Fifty Years Among the Baptists, 1860
by David Benedict, D.D.
Author of "Baptist History", "All Religions", etc., etc.,
Member of the Rhode Island Historical Society, and other Kindred Institutions.
Including a brief allusion to the course,
doctrines, and practice of the Christian church from Jerusalem to America; also,
the doctrine and practice of modern missionaries, from the days of Andrew
Fuller, and a brief notice of D. Benedict's late history of the Baptists;
concluded with an address to the general reader.
CHAPTER I Prefatory
Remarks.—Five Decades, or Periods of Ten Years Each.—My Travels and Extensive
Acquaintance with Baptist Ministers in Early Times.—Summary View of the Baptists
about 1800.—No Periodicals.—Old Baptist Magazine.—Mite Societies.—But Few
Educated Ministers.—Rise of Benevolent Institutions.
CHAPTER II A Brief Account of My Early Efforts for the Collection of
Materials for a General History of the Baptists in all Ages and
Countries.—Baptist Ministers of Distinction in the Different States.
CHAPTER III Biographical Sketches of a Few of the Ministers Mentioned in
the Preceding Chapter.—Stillman, Baldwin, Gano, Sharp, Cornell, Stanford,
Parkinson, Williams, Staughton, Rogers, Jones, J. Richards, J. Healey, Furman,
Bottaford, Fuller, Marshall, Mercer.
CHAPTER IV On Extempore Preaching.—The Support and the Neglect of
Ministers.—Comments on their Various Habits and Conditions.
CHAPTER V Missionary and Other Agencies.—Houses of Worship.
CHAPTER VI On the Changes in Baptist Customs in the Course of Fifty
Years.—In Church Affairs.—Associations.
CHAPTER VII On the Popular Prejudices Against the Baptists in Former
Times.—Their Unwise Policy in Some Things.—Baptist Publishers.—No Baptist
Press.—Old-Fashioned Pulpits.—Modern Platforms.
CHAPTER VIII Judson and Rice Become Baptists.—The Triennial
Convention.—The Missionary Union.—Rice Becomes an Agent.—The Columbian College,
Difficulties About Missionary Money.—Death of Rice.
CHAPTER IX The Early Correspondence of Mr. Rice Pertaining to the Foreign
Mission Cause, and My First Acquaintance with Him.—Surprising Changes Throughout
a Large Part of the Baptist Denomination on the Subject of Missions.—The
Anti-Mission Party. Mr. Rice’s Correspondence with Marshman and Judson in
India.—Letters and Journals of Mr. Hough.—On the Hindoos, by Mr. Ward.—Languages
of the East.
CHAPTER X New Phases in the Doctrinal Creed of the Baptists.—The Fuller
System Comes into Vogue.—On the Changes which Followed.
CHAPTER XI Unitarianism among the American Baptists.—My Investigation of
the System.—My Conferences with Some of our Men who Adopted it.—Also with Dr.
Kirkland of Harvard University, Dr. Freeman of Boston and others.—General
Remarks on the System.—My Conclusions against it.
CHAPTERXII On Customs now Generally Abolished, which Prevailed More or
Less among the Baptists in Former Times; as Laying On of Hands.—Washing
Feet.—Devoting Children.—Ruling Elders.— Decline in the Use of Brother and
Sister, and Elder.—Seven Deacons the Gospel Number for a Full-Grown Church.
CHAPTER XIII Quiet Condition of the Baptists Generally.—Agitations about
Free-masonry and Southern Slavery.—The Troubles which Followed.—The Division of
Churches.—The Removals of Ministers.—The Name of Stayshort Applied to Many.
CHAPTER XIV The Old Triennial Convention.—The Meeting in New York in
1826.—The Board Removed to Boston.—The Columbian College.—The Home Missionary
Society Formed.—Dr. Going.—Dr. Peck.—State Conventions.
CHAPTER XV The Manner of Settling Ministers in Former Times, and of
Supporting them.—Imperfect Support of them.—Revivals.—New Measures.
CHAPTER XVI A New Baptist Register, by I. M. Allin.—A List of Small
Literary Institutions.—Manual Labor Schools.— American and Foreign Bible
CHAPTER XVII The Southern Baptist Convention Formed.—The Causes which Led
to this Measure.—New Methods of Conducting Associations.—Comments on the Agency
CHAPTER XVIII The Old Triennial Convention Assumes the Name of the
Baptist Missionary Union.—Diversities Between the Two Bodies.—Some Objectionable
Things.—Too Little Freedom for Speakers.—TooLittle Time.—Too Many Young Speakers
Take the Floor, Too Often.—Too Long.
CHAPTER XIX Some Account of My Publications.—Old Baptist History.—By Whom
Published.—Difficulties in Circulating it by the War.—Other Works.—All
Religions.—Interview with Leading Men of all Parties.—The Shakers of New
CHAPTER XX Authorship Continued.—Interviews with Catholics in Boston and
Elsewhere.—With Scotch Seceders.—The Lutherans and Others in New York.—With the
Moravians.—The Result of these Visitations.—My Last Baptist History.—Post Office
CHAPTER XXI Authorship
Continued.—My Compendium of Ecclesiastical History.—Motives for Undertaking the
Work, to Make a Book for the People; To Give the Framework of Church History; To
Bring out More Fully and Favorably the History of the Donatists and Other
Reputed Heretics.—On the Term Puritan.—Miscellaneous Matters.
Meeting-House Fixings and Comforts.—Changes in Church Music.—Organs.—Titles of
Ministers.—My Efforts for Ministerial Education.—With Others.
CHAPTER XXIII A Review of all
Collegiate Institutions among the Baptists in the United States.—A Review of
their Theological Seminaries.—Theological Departments in Connection with our
Universities and Colleges, to a Needful Extent, Recommended in Preference to
Separate Schools.
CHAPTER XIV On Religious
Newspapers in this Country and among the Baptists.—Difficulties at First.—Too
Numerous at Times.—Their Secular Character.—First Sunday School.—On the Rise and
Management of our Benevolent Institutions.—On the Death of Correspondents and
Familiar Friends.