Words Of Encouragement For The Believer By Jerry Dodson, Sr. Please let me tell you something. You might as well, cause I’m going to tell you anyway. Permit me to share my most favoritest scripture of the entire Bible. Not good English but it sure gets the point across. It is found in the book of Isaiah and Isaiah lived some 700 years before Christ came into the world. Read it carefully as I provide the verse for you. Listen to God’s word. Isaiah 46:9 Remember the former things of old: for I [am] God, and [there is] none else; [I am] God, and [there is] none like me, 10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times [the things] that are not [yet] done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure: God has no one above Him. He answers to no one. He does as He pleases. In other words, God is Sovereign. As I said before, God is speaking to His chosen people thru the prophet Isaiah. Judah had been in Babylonian almost 70 yeasrs. The prophets Daniel and Jeremiah spoke of this. But what had God done? He had created the heavens and the earth out of nothingness. He had done so in 6 literal days. He had delivered Israel from Egyptian bondage. He had taken them through the Red Sea. The Egyptian army and its leader had been destroyed. He had given them water out of the rock which was Christ. He had given them manna. He had given them His word at Sinai. He had given them the tabernacle in the wilderness. He had led them through the desert into Canaan. He had caused their clothing and their shoes not wear out when they wandered in the wilderness those 40 years. He had done this and much more. Only God can do this. They were on the threshold of going back to their homeland and they appear to be scared. If this is true, look at what faced them. Thus God speaks to His people thru His prophet. There is none like Him. He will do all His pleasure. Often times I am faced with things that scare me. For example, I was scared when Jean died. I was scared when everything flooded. I did not know what to expect. I was scared when I resigned Denham after almost 23 years. I was scared to death when I moved to May, Texas. Oh I had moved before, that did not scare me. But this time I was by myself. You would have never known it if you had seen me but inside, I was scared. For the 1st time I had to do things myself. I have been scared since then, Lord will my retirement be sufficient? Lord, I have too much time on my hands. Lord, I have never not been without a wife before. That’s the way I felt. Will I ever marry again? I have talked to my sons about this. Lord, that Corvette is too fast. On I could go. I know what fear is. You know what fear is. I am convinced that the Jews were afraid. God wanted to encourage His people. I am so glad that I am numbered among the people of God, the sheep of His pasture. How do I know that? I have entrusted myself to my Lord. He and what He did at Calvary is my only hope of redemption. I trust in no One nor in nothing else. God Himself has confirmed to me that I am a child of God. He has promised that He will not cast those who come to Him out. I believe that. God has encouraged me. You need encouragement. He has done much more than I ever dreamed He would do. He will encourage you also. He encouraged His people through the prophet Isaiah. That verse encourages me. God is God and there is none like Him. What an encouragement for the child of God. No wonder this is my most favorite scripture of the entire Bible. It portrays God as God. I like that. I need that. So do you. |