Christian under the Smarting Rod" or,
"The Silent Soul with Sovereign Antidotes"
by Thomas Brooks, 1659, London.
"I was silent; I would not open my mouth, for
You are the one who has done this!" Psalm 39:9
Objection 8. Oh! But God
has deserted me! He has forsaken me! He who should
comfort my soul—stands afar off! How can I be silent? The Lord has
hid his face away from me; clouds are gathered around me; God has
turned his back upon me! How can I be silent?
Supposing that the desertion is real, and not in
appearance only, as sometimes it falls out—I answer,
(1.) First, It has been
the common lot, portion, and condition of the choicest saints in
this world, to be deserted and forsaken by God, Psalm
30:6, 7; Psalm 77:6, and 88:6; Job 23:8, 9; Cant. 3:1-4, 5:6, 7;
Isaiah 8:17; Micah 7:7-9. If God deals no worse with you than he has
dealt with his most bosom friends, with his choicest jewels—you
have no reason to complain. But,
(2.) Secondly, God's
forsaking of you is only partial, it is not total, Psalm.
9:4; Gen. 49:23, 24. God may forsake his people in part—but he
never wholly forsakes them; he may forsake them in respect of his
quickening presence, and in respect of his comforting presence—but
he never forsakes them in respect to his supporting presence; 2 Cor.
12:9, 'My grace is sufficient for you; for my strength is made
perfect in weakness;' Psalm 37:23, 24, 'The steps of a godly man are
ordered by the Lord; and he delights in his way. Though he falls, he
shall not be utterly cast down—for the Lord upholds him with his
hand." God's supporting hand of grace is still under his
people—Psalm 63:8, ' My soul follows hard after you—your right
hand upholds me.' Christ has always one hand to uphold his people,
and another hand to embrace them, Cant. 2:16. The everlasting arms
of God are always underneath his people, Deut. 33:27. And this the
saints have always found; witness David, Heman, Asaph, Job, etc.
Geographers write that the city of Syracuse, in
Sicily, is so curiously situated that the sun is never out of sight.
Though the children of God sometimes are under some clouds of
afflictions, yet the Sun of mercy, the Sun of righteousness, is
never quite out of sight. But,
(3.) Thirdly, Though God
has forsaken you—his love abides and continues constant to you. He
loves you with an everlasting love—Jer. 31:8, 'Where he loves, he
loves to the end.' John 13:1. "But Zion said—'The Lord has
forsaken me, the Lord has forgotten me!' Can a mother forget the
baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has
borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! See, I have
engraved you on the palms of my hands!" Isaiah 49:14-16. Look,
as people engrave the mark, name, or picture of those whom they
dearly love and entirely affect, upon some stone which they wear at
their bosoms, or upon some ring which they wear or their finger, so
has God engraved Zion upon the palms of his hands; she was still in
his eye, and always dear to his heart, though she did not think so.
As Joseph's heart was full of love to his
brethren, even then when he spoke roughly to them, and withdrew
himself from them—for he must go aside and ease his heart by
weeping; so the heart of God is full of love to his people, even
then when he seems to be most displeased with them, and to turn his
back upon them. Though God's dispensations may be changeable towards
his people, yet his gracious disposition is unchangeable towards
them, Mal. 3:6. When God puts the blackest veil of all upon his
face, yet then his heart is full of love to his people—then his
affections are yearning towards them—Jer. 31:18-20, 'Is Ephraim my
dear son? Is he a pleasant child? For though I spoke against him, I
do earnestly remember him still; therefore my heart yearns for
him—I will surely have mercy upon him, says the Lord.' The
mother's affections cannot more yearn after the tender babe than God
does after his distressed ones.
As Moses' mother, when she had put him into the
ark of bulrushes, Exod. 2, wept to see the babe weep, and when she
was turned from him, she could not but cast a weeping eye of love
towards him; so when God turns aside from his people, yet he cannot
but cast an eye of love towards them—Hos. 11:1, 'How shall I give
you up, O Ephraim!' etc. Here are four different 'hows' in the
text—the like not to be found in the whole book of God. I am even
at a stand, justice calls for vengeance—but mercy interposes; my
affections yearn, my heart melts—oh, how shall I give you up? Oh,
I cannot give you up! I will not give you up! God's love is always
like himself, unchangeable; his love is everlasting; it is a love
which never decays nor waxes cold; it is like the stone albestos, of
which Solinus writes that being once made hot—it can never be
cooled again.
(4.) Fourthly, Though
your Lord has hid his face from you—yet certainly you have his
secret presence with you. God is present when he is
seemingly absent—'The Lord was in this place, and I knew it not,'
says Jacob, Gen. 28:16. The sun many times shines when we do not see
it, and the husband is many times in the house when the wife does
not know it. God is in your house, he is in your heart; though you
see him not, you feel him not, though you hear him not—Heb. 13:5,
'I will never leave you, nor forsake you;' or, as it may be rendered
according to the Greek, 'I will never leave you, neither will I ever
forsake you.'
Are you not now drawn out to prize God and
Christ, and his love above all the world? Yes! Are you not now drawn
out to give the Lord many a secret visit, in a corner, behind the
door, Cant. 2:14, in some dark hole where none can see you nor hear
you, but the Lord? Psalm 13:1-3, 63:1-3. Yes! Are there not strong
breathings, partings, and longings after a clearer vision of God,
and after a fuller fruition of God? Yes! Are you not more affected
and afflicted with the withdrawings of Christ than you are with the
greatest afflictions which ever befell you? Cant. 5:6. Yes!
Augustine, upon that answer of God to Moses, 'You
cannot see my face and live,' Exod. 33:20, makes this quick and
sweet reply, 'Then, Lord! let me die, that I may see your face.' Do
you not often tell God that there is no punishment to the punishment
of loss of God's presence, and no hell to that of being forsaken of
God? Psalm 30:6, 7. Yes! Do you not find a secret power in your
soul, drawing you forth to struggle with God, to lay hold on God,
and patiently to wait on God, until he shall return unto you, and
lift up the light of his countenance upon you? Yes! Well, then, you
may be confident that you have a secret and blessed presence
of God with you; though God, in regard of his comfortable presence,
may be departed from you.
Nothing below a secret presence of God with a
man's spirit will keep him waiting and working until the Sun of
righteousness shines upon him, Mal. 4:2. If any vain people should
put that deriding question to you, Where is your God? you may safely
and boldly answer them, 'My God is here; he is near me, he is round
about me, yes, he is in the midst of me—Zeph. 3:17, 'The Lord your
God in the midst of you is mighty, he will save, he will rejoice
over you with joy, he will rest in his love, he will rejoice over
you with singing.' The bush, which was a type of the church,
consumed not, all the while it burned with fire, because God was in
the midst of it. It is no argument that Christ is not in the
ship, because tempests and storms arise!
(5.) Fifthly, Though God
is gone—yet he will return again. Though your sun be
now set in a cloud—yet it will rise again. Though sorrow may abide
for a night—yet joy comes in the morning. A Christian's mourning
shall last but until morning—Micah 7:19, 'He will turn again—he
will have compassion upon us!' Cant. 3:4, 'It was but a little that
I passed from them—but I found him whom my soul loves; I held him,
and I would not let him go,' etc.; Psalm 94:19, 'In the multitude of
my thoughts within me—your comforts delight my soul.' Isaiah 54:7;
8, 10, "For a brief moment I abandoned you—but with deep
compassion I will bring you back. In a surge of anger I hid my face
from you for a moment—but with everlasting kindness I will have
compassion on you," says the Lord your Redeemer. "So now I
have sworn not to be angry with you, never to rebuke you again.
Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my
unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace
be removed," says the Lord, who has compassion on you."
God will not allow his whole displeasure to rise
upon his people; nor will he forsake them totally or finally. The
saints shall taste but some sips of the cup of God's wrath,
sinners shall drink the dregs. Their storm shall end in a
calm, and their winter night shall be turned into a summer day.
There was a woman who was thirteen years under
desertion by God, which was so vehement, that for the most part of
her time she was gladly to keep to her bed through weakness. A godly
minister, who was affected with her condition, went to comfort her,
and to pray with her; but when he came and offered to do it, she
shrieked out, utterly refusing and forbidding him to pray with her,
for, said she, I have too many abused mercies to answer for already.
Yet he would not be put off—but prayed by her, and so prevailed
with God on her behalf, that the next morning she was delivered from
all her fears, and had such exceeding joy, that the like has rarely
been heard of. The Lord, who had been long withdrawn from her,
returned at length in a way of singular mercy to her.
There was another precious woman who was several
years deserted by God, and hearing a precious godly minister preach,
she suddenly fell down, overwhelmed with joy, crying out, Oh! he is
come whom my soul loves! and for several days after, she was filled
with such exceeding joys, and had such gracious and singular
ravishing expressions so fluently coming from her, that many came to
hear the rare manifestations of God's grace in her. The lowest of
her pious expressions did exceed the highest that ever the minister
had read in the book of martyrs. But,
(6.) Sixthly and lastly, God's
deserting, God's forsaking of his people, shall many ways work for
their good. As,
[1.] First, God by
withdrawing from his people, will prepare and fit them for greater
refreshings, manifestations, and consolations. Psalm
71:11, 20, 21, 'God has forsaken him—persecute and take him; for
there is none to deliver him.' But shall this forlorn condition work
for his good? Yes, 'You who have showed me great and sore troubles,
shall quicken me again, and shall bring me up again from the depths
of the earth. You shall increase my greatness, and comfort me on
every side.' When Joseph's brethren were in their greatest
distress—then Joseph makes known himself most fully to them, Gen.
14:2-4; so does Christ, our spiritual Joseph, to his people. Hudson
the martyr, deserted at the stake, went from under his chain, and
having prayed earnestly, was comforted immediately, and suffered
[2.] By God's
withdrawing from his people—he prevents his people's withdrawing
from him; and so by an affliction he prevents sin. For
God to withdraw from me is but my affliction—but for me to
withdraw from God, that is my sin, Heb. 10:38, 39. Therefore it were
better for me that God should withdraw a thousand times from
me—than that I should once withdraw from God. God therefore
forsakes us—that we may not forsake our God. God sometimes hides
himself that we may cleave the closer to him, and hang the faster
upon him; as the mother hides herself from the child for a time,
that the child may cleave the closer and hang the nearer upon her
all the day long. God sometimes hid himself from David—Psalm 30:7,
'You hid your face, and I was troubled', I was all dejected. Well!
and is that all? No! ver. 8, 'I cried to you, O Lord, and unto the
Lord I made my supplication.' Now he cries louder, and cleaves
closer to God than ever. So in that Psalm 43:1, 2, 'O God, you are
my God! early will I seek you—my soul thirsts for you, my flesh
longs for you in a dry and thirsty land, where there is no water; to
see your power and your glory, so as I have seen you in your
sanctuary.' Well! And how do those withdrawings of God work? Why!
this you may see in ver. 8, 'My soul follows hard after you', or as
the Hebrew reads it, 'My soul cleaves after you.' Look! as the
husband cleaves to his wife, so does my soul cleave to the Lord. The
psalmist now follows God even hard at heels, as we say. But
[3.] Thirdly, The Lord,
by withdrawing from his people, will enhance and raise the price,
and commend the worth, excellency, sweetness, and usefulness of
several precious promises, which otherwise would be but as dry
breasts, and us useless weapons to the soul, 2 Peter 1:4.
As in Micah 7, 'He will turn again, he will have compassion upon
us.' Isaiah 54:7, 8; Heb. 13:5, 6; Heb. 2:3; Psalm 5:12, 'For you,
Lord will bless the righteous; with favor you will compass him,' or
crown him, 'as with a shield.' The Lord will compass the righteous
about with his favor, as the crown compasses the head, as the Hebrew
imports. Psalm 112:4, 'Unto the upright there arises light in
darkness—he is gracious, and full of compassion, and righteous.'
Jer. 31:37, 'This is what the Lord says: Only if the heavens above
can be measured and the foundations of the earth below be searched
out, will I reject all the descendants of Israel because of all they
have done' As surely as heaven cannot be measured, nor the
foundations of the earth searched by the skill or power of any
mortal man—so sure and certain it is, that God will not utterly
cast off his people, no—not for all the evil which they have done!
Now at what a rate does a deserted soul value
these precious promises? Well! says he, these promises are sweeter
than the honey or the honey-comb; they are more precious than gold,
than fine gold, than much gold, than all the gold in the world! I
prefer them before my food, before my delightful food, yes, before
my necessary food, before my appointed portion!
As Alexander laid up Homer's Iliad in a cabinet
embroidered with gold and pearls; so deserted souls will lay up
these precious promises in the cabinet of their hearts, as the
choicest treasure the world affords. Dolphins, they say, love music,
so do deserted souls the music of the promises. That promise, 1 Tim.
1:15, was music to Bilney the martyr; and that promise, John 10:29,
was music to Ursinus; and that promise, Isaiah 57:15, was music to
another; and that promise, Isaiah 26:3, was music to another; and
that to another Mat. 11:28, etc. Promises that are suited to a
deserted man's condition make the sweetest music in his ear, and are
the most sovereign cordials to bear up the spirits—which God can
give—or heaven afford—or the soul desire! Deut. 32:13, 'He made
him to ride on the high places of the earth, that he might eat the
fruits of the field; and he made him to suck honey out of the rock,
and oil out of the flinty rock.' Ah! the honey, the oil—which
deserted souls suck of such promises which speak home and close to
their conditions!
[4.] Fourthly, By God's
hiding his face and withdrawing himself from you, you will be
enabled, more feelingly, and more experimentally to sympathize with
others, and to have compassion on others who are or may
be in the dark, and forsaken of God, as you are, Heb. 5:2. Heb.
13:2, 'Remember those who are in bonds, as bound with them; and
those who suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body.'
It is observed of the bees, that when one is sick—they all mourn;
and of the sheep, that if one of them is faint—the rest of the
flock will stand between it and the sun until it is revived. In the
natural body, if one member grieves and is in pain—all suffer with
it. When a thorn has stuck into the foot—how does the back bow,
and the eyes cry, and the hands go to pluck the thorn out! None so
compassionate towards deserted souls as those who have been deserted
and forsaken of God themselves. Oh! they know what an evil and a
bitter thing it is to be left and forsaken of God, and therefore
their affections, their compassions run out much to such, yes, most
to such. They know that there is no affliction, no misery, no
hell—to that of being forsaken of God.
Anaxagoras, seeing himself old and forsaken by
the world, laid himself down, and covered his head, determining to
starve himself to death with hunger. But, alas! what is it to be
forsaken of the world—to a man's being forsaken of God? Were there
as many worlds as there are men in the world, a man were better be
forsaken by them all—than to be forsaken by God. There is a great
truth in that saying of Chrysostom, that is, That the torments of a
thousand hells, it there were so many, come far short of this one,
to wit, to be turned out of God's presence with an, 'I know you
not!' Mat. 7:23. What a grief was it to Absalom to see the king's
face clouded; and how sadly were Eli and his daughter affected with
the loss of the ark, which was but a testimony of God's
presence! But oh! how much more is a Christian afflicted with the
loss of the face and favor of God, the remembrance of which makes
his heart to melt?
[5.] Fifthly, Hereby the
Lord will teach his people to set a higher price upon his face and
favor, when they come to enjoy it again. Cant. 3:4, 'I
found him whom my soul loves; I held him, and I would not let him
go!' etc. No man sets so high a price upon Christ, as he who has
lost him and found him again. Jesus in the Chinese language,
signifies the rising sun, and so he is, Mal. 4:2, especially to
souls that have been long clouded. The poor northern nations of
Strabo, who lack the light of the sun for some months together, when
the term of his return approaches, they climb up into the highest
mountains to spy it, and he who spies it first was accounted the
best and most beloved of God, and usually they did choose him king;
at such a rate did they prize the return of the sun.
Ah! so it is with a poor soul, that for some
months, years, has been deserted; oh, how highly does he prize and
value the Sun of righteousness—his returning to him, and shining
upon him! Psalm 113:3, 'Your loving-kindness is better than life,'
or, 'better than lives,' as the Hebrew has it. Divine favor
is better than life; it is better that life with all its revenues,
with all its comforts, honors, riches, pleasures, applause, etc.,
yes, it is better than many lives put together! Now you know at what
a high rate men value their lives; they will bleed, sweat, cry, part
with an estate, yes, with a limb; yes part with their limbs to
preserve their lives! As he cried out, Give me any deformity, any
torment, any misery—just so you spare my life. Now, though life be
so dear and precious to a man, yet a deserted soul prizes the
returnings of divine favor upon him above life—yes, above many
lives. Many men have been weary of their lives, as is evident in
Scripture and history; but no man was ever yet found that was weary
of the love and favor of God. No man sets so high a price upon the
sun as he who has laid in a dark dungeon, etc. But,
[6.] Sixthly, Hereby the
Lord will train up his servants in that precious life of faith,
which is the most honorable and the most happy life in all the world.
2 Cor. 5:7, 'For we walk by faith, and not by sight.' The life of
sense, the life of reason, is a low life, a base life. The life of
faith is a noble life, a blessed life. When Elisha demanded of the
Shunamite what he should do for her, whether he should speak for her
to the king or the captain of the army, she answered, 'I dwell among
my people,' 2 Kings 4:13; that is, I dwell nobly and happily among
my people; I have no need to make any suit to king or captain; and
this she accounts her great happiness, and indeed it is; the
greatest happiness in this world to live much in the exercise of
faith. No man lives so free a life, so holy a life, so heavenly a
life, so happy a life—as he who lives a life of faith. By
divine drawings the soul is put upon hanging upon a naked God, a
naked Christ, a naked promise, Isaiah 1. 10; lxiii. 15, 16. Now the
soul is put upon the highest and the purest acts of faith, that is,
to cleave to God, to hang upon God, and to carry it sweetly and
obediently towards God, though he frowns, though he chides, though
he strikes, yes, though he kills, Job 13:15. Those are the most
excellent and heroic acts of faith that are most abstracted from
sense and reason; he who allows his reason to usurp upon his faith,
will never be an excellent Christian. He who goes to school to his
own carnal reason, has a fool to his schoolmaster; and he who allows
his faith to be overruled by his reason, shall never lack woe. Where
reason is strongest, faith usually is weakest. But now the Lord, by
forsaking of his people for a time, he makes them skillful in the
life of faith, which is the choicest and the sweetest life in this
world. But,
[7.] Seventhly, By
divine withdrawings, you are made more conformable to Christ your
head and husband, who was under spiritual desertion as well as you. Mat.
27:46, 'My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?' Psalm 22:1, 2.
There is an hidden emphasis in the Hebrew word—El signifies a
strong God; Eli, Eli—My strong God, my strong God. The unity of
Christ's person was never dissolved, nor his graces were never
diminished. In the midst of this terrible storm his faith fortifies
and strengthens itself upon the strength of God, My God, any God;
yet in respect of divine protection and divine solace, he was for
some time forsaken of his Father. And if this be your case, you are
herein but made conformable to your Lord and master; no, you do but
sip of that bitter cup of which Christ drank deep; your cloud is no
cloud to that which Christ was under. But,
[8.] Eighthly and lastly, By
these transient and partial forsakings, the Lord will exceedingly
sweeten the clear, full, constant, and uninterrupted enjoyments of
himself in heaven to all his people, Psalm 71:10, 21. Ah!
how sweet and precious was the face and favor of the king to
Absalom, after he had for a time been banished, and at length
restored to his royal favor again! Onesimus departed from Philemon
for a season, that he might receive him forever. So the Lord departs
from his people for a time, that they may receive him forever; he
hides himself for a season, that his constant presence among his
children in glory may be the more sweet and delightful to them, etc.
Objection 9. Oh! but I
am falsely accused and sadly reproached, and my good
name, which should be as dear or dearer to me than my life, is
defamed and fly-blown, and things are laid to my charge that I never
did, that I never knew, etc.; and how then can I be silent? how can
I hold my peace? I cannot forget the proverb—a man's eye and his
good name can bear no jests; and how then can I be mute to see men
make jests upon my good name? and every day to see men lade it with
all the scorn and contempt imaginable, that they may utterly blast
it? etc. To this I say,
(1.) First, That it must
be granted that a good name is one of the choicest jewels in a
Christian's crown. Though a great name many times is
little worth, yet a good name is rather to be chosen than great
riches. It is better to love a good name abroad, than silver or gold
laid up in a chest at home. 'A good name is better than precious
ointment,' Eccles. 7:1. Precious ointments were greatly in use and
highly esteemed of among the Israelites in those eastern parts, they
were laid up among the most precious things even in the king's
treasury, Isaiah 39:2. Sweet ointments can but affect the smell, and
comfort the brain, and delight the outward man; they reach not the
best part, the noble part, that is, the soul, the conscience of a
Christian; but a good name does both. What is the perfume of the
nostrils, compared to the perfume of the heart?
I have read that in some countries they have a
certain art of drawing of pigeons to their dove-houses in those
countries, by anointing the wings of one of them with sweet
ointment, and that pigeon being sent abroad, does, by the fragrance
of that ointment, decoy, invite, and allure others to that house,
where itself is a domestic. Such is the fragrance of a good name,
that it draws other men after the savor thereof. Among all sorts and
ranks of men in the world, a good name has an attractive faculty; it
is a precious ointment that draws hearers to attend good preachers,
patients to attend physicians, clients to attend lawyers, scholars
to attend schoolmasters, and customers to attend shopkeepers.
"Demetrius, who was well spoken of by everyone," 3rd
epistle of John 12. Let a man's good name be but up, and he cannot
easily lack anything that men or money can help him to. A good name
will bring a man into favor, and keep a man in favor with all who
are good.
Whatever commodity you lose, be sure yet to
preserve that jewel of a good name. A Christian should be most
watchful of his good name, for a good name answers to all things, as
Solomon spoke of money. 'If I may but keep a good name, I have
wealth enough,' said the heathen Plautus. A Christian should rather
forego gold that let go a good name. He who robs a Christian of his
good name is a worse thief than he who robs him of his purse—and
better deserves a hanging than he, etc. But,
(2.) Secondly, It must
be granted, that a good name once lost, is very hardly recovered
again. A man may more easily recover a lost friend, a
lost estate, than a lost name. A good name is like a princely
structure, quickly ruined—but long a-rearing. The father of the
prodigal could say of his lost son, 'This my son was lost—but is
found; he was dead—but is alive,' Luke 15:32; but how few
Christians can say, This my good name was lost—but is found; it
was dead—but now it lives. As when Orpah once left Naomi, she
returned no more to her, Ruth 1:14; so when once a good name leaves
a man, it hardly returns to him again. A cracked credit will hardly
be soldered anew, new wine is rarely put into old bottles. A man
should stand upon nothing more than the credit of his conscience,
and the credit of his name.
In Japan, the very children are so zealous of
their reputation, that in case you lose a trifle, and say to one of
them, Sirrah, I believe you have stolen it; without any pause, the
boy will immediately cut off a joint from one of his fingers, and
say, Sir, if you say true, I wish my finger may never heal again.
Three things a Christian should stiffly labor to maintain—1, the
honor of God; 2, the honor of the gospel; 3, the honor of his own
name. If once a Christian's good name sets in a cloud, it will be
long before it rises again.
(3.) Thirdly, Though all this be true, yet it has
been the portion of God's dearest saints and servants to be
slandered, reproached, vilified, and falsely accused. Psalm 31:18,
'Let the lying lips be put to silence, which speak grievous things
proudly, and contemptuously against the righteous.' How sadly and
falsely was Joseph accused by his wanton mistress; David by Doeg and
Shimei; Job of hypocrisy, impiety, inhumanity, cruelty, partiality,
pride, and irreligion! Was not Naboth accused of speaking blasphemy
against God and the king? Did not Haman present the Jews to the king
as unruly and rebellious? Esther 3. Was not Elijah accused to be the
troubler of Israel, and Jeremiah the trumpet of rebellion; the
Baptist a stirrer up of sedition, and Paul a pestilent incendiary?
Were not the apostles generally accounted deceivers and deluders of
the people, and the offscouring of the world? etc.
Athanasius and Eustathius were falsely accused of
adultery. Heresy and treason were charged upon Cranmer, parricide
upon Philpot, sedition upon Latimer. As the primitive persecutors
usually put Christians into bears' skins and dogs' skins, and then
baited them for the lions; so they usually loaded their names and
persons with all the reproach, scorn, contempt, and false reports
imaginable, and then baited them, and then acted all their malice
and cruelty upon them. I think there is no Christian—but sooner or
later, first or last, will have cause to say with David, Psalm
35:11, 'False witnesses did rise up; they laid to my charge things
that I knew not;' they charged me with such things whereof I was
both innocent and ignorant. It was the saying of one [Hippias], that
there was nothing so intolerable as accusation, because there was no
punishment ordained by law for accusers, as there was for thieves,
although they stole friendship from men, which is the goodliest
riches men can have. Well! Christians, seeing it has been the lot of
the dearest saints to be falsely accused, and to have their names
and reputes in the world reproached and fly-blown—you should
remain silent before the Lord, seeing it is no worse with you than
it was with them, 'of whom this world was not worthy.' The Rabbis
say that the world cannot exist without patient bearing of
reproaches. But,
(4.) Fourthly, Our Lord
Jesus Christ was sadly reproached and falsely accused. His
precious name, which deserves to be always written in characters of
gold, was often eclipsed before the sun was eclipsed at his death.
His sweet name, which was sweeter than all sweets, was often
crucified before his body. Oh, the stones of reproach which were
frequently rolled upon that name by which we must be saved, if ever
we are saved! Oh, the jeers, the scoffs, the scorns that were cast
upon that name which alone can bless us! The name of Jesus, says
Chrysostom, has a thousand treasures of joy and comfort in it. The
name of a Savior, says Bernard, is honey in the mouth, and music in
the ear, and a jubilee in the heart. And yet where is the heart that
can conceive, or the tongue that can express, how much dung and
filth has been cast upon Christ's name; and how many sharp arrows of
reproach and scorn has been, and daily, yes, hourly, are, shot by
the world at Christ's name and honor? Such ignominious reproaches
were cast upon Christ and his name in the time of his life and at
his death, that the sun did blush, and masked himself with a cloud,
that he might no longer behold them. Mat. 11:19, 'The Son of man
came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold a man gluttonous, and
a drunkard, a friend of publicans and sinners.' But was he such an
one? No—'Wisdom is justified of her children.' Wisdom's children
will stand up and justify her before all the world. Mat. 27:63,
'Sir, we remember that that deceiver said, while he was yet
alive, After three days, I will rise again.' But was he a deceiver
of the people? No, he was the faithful and true witness, Rev. 1:5,
chapter 3:14. John 7:20, 'The people answered and said, You have a devil,
who goes about to kill you?' chapter 8:48, The Jews answered
him—Aren't we right in saying that you are a Samaritan and
demon-possessed?' chapter 10:20, 'Many of them said—He is
demon-possessed and raving mad.'
It was a wonder of wonders that the earth did not
open and swallow up these monsters, and that God did not rain hell
out of heaven upon these horrid blasphemers; but their blasphemous
assertions were denied and disproved by some of wisdom's
children—ver. 21, 'Others said, These are not the words of one who
has a devil—can a devil open the eyes of the blind?' The devil has
no such power, nor any such goodness, as to create eyes to him that
was born blind.
Will you yet see more scorn, dirt, and contempt
cast upon the Lord of glory? Why, then, cast your eyes upon
that—Luke 16:14, 'The Pharisees, who loved money, heard all this
and were sneering at Jesus;' or as the Greek reads it, 'They blew
their noses at him in scorn and derision.' The Pharisees did not
only laugh, fleer, and jeer at Christ—but they have also external
signs of scorn and derision in their countenance and gestures; they
blew their noses at him, they contemned him as a thing of nothing.
And in chapter 25:35, both people and rulers blew their noses at
him; for the original word is the same with that in the
fore-mentioned chapter. John 19:12, he is accused for being an enemy
to Caesar. Now, who can seriously consider of the scorn, reproach,
and contempt that has been cast upon the name and honor of our Lord
Jesus—and not sit silent and mute under all the scorn and contempt
that has been cast upon his name or person in this world?
(5.) Fifthly, To be well
spoken of by those who are ill spoken of by God; to be in favor with
those who are out of favor with God—is rather a reproach than a
honor to a man. Our Savior himself testifies that in the
church and nation of the Jews, those who had the most general
approbation and applause, they who were most admired and cried up,
were the worst—not the best, men; they were the false not the
true, prophets—Luke 6:26, 'Woe unto you when all men shall speak
well of you, for so did their fathers to the false prophets.'
Augustine feared the praises of good men, and detested the praises
of evil men. I would not, says Luther, have the glory and fame of
Erasmus; my greatest fear is the praises of men. Phocion had not
suspected his speech, had not the common people applauded it.
Antisthenes suspected some ill in himself, for the vulgar commended
him. Socrates always suspected that which passed with the most
general commendations. To be praised by evil men, said Bion, is to
be praised for evil doing; for the better they speak of a man the
worse, and the worse the better. The Lacedaemonians would not have a
good saying sullied with a wicked mouth. A wicked tongue soils all
the good that drops into it.
It is a mercy to be delivered front the praises
of wicked men; wicked men's applauses oftentimes become the saints'
reproaches. The heathen Socrates could say—what evil have I done,
that this bad man commends me. There is a truth in that saying of
Seneca—the worst men are commonly most displeased with that which
is best. Who can seriously dwell on these things, and not be mute
and silent under all the reproaches and scorn that is cast upon his
name and credit in this world?
(6.) Sixthly, There will
come a day when the Lord will wipe off all the dust and filth that
wicked men have cast upon the good names of his people. There
shall be a resurrection of names as well as of bodies; their names
that are now buried in the open sepulcher of evil throats shall
surely rise again. 'Their innocence shall shine forth as the light,
and their righteousness as the noon-day', Psalm 37:6. Though the
clouds may for a time obscure the shining forth of the sun, yet the
sun will shine forth again as bright and glorious as ever—'The
righteous shall be had in everlasting remembrance,' Psalm 112:6.
Though the malicious slanders and false accusations of wicked men
may for a time cloud the names of the saints, yet those clouds shall
vanish, and their names shall appear transparent and glorious. God
will take that care of his people's good name—which the infamy,
calumnies, and revilement which are cast upon it, shall not long
The Jews rolled a stone upon Christ to keep him
down, that he might not rise again—but an angel quickly rolls away
the stone, and in despite of his keepers, he rises in a glorious
triumphant manner, Mat. 28:2. So though the world may roll this
stone and that of reproach and contempt upon the saints' good names,
yet God will roll away all those stones; and their names shall have
a glorious resurrection in despite of men and devils. That God who
has always one hand to wipe away his children's tears from their
eyes—that God has always another hand to wipe off the dust that
lies upon his children's names. Wronged innocence shall not
long lie under a cloud. Dirt will not stick long upon marble nor
statues of gold!
Well! Christians, remember this, the slanders and
reproaches that are cast upon you—they are but badges of your
innocence and glory—Job 31:35, 36, 'If my adversary should write a
book against me—surely I would take it upon my shoulder, and bind
it as a crown to me.' All reproaches are pearls added to a
Christian's crown! Hence Augustine—he who willingly takes from
me my good name, unwillingly adds to my reward! And this Moses knew
well enough, which made him prefer Christ's reproach before
Pharaoh's crown, Heb. 11:25, 26. That God who knows all his children
by name, will not allow their names to be long buried under the
ashes of reproach and scorn; and therefore remain silent before the
Lord. The more the foot of pride and scorn tramples upon your
name for the present, the more splendid and radiant it will be, as
the more men trample upon a figure engraved in gold, the more
lustrous they make it. Therefore lay your hand upon your mouth. But,
(7.) Seventhly, The Lord
has been a swift and a terrible witness against such who have
falsely accused his children, and who have laded their
names with scorn, reproach, and contempt, Isaiah 41:2; Jude 15. Ahab
and Jezebel, that suborned false witness against Naboth, had their
bloods licked up by dogs, 1 Kings 22:21, 22; 2 Kings 9:30. Amaziah,
who falsely accused the prophet Amos to the king, met with this
message from the Lord—'Your wife will become a prostitute in the
city, and your sons and daughters will fall by the sword. Your land
will be measured and divided up, and you yourself will die in a
pagan country,' Amos 7:17. Haman, who falsely accused the Jews, was
one day feasted with the king—and the next day made a feast for
crows, Esther 7:10, 9:10. The envious courtiers, who falsely accused
Daniel, were devoured by lions, Dan. 6:24. Let me give you a taste
of the judgments of God upon such people, out of histories.
Caiaphas the high-priest, who gathered the
council and suborned false witnesses against the Lord Jesus, was
shortly after put out of office, and one Jonathan substituted in his
room, whereupon he killed himself. John Cooper, a godly man, being
falsely accused in Queen Mary's days, by one Grimwood, shortly after
the said Grimwood, being in perfect health, his bowels suddenly fell
out of his body, and so he died miserably.
Narcissus, a godly bishop of Jerusalem, was
falsely accused by three men of many foul matters, who sealed up
with oaths and imprecations their false testimonies; but shortly
after that, one of them, with his whole family and substance, was
burnt with fire; another of them was stricken with a grievous
disease, such as in his imprecation he had wished to himself; the
third, terrified with the sight of God's judgement upon the former,
became very penitent, and poured out the grief of his heart ill such
abundance of tears, that thereby he became blind.
A wicked wretch Nicephorus, accused Apollonius, a
godly Christian, to the judges for certain grievous crimes, which,
when he could not prove, he was adjudged to have his legs broken,
according to an ancient law of the Romans.
Gregory Bradway falsely accused one Brook; but
shortly after, through terrors of conscience, he sought to cut his
own throat—but being prevented, he fell mad.
I have read of Socrates' two false accusers, how
that the one was trodden to death by the multitude, and the other
was forced to avoid the like by a voluntary banishment. I might
produce a multitude of other instances—but let these suffice, to
evidence how swift and terrible a witness God has been against those
who have been false accusers of his people, and who have laded their
precious names with scorn and reproach, the serious consideration of
which should make the accused and reproached Christian to sit dumb
and silent before the Lord.
(8.) Eighthly, and lastly, God
himself is daily reproached. Men tremble not to cast
scorn and contempt upon God himself. Sometimes they charge the Lord
that his ways are not equal, that it is a wryly way he goes in,
Ezek. 18:25, Jer. 2:5, 6; sometimes they charge God with cruelty,
'My punishment is greater than I am able to bear,' Gen. 4:13;
sometimes they charge God with partiality and respect of persons,
because here he strokes—and there he strikes; here he lifts
up—and there he casts down; here he smiles—and there he frowns;
here he gives much—and there he gives nothing; here he loves—and
there he hates; here he prospers one—and there he blasts another.
Mal. 2:17 'Where is the God of judgment' that is, nowhere; either
there is no God of judgment, or at least not a God of exact,
precise, and impartial judgment, etc.
Sometimes they charge God with unbountifulness;
that he is a God who will give his people too hard work, too much
work—but will pay them no wages, nor give them no reward. Mal.
3:14, 'You have said, it is in vain to serve God, and what profit is
it that we have kept his ordinances, and that we have walked
mournfully before the Lord of hosts?' Sometimes they charge God that
he is a hard master and that he reaps where he has not sown, and
gathers where he has not strewed, Mat. 25:24, etc. Oh! the infinite
reproach and scorn that is every day, that is every hour in the
day—cast upon the Lord, his name, his truth, his ways, his
ordinances, his glory!
Alas! all the scorn and contempt that is cast
upon all the saints all the world over, is nothing to that which is
cast upon the great God every hour; and yet he is patient. Ah! how
harshly do most men think of God, and how harshly do they speak of
God, and how repulsive do they behave towards God; and yet he bears
with it all. Those who will not spare God himself, his name, his
truth, his honor; shall we think it much that they spare not us or
our names? etc. Surely not. Why should we think that they should
give us good words—who cannot afford God a good word from one
week's end to another? yes, from one year's end to another? Why
should we think that they should cry out 'Hosanna, hosanna!' to
us—when as every day they cry out of Christ, 'Crucify him, crucify
him!' Mat. 10:25, 'It is enough for the disciple that he be as his
master, and the servant as his lord; if they have called the master
of the house Beelzebub' (or a master-fly, or a ash-heap god, or the
chief devil), 'how much more shall they call those of his
household!' It is preferment enough for the servant to be as his
Lord; and if they make no bones of staining and blaspheming the name
of the Lord, never wonder if they soil your name. And let this
suffice to quiet and silence your hearts, Christians, under all that
scorn and contempt that is cast upon your names and reputations in
this world.
The tenth and last objection is this,
Objection 10. Sir, In
this my affliction I have sought to the Lord for this and that
mercy, and still God delays me, and puts me off; I have
several times thought that mercy had been near, that deliverance had
been at the door—but now I see it is afar off. How can I then hold
my peace? How can I be silent under such delays and disappointments?
To this objection, I shall give you these answers.
(1.) First, The Lord
does not always time his answers to the swiftness of his people's
expectations. He who is the God of our mercies—is the
Lord of our times. God has delayed long his dearest saints—times
belonging to him, as well as outcomes. Hab. 1:2, 'O How long,
Lord, must I call for help and You do not listen, or cry out to You
about violence and You do not save?' Job 19:7, 'Behold, I cry out of
violence—but I have no answer; I cry—but there is no judgment.'
Psalm 19:3, 'I am weary of crying, my throat is dry, my eyes fail
while I wait for my God.' Psalm 40:17, 'Make no tarrying, O my God.'
Though God had promised him a crown, a kingdom; yet he puts him off
from day to day, and for all his haste he must wait for it until the
set time has come.
Paul was delayed so long, until he even despaired
of life, and had the sentence of death in himself, 2 Cor. 1:8, 9.
And Joseph was delayed so long, until the irons entered into his
soul, Psalm 105:17-19. So God delayed long, the giving of comfort to
Mr. Glover, though he had sought him frequently, earnestly, and
denied himself to the death for Christ. Augustine being under
convictions, a shower of tears came from him, and casting himself on
the ground under a fig tree, he cries out, 'O Lord, how long? How
long shall I say, Tomorrow, tomorrow? why not today, Lord, why not
today?' Though Abigail made haste to prevent David's fury, and Rahab
made haste to hang out her scarlet thread; yet God does not always
make haste to hear and save his dearest children. Therefore remain
silent before the Lord. He deals no worse with you, than he has
done by his dearest jewels.
(2.) Secondly, Though
the Lord does defer and delay you for a time, yet he WILL come, and
mercy and deliverance shall certainly come. He will not
always forget the cry of the poor. Heb. 10:37, 'For yet a little,
little while, and he who shall come will come, and will not tarry.'
Hab. 2:3, 'The vision is yet for an appointed time—but at the end
it shall speak, and not lie—though it tarry, wait for it.' God
will come, and mercy will come; though for the present your sun be
set, and your God seems to neglect you, yet your sun will rise
again, and your God will answer all your prayers, and supply all
your necessities. Psalm 71:20, 21, 'You caused me to experience many
troubles and misfortunes, but You will revive me again. You will
bring me up again, even from the depths of the earth. You will
increase my honor and comfort me once again.'
Three martyrs being brought to the stake, one of
them falls down upon the ground, and wrestled earnestly with God for
the sense of his love, and God gave it in to him then, and so he
came and embraced the stake, and died cheerfully a glorious martyr.
God delayed him until he was at the stake, and until he was bound,
and then sweetly lets out himself to him.
(3.) Thirdly, Though God
do delays you—yet he does not forget you. He remembers
you still; you are still in his eye, Isaiah 49:14-16, and always
upon his heart, Jer. 31:20. He can as soon forget himself, as forget
his people, Psalm 77:9, 10. The bride shall sooner forget her bridal
ornaments, and the mother shall sooner forget her nursing child,
Isaiah 54:7-10, and the wife shall sooner forget her husband, Isaiah
62:3-5 than the Lord shall forget his people. God always knows and
remembers his people by name, Gen. 8:1; 19:29-31; 1 Sam. 1:9; Jonah
4:9-11, etc. Therefore be silent, hold your peace; your God has not
forgotten you, though for the present he has delayed you.
(4.) Fourthly, God's
time is always the best time—God always takes the best and fittest
seasons to do us good. Isaiah 49:8, 'Thus says the Lord,
In an acceptable time have I heard you, and in a day of salvation
have I helped you.' I could have heard you before, and have helped
you before—but I have taken the most acceptable time to do both.
To set God his time—is to limit him, Psalm 78:41; it is to exalt
ourselves above him, as if we were wiser than God. Though we are not
wise enough to improve the times and seasons which God has set us,
to serve and honor him in; yet we are apt to think that we are wise
enough to set God his time—when to hear, and when to save, and
when to deliver. To circumscribe God to our time, and to make
ourselves lords of time; what is this, but to divest God of his
royalty and sovereignty of appointing times? Acts 1:7, 17:26. It is
but just and equal, that that God who has made time, and that has
the sole power to appoint and dispose of time, that he should take
his own time to do his people good.
We are many times impatient, unreasonable, and
hasty—and now we must have mercy or we die, deliverance or
we are undone. But our impatience will never help us to a mercy, one
hour, one moment, before the time that God has set. The best God
will always take the best time to hand out mercies to his people. There
is no mercy so fair, so ripe, so lovely, so beautiful—as that
which God gives out in his own time. Therefore remain silent before
the Lord; though God delays you, yet be silent, for there is no
possibility of wringing a mercy out of God's hand, until the mercy
be ripe for us; and we ripe for the mercy! 'There is a time for
everything, and a season for every activity under heaven. God has
made everything beautiful in its time.' Ecclesiastes 3:1, 11.
[6.] Fifthly, The Lord
in this life will certainty recompense, and make his children amends
for all the delays and put-offs that he exercises them with in this
world, as he did Abraham in giving him such a son
as Isaac was; and Hannah in giving her a Samuel. He delayed Joseph
long—but at length he changes his iron fetters into chains of
gold, his rags into royal robes, his stocks into a chariot, his
prison into a palace, his bed of thorns into a bed of down, his
reproach into honor, and his thirty years of suffering into eighty
years reigning in much grandeur and glory. So God delayed David long—but
when his suffering hours were out, he is anointed, and the crown of
Israel is set upon his head, and he is made very victorious, very
famous and glorious for forty years together, 2 Sam. 1. Well!
Christians, God will certainly pay you interest upon interest for
all the delays that you meet with; and therefore remain silent
before the Lord. But,
[6.] Sixthly and lastly, The
Lord never delays the giving of this mercy, or that deliverance, or
the other favor—but upon great and weighty reason; and
therefore remain silent before the Lord.
Quest. But what are the REASONS that God does
so delay and put off his people from time to time, as we see he
Ans. [1.] First, for the
trial of his people, and for the differencing and distinguishing of
them from others. As the furnace tries gold, so delays
will try what metal a Christian is made of. Delays will try both the
truth and the strength of a Christian's graces. Delays are a
Christian touchstone—which will try what metal men are made of,
whether they be gold or dross, silver or tin, whether they are
sincere or unsound; whether they are real or rotten Christians. As a
father, by crossing and delaying his children, tries their
disposition and makes a full discovery of them; so that he can
say—that child is of a muttering and grumbling disposition, and
that it is of an impatient and wayward disposition—but the rest
are of a meek sweet, humble, and gentle disposition. So the Lord, by
the delaying and crossing of his children, discovers their different
The manner of the Psylli, which are a tribe of
people of that temper and constitution that no venom will hurt them,
is, that if they suspect any child to be none of their own, they set
an adder upon it to sting it, and if it cries, and the flesh
swells—they cast it away as a spurious child. But if it does not
cry, and if it does not swell, then they account it for their own,
and make very much of it. So the Lord by delays, which are as the
stinging of the adder, tries his children; if they patiently,
quietly, and sweetly can bear them, then the Lord still own them,
and make much of them, as those that are near and dear unto him. But
if under delays they fall a-crying, roaring, storming, vexing, and
fretting—the Lord will not own them—but reckon them as bastard
children, and not sons, Heb. 12:8.
[2.] Secondly, That they
may have the greater experience of God's power, grace, love, and
mercy in the end. Christ loved Martha, and her sister,
and Lazarus; yet he defers his coming for several days, and Lazarus
must die, be put in the grave, and lie there until he reeks. And why
so—but that they might have the greater experience of his power,
grace, and love towards them! John 11:3, 5, 6, 17.
[3.] Thirdly, To sharpen
his children's spiritual appetite, and to put a greater
edge upon their desires; to make them cry out as a woman in travail,
or as a man who is in danger of drowning, Cant. 3:1-4; Isaiah 26:8,
9, 16. God delays, that his people may flee to him with greater
strength and importunity. He puts them off, that they may put on
more life and vigor. God seems to be cold—that he may make us the
more hot; he seems to be careless—that he may make us the more
earnest; he seems to be backward—that he may make us the more
forward in pressing upon him. The father delays the child—that he
may make him the more eager; and so does God his children—that he
may make them the more divinely violent.
When Balaam had once put off Balak, 'Then Balak
sent other princes, more numerous and more distinguished than the
first', Num. 22:15. Balaam's put-offs did but make Balak the more
importunate, it did but increase and whet his desires. This is that
which God aims at by all his put-offs—to make his children more
earnest, to whet up their spirits, and that they may send up more
and yet more honorable prayers after him, that they may cry more
earnestly, strive more mightily, and wrestle more importunately with
God, and that they may take heaven with a more sacred violence.
Anglers draw back the hook, that the fish may be
the more forward to bite; and God sometimes seems to draw back—but
it is only that we may press the more on. Therefore, as anglers,
when they have long waited, and perceive that the fish does not so
much as nibble at the bait, yet do they not impatiently throw away
the rod, or break the hook and line—but pull up, and look upon the
bait and mend it, and so throw it in again, and then the fish bites.
So when a Christian prays, and prays, and yet catches nothing, God
seems to be silent, and heaven seems to be shut against him; yet let
him not cast off prayer—but mends his prayer; pray more
believingly, pray more affectionately, and pray more fervently—and
then the fish will bite—then mercy will come, and comfort will
come, and deliverance will come! But,
[4.] Fourthly, God
delays and puts off his people many times, that he may make a fuller
discovery of themselves to themselves. Few Christians see
themselves and understand themselves rightfully. By delays God
discovers much of a man's sinful self to his pious self; much of his
worser part to his better part; of his ignoble part to his most
noble part. When the fire is put under the pot—then the scum
appears; so when God delays a poor soul, Oh! how does the scum of
pride, the scum of murmuring, the scum of quarreling, the scum of
distrust, the scum of impatience, the scum of despair—discover
itself in the heart of a poor creature? Ezek. 24:6.
I have read of a fool, who being left in a
chamber, and the door locked when he was asleep; after he awakes,
and finds the door locked and all the people gone, he cries out at
the window, O myself, myself, O myself! So when God shuts the door
upon his people, when he delays them, and puts them off, Ah! what
cause have they to cry out of themselves, to cry out of proud self,
and worldly self, and carnal self, and foolish self, and willful
self, etc. We are very apt, says Seneca, to use eye-glasses to
behold other men's faults, rather than looking-glasses to behold our
own; but now God's delays are as a looking-glass, in which God gives
his people to see their own faults, Psalm 73:11, 12. Oh! that
looseness, that vileness, that wretchedness, that sink of
filthiness, that gulf of wickedness, that God by delays discovers to
be in the hearts of men! But,
[5.] Fifthly, God delays
and puts off his people to enhance, to raise the price of mercy, the
price of deliverance. We usually set the highest price,
the greatest esteem upon such things that we obtain with greatest
difficulty. What we dearly buy—that we highly prize, Acts 21:8,
Cant. 3:1. The more sighs, tears, weepings, wailings, watchings,
strivings, and earnest longings, this mercy and that deliverance,
and the other favor costs us—the more highly we shall value them.
When a delayed mercy comes, it tastes more like a mercy, it
sticks more like a mercy, it warms more like a mercy, works more
like a mercy, and it endears the heart to God more like a
mercy—than any other mercy which a man enjoys.
'This is the child,' said Hannah—after God had
long delayed her—'for which I prayed, and the Lord has given me my
petition which I asked of him.' 1 Sam. 1:27. Delayed mercy is the
cream of mercy; no mercy so sweet, so dear, so precious to a
man—as that which a man has gained after many put-offs. Mr.
Glover, the martyr, sought the Lord earnestly and frequently for
some special mercies, and the Lord delayed him long; but when he was
even at the stake, then the Lord gave the mercies to him; and then,
as a man overjoyed, he cries out to his friend, 'He has come! He has
come!' But,
[6 ] Sixthly, The Lord
delays his people, that he may pay them back in his own coin. God
sometimes thinks best to retaliate, Prov. 1:23, 33. The
spouse puts off Christ—Cant. 5:3, 'I have put off my coat, how can
I put it on?' etc.; and Christ puts her off; verses 5-8. You have
put off God from day to day, from month to month, yes, from year to
year; and therefore, if God puts you off from day to day, or from
year to year—have you any cause to complain? Surely not! You have
often and long put off the motions of his Spirit, the directions of
his word, the offers of his grace, the entreaties of his Son; and
therefore what can be more just than that God should delay you for a
time, and put you off for a season—who has delayed him, and put
off him days without number? If God serves you as you have often
served him—you have no reason to complain. But,
[7.] Seventhly, and lastly, The
Lord delays his people, that heaven may be the more sweet to them at
last. Here on earth, they meet with many delays and with
many put-offs; but in heaven they shall never meet with one put-off,
with one delay. Here many times they call and cry—and can get no
answer; here they knock and pound—and yet the door of grace and
mercy opens not to them; but in heaven they shall have mercy at the
first word, at the first knock! There, whatever heart can
wish—shall without delay be given. Here God seems to say
sometimes—Souls! you have mistaken the door; or it is not the
right time; or others must be served before you; or come some other
time, etc. But in heaven God always answers immediately; and all the
sweetness and blessedness and happiness of that state presents
itself every hour to the soul. There God has never, God will
never—say to any of his saints in heaven, 'Come tomorrow.' Such
language the saints sometimes hear here—but such language is no
way suitable to a glorified condition.
Therefore, seeing that the Lord never delays his
people—but for great and weighty reasons, let his people be silent
before him, let them not mutter nor murmur—but be mute. And so I
am done with the objections.
I shall come now in the last place, to propound some
HELPS and DIRECTIONS which may contribute to the silencing and
stilling of your souls under the greatest afflictions, the sharpest
trials, and the saddest providences that you meet with in
this world; and so close up this discourse.
(1.) First, All the
afflictions which come upon the saints, are the fruits of divine
love. Rev. 3:19, 'As many as I love, I rebuke and
chasten—be zealous therefore, and repent.' Heb. 12:6, 'For whom
the Lord loves, he chastens, and scourges every son whom he
receives.' Job 5:17, 'Behold! happy is the man whom God corrects;
therefore despise not the chastening of the Almighty.' chapter 7:17,
18, 'What is man that you make so much of him, that you give him so
much attention, that you examine him every morning and test him
every moment?' Isaiah 48:10 'I have tested you in the furnace of
When Munster lay sick, and his friends asked him
how he did, and how he felt himself, he pointed to his sores and
ulcers, whereof he was full, and said, 'These are God's gems and
jewels with which he decks his best friends, and to me they are more
precious than all the gold and silver in the world!
A gentleman highly prizes his hawk, he feeds her
with his own hand, he carries her upon his arm, he takes a great
deal of delight and pleasure in her; and therefore he puts a chain
upon her leg, and a hood upon her head; he hoodwinks her, and
fetters her, because he loves her, and takes delight in her. So the
Lord by afflictions hoodwinks and fetters his children—but all is
because he loves them, and takes delight and pleasure in them.
There cannot be a greater evidence of God's
hatred and wrath—than his refusing to correct men for their sinful
courses and vanities1 'Why should you be smitten any more? you
will revolt more and more,' Isaiah 1:5. Where God refuses to
correct—there God resolves to destroy! There is no man so near
God's axe, so near the flames, so near hell—as he whom God will
not so much as spend a rod upon! God is most angry—when He
shows no anger!
Jerome, writing to a sick friend, has this
expression, 'I account it a part of unhappiness not to know
adversity.' 'Nothing,' says Demetrius, 'seems more unhappy to me,
than he to whom no adversity has happened. God afflicts you, O
Christian, in love; and therefore Luther cries out, 'Strike, Lord;
strike, Lord, and spare not!' Who can seriously meditate upon this,
and not be silent under God's most smarting rod?
(2.) Secondly, Consider
Christian, that all the trials and troubles, the calamities and
miseries, the crosses and losses,
which you meet with in this world—is all the
hell that you shall ever have! Here and now you have your
hell. Hereafter you shall have your heaven! This is the worst of
your condition; the best is yet to come! Lazarus had his hell first,
his heaven last; but Dives had his heaven first, and his hell at
last. You have all your pangs, and pains, and throes here—that
ever you shall have! Your ease, and rest, and pleasure—is yet to
come. Here you have all your bitters; your sweets are yet to come!
Here you have your sorrows; your joys are yet to come! Here you have
all your winter nights; your summer days are yet to come! Here you
have your evil things; your good things are yet to come! Death will
put an end to all your sins—and to all your sufferings! Death will
be an inlet to those joys, delights, and comforts—which shall
never have an end! Who can seriously meditate upon this, and not be
silent under God's most smarting rod?
(3.) Thirdly, Get an
assurance that Christ is yours, and pardon of sin yours, and divine
favor yours, and heaven yours. The sense of this will
exceedingly quiet and silence the soul under the sorest and sharpest
trials a Christian can meet with in this world. He who is assured
that God is his portion, will never mutter nor murmur under his
greatest burden! He who can groundedly say, 'Nothing shall separate
me from the love of God in Christ!' will be able to triumph in the
midst of the greatest tribulations, Rom. 8:33-39. He who with the
spouse can say, 'My beloved is mine, and I am his!' Cant. 2:16 will
bear up quietly and sweetly under the heaviest afflictions!
In the time of the Marian persecution there was a
gracious woman, who being convened before bloody Bonner, then bishop
of London, upon the trial of her religion, he threatened her that he
would take away her husband from her. Says she, 'Christ is my
husband!' I will take away your child. 'Christ,' says she, 'is
better to me than ten sons!' I will strip you, says he, of all your
outward comforts. 'Yes—but Christ is mine,' says she, 'and you
cannot strip me of him.' Oh! the assurance that Christ was hers bore
up her heart, and quieted her spirit under all.
'You may take away my life,' says Basil—'but
you cannot take away my comfort. You may take away my head—but not
my crown.' 'Yes,' says he—'had I a thousand lives, I would lay
them all down for my Savior's sake, who has done abundantly more for
John Ardley when he told he was going to be
burned at the stake for Christ, said that if he had as many lives as
he had hairs on his head, he would lose them all in the fire before
he would lose his Christ!
Assurance will keep a man from muttering and
murmuring under the sorest afflictions. Mr, Rogers, the first martyr
who was burnt in Queen Mary's days, did sing in the flame! A soul
who lives in the assurance of divine favor, and in its title to
glory, cannot but bear up patiently and quietly under the greatest
sufferings which possibly can befall it in this world. That
scripture is worth its weight in gold, 'The inhabitants of Zion
shall not say, I am sick. The people who dwell there, shall be
forgiven their iniquity,' Isaiah 33:24. He does not say, they were
not sick. No! But though they were sick, yet they would not say that
they were sick. But why should they forget their sorrows, and not
remember their pains, nor be sensible of their sickness? Why! the
reason is—because the Lord had forgiven them their iniquities! The
sense of pardon took away the sense of pain; the sense of
forgiveness took away the sense of sickness.
Assurance of pardon will take away the pain, the
sting, the trouble of every trouble and affliction that a Christian
meets with! No affliction will daunt, startle, or stagger an assured
Christian. An assured Christian will be patient and silent under
all, Psalm 23.
Melanchthon makes mention of a godly woman, who,
having upon her deathbed been in much conflict, and afterward much
comforted, broke out into these words—Now, and not until now, I
understand the meaning of these words, 'Your sins are forgiven!' the
sense of which did mightily cheer and quiet her. He who has got this
jewel of assurance in his bosom, will be far enough off from
vexing or fretting under the saddest dispensations that he meets
with in this world.
(4.) Fourthly, If you
would be quiet and silent under your present troubles and trials,
then dwell much upon the benefit, the profit, the advantage that has
redounded to your souls by all your FORMER troubles and afflictions.
Eccles. 7:14, 'In the day of adversity consider.'
Oh! now consider, how by former afflictions the Lord has discovered
sin, prevented sin, and mortified sin! Consider how the Lord by
former afflictions has discovered to you the impotency, the
mutability, the insufficiency, and the vanity of the world, and all
worldly concerns! Consider how the Lord by former afflictions has
melted your heart, and broken your heart, and humbled your heart,
and prepared your heart for clearer, fuller, and sweeter enjoyments
of himself! Consider what pity, what compassion, what affections,
what tenderness, and what sweetness former afflictions have wrought
in you, towards others in misery! Consider what room former
afflictions have made in your soul for God, for his word, for good
counsel, and for divine comfort! Consider how by former afflictions
the Lord has made you more partaker of his Christ, his Spirit, his
holiness, his goodness, etc. Consider how by former afflictions the
Lord has made you to look towards heaven more, to mind heaven more,
to prize heaven more, and to long for heaven more, etc.
Now, who can seriously consider of all that good
that he has gotten by former afflictions—and not be silent under
present afflictions? Who can remember those choice, those great, and
those precious earnings that his soul has made of former
afflictions, and not reason himself into a holy silence under
present afflictions thus, "O my soul! has not God done you much
good, great good, special good—by former afflictions? Yes! O my
soul! has not God done that for you by former afflictions—which
you would not undo for ten thousand worlds? Yes! And is not God, O
my soul! as powerful as ever, as faithful as ever, as gracious as
ever, and as ready and willing as ever—to do you good by present
afflictions, as he has been to do you good by former afflictions?
Yes! Yes! Why, why then do you not sit silent and mute before him,
under your present troubles, O my soul?"
It was the saying of one, that an excellent
memory was needful for three sorts of men—First, for
tradesmen; for they, having many businesses to do, many reckonings
to make up, many irons in the fire, had need of a good memory.
Secondly, great talkers; for they, being full of words, had need to
have a good storehouse in their heads to feed their tongues.
Thirdly, for liars; for they telling many untruths, had need of a
good memory, lest they should be discovered in their lying
contradictions. And I may add for a fourth, that is—those that are
afflicted, that they may remember the great good which they have
gained by former afflictions, that so they may be the more silent
and quiet under present troubles!
(5.) Fifthly, To quiet
and silence your souls under the sorest afflictions and sharpest
trials, consider, that your choicest, your chief treasure is safe!
Your God is safe, your Christ is safe, your portion is safe, your
crown is safe, your inheritance is safe, your royal palace is safe,
and your jewels—your graces—are safe! Therefore remain silent
before the Lord! 2 Tim. 1:12; 4:8.
I have read a story of a man that had a suit, and
when his cause was to be heard, he applied himself to three
friends, to see what they could do for him—one answered, he
would bring him as far on his journey as he could; the second
promised him that he would go with him to his journey's end; the
third engaged himself to go with him before the judge, and to speak
for him, and not to leave him until his cause was heard and
determined. These three are a man's riches, his friends,
and his graces. His RICHES will help him to comfortable
accommodations while they stay with him—but they often take leave
of a man before his soul takes leave of his body. His FRIENDS will
go with him to his grave, and then leave him. But his GRACES will
accompany him before God, they will not leave him nor forsake him;
they will go to the grave, to glory, with him! 1 Tim. 6:18, 19.
In that famous battle at Leuctrum, the Thebans
got a great victory. But their captain, Epaminondas, a little before
his death, asked whether his shield was taken by the enemy. When he
was assured that it was safe—he died most willingly, cheerfully,
and quietly. Well! Christians, your shield of faith is safe,
your portion is safe, your royal robe is safe, your kingdom is safe,
your heaven is safe, your happiness and blessedness is safe!
Therefore, under all your afflictions and troubles—be mute under
the smarting rod. But,
(6.) Sixthly, If you
would be silent and quiet under your sorest troubles and trials,
then set yourselves in good earnest upon the mortification of your
lusts. It is unmortified lust, which is the sting of
every trouble, and which makes every sweet bitter, and every bitter
more bitter. Sin unmortified adds weight to every burden, it puts
gall to our wormwood, it adds chain to chain—it makes the bed
uneasy, the home a prison, relaxations troublesome, and everything
vexatious to the soul. James 4:1, 'From whence come wars and
fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts, which
war in your members?' So I say—from whence comes all this
muttering, murmuring, fretting, and vexing, etc. Don't they come
from your unmortified lusts? Don't they come from your unmortified
pride, and unmortified self-love, and unmortified unbelief, and
unmortified passion, etc.? Surely they do! Oh, therefore, as ever
you would be silent under the afflicting hand of God, labor for more
and more of the grace of the Spirit—by which you may
mortify the lusts of the flesh! Rom. 8:13.
It is not your strongest resolutions or purposes,
without the grace of the Spirit, which can overmaster a lust. A soul-sore
will continue to run—though we resolve and say it shall not. It
was the blood of the sacrifice, and the oil, which
cleansed the leper in the law. And by them is meant the blood of
Christ and the grace of his Spirit. Lev. 14:14-16. It was
a touch of Christ's garment which cured the woman of her
bloody issue, Mark 5:25.
Your strongest resolutions or purposes may hide a
sin—but cannot quench it. They may cover a sin—but cannot cut
off a sin. A black patch may cover some sores—but it cures them
not! Neither is it the papists' purgatories, watchings, whippings,
etc., nor the kissing of the statue of St. Francis, or licking of
lepers' sores—which will cleanse the fretting leprosy of sin! In
the strength of Christ, and in the power of the Spirit—set soundly
upon the mortifying of every lust! Oh, hug none, indulge
none—but resolvedly set upon the ruin of every lust!
One leak in a ship will sink it! One stab strikes
Goliad just as dead—as twenty-three did Caesar! One Delilah may do
Samson as much mischief as all the Philistines! One broken wheel
spoils the whole clock! One vein bleeding will let out all the
vitals! One fly will spoil a whole box of ointment! One bitter herb
will spoil all the pottage! By eating one apple, Adam lost paradise!
One lick of honey endangered Jonathan's life! One Achan was a
trouble to all Israel! One Jonah raises a storm and becomes load too
heavy for the whole ship! Just so—one unmortified lust will raise
very strong storms and tempests in the soul, in the days of
And therefore, as you would have a blessed calm
and quietness in your own spirits under your sharpest trials, set
thoroughly upon the work of mortification. Gideon had seventy sons,
and but one bastard child, yet that bastard child destroyed all his
seventy sons! Judges 8:30, 31, chapter 9:1, 2. Ah, Christian! do you
not know what a world of mischief one unmortified lust may do? And
therefore let nothing satisfy you, but the blood of all your lusts!
(7.) Seventhly, If you would be silent under your
greatest afflictions, your sharpest trials, then make this
consideration your daily companion, that is, That all
the afflictions which come upon you—come upon you by and through
that covenant of grace, which God has made with you. In
the covenant of grace, God has engaged himself to keep you from the
evils, snares, and temptations of the world; in the covenant of
grace, God has engaged himself to purge away your sins, to brighten
and increase your graces, to crucify your hearts to the world, and
to prepare you and preserve you to his heavenly kingdom; and by
afflictions he effects all this, and that according to his covenant
"I will maintain my love to him forever, and
my covenant with him will never fail. I will establish his line
forever, his throne as long as the heavens endure. If his sons
forsake my law and do not follow my statutes, if they violate my
decrees and fail to keep my commands, I will punish their sin with
the rod, their iniquity with flogging; but I will not take my love
from him, nor will I ever betray my faithfulness. I will not violate
my covenant or alter what my lips have uttered." Psalms
89:28-34. In these words you have a supposition that the saints may
both fall into sins of commission and sins of omission; in the
following words you have God's gracious promise—'Then I will
punish their sin with the rod, their iniquity with flogging.' God
engages himself by promise and covenant—not only to chide and
check—but also to correct his people for their sins—'but I will
not take my love from him, nor will I ever betray my faithfulness. I
will not violate my covenant or alter what my lips have uttered.'
Afflictions are fruits of God's faithfulness—to
which the covenant binds him. God would be unfaithful, if he did
not afflict his people. Afflictions are part of that gracious
covenant which God has made with his people; afflictions are
mercies, yes, covenant mercies! Psalm 119:75. Hence it is that God
is called the 'God of heaven, the great and awesome God, who keeps
his covenant of love,' Neh. 1:5; because, by his covenant of mercy,
he is bound to afflict and chastise his people. God by covenant is
bound to preserve his people, and not to allow them to perish; and
happy are those who are preserved, whether in salt and vinegar—or
in wine and sugar.
All the afflictions which come upon a wicked man,
come upon him by virtue of a covenant of works—and so all are
cursed unto him. But all the afflictions which come upon a gracious
man, they come upon him by virtue of a covenant of grace—and so
they are blessed unto him. Therefore he has eminent cause to be
silent, to lay his hand upon his mouth.
(8 ) Eighthly, If you would be silent and quiet
under afflictions, then dwell much upon this—That
all your afflictions do but reach the worser, the baser, and the
more ignoble part of a Christian, that is, his body, his
outward man. 'Though our outward man decays, yet our inward man is
renewed day by day,' 2 Cor. 4:16. As Aristarchus said, when he was
beaten by the tyrants—'Beat on! It is not Aristarchus you beat, it
is only his shell.' Timothy had a very healthful soul—in a sick
body, 1 Tim. 5:23. Gaius had a very prosperous soul—in a weak
distempered body, 3 John 2.
Epictetus and many of the more refined heathens,
have long since concluded that the body was but the
shell—the soul was the man. Now, all the troubles and
afflictions which a Christian meets with, they do not reach his
soul, they touch not his conscience, they make no breach upon his
noble part; and therefore he has cause to be silent, and to lay his
hand upon his mouth. The soul is the breath of God, Heb. 12:9, Zech.
12:1, the beauty of man, the wonder of angels, and the envy of
devils. The soul is a celestial plant, and of a divine offspring; it
is an immortal spirit. Souls are of an angelic nature; a man is
somewhat of an angel clothed in clay. The soul is a greater miracle
in man, than all the miracles wrought among men. The soul is a
demi-semi-god dwelling in a house of clay. Now it is not in the
power of any outward troubles and afflictions which a Christian
meets with, to reach his soul; and therefore he may well sit mute
under the smarting rod.
(9.) Ninthly, If you would be silent and quiet
under the saddest providences and sorest trials, then keep
up FAITH in continual exercise. "We live by faith,
not by sight." 2 Corinthians 5:7. Now faith, in the exercise of
it, will quiet and silence the soul, thus,
[1.] By bringing the soul to sit down satisfied
in the naked enjoyments of God, John 14:8, Psalm 17:13.
[2.] By drying up the springs of pride,
self-love, impatience, murmuring, unbelief, and the carnal delights
of this world.
[3.] By presenting to the soul greater, sweeter,
and better things in Christ, than anything this world can afford,
Heb. 11:3, Philip. iii 7, 8.
[4.] By lessening the soul's esteem of all
outward vanities. Do but keep up the exercise of faith, and you will
keep silent before the Lord. No man so mute, as he whose faith is
still busy about invisible objects.
(10.) Tenthly, If you would keep silent, then keep
HUMBLE before the Lord. Oh! labor every day to be more
humble and more low and little in your own eyes. 'Who am I,' says
the humble soul—'but that God should cross me in this mercy, and
take away that mercy, and pass a sentence of death upon every mercy?
I am not worthy of the least mercy, I deserve not a crumb of mercy,
I have forfeited every mercy, I have never improved a mercy.'
Only by pride comes contention. It is only pride
that puts men upon contending with God and men. A humble soul will
lie quiet at the foot of God, it will be contented with bare
necessities, Prov. 13:16. As you know that sheep can live upon the
bare commons, which a fat ox cannot. A dinner of green herbs
relishes well with the humble man's palate; whereas a stalled ox is
but a coarse dish to a proud man's stomach. A humble heart thinks
none less than himself, nor none worse than himself. A humble
heart looks upon small mercies as great mercies; and great
afflictions as small afflictions; and small afflictions as no
afflictions; and therefore sits mute and quiet under all. Do but
keep humble, and you will keep silent before the Lord. Pride kicks,
and flings, and frets—but a humble man has still his hand upon his
mouth. Everything on this side hell is mercy—much mercy, rich
mercy to a humble soul; and therefore he remains mute under the
smarting rod.
(11.) Eleventh, If you would keep silence under
the afflicting hand of God, then keep close, and hold fast, these soul-silencing
and soul-quieting maxims or principles. As,
[1.] First, That the
worst that God does to his people in this world, is only to make
them a little heaven on earth. He brings them into a
wilderness—but it is, that he may speak comfortably to them, Hosea
2:14. He casts them into the fiery furnace—but it is, that they
may have more of his company. Do the stones come thick and heavy
around Stephen's ears—it is but to knock him the nearer to Christ,
the corner-stone, etc.
[2.] Secondly, If you would be silent, then hold
fast this—What God, our Father wills, is
best. "Our fathers disciplined us for a little while
as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good,
that we may share in his holiness." Hebrews 12:10. When he
wills sickness, sickness in better than health; when he wills
weakness, weakness is better than strength; when he wills want, want
is better than wealth; when he wills reproach, reproach is better
than honor; when he wills death, death is better than life. As God
is wisdom itself, and so knows that which is best; so he is goodness
itself, and therefore cannot do anything but that which is
best—therefore remain silent before the Lord.
[3.] Thirdly, If you would be silent under your
greatest afflictions, then hold fast to this principle—That the
Lord will bear you company in all your afflictions,
Isaiah 41:10; chapter 43:1-3; Psalm 23; Psalm 90:15; Dan. 3:25, Gen.
39:20, 21; 2 Tim. 4:16, 17. These scriptures are breasts full of
divine consolation! These wells of salvation are full; will you
turn to them and draw out, that your souls may be satisfied and
[4.] Fourthly, If you would be silent under your
afflictions, then hold fast this principle, That the
Lord has more high, more noble, and more blessed ends in the
afflicting of you—than he has in the afflicting of the men of the
world. The stalk, and the ear of corn, both fall upon the
threshing floor—one is cast away, the other is preserved. From one
and the same olive tree, and from under one and the same press—is
crushed both oil and dregs—but the one is stored for use, the
other thrown out as unserviceable. Just so, though afflictions do
befall good and bad alike, as the Scripture speaks, Eccles. 9:2, yet
the Lord will effect more glorious ends by those afflictions which
befall his people, than he will effect by those that befall wicked
men. Therefore the Lord puts his people into the furnace for their trial—but
the wicked for their ruin. The one is bettered by
affliction—the other is made worse. The one is made soft and
tender by afflictions—the other is more hard and obdurate. The one
is drawn nearer to God by afflictions—the other is driven further
from God, etc.
[5.] Fifthly, If you would be silent under your
afflictions, then you must hold fast this principle—That the
best way in this world to have your own will, is to lie down in the
will of God, and quietly to resign up yourself to the good will and
pleasure of God. Mat. 15:21, 29. Luther was a man who
could have anything from God, and why? Why! because he submitted his
will to the will of God! He lost his will in the will of God. O
soul! it shall be even as you will—if your will be swallowed up in
the will of God.
[6.] Sixthly and lastly, If you would be silent
under the afflicting hand of God, then you must hold fast to this
principle—That God will make times of
afflictions to be times of special manifestations of divine love and
favor to you. Tiburtius saw a paradise when he walked
upon hot burning coals. I could affirm this by a cloud of
witnesses—but that I must close. Ah, Christians! as ever you would
be quiet and silent under the smarting rod, hold fast to these
principles, and keep them as your lives! But,
(12) Twelfthly and lastly, To silence and quiet
your soul under the afflicting hand of God, dwell
much upon the brevity or shortness of man's life. This
present life is not life—but a motion, a journey towards life. Man's
life, says one, is the shadow of smoke, yes, the dream of a shadow!
Says another, man's life is so short, that Augustine doubted whether
to call it a dying life or a living death. You have
but a day to live, and perhaps you may be now in the last
hour of that day; therefore hold out faith and patience. Your
troubles and your life, shall shortly end together; therefore remain
silent before the Lord. Your grave is going to be made; your sun is
near setting; death begins to call you off the stage of this world.
Death stands at your back; you must shortly sail forth upon the
ocean of eternity; though you have a great deal of work to do—a
God to honor, a Christ to close with, a soul to save, a race to run,
a crown to win, a hell to escape, a pardon to beg, a heaven to make
sure; yet you have but a little time to do it in!
You have one foot in the grave—you are even
going ashore on eternity—and will you now cry out of your
affliction? Will you now mutter and murmur when you are entering
upon an unchangeable and eternal condition? What extreme folly and
madness is it for a man to mutter and murmur when he is just a-going
out of prison, and his bolts and chains are just a-knocking off!
Why, Christian, this is just your case! Therefore remain silent
before the Lord. Your life is but short—therefore your troubles
cannot be long! Hold up and hold out quietly and patiently a little
longer—and heaven shall make amends for all!
"I consider that our present sufferings
are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in
us!" Romans 8:18.
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