“Howbeit for this cause I obtained
mercy, that in me first, Jesus Christ might show forth all
long-suffering, for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on
him to life everlasting.” (1
Timothy 1:16)
It is a vulgar error that the conversion
of the apostle Paul was an uncommon and exceptional event, and that we
cannot expect men to be saved now-a-days after the same fashion. It is said
that the incident was an exception to all rules, a wonder altogether by
itself. Now, my text is a flat contradiction to that notion, for it assures
us that, instead of the apostle as a receiver of the long-suffering and
mercy of God being at all an exception to the rule,
he was a model convert, and is to be
regarded, as a type and pattern of God’s grace in other believers.
The apostle’s language in the text, “for a
pattern,” may mean that he was what printers call a first proof, an early
impression from the engraving, a specimen of those to follow. He was the
typical instance of divine long-suffering, the model after which others are
fashioned. To use a metaphor from the artist’s studio, Paul was the ideal
sketch of a convert, an outline of the work of Jesus on mankind, an example
of divine long-suffering. Just as artists make sketches in charcoal as the
basis of their work, which outlines they paint out as the picture proceeds,
so did the Lord in the apostle’s case make, as it were, an outline sketch of
his usual work of grace. That outline in the case of each future believer he
works out with infinite variety of skill, and produces the individual
Christian, but the guiding lines are really there. All conversions are in a
high degree similar to this pattern conversion. The transformation of
persecuting Saul of Tarsus into the apostle Paul is a typical instance of
the work of grace in the heart.
We will have no other preface, but
proceed at once to two or three considerations. The first is that:
In every case the individual is saved,
not for himself alone, but with a view to the good of others. Those who
think the doctrine of election to be harsh should not deny it, for it is
Scriptural; but they may to their own minds soften some of its hardness by
remembering that elect men bear a marked connection with the race. The Jews,
as an elect people, were chosen in order to preserve the oracles of God for
all nations and for all times. Men
personally elected unto eternal life by divine grace are also elected that
they may become chosen vessels to bear the name of Jesus unto others.
While our Lord is said to be the Savior specially of them that believe, he
is also called the Savior of all men; and while he has a special eye to the
good of the one person whom he has chosen, yet through that person he has
designs of love to others, perhaps even to thousands yet unborn.
The apostle Paul says, “I obtained mercy,
that in me foremost Jesus Christ might show forth all long-suffering, for a
to them which should hereafter believe.” Now, I think I see very clearly
that Paul’s conversion had an immediate relation to the conversion of many
others. It had a tendency, had it not, to excite an interest in the minds of
his brother Pharisee? Men of his class, men of culture, who were equally at
home with the Greek philosophers and with the Jewish rabbis, men of
influence, men of rank, would be sure to enquire, “What is this new religion
which has fascinated Saul of Tarsus? That zealot for Judaism has now become
a zealot for Christianity: what can there be in it?” I say that the natural
tendency of his conversion was to awaken inquiry and thought, and so to lead
others of his rank to become believers. And, my dear friend, if you have
been saved, you ought to regard it as a token of God’s mercy to your class.
If you are a working man, let your salvation be a blessing to the men with
whom you labor. If you are a person of rank and station, consider that God
intends to bless you to some with whom you are on familiar terms. If you are
young, hope that God will bless the youth around you, and if you have come
to older years, hope that your conversion, even at the eleventh hour, may be
the means of encouraging other aged pilgrims to seek and find rest unto
their souls. The Lord, by calling one out of any society of men, finds for
himself a recruiting officer, who will enlist his fellows beneath the banner
of the cross. May not this fact encourage some seeking soul to hope that the
Lord may save him, though he be the only thoughtful person in all his
family, and then make him to be the means of salvation to all his kindred.
We notice that
Paul often used the narrative of his
conversion as an encouragement to others.
He was not ashamed to tell his own life-story.
Eminent soul-winners, such as Whitefield and
Bunyan, frequently pleaded God’s mercy to themselves as an argument with
their fellow-men. Though great
preachers of another school, such as Robert Hall and Chalmers, do not
mention themselves at all, and I can admire their abstinence, yet I am
persuaded that if some of us were to follow their example, we should be
throwing away one of the most powerful weapons of our warfare. What can be
more affecting, more convincing, more overwhelming than the story of divine
grace told by the very man who has experienced it? It is better than a score
of tales of converted Africans, and infinitely more likely to win men’s
hearts than the most elaborate essays upon moral excellence. Again and
again, Paul gave a long narrative of his conversion, for he felt it to be
one of the most telling things that he could relate.
Whether he stood before Felix or Agrippa,
this was his plea for the gospel. All through his epistles there are
continual mentions of the grace of God towards himself, and we may be sure
that the apostle did right thus to argue from his own case: it is fair and
forcible reasoning, and ought by no means to be left unused because of a
selfish dread of being called egotistical. God intends that we should use
our conversion as an encouragement to others, and say to them, “Come and
hear, all ye that fear God, and I will tell you what he has done for my
soul.” We point to our own forgiveness and say, “Do but trust in the living
Redeemer, and you shall find, as we have done, that Jesus blotteth out the
transgressions of believers.”
Paul’s conversion was an encouragement to
him all his life long to have hope for others. Have you ever read the first
chapter of the Epistle to the Romans? Well, the man who penned those
terrible verses might very naturally have written at the end of them, “Can
these monsters be reclaimed? It can be of no avail whatever to preach the
gospel to people so sunken in vice.” That one chapter gives as daring an
outline as delicacy would permit of the nameless, shameful vices into which
the heathen world had plunged, and yet, after all. Paul went forth to
declare the gospel to that filthy and corrupt generation, believing that God
meant to save a people out of it. Surely one element of his hope for
humanity must have been found in the fact of his own salvation; he
considered himself to be in some respects as bad as the heathen, and in
other respects even worse: he calls
himself the foremost of sinners (that
is the word); and he speaks of God having saved him foremost, that in him he
might show forth all long-suffering. Paul never doubted the possibility of
the conversion of a person however infamous, after he had himself been
converted. This strengthened him in battling with the fiercest opponents—he
who overcame such a wild beast as I was, can also tame others and bring them
into willing captivity to his love.
There was yet another relation between
Paul’s conversion and the salvation of others, and it was this: It served as
an impulse, driving him forward in his life-work of bringing sinners to
“I obtained mercy,” said he, “and that
same voice which spake peace to me said, I have made thee a chosen vessel
unto me to bear my name among the Gentiles.” And he did bear it, my
brethren. Going into regions beyond, that he might not build on another
man’s foundation, he became a master-builder for the church of God. How
indefatigably did he labor! With what vehemence did he pray! With what
energy did he preach! Slander and contempt he bore with the utmost patience.
Scourging or stoning had no terrors for him. Imprisonment, yea death itself,
he defied; nothing could daunt him. Because the Lord had saved him, he felt
that he must by all means save some. He could not be quiet.
Divine love was in him like a fire,
and if he had been silent, he would ere long have had to cry with the
prophet of old, “I am weary with restraining.” He is the man who said,
“Necessity is laid upon me, yea, woe is unto me if I preach not the gospel.”
Paul, the extraordinary sinner, was saved that he might be full of
extraordinary zeal and bring multitudes to eternal life. Well could he say:
love of Christ
doth me constrain
To seek the wandering souls of men;
With cries, entreaties, tears to save,
To snatch them
from the fiery wave.
My life, my blood, I here
If for thy truth they may be spent;
Fulfil thy sovereign counsel, Lord!
Thy will be done,
thy name adored!”
Now, I will pause here a minute to put a
question. You profess to be converted, my dear friend. What relation has
your conversion already had to other people? It ought to have a very
apparent one. Has it had such? Mr. Whitefield said that when his heart was
renewed, his first desire was that his companions with whom he had
previously wasted his time might be brought to Christ. It was natural and
commendable that he should begin with them. Remember how one of the
apostles, when he discovered the Savior, went immediately to tell his
brother. It is most fitting that young people should spend their first
religious enthusiasm upon their brothers and sisters. As to converted
parents, their first responsibility is in reference to their sons and
daughters. Upon each renewed man, his natural affinities, or the bonds of
friendship or the looser ties of neighborhood should begin to operate at
once, and each one should feel, “No
man liveth unto himself.”
If divine grace has kindled a fire in
you, it is that your fellow-men may burn with the same flame. If the eternal
fount has filled you with living water, it is that out of the midst of you
should flow rivers of living water.
You are blessed that you may bless; whom have you blessed yet?
Let the question go round. Do not avoid it. This is the best return that you
can make to God, that when he saveth you, you should seek to be the
instruments in his hands of saving others. What have you done yet? Did you
ever speak with the friend who shares your pew? He has been sitting there
for a long time, and may, perhaps, be an unconverted person; have you
pointed him to the Lamb of God? Have you ever spoken to your servants about
their souls? Have you yet broken the ice sufficiently to speak to your own
sister, or your own brother? Do begin, dear friend.
You cannot tell what mysterious threads
connect you with your fellow-men and their destiny. There was a cobbler
once, as you know, in Northamptonshire. Who could see any connection between
him and the millions of India? But the love of God was in his bosom, and
Carey could not rest till, at Serampore, he had commenced to translate the
Word of God and preach to his fellow-men. We must not confine our thoughts
to the few whom Carey brought to Christ, though to save one soul is worthy
of a life of sacrifice, but Carey became the forerunner and leader of a
missionary band which will never cease to labor till India bows before
Immanuel. That man mysteriously drew, is drawing, and will draw India to the
Lord Jesus Christ. Brother, you do not know what your power is. Awake and
try it.
Did you never read this passage:
“Thou hast given him power over all flesh,
that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him”?
Now, the Lord has given to his Son power over all flesh, and with a part of
that power Jesus clothes his servants. Through you, he will give eternal
life to certain of his chosen; by you, and by no other means, will they be
brought to himself. Look about you, regenerate man. Your life may be made
sublime. Rouse yourself! Begin to think of what God may do by you! Calculate
the possibilities which lie before you with the eternal God as your helper.
Shake yourself from the dust and put on the beautiful garments of
disinterested love to others,
and it shall yet be seen how grandly gracious God has been to hundreds of
men by having converted you.
So far, then, Paul’s salvation, because
it had so clear a reference to others, was a pattern of all conversions.
Now, secondly:
Foremost in sin, he became also foremost
in service. Saul of Tarsus was a blasphemer, and he is to be commended
because he has not recorded any of those blasphemies. We can never object to
converted burglars and chimney-sweeper, of whom we hear so much, telling the
story of their conversion; but when they go into dirty details, they had
better hold their tongues. Paul tells us that he was a blasphemer, but he
never repeats one of the blasphemies. We invent enough evil in our own
hearts without being told of other men’s stale profanities. If, however, any
of you are so curious as to want to know what kind of blasphemies Paul could
utter, you have only to converse with a converted Jew, and he will tell you
what horrible words some of his nation will speak against our Lord. I have
no doubt that Paul in his evil state thought as wickedly of Christ as he
could—considered him to be an imposter, called him so, and added many an
opprobrious epithet. He does not say of himself that he was an unbeliever
and an objector, but he says that he
was a blasphemer, which is a very
strong word, but not too strong, for the apostle never went beyond the
truth. He was a downright, thorough-going blasphemer,
who also caused others to blaspheme.
Will these lines meet the eye of a profane
person who feels the greatness of his sin? May God grant that he may be
encouraged to seek mercy as Saul of Tarsus did, for “all manner of sin and
blasphemy” does he forgive unto men.
From blasphemy, which was the sin of the
lips, Saul proceeded to persecution,
which is a sin of the hands.
Hating Christ, he hated his people, too.
He was delighted to give his vote for the death of Stephen, and he took care
of the clothes of those who stoned that martyr.
He haled men and women to prison, and
compelled them to blaspheme. When he
had hunted all Judea as closely as he could, he obtained letters to go to
Damascus, that he might do the same in that place. His prey had been
compelled to quit Jerusalem and fly to more remote places, but
“being exceeding mad against them, he
persecuted them unto strange cities.”
He was foremost in blasphemy and persecution. Will a persecutor read or hear
these words? If so, may he be led to see that even for him pardon is
possible. Jesus, who said, “Father,
forgive them; for they know not what they do,”
is still an intercessor for the most violent of his enemies. He adds, next,
that he was injurious, which, I think, Bengel considers to mean that he was
a despiser: that eminent critic says—blasphemy was his sin towards God,
persecution was his sin towards the church, and despising was his sin in his
own heart. He was injurious—that is, he did all he could to damage the cause
of Christ, and he thereby injured himself. He kicked against the pricks and
injured his own conscience. He was so determined against Christ that he
counted no cost too great by which he might hinder the spread of the faith,
and he did hinder it terribly, he was a ringleader in resisting the Spirit
of God which was then working with the church of Christ. He was foremost in
opposition to the cross of Christ.
Now, notice that he was saved as a
pattern, which is to show you that if you also have been foremost in sin,
you also may obtain mercy, as Paul did: and to show you yet again that if
you have not been foremost, the grace of God, which is able to save the
chief of sinners, can assuredly save those who are of less degree. If the
bridge of grace will carry the elephant, it will certainly carry the mouse.
If the mercy of God could bear with the hugest sinners, it can have patience
with you. If a gate is wide enough for a giant to pass through, any
ordinary-sized mortal will find space enough. Despair’s head is cut off and
stuck on a pole by the salvation of “the chief of sinners.” No man can now
say that he is too great a sinner to be saved, because the chief of sinners
was saved eighteen hundred years ago. If the ringleader, the chief of the
gang, has been washed in the precious blood, and is now in heaven, why not
I? why not you?
After Paul was saved, he became a
foremost saint. The Lord did not allot him a second-class place in the
church. He had been the leading sinner, but his Lord did not, therefore,
say, “I save you, but I shall always remember your wickedness to your
disadvantage.” Not so: he counted him faithful, putting him into the
ministry and into the apostleship, so that he was not a whit behind the very
chief of the apostles. Brother, there is no reason why, if you have gone
very far in sin, you should not go equally far in usefulness. On the
contrary, there is a reason why you should do so, for it is a rule of grace
that to whom much is forgiven, the same loveth much, and much love leads to
much service.
What man was more clear in his knowledge
of doctrine than Paul? What man more earnest in the defense of truth? What
man more self-sacrificing? What man more heroic? The name of Paul in the
Christian church stands in some respects the very next to the Lord Jesus.
Turn to the New Testament and see how large a space is occupied by the Holy
Spirit speaking through his servant Paul; and then look over Christendom and
see how greatly the man’s influence is still felt, and must be felt till his
Master shall come. Oh! great sinner, if thou art even now ready to scoff at
Christ, my prayer is that he may strike thee down at this very moment, and
turn thee into one of his children, and make thee to be just as ardent for
the truth as thou art now earnest against it, as desperately set on good as
now thou art on evil. None make such mighty Christians and such fervent
preachers as those who are lifted up from the lowest depths of sin and
washed and purified through the blood of Jesus Christ! May grace do this
with thee, my dear friend, whoever thou mayest be.
Thus we gather from our text that the
Lord showed mercy to Paul, that in him foremost it might be seen that
prominence in sin is no barrier to eminence in grace, but the very reverse.
Now I come to where the stress of the text lies.
“That in me foremost Jesus Christ might
show forth all long-suffering for a pattern to them which should hereafter
believe.” Thoughtfully observe the great long-suffering of God to Paul: he
says, “He showed forth all long-suffering.” Not only all the long-suffering
of God that ever was shown to anybody else, but all that could be supposed
to exist—all long-suffering.
“All thy mercy’s height I prove,
All its depth is found in me,”
as if he had gone to the utmost stretch
of his tether in sin, and the Lord also had strained his long-suffering to
its utmost.
That long-suffering was seen first in
sparing his life when he was rushing headlong in sin, breathing out
threatenings, foaming at the mouth with denunciations of the Nazarene and
his people. If the Lord had but lifted his finger, Saul would have been
crushed like a moth, but almighty wrath forbore, and the rebel lived on. Nor
was this all; after all his sin, the Lord allowed mercy to be possible to
him. He blasphemed and persecuted, at a red-hot rate; and is it not a marvel
that the Lord did not say, “Now, at last, you have gone beyond all bearing,
and you shall die like Herod, eaten of worms”? It would not have been at all
wonderful if God had so sentenced him; but he allowed him to live within the
reach of mercy, and, better still, he in due time actually sent the gospel
to him, and laid it home to his heart.
In the very midst of his rebellion the Lord
saved him! He had not prayed to be
converted, far from it; no doubt he had that very day along the road to
Damascus profaned the Savior’s name, and yet mighty mercy burst in and saved
him purely by its own spontaneous native energy. Oh mighty grace, free
grace, victorious grace! This was long-suffering indeed!
When divine mercy had called Paul, it
swept all his sin away, every particle of it, his blood shedding and his
blasphemy, all at once, so that never man was more assured of his own
perfect cleansing than was the apostle.
“There is therefore now,”
saith he, “no condemnation to them
which are in Christ Jesus.”
“Therefore, being justified by faith, we
have peace with God.” “Who shall lay anything to the charge of God’s elect?”
You know how clear he was about that; and he spoke out of his own
experience. Long-suffering had washed all his sins away. Then that
long-suffering reaching from the depths of sin lifted him right up to the
apostleship, so that he began to prove God’s long-suffering in its heights
of favor. What a privilege it must have been to him to be permitted to
preach the gospel. I should think sometimes when he was preaching most
earnestly, he would half stop himself and say, “Paul, is this you?” When he
went down to Tarsus especially he must have been surprised at himself and at
the mighty mercy of God. He preached the faith which once he had destroyed.
He must have said many a time after a sermon, when he went home to his
bed-chamber, “Marvel of marvels! Wonder of wonders, that I who once could
curse have now been made to preach—that I, who was full of threatening and
even breathed out slaughter, should now be so inspired by the Spirit of God
that I weep at the very sound of Jesus’ name, and count all things but loss
for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord.”
Oh! brothers and sisters, you do not
measure long-suffering except you take it in all its length from one end to
the other, and see God in mercy not remembering his servant’s sin, but
lifting him into eminent service in his church. Now, this was for a pattern,
to show you that he will show forth the same long-suffering to those who
believe. If you have been a swearer, he will cleanse your blackened mouth,
and put his praises into it. Have you had a black, cruel heart, full of
enmity to Jesus? He will remove it, and give you a new heart and a right
spirit. Have you dived into all sorts of sins? Are they so shameful that you
dare not think of them? Think of the
precious blood which removes every
stain. Are your sins so many that you could not count them? Do you feel as
if you were almost damned already in the very memory of your life? I do not
wonder at it, but he is able to save to the uttermost them that come unto
God by him. You have not gone farther than Saul had gone, and therefore all
long-suffering can come to you, and there are great possibilities of future
holiness and usefulness before you. Even though you may have been a
street-walker or a thief, yet if the grace of God cleanses you, it can make
something wonderful out of you: full many a lustrous jewel of Immanuel’s
crown has been taken from the dunghill. You are a rough block of stone, but
Jesus can fashion and polish you, and set you as a pillar in his temple.
Brother, do not despair. See what Saul
was and what Paul became, and learn what you may be. Though you deserve the
depths of hell, yet up to the heights of heaven grace can lift you. Though
now you feel as if the fiends of the pit would be fit companions for such a
lost spirit as yourself, yet believe in the Lord Jesus, and you shall one
day walk among the angels as pure and white as they. Paul’s experience of
long-suffering grace was meant to be a pattern of what God will do for you.
Scripture says,
“Where sin abounded,
There did grace much more abound”;
Thus has Satan
been confounded,
And his own discomfit found.
Christ has triumph’d
Spread the glorious news around.
Sin is strong, but grace is stronger;
Christ than
Satan more supreme;
“Yield, oh, yield to sin no
Turn to Jesus, yield to him—
He has triumph’d!
Sinners, henceforth him esteem.”
MEANT TO BE A PATTERN, and with this
I shall finish.
I do not say that we may expect to
receive the miraculous revelation which was given to Paul, but yet it is a
sketch upon which any conversion can be painted. The filling up is not the
same in any two cases, but the outline sketch. Paul’s conversion would serve
for an outline sketch of the conversion of any one of us. How was that
conversion wrought? Well, it is clear that there was nothing at all in Paul
to contribute to his salvation. You might have sifted him in a sieve,
without finding anything upon which you could rest a hope that he would be
converted to the faith of Jesus. His natural bent, his early training, his
whole surroundings, and his life’s pursuits, all lettered him to Judaism,
and made it most unlikely that he would ever become a Christian. The first
elder of the church that ever talked to him about divine things could hardly
believe in his conversion. “Lord,” said he, “I have heard by many of this
man, how much evil he hath done to thy saints at Jerusalem.” He could hardly
think it possible that the ravening wolf should have changed into a lamb.
Nothing favorable to faith in Jesus could have been found in Saul; the soil
of his heart was very rocky, the ploughshare could not touch it, and the
good seed found no root-hold. Yet the Lord converted Saul, and he can do the
like by other sinner, but it must be a work of pure grace and of divine
power, for there is not in any man’s fallen nature a holy spot of the size
of a pin’s point on which grace can light. Transforming grace can find no
natural lodgment in our hearts, it must create its own soil; and, blessed be
God, it can do it, for with God all things are possible. Nature contributes
nothing to grace, and yet grace wins the day. Humbled soul, let this cheer
thee. Though there is nothing good in thee, yet grace can work wonders, and
save thee by its own might.
Paul’s conversion was an instance of
divine power, and of that alone, and so is every true conversion. If your
conversion is an instance of the preacher’s power, you need to be converted
again; if your salvation is the result of your own power, it is a miserable
deception, from which may you be delivered. Every man who is saved must be
operated upon by the might of God the Holy Spirit: every jot and tittle of
true regeneration is the Spirit’s work. As for our strength, it warreth
against salvation rather than for it. Blessed is that promise,
“Thy people shall be willing in the day of
thy power.” Conversion is as much a
work of God’s omnipotence as the resurrection; and as the dead do not raise
themselves, so neither do men convert themselves.
But Saul was changed immediately. His
conversion was once done, and done at once. There was a little interval
before he found peace, but even during those three days he was a changed
man, though he was in sadness. He was
under the power of Satan at one moment, and in the next he was under the
reign of grace. This is also true in
every conversion. However gradual the breaking of the day, there is a time
when the sun is below the horizon, and a moment when he is no longer so. You
may not know the exact time in which you passed from death to life, but
there was such a time, if you are indeed a believer. A man may not know how
old he is, but there was a moment in which he was born. In every conversion
there is a distinct change from darkness to light, from death to life, just
as certainly as there was in Paul’s. And what a delightful hope does the
rapidity of regeneration present to us! It is by no long and laborious
process that we escape from sin. We are not compelled to remain in sin for a
single moment.
Grace brings instantaneous liberty to
those who sit in bondage. He who trusts Jesus is saved on the spot. Why,
then, abide in death? Why not lift up your eyes to immediate life and light?
Paul proved his regeneration by his
faith. He believed unto eternal life. He tells us over and over again in his
epistles that he was saved by faith, and not by works. So is it with every
man; if saved at all, it is by simply believing in the Lord Jesus. Paul
esteemed his own works to be less than nothing, and called them dross and
dung, that he might win Christ, and so
every converted man renounces his own works
that he may be saved by grace alone.
Whether he has been moral or immoral, whether he has lived an amiable and
excellent life, or whether he has raked in the kennels of sin, every
regenerate man has one only hope, and that is centered and fixed in Jesus
alone. Faith in Jesus Christ is the mark of salvation, even as the heaving
of the lungs or the coming of breath from the nostrils is the test of life.
Faith is the grace which saves the soul, and its absence is a fatal sign.
How does this fact affect you, dear friend? Hast thou faith or no?
Paul was very positively and evidently
saved. You did not need to ask the question, Is that man a Christian or not?
for the transformation was most
apparent. If Saul of Tarsus had
appeared as he used to be, and Paul the apostle could also have come in, and
you could have seen the one man as two men, you would have thought them no
relation to one another. Paul the apostle would have said that he was dead
to Saul of Tarsus, and Saul of Tarsus would have gnashed his teeth at Paul
the apostle. The change was evident to all who knew him, whether they
sympathize in it or not. They could not mistake the remarkable difference
which grace had made, for it was as great as when midnight brightens into
noon. So it is when a man is truly saved: there is a change which those
around him must perceive. Do not tell me that you can be a child at home and
become a Christian, and yet your father and mother will not perceive a
difference in you. They will be sure to see it. Would a leopard in a
menagerie lose his spots and no one notice it? Would an Ethiopian be turned
white and no one hear of it? You, masters and mistresses, will not go in and
out amongst your servants and children without their perceiving a change in
you if you are born again. At least,
dear brother or sister, strive with all your might to let the change be very
apparent in your language, in your actions, and in your whole conduct!
Let your conversation be such as becometh the gospel of Christ, that men may
see that you, as well as the apostle, are decidedly changed by the renewal
of your minds.
May all of us be the subjects of divine
grace as Paul was: stopped in our mad career, blinded by the glory of the
heavenly light, called by a mysterious voice, conscious of natural
blindness, relieved of blinding scales, and made to see Jesus as one all in
all. May we prove in our own persons how speedily conviction may melt into
conversion, conversion into confession, and confession into consecration.
I have done when I have enquired, how far
we are conformed to the pattern which God has set before us? I know we are
like Paul as to our sin, for if we have neither blasphemed nor persecuted,
yet have we sinned as far as we have had opportunity. We are also conformed
to Paul’s pattern in the great long-suffering of God which we have
experienced, and I am not sure that we cannot carry the parallel farther: we
have had much the same revelation that Paul received on the way to Damascus,
for we, too, have learned that Jesus is the Christ. If any of us sin against
Christ, it will not be because we do not know him to be the Son of God, for
we all believe in his deity, because our Bibles tell us so. The pattern goes
so far: I would that the grace of God would operate upon you, unconverted
friend, and complete the picture, by giving you like faith with Paul. Then
will you be saved, as Paul was. Then also you will love Christ above all
things, as Paul did, and you will say,
“But what things were gain to me, those I
counted loss for Christ. Yea, doubtless, and I count all things but loss for
the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord.”
He rested upon what Christ had done in his death and resurrection, and he
found pardon and eternal life at once, and became, therefore, a devoted
Christian. What sayest thou, dear friend? Art thou moved to follow Paul’s
example? Does the Spirit of God prompt thee to trust Paul’s Savior, and give
up every other ground of trust and rely upon him? Then do so and live. Does
there seem to be a hand holding thee back, and dost thou hear an evil
whisper saying, “Thou art too great a sinner”? Turn round and bid the fiend
depart, for the text gives him the lie. “In me foremost hath Jesus Christ
showed forth all long-suffering for a pattern to them which should hereafter
believe on his name.” God has saved Paul. Back, then, O devil! The Lord can
save any man, and he can save me. Jesus Christ of Nazareth is mighty to
save, and I will rely on him. If any poor heart shall reason thus, its logic
will be sound and unanswerable. Mercy to one is an argument for mercy to
another, for there is no difference, but the same Lord over all is rich unto
all that call upon him.
Now I have set the case before you, and I
cannot do more; it remains with each individual to accept or refuse. One man
can bring a horse to the trough, but a hundred cannot make him drink. There
is the gospel; if you want it, take it, but if you will not have it, then I
must discharge my soul by reminding you that even the gentle gospel—the
gospel of love and mercy has nothing to say to you but this,
“He that believeth not shall be damned.”
“How they deserve the deepest
That slight the joys above;
chains of vengeance must they feel
Who break the
bonds of love.”
God grant that you may yield to mighty
love, and find peace in Christ Jesus.