The phrase “a bible in the left hand” is used to describe the practice of some folk who let something or someone tell them what the Bible means. Instead of studying the Bible and learning what it teaches, it is popular among professing Christians to believe whatever their particular authority says on the subject. This “bible in the left hand” supersedes the Bible. It corrects the Bible or adds to the Bible or takes away from the Bible. So it promotes not the truth, but the ideas of someone else. Now this bible in the left hand may actually be a book or books. Back in the early to mid 1800's there seems to have been a sort of “gold rush” in this area: by that I mean that several men claimed to have received additional revelations and wrote books that are now revered by their followers as final truth from God. Prior to that time there arose men often referred to as theologians whose writings are still with us today. Their books are often regarded as very nearly the final word on truth. Even before these men arose, even from apostolic times, men have been set up as having all truth and being the rightful interpreters of the Bible. So this phenomena is nothing new. Paul warned about it as recorded in Acts 20:29-30 saying, “For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them.” Paul spoke of his death as his “departing.” Once those men Christ designated as His apostles passed off the scene these folk with their peculiar doctrines came to the forefront. Whether it is the theological books of a certain man or woman or the confessions of faith of sincere men or the supposed revelations that men and women have claimed as being from God, each and all such things are foolishly regarded by some folk as definitive of what they believe. It is absolutely wrong to accept anything as being God's message to humankind other than the sixty-six books we commonly know as “the Holy Bible.” “To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them,” (Isaiah 8:20). Each individual is thus responsible to know from their own study what the Bible actually says. Then and only then can a person be assured of what the truth on a matter is. Then an individual can be free from the domination of the “wolves” about which Paul; wrote. Jesus said, “...If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free,” (John 8:31-32). Do you want to be free from error? Free from the domination of men's enslaving ideas? Then learn for yourself what the Bible says and what it means. Study it yourself! |