He was represented as dwelling between the
cherubims just
above the mercy seat, which rested upon
the ark of the covenant. We have also seen
that all this represented God in Christ, dwelling among His people. When Eli was
high priest God pronounced judgment against his house because
of the wickedness of his sons,
Hophni and Phinehas. In
I Samuel 2:12 we read, "Now the sons of Eli
were sons of Belial (or Devil): they knew not the Lord." God revealed
to Samuel that He was going to judge the house of Eli, and do a thing in Israel,
at which the ears of all that heard it would tingle.
I Samuel 10:18.
Sometime after this the children of Israel went out to battle against the
Philistines and were defeated. Then the elders of Israel said, "Wherefore
hath the Lord smitten us today before the Philistines? Let us fetch the ark of
the covenant of the Lord out of Shiloh unto us, that, when it
among us, it may save us out of the hand of our enemies. So the people
sent to Shiloh (Christ is called Shiloh, Genesis
49:10), that they might bring from
thence the ark of the covenant
of the Lord of hosts, which dwelleth between the
and the two sons of Eli, Hophni and
Phinehas, were
there with the ark of the covenant of God."
I Samuel 4:3-4. The ark was taken
out to battle and Israel was smitten before the
Philistines, Hophni
and Phinehas were slain, and the ark was
taken by the Philistines, vs. 5-11. When the news reached
Eli he fell backward off his seat and
broke his neck and died, vs. 17-18. About this time the wife of
Phinehas was ready to give birth to a child. When
she heard the news that the ark had been taken, and that her husband and
father-in-law were dead, she bowed
herself and travailed. She gave birth to a son and named him Ichabod, which
means, "There is no glory", saying, "The glory is
departed from Israel; because the ark of
God was taken." Then she died.
I Samuel 4:19-22.
In all this we see a picture of what happened in connection with Israel's
rejection of Christ, His crucifixion, the abolishment
of the Law, and the fading away of Israel's glory.
It was the wicked priests, backed up by
the elders, or Sanhedrin court,
who took Christ and delivered Him to the Gentiles to be crucified.
"While He yet spake, lo, Judas, one of the twelve
came, and with him a great multitude with swords and staves, from the CHIEF
PRIESTS and elders of the people."
Matthew 26:47. Then follows the story of the arrest of
Jesus and His trial before the priests and
elders. "Now the
chief priests and elders, and all the council, sought false witness
against Jesus, to put Him to death."
Matthew 26:59. The priests and elders were both implicated in taking the
ark from the tabernacle in Shiloh. I Samuel 4:3-4. After trying Jesus before
their court they took Him to Pilate, a Gentile ruler, to be put to death.
"The chief priests and elders of the people took council against Jesus to put
Him to death: and when they had bound
Him, they led Him away, and delivered Him to Pontius Pilate, the
governor." Matthew 27:1-2. After the priests and elders had taken the ark it
fell into the hands of the Philistines.
In the ark being taken and the glory departing from Israel we have a picture of
the death of Christ and the cutting off of Israel. In the eleventh chapter of
Romans we read about Israel, as a nation,
being broken off the tame olive tree, and the Gentiles, represented by
the wild olive, being grafted in. Jesus said to the Jews, "Therefore say I
unto you, The Kingdom of God shall be
taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof."
When Jesus was weeping over Jerusalem He said, "Behold, your house
is left unto you desolate."
Matthew 23:38. So the glory of God departed from Israel when they
rejected Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and delivered Him to the Gentiles to be
put to death. That is what was pictured when the newborn child was named
"Ichabod", and his mother said, "The glory is departed from Israel:
because the ark of God was taken." I
Samuel 4:21.
But this is not the end of the picture. God's word does
not leave Israel in this plight without
any hope, though many Bible teachers so think. To complete this picture
we go to the next chapter. Perhaps the reader has already noticed that I did not
quote Matthew 23:39 in connection with Matthew
23:38. It belongs to our next chapter,
while verse 38 belongs in our present chapter, "The Glory Departed
From Israel."
When Jesus said to Jerusalem, "Behold your house is left unto you desolate",
He went on to say, "For I say unto you, ye shall not see
Me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is He that cometh in the name
of the Lord." Matthew 23:38-39. Here our Lord is teaching that Jerusalem
shall see Him again, and at that time Israel will accept Him and
rejoice at His second coming.
When David came to power and his throne was established in Jerusalem he purposed
to bring back the ark to its rightful place in the tabernacle. In 1 Chronicles
15:1 we read, "And David made him
houses in the city of David (Jerusalem), and prepared a place for the ark
of God, and pitched for it a tent." Here is a new tent, or
tabernacle, for the ark. This represents
the body of our Lord's resurrection, in which He will return to Israel.
Next we read, "Then David said,
ought to carry the ark of God but the Levites: for them
hath the Lord chosen to carry the ark of
God, and to minister to Him forever. And David gathered all Israel
together to Jerusalem, to bring up the ark of the Lord unto his place, which he
had prepared for it." 1 Chronicles 15:2-3. Then followed the story of
the bringing of the ark up to the new tent at Jerusalem, and there was great joy
and rejoicing on that occasion. 1 Chronicles 15:4-28. They brought up the ark
with shouting.
Now, if the glory of God departed from Israel when that ark was taken, then the
glory of God returned to Israel when
the ark was brought back. We notice that this was when David was king over
Israel. Even so, when Christ, the Son of David, shall return to sit on His
throne at Jerusalem (Jeremiah 3:17), then Israel's glory will have returned to
her. In Isaiah 60:1-3 we read where the
prophet Isaiah said to Israel, "Arise,
shine, for thy light is
come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon
thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the
people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and HIS GLORY shall be seen
upon thee." Here we see that the glory of God will have returned to Israel.
As it departed from Israel when they rejected Christ and had the
Romans crucify Him, so it will return to
Israel when they accept Christ,
and He comes to sit on David's throne in His new tabernacle, the body of
His resurrection. The joy this will bring to Israel is pictured by the joy that
came upon Israel when the ark was brought back. Then will the words of
Moses in Numbers 10:36 be come to pass:
"And when it (the ark)
rested, he said, "RETURN, O Lord, unto the many thousands
of Israel." All Israel shall be re-gathered to their land and
builded again around the Lord. "At that time they
shall call Jerusalem the throne of the Lord; and all the nations shall be
gathered unto it, to the name of the Lord, to Jerusalem: neither shall they walk
any more after the imagination of their evil heart. In those days the house of
Judah (two tribes) shall walk with the house of Israel (ten tribes), and they
shall come together out of the land of the north to the land that I have given
for an inheritance unto your fathers."
Jeremiah 3:17-18. Then God will, indeed,
be dwelling among them in the person of Christ, who will be sitting on
His throne at Jerusalem, and Israel will be builded
around Christ and His throne at Jerusalem, even as the whole camp was assembled
around the tabernacle, which was God's dwelling place among them. Now we can see
the meaning of the words, "Let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell
among them."
Exodus 25:8.
In this connection let us notice the ninety-six tenons
under the forty-eight boards. There were twenty boards on the south side, twenty
on the north side, and eight in the west
end. Exodus 26:18; 26:22; 26:25. There were two tenons
in each board, and these set in
sockets of silver. This would give us ninety-six tenons
in the forty-eight boards. We have seen that eight (8) is the number that
stands for the new birth. Eight goes into
the number ninety-six exactly twelve times. These were set in sockets of silver,
representing redemption. This gives redemption for the twelve tribes of
Israel, or the whole house of Israel. The Bible teaches exactly that. In Ezekiel
36:26-28 we read, "A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I
put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I
will give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my spirit within
you, and cause you to walk in my
statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them. And ye
(Israel) shall dwell in the land I gave to your fathers; and ye shall be my
people, and I will be your God." Then in Hebrews 8:10-11 we read, "I will
put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to
them a God, and they shall be to me a
people: and they shall"; teach every man his neighbor, saying, Know the
Lord: for ALL shall know Me from THE
In Isaiah 60:21 we read, "Thy people also shall be ALL
righteous: they shall inherit the land forever, the branch of my planting, the
work of my hands, that I may be glorified." In Deuteronomy 30:4-6 we read,
where Moses said to Israel, "If any of thine be
driven out even to the uttermost heaven, from thence will the Lord thy
God gather thee, and from thence will He
fetch thee: and the Lord thy God
will bring thee into the land which thy fathers
possessed, and thou shalt possess it; …
and the Lord thy God will
circumcise thine HEART, and the heart of thy
seed, to love the Lord thy God with all thine
heart." This shows a complete
conversion for the twelve tribes who shall possess the land after
Christ's return. This, however, has nothing
to do with any Jews who may have died in
unbelief, but only with those Jews still alive at that time. None but
Jews with the new birth will be permitted to inherit their land in that
In connection with the promise God gave to Abraham
about giving him Canaan for an
everlasting possession, God instituted the rite of circumcision,
requiring the male children to be
circumcised on the EIGHTH day, Genesis 17:8-12. Then
God said, "And the uncircumcised man
child whose flesh of his
foreskin is not circumcised, that soul shall be cut off from his people;
he hath broken my covenant." Genesis 17:14. In this God was teaching that
the Israelite who is not circumcised in heart, or born again, shall have no part
in the possession of Canaan land, when Israel is finally restored. This is the
lesson of the ninety-six (8 times 12) tenons set in
the sockets of silver: a complete redemption for restored Israel, and the new
birth for each and every Jew who goes into the reign of the Lord.
In Ezekiel 43:7 we read where the Lord said to Ezekiel,
"The PLACE of my THRONE,
and the place of the soles of my FEET, where I will dwell in the
midst of the children of Israel forever,
and my name, shall the house of Israel NO MORE defile."
This is the lesson of the ninety-six tenons in the
sockets of silver. This convinces the writer that Israel will have no part in
the rebellion after the thousand years,
Revelation 20:7-9. That rebellion which the devil
will start when loosed, will begin
in the land of Gog and Magog (Russian
territory) and spread to other Gentile countries. Israel will remain obedient,
because they will all be circumcised in
heart. Deuteronomy 30:4-6; Hebrews 8:10-11; Ezekiel 43:7.
Please do not charge this writer with teaching salvation
for every Israelite who has ever been in
the world. He does not so teach or believe. But he does teach that the
twelve tribes will all be restored to
their land, and such as are spared to go in and possess it will ALL
be regenerated, or born again Jews. This is the lesson of the ninety-six
tenons as
well as direct quotations from the Bible.
This book has been a growth. Three years ago, upon
the request of some boys in the Jonesboro
Bible School, I set in to teach about the tabernacle. Upon the suggestion
of my wife we set about to construct a model for study. This year we went over
it the third time and its meaning unfolded
as never before. Upon the request of my son-in-law,
J. N. Farish,
I set about the writing of this book. I shall never regret the same.
Though I have studied the word of God for
over forty years, and have been a Bible teacher for twenty years, yet I
can truthfully say that the Bible is a new book to me. The study of the
tabernacle has in no wise changed my doctrinal convictions, but it has deepened
them. It has thrown fresh light on a thousand texts. It has brought a refreshing
that is like a breath from heaven. While I wrote, I taught at school on this
subject and have preached on it over and
over to the church where I am pastor. People have wept, and humbled
themselves, and shouted, and the church
has taken on new life.
While writing the book, I would retire to sleep, and often
in the middle of the night new thoughts would come flashing
to my mind, My soul would be stirred with the glory
of it all. It has been easier to preach, to write, and to teach, even though at
times my body was worn to the point of exhaustion. I have marveled at the great
wisdom of God. I have been humbled before the matchless Christ, and I have been
filled with His Spirit. May all glory and honor be to Him who is due all our
adoration and praise. Apart from His grace we are
I confidently believe that the principles shown forth in the tabernacle, if
applied, would solve all our problems.
Ever since I have been preaching, which is forty years, and even before that, I
have believed in the final restitution of Israel to the land God gave to
Abraham. I rejoice to see them gathering back to the land of promise, though I
know further trials await them before the Lord finally establishes
them in that land. One wish and thought,
while writing this book is that I might help some Jews to see their Messiah, the
Christ of glory, revealed in the tabernacle. In Psalms 122:6
we read, "Pray for the peace of
Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee." I long
for the time when Israel shall be established in Jerusalem in peace, and when
the enmity between the Jews and Gentiles will be gone, and "Ten men shall
take hold out of all the languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the
skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that
God is with you." Zechariah 8:23. Someday the oneness of the Jew and
Gentile, which is so beautifully pictured in the broad curtains meeting and
being made ONE right over the veil, will have been
fully accomplished.
The reader will notice, perhaps, that I have often made more than one
application of these types. This is justified in the word of God. Isaac is used
both as a type of the believer in Christ, and as a type of Christ, Himself. In
Galatians 4:28 we
read, "Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children
of promise." Then in Hebrews 11:17-19 we read, "By faith, Abraham, when
he was tried, offered up Isaac: and he that
had received the promises offered up his
ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, of whom it was said, That in Isaac shall
thy seed be called: accounting that God was able to raise him up, even from the
dead; from whence also he received him in a FIGURE." If this was a
figure, of what could it have been a figure except of God offering up His only
begotten Son, and receiving Him again, raised from
the dead? So we see that Isaac was a two-fold type, both of us, and of Christ.
In making a two-fold application of types in the tabernacle, I
am only following Bible examples. Others
can be found.
I have a desire to write one more book before laying down my pen. If the Lord
spares me to write it, the title of it will be, "A More Sure Word of
Prophecy." In that book I expect to have much to say about Israel's hope.
In closing, I wish to say that I have written these things for the good and
edification of any and all who may read these pages. The truth is not mine. It
belongs to the Lord. God forbid that I should in any way hold back from anyone
that which is good. Therefore, anyone who desires to do so,
may use anything I have in this book, in sermons, in teaching, in
writing articles, as they see fit. All I ask is that it be
used for God's glory. My heart's desire is
satisfied in putting out the book. If I do not get my money back, or if I
do not receive credit from men (and I am due none), I can rejoice in knowing I
have helped others. The Lord will reward me
some day.
I realize this work is imperfect, even as all works of men are imperfect. Even
now, after finishing the book, I see some
things I overlooked. But the Lord has richly blessed me in writing it. My
heart's desire is that those who read its
pages shall be as richly blessed. As I had to go over these things again and
again, so will you need to read this book
again and again before you grasp many
things. May the
grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with
Instructions for building the tabernacle were given to Moses in Exodus 25th to
30th chapters. These instructions were
carried out in chapters 35 to 40. These instructions we tried to follow
as closely as we could interpret them. Certainly, we had to use substitute
materials throughout. The purpose was only to build a model for study.
SCALE: One inch per cubit. Where the Bible said a cubit, we used an inch.
BOARDS: There are 48 boards. These are made of 1/2 inch 5-plywood, l ½ inches
wide and 10 inches long. They are painted with two coats of gold paint. The
tenons are nails, with the heads cut off, driven
into the bottom of each board. About 1/2 inch of the nails are left sticking
out, and fit in the sockets (holes drilled to fit them) in the 5-plywood
RINGS: Small screw eyes, 3 to a board, spaced: center,
and 1 1/2 inches from top and
bottom of each board.
BARS: Because wooden bars would be too easily broken,
we used heavy wire. Welding bar has been suggested. 5 bars to each side, south,
west and north. The middle bar is the full length of the building. The top and
bottom bars are in two sections each. These bars go through the rings to hold
the boards together in a steady wall.
PILLARS: These are of 3/8 inch dowel sticks, 10 and 3/4 inches high. Sockets are
drilled in the base and also in the chapiters to fit
these pillars. 5 pillars are at the door and 4 at the veil. These also are
painted gold.
CHAPITERS: This is a head piece, or arch, made of 3/4 inch wood square, 11 ½
inches long. These are to brace the pillars and side walls. One
chapiter is for the door pillars and one is for the
pillars of the veil. Into these chapiters are
screwed the hooks for hanging the veil and the hanging for the door. On the ends
of these we made small extension brackets to fit over the side wall and hold it
steady. These all are painted gold. This, which I failed to comment on, perhaps
represented Christ as the head of all things
CURTAINS: 1st—Linen curtains. This is white Indian Head Linen, stitched to
appear like ten curtains, five of which make up one piece and five another.
These two are then fastened together at
the selvages with loops and tacks.
Notice Exodus 26:4. These loops are UPON the edge of one, and
IN the edge of the other. This allows them to meet
edge to edge with no lapping. This is
called ONE tabernacle. We
could not have fifty loops and tacks, on account
of the size of our model, so we spaced
them two inches apart. Our tacks
are common paper tacks, with two prongs at the
back which spread open after inserting
through the loops
veil was hung under these tacks, v.33. These curtains
are embroidered with, blue, purple, and
scarlet in designs of angels and
scroll work.
2nd—Goat's hair curtains.
These are of a woolen coat
material of a tan color, made the same as the linen curtains,
with the exception that there are 11 of them seamed to represent five curtains
in one piece and six in the other. The sixth curtain doubles down over the
forefront of the tabernacle, making the
tacks come over the veil. This is
called the tent, v 11.
3rd—Ram's Skin Dyed Red. This is red oil cloth, 34
inches long and 32 inches wide. Into the two side edges
of this we placed common dressmaker eyelets, four to each side, to which we tied
cords. These in turn are tied to nails
(tent pins), which are inserted into holes to fit them drilled
in the base.
4th—Badger's skins.
This is white oil cloth used wrong
side out (to make it look different), the same size or a little
larger than the red one. Eyelets, tent pins and cords are
used here, too, being spaced between those on the red ram
skin curtains, and fastened the same way in the base.
5th—The Veil. This is of white Indian Head Linen, 10
inches by 11 ½ inches, embroidered like the overhead
covering; with angels and scroll-work, in blue, purple and
scarlet. Hebrews 9:3 speaks of the "second veil". Therefore
we made the veil like two veils hung together (one on either
side of the pillars). This allows the high priest to pass
through the veil and permits no daylight
to shine into the most holy place.
There is a cord run through the 3/4 inch hem at the top, and fastened at each
end. Through small holes cut in
this hem at the proper places, the cord is hung
over the hooks on the
chapiter. Thus the veil is hung in
6th—Hanging for the Door.
This is also of white Indian
head of a size to fit the door, and embroidered in blue,
purple, and scarlet, but without the
cherubim figures.
The Base—This is a piece of ½ inch 5-pIy ply-wood, 34
inches long and 24 inches wide. In the center of this is the foundation for
sockets for the boards, 30 inches long and 12 inches wide. The sockets are
holes, drilled to fit the tenons on the boards. At
the place for the veil are 4 sockets drilled to fit the 4 pillars for the veil.
All these 100 sockets are painted silver,
as Exodus 38:27 shows. At the door entrance are sockets drilled to fit
the 5 door pillars. These sockets are painted brass. On the outer side-edges of
this base are holes drilled to fit the tent pins for the two skin curtains. All
the inside space on this base, not needed for the sockets for boards, pillars,
or pins, was sawed out and discarded. The part left still unpainted was painted
to represent grass, or the ground on which the tabernacle was erected. In order
to have this so it can be more easily handled and packed this base was later
sawed into two pieces and hinged together. The underside was padded so the
hinges would not interfere with the level of the base.
The Furniture—This was made and painted according to
Bible descriptions. The crowns of gold around the tops of the ark, table of
shewbread, and golden altar are made of the little
metal blade found in waxed paper cartons. Rings for the staves are the same
little screw eyes used on the boards. Staves are of anything available that will
fit in these things. The mercy seat is not yet completed. For the present we are
using a flat lid on the ark, with two small plastic dime store angels. We hope
to find a whittler or worker in ceramics to make the mercy seat and
cherubims all in one piece. Cakes of
shewbread are small discs of cardboard glued in
place, 2 stacks, 6 cakes in a stack. The candlestick
is sawed out of one piece of wood with a jigsaw. The altars both have a top
grate of hardware cloth. The horns on the altars are whittled out and nailed in
place. The laver is a medicinal eye cup, with a stem, obtainable from a drug
The Court: This is 50 inches wide and 100 inches long.
The 54 pillars are of ½ inch dowel sticks 6
inches high. This allows for room at the bottom to sink into the socket, and
also room at the top for the silver fillet to show above the hook on which the
curtain hangs, leaving 5 inches for the curtain. The hooks are made by spreading
open the little screw eyes. A hole should be bored in the dowel for inserting
the hook. Each corner pillar will need 2 hooks, one for the side curtain, and
one for the end curtain. The sockets, drilled to fit the pillars, are made in
screen door framing. This framing, in order to be easily handled and packed for
carrying about, is made sectional, joined with tongue and groove joint as screen
doors are made at the corners. There are 4 sections of each side and 2 of each
end. These joints are made so they can be pinned together by a pillar when
placed in the socket thereat. There are
20 pillars on each side. This makes 19 spaces between them
for sockets. The 100 inch length divided
into these 19 spaces gives the distance between the sockets, center to
center. The west end is spaced the same. The east end is different. There are
three pillars at each side of the gate, for a curtain 15 inches long. The third
socket is 15 inches from the corner one, with the second one halfway between.
These "third sockets" are also for the gate to be hung upon, which needs 2 more,
spaced evenly between, making 4 for the gate. These sockets and pillars are
painted brass (just a shade darker than the gold, to make it look different)
with a silver top on each pillar.
The curtains for the court, of white Indian Head Linen, are made according to
Exodus 27:9-18. A cord is run through the hem at the top and securely fastened
at each end. Small openings are then cut at the proper places so this cord can
be hung over the hooks on the pillars.
There is no embroidery on any of the court curtains except the gate.
The Priest's Garments: These can easily be made by following instructions in
Exodus 28:2-43. For this we used a softer material for the white linen. The
stones on the breastplate are tiny colored beads. The shoulder stones
are small metal pieces. The golden chains
are from a necklace. The golden bells are Christmas jingle-bells. The
pomegranates are embroidered. The crown, tied on with a blue lace or string, is
of cardboard covered with gold foil with the inscription typed on a piece of
ribbon and glued on. The gold in the embroidery can be the fine wire found
in electric motors. (See Exodus 39:3).
The Encampment: We had standards made of cardboard to be inserted in dowel
sticks, high enough to show above the court. These standards bear the names of
each camp, and are placed accordingly around the court. This, when used with the
lessons drives home the truths concerning the tabernacle.
Make a model for yourself. Study it in the light of the scriptures and you will be amazed.