Many saying of Jesus made Him unpopular
with the religious people of His day. He is still unpopular today. Most
people ignore or distort or try to explain away what Jesus said. For
consider these words spoken by the Lord
Jesus: “And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on
whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder,” (Matthew 21:44).
Addressed to those religionists in Israel
who had rejected the preaching and baptism of John the Baptist, in this
verse the Lord speaks of Himself as a great stone – a cornerstone. He said
there are only two alternatives. Either you will fall upon this stone or
this stone will fall upon you. Either you will be broken or you will be
ground to powder. There is no other alternative: being broken or being
ground to powder.
Most everyone wants to go to Heaven: they
do not want to go to the other place. So they try turning over a new leaf.
They try religion. They go forward in a religious meeting or they try being
baptized or praying the magical prayer that is supposed to save them. Some
continue in that way for awhile. Some for many years. Preachers assure them
that they are saved because they did something. Most religion today is based
upon the idea that doing this or that will cause God to save the doer: works
But our text indicates that there is much
more to being saved. The thing to remember is this: works has nothing to do
with salvation: salvation is “Not of works, lest any man should boast,”
(Ephesians 2:9). In our text the Lord Jesus said that whomever falls on Him
will be broken. He speaks of a total broken-heartedness over personal sin.
He did not speak of mere sorrow over the prospect of going to Hell, but
something more and something different than that. Paul wrote about this same
thing: he wrote, “For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be
repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death,” (2 Corinthians
7:10). This is a work of God in the sinner.
In order to escape being ground to powder,
that is, being judged by Christ for sins, the sinner must experience being
“broken” in “godly sorrow.” This is not man made sorrow. This is brokenness
or true sorrow worked by the Holy Spirit in the new birth. It is an
experience of grace. It is something that God does to the sinner whom He
wills to save. It is not the experience of mere religion or religious
enthusiasm. It is not the experience of many, but it is the experience of
God's elect: those whom He has chosen to save. Jesus also said, “For many
are called, but few are chosen,” (Matthew 22:14). What is your relation to
the Stone? Have you experienced brokenness over sin? Have you turned to
Christ, trusting Him alone?