Index to Martyrs Mirror

General Index

Compiled by Ira D. Landis



Abel, 315, 565, 568, 752, 786, 883, 892, 905, 913, 923, 950, 979, 1011, 1033, 1044, 1048,

Abelard, Peter, 276, 292, 293

Abimelech, 1044

Abraham, 12, 22, 580, 752, 770, 812, 817, 828, 830, 836, 850, 892, 903, 907, 908, 910, 920, 952, 971, 986, 999, 1017, 1031, 1044, 1048, 1074, 1079

Abraham, martyred, 554

Absalom, 695, 748

Achan, 892

Adam, 720, 755, 770, 784, 787, 788, 793, 794, 796, 804, 810, 820, 824, 828, 829. 916, 918, 921, 963, 971, 998, 1011, 1015, 1024, 1076

Adam and Eve, 377, 378

Adamites, 296

Address to worldly minded, and to young and old, 14

Adeodatus, 204

Adelphius, received, 125

Advice to youth, 646 650

Aedesius, drowned, 181

Aeneas, 302

African Council, 238

Agamemnon, 353

Agapitus, drowned, (A.D. 223), 130

Agathonica, (A.D.168), 104, 114

Agathopus, drowned, 181 Agrippa, 1100

Ahab, 609

Aix la Chapelle, 269, 268, 305, 320, 588

Albericus, 300

Albert of Gaul, 229, 230

Albigenses, began, 271, 282, 283
Burned, 305, 307, 308
Called Albi, 288, 304;
Albigeois, 265
Confession of, 285
Countless perish, 313
Decrees against, 316, 317
Died, 309, 310
Distinction of, 300 306
Examination given, 312
Lived in England, 309
Same as Waldenses, 306, 309
Wholesale martyrdom, 304

Albinus, teacher, 224

Albion, baptized, 224

Alcibiades, (A.D. 179), 104, 117

Alcimus on baptism, 202, 209, 210

Alexander, burned (A.D. 253), 133

Alexander, torn (A.D. 263), 141

Alexander of Jerusalem (A.D. 247), 131

Alexander of Phrygia (A.D. 172), 104

Alexander, the Greek, (A.D. 179), 104, 118

Alexandrinus, writer, 100

Alexandrinus, Theophilus, 208

Alfuard, 268

Algerus, 261 Alipius, 204

Almaricus, 314

Aloida, 244

Alsace, 44, 703, 1126

Altisidorensis, 265, 307, 308

Altzey Mandate, 437

Alva, Duke of, 758, 1095

Alzeiter, Christian, 444

Amalek, 850, 855, 857, 892

Amaziah, 361

Ambrose, 204, 597, 632, 660, 708, 790
On baptism, 159

Amkers, Fri)n, 465

Ammon, martyred, 186

Ammonaris (two), beheaded (A.D. 253), 134

Ammonius, died, 185

Amphilochius, wrote, 162

Amos, 12, 357

Amsterdam, 27, 44, 498, 474, 477, 483, 501, 504, 535, 538, 568, 593, 619, 738, 763, 764, 779, 797, 823, 831, 832, 833, 841,'844, 872, 876, 945, 1108, 1119, 1124, 1125, 1132, 1133, 1136n, 1139

Anabaptist, 16, 17, 18, 278, 296, 324, 326, 330, 365, 428, 438, 442, 500, 502, 519, 536, 539, 546, 547, 552, 568, 569, 596, 610, 616, 630, 660, 736, 738, 763, 764, 774, 775, 778, 778, 779, 780, 781, 782, 783, 785, 786,



Anabaptist con-
787, 789, 791. 792, 795, 796. 797, 798, 871, 875, 910, 945, 962, 1007, 1012, 1019, 1021, 1054, 1056, 1058, 1060, 1061, 1062, 3063, 1089, 1094, 1095, 1100, 1101, 1103, 1106, 1110, 1113, 1115, 1117, 1119, 1122, 1123, 1125, 1130, 1131, 1132
Condemned, 195, 1105
Churches in Holland, 1108
Church older than Catholic, 632
Name, 63
Practice and conditions, 1130, 1131
Name odious, 1134
Not "Ana," 1089
Pernicious leaven, 1136

Anabaptists, Edict against
Berne, 1130
Charles V, 442, 1122, 1123
Conatantius, 191
Honorius and Theodosius, 191, 198
Theodoric, 204
Theodosius, 190
Zurich, 414

Ananias and Sapphira, 605, 749, 855, 857, 940

Ananias (Paul), 1040

Anasasfus, 246

Anastasius, baptized, 216

Andrew, crucified (A.D. 70), Ill.,' 87

Andrew, read first Mass, 516

Andrew and Guillemetti, 321

Andronicus, slain (A.D. 70), 86, 146 152

Angelonius, 232

Anobert, charged, 229

Ansbert, 250, 251

Anselm s writings, 259 261

Anthimus, beheaded, 175

Anthonis, beheaded, 583

Anthonisa, Hendrick, sentenced, 536

Anthony the Hermit, 339

Anti Catholic sacrament, 216, 536, 597­610, 631, 667, 668, 774 798, 937, 938, 1024 1026, 1072

Antichrist, Pope was, 345, 346, 445

Antichrist, rise of, . 726
Throne of, 313
Works of, 271
Many, 672

Antioch, died, 611

Antiochus, king, 748, 1097

Antopas, burned (A.D. 93), Ill., 94, 95

Antwerp, 500, 523, 554, 563, 568, 569, 583, 594, 618, 622, 624, 633, 640­644, 652, 655, 704, 706 708, 711, 725, 762, 818, 819, 845, 848, 850, 871, 875, 877, 945, 947, 965, 979­981, 983, 984, 987, 989, 992, 1036, 1037, 1039, 1043, 1047, 1051

Anyaia, slain, 185

Apeldoren, Hendrick Dircksz, 44

Apocrypha, Jerome on, 284
Disowned, 274

Apollinaries, martyred (A.D. 70), 94

Apollonia, burned (A.D. 252), 133

Apostate, 1072

Apostolic, 393

Apostolic succession, 228, 320, 365, 366

Apostolics, 275, 276, 278, 293, 294

Apphian, drowned, 180

Apselamus, Peter, burned, 183

Aquila, slain (A.D. 70j, 86

Aquila of Alexandria, 126

Aquilina, martyred, 12, 184

Aquimas, 300

Arabian, persecutors at, 232

Arabians, 255

Ardens, Radulph, 267

Ares, martyred, 183

Arethas, martyred, 212

Argimirus, 245

Arian persecution, 211

Ariares, 294

Aristarchus, slain (A.D. 70), 85

Arles, 273, 320

Arnobius on baptism, 125, 153, 154

Arnold, burned, 292, 293, 296

Arnold, burned, 354
Martyred, 211, 212
Taught, 274

Arnoldists, 277, 297, 298

Arnulph, baptizes, 215

Ascholius, Bishop, 162

Aaterius, crucified, 144

Aston, John, 332



Astyages, 88

Ater, burned, 253

Athanasius, 153, 155, 156, 792

Attalus, roasted (A.D. 172), 104, 115

Augurius, burned (A.D. 261), 140

Augustine, 103, 204, 597, 632, 660, 708, 790, 940, 1085

Augustine's sons baptized, 170

Augustyn, 665, 991

Aurea, executed, 245

Aurelian Emperor, 142

Ausibius, early convert, 52, 66

Austria, 328, 330, 331, 341, 349, 350, 446 472

Auxentius, martyred, 185

Avignon, 320, 321, 332

Avoidance, 32, 33, 37, 43, 690, 809, 975


Babel, 960

Babylas, executed (A.D. 254), 134

Babylon, 336, 862, 872, 954, 992, 1002, 1056

Babylonian whore, 330, 336, 775

Backter, Wm., 348

Baden, 1089

Baleus, 309, 342

Baltic Sea countries, 440 die in, 333

Baptism, 153 171

Baptism, on, 1st century, 63 67
2nd century, 100 104
3rd century, 118 125
4th century, 153 171
5th century, 187 197
6th century, 201 209
7th century, 213 217
8th century, 220 227
9th century, 232 240
10th century, 247 254
11th century, 259 264
12th century, 270 290
13th century, 300 303
14th century, 321 327
15th century, 334 340
16th century, 363373, 396 398
17th century, 30, 36, 40
Abelard, Peter, 274
Ado Travirensis, 263
P.Ibinus, 224
Alcimus, 202
Alexander, 303
Alexandriua Theophilus, 208
Algenis, 261
Amalariua Fortunatus, 222
Ambrose, 159
Angelomus, 232, 296
Ansbert, 250
Anselm, 259, 260
Apostles, 62 65
Arnold of Brescia, 274
Arnobius, 125
Arnulph, Bishop of Lyons, 274
Athanasius, 156
Augustine, 365
Anthymius, 194
Aysess, Reytse, 995, 999
Baronius, 306
Basilius, 162, 163
Bassila, 119
Bede, 221, 222
Berengarus, 247, 282
Beroldus, 263
Bohemius, 273
Boosers, 667
Brandanus, Detrius, 209
Hruis, Peter de, 301
Brunechildis, 207
Bruno, Bishop of Algiers, 262
Brute, Waltz, 325
Huchard of Worms, 262
Canons on, 158
Carnotensis, Juo, 263
Cassiodoris, 202, 203
Celestius, 191
Cellanius, 1116
Charles, Bishop of Milan, 326
Chrysostom, 164, 165
Clement, 67, 103
Clement Alexandrinus, 100, 102, 103
Clodovius, 197
Cornel15S, 535
Council of Paris, 237

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Baptism con-
Cyril of Alexandria, 192
Cyril of Jerusalem, 120
D'Auchy, Jacques, 595 596
Dionysius, 100
Donates, 154, 155, 208
English, 1014, 1015
Ephrem, Syres, 160
Epiphanies, 171
Eubulus, 162
Euchenius, 193
Evagrius, 193, 1213
Fathers, 64
Faustus, Reqiensus, 193
Fortunatus, Amalarius, 222, 223
Franck, Sebastian, 302
Fulbertus of Carnotanses, 254
Fulgentius, 196
Gasteiqer, 372
Gelasius, 194
Gerhard, John, 209
Germanus, 221
Gerritg, Jan, 683
Giselbert, 248, 255
Glock, 1025
Gratianus, 102, 235
Gregory of Nazienzas, 156, 162
Gregory of Nyasa, 160
Haimo, 233, 234, 241
Hendrickss, Jan, 935 937
Henry of Toulouse, 274, 301
Heymon, 232
Hilarius, 189
Hildebert, 274
Hincmar, 238
Hogendorf, Christopher, 1116
Holmeyster, Sebastian, 1116
Honoriug, 193
Hubmair, Balthasar, 465
Huldricus, 238
Imbroeck, Thomas, 367•371
Isidoris, 216
Jacob the Chandler, 783 785
Ian, 524
Jerome, 168, 169
Jesus, 64, 260
John the Baptist, 63, 64
Justin, 119
Juatinus, 101
Justus, Ongelitanus, 206
Kuyck, John Wouterss van, 372
Lactantius, Birmianus, 156, 157
Leo II, 216
Leonilla, 121
Luther and Lutheran divines, 1117
Lydius, D. B., 336
Marcellinus, 719
Martin, St., 153
Maximus, 191
Mehruing, 154, 157
Moll, 204, 226, 259, 300, 322, 338
Monica, 151
Montanus, 204
Nazarus, 194
Neocesarea, 153, 158
Nicea, 151
Nicephoris, Caliatus, 326, 366
Nolanua, 195
Olman, van, 537
Olympiodorfa, 106
Optatus, Milevitanus, 161
Oriqen, Adamantius, 121
Pamelius, Jacob, 215
Pancratius, 179
Panten, Bartholomew, 372
Paschagiug, 239
Perking, Guil., 209
Peter, 206
Peter, Bishop of Apamea, 40
Pesters, Jan, 1015, 1016
Pomorius, J., 216
Pontes, 119
Primasius, 196
Probes of Tullo, 303
Prosperus, 190
Rabonus, Maurus, 232
Reformed preachers, 1116, 1117
Reinenies, 279
Remiquis, 240
Roore, Jacob de, 371, 787 789
Rupert, Tuiciengis, 272, 275
Sagarellas, Gerard, 302
Salvian of Massilla, 194
Schut, 659
Scotus, Johannes, 246, 297
Sedulius, 189
Severus, Alexandrius, 207
Simons, Joriaen, 564
Smoragdus, 251
Smuel, 476, 477



Baptism con-
Strasburg, reformed, 1116, 1117
Swinderby, William, 325
Synesius, Syrenus, 168
Tertullian, 118•120
Theodocrat, 190
Theophilact, 251 254
Theophilus, Alexandrines, 206
Thessalonian Church, 366
Twisck, P. J., 226, 240
Verbeeck, 651
Verkindert, Joost, 857, 858
Victor, Vincent, 187
Victorinus, 181
Victories, 157
Vivernmes, D. G., 273
Vives, Ludovicus, 273, 365
Vleckwick, Herman, 187 189
Walafrid, 232
Waldenses, 271, 280, 281
Wege, Jacob van, 973
Wyckliffe, John, 324
Zoroaras, 206

Baptism, adult, 153 171
Augustine enjoyed, 169
Benefits of, 165
Called circumcision, 171
Carthage, 193
Christian, from Pentecost, 63 66
Commanded and practiced, 64
Extracts from history, 339
Frequency, 683
Heretical views of, 223, 322
Importance, 65
Infant, forced, 448
Infant has no instruction or faith, 303
Infant, introduced, 118, 119, 170
Infant, obligatory, 214
Infant, opposed by Victor, 187
Infant, refused, 224
Infant, unknown early, 104
Instrution prior, 237
Instruction six years, 153
Invisible elements in, 134
Kinds of, four, 234 241
Kinds o, water, 153
Reasons for infant, 397, 1116, 1117
Roman practice favorable to, 223
Of faith, 251
Of Jews, 192, 207, 215
Of tears, 250
Persons and things associated with, 224, 225
Place of, 611
Principal points of, 301
Required of catechumens, 224
Scripturally practiced, 340
Slaves, 237
Time of, 171, 216, 224, 263, 264, 326, 366
Vow, 993

Baptism of Ambrose, 159
Anastasius, 214
Anthymius, 194
Athanasius, 155
Augustine, 169
Basilla, 123
Brunechildis, 207
Caesarea, 214
Clodovug and people, 197
Constantine, 171
Ephiphaniug, 171
Fusco, 154
Heringild, 221
Hilarfus, 157
Jerome, 167
Jesus, 64
John, 63, 64
Martin, St., 159
Monica, 158
Namesius, 254
Mozarius, 194
Nectarias, 162
Nemesis, 123
Olympius, 254
Pancratius, 123
Placidus and family, 254
Pontes, 123
Sisainius, 194
Synesius, Syrenus, 186
Taborites, 337
Theodosius, 171
Victorious, 188
Varian, Marcellinus and Justin, 123
Wittikind, 224
Zeno of Verona, 215

Barana, 1069, 1089, 1103

Barbelius and sister Barbara, slain, 104, 108, 112

Barnabas, burned (A.D. 64), Ill., 75, 76



Barnabas; St., 326

Baronies, 247, 269, 306

Barriers, Waldenses burned, 315

Barsaemeus of Edessa (A.D. 108), 104, 112

Bartholomew, beheaded (A.D. 70), 88

Basil, 204

Basileus, martyred, 186

Basllideg, beheaded, 128, 209

Basilius, on baptism, 163
Sells out, 162

Basle, 429, 1127

Bastewart, 428

Bathsheba, 1015

Bavaria, 432, 473

Bedenborgh, on antichrist, 325

Beghardg, 323, 332

Beguinea, 323, 332

Bellarmine, 269

Benjamin of Persia, martyred, 99

Berenqarfus, 246, 269, 270, 278, 294
Followers burned, 292

Bernhard of Clairvaux, 293, 294

Berne, 703, 1122, 1128 1131, 1134, 1139
Decree (1671), 1125
Edicts against Anabaptists, 1130, 1136
Persecuted, 700, 1125
Prison conditions, 1126

Bertherius, charged, 229

Bertram, 232, 237

Bertrand, Nicholas, 308

Beukelss, Jan, Munster leader, 779

Biblis, martyred, 184

Birinus, catechizes, 215

Blandina, tortured (A.D. 172), 116

Bleaensus, Peter, 276

Blessing of God of Patriarchs, 950, 967, 984, 1034, 1041, 1046, 1047, 1051, 1053

Blood of Martyrs, 360, 535, 591

Bohemia, 323, 324, 326, 328, 332

Bohemian Brethren, 349, 350

Bohemius, John, 273, 326

Bom, Cornelis, 44

Borael, Peter ran, 44

Boxhoru, 310, 311

Brabant (Netherlands), 1070, 1074

Braght, P. Van, 1139

Breda, 929

Brixen, 448

Broekhuysen, William, 44

Bruges, 655

Bruenn, Moravia, 428

Hrugh, Beetken van, 655

Bruis, 301

Bruis, Peter de, burned, 273n, 274, 279, 290, 293, 294, 309

Brulifer, Stephen, 350

Hrunechildis, baptized, 207

Bruno, 269

Bruschius, 333

Brussels, 582, 992, 1093, 1094

Brute, Walter, 325, 326

Brute, William, 341

Bucer, Martin, 1116

Bulgarian tyrant, 241, 242, 265

Hullinger, H., on baptism, 208

Burgundy, 1125

Business forbidden, 911

Bzovius, 216, 319


Caesarea, baptized, 214

Caesarius of Hiesterbach, 296

Cahors, 288

Cain, 12, 21, 357, 729, 730, 748, 786, 803, 883, 892, 918, 949, 950, 1094, 1048, 1097

Caleb and Joshua, 569, 658, 707, 821, 856, 907, 908, 920, 923, 928, 967, 1032, 1046, 1052

Calignon, 290

Callistus, 325

Calvin, 364, 1095

Calvinism, 324, 780, 786, 789, 860, 1010, 1020, 1056, 1094, 1102, 1106

Cambray, 319

Candle light service, 930

Capitaneis, Albert de, 276

Capito, Wolfgang, 1116

Carloman, baptized, 224

Carlstadt, Andrew, 1117

Carmelites, 335

Carnotanses, Fulbertus, baptized, 254

Carnotensis, Juo, 263

Carpus, executed (A.D. 70), 94

Carpug, died (A.D. 168) 104, 114

Casamus, Nicholas, 338

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Cassian, tortured, 176

Casaiodoris, on baptism, 202, 203

Catharina, beheaded, 183

Catharists, 277

Catharites, 296, 297

Catholic orders, 335, 341

Catholicism, corrupt, 939

Cwia, 1094

Cellarius, 1116

Charles' bloody decrees, 935

Cecilia, 130

Cecilius, Capella, 126

Celestius, 191

Cesenas, Michael, 325

Chaignards, 277

Charles of Milan, 326

Charles V, edict of, 492
Persecutor, 551

Chartetius, Alanus, 348

Chassanion, 305, 308

Childbirth in prison, 985

Childlessness better, 710

Child named Jewish, heathen? 273

Children, unbelieving, 921

Children to abjure, 316

Chorus, German persecutor, 142

Chosen of God, 648

Christ or Barabbas. 584

Christian in prison, 1124

Christianity in Europe, 727 730

Christians, non militaristic, 156
Martyred 200,000, 58

Christminded. 16

Chrysostom, John, baptized, 159

Chrysostom, on baptism, 104, 153
Persecution, 164, 166
On swearing, 166
On nonresistance, 166
On antichrist, 167
Death, 167

Church, apostate, 44 46
Called Christminded, 16
Commanded to search house to house, 1137
(of) Christ, 392 394
Established, 21 24
(of) God, 21, 60
Holy, 285
New Testament founded, 393
Obscured, 24 26
Service of, 100, 929
Time: at night, 1137
Universal, 21

Claess, Jan, 15

Claessen, Class, 44

Claessz, Isaac, 44

Claudius, crucified, 194

Claudius, Emperor, persecutor, 73

Claudius, Herminianus, 126

Clemens, Alexandrinus, 67, 73, 100, 102, 103

Clement, 67

Clement of Scotland, Ill., 229, 230, 231

Clemongis, Nicholas, 325

Cleves, 525

Clodovius and two sons baptized, 197

Cluniacensis, Peter, 274, 303

Coals of fire, 1096

Cobrijsz, Hans, 44

Cointha, stoned, 133

Cologne, 296, 578, 582, 654, 688, 696, 702
Burninga, 6
Lords of, 367

Coming of Christ Judgment, 24n, 33, 37, 36, 43, 44

Communion, true, 806, 807

Confessions, Albigenses and Waldenses, 285 267
Alewijns, Hendrick, 750 757
Ancient faith, 313
At baptism, 233
Of 1600, by Peter Jan Twisck, 373 490
Of 1626, 1107, 1108
Of 1627, 26 33
Of 1630, by Jan Centsen of Amster­dam, 3338
Of 1632, Adrian Cornelius of Dordrecht, 38 44
Of 1658, 1124
Of Class de Praet, 554 560
Of Claesken, 611 616
Of Executioner, 101, 106
Of Jacob de Roore, 804 809
Of Jacob van den Wage, 969 975
Of Terwoort Pieterss, 1017 1019

Corrupted writings and councils, 301

Councils of, Agatha, 201
Arles, 224
Christian, at Paris, 232



Councils con-
Constantinople II, 202, 205
Ilerda, 201
Laodicea, 237
Laodicea and Elibertum, 153
Neocesarea, 158
Nicea, 155, 156 Paris,
235, 237
Rome, 269
Trent, 1066
Toulouse, 316
Tours, 269
Vercellis, 246
Versailles, 269

Communion cup, 399

Comists, 277

Congregations burned, Ill., (A.D. 237) 131, 132

Conrad of Gmund, 289

Consolati, the comforted, 298

Constants, 433

Constants, Council of (A.D. 1414), 56

Constantiensis, Bertokeus, Roman, 270

Constantine, baptized, 154, 171

Consubstantiation, 187, 190

Contractus, Herman, 267

Converted from Catholicism, 925, 939

Coruelissz, Adriaen, 44

Coruelissz, Anthonis, 44

Cornelius, 222, 806, 925, 948. 1025

Corruption of 10th century, 249

Cottarelli, 7000 slain, 297

Cotterellos, 277

Covenant, baptismal greater than mar­riage, 710

Craus, Paul, burned, 338, 348

Creation, fall and redemption, 38, 39
Guido on, 59

Credentes, 298

Creeds, Apostolic, 27
First, 2733
Second, 33 38
Third, 38 44
Cf. confessions, 804

Creaconius, charged on baptism, 191

Croock, Jan de, Friar, 490

Crown, 507

Crusades against Albigenses, 304

Cyprian, 602

Gyrenia, martyred, 182

Cyril of Alexandria, on baptism, 192
Bread and wine, 192
Faith, 192
On Nestorianism, 199

Cyril of Jerusalem, 123. 124

Cyrilla, martyred, 165


Decrees of, Anabaptist, 414, 1063, 1101
English, 341, 450
Frederick II contra Waldenses and Albigenses, 316, 317
Ilphonsus, King of Aragon, contra Waldenses, 298
Menno Simons, contra, 466
Pope Leo II, 286
Renewed, 551553
Roman Catholic, 412
To introduce the rules of the inquisi­tion, 328, 329, 501

Dodoes received, 125

Dagoberts' son, catechumen, 213

Daniel, 13, 223, 357, 569, 606, 647, 652, 698, 748, 854, 873, 875, 895, 903, 918, 920, 984, 986, 1053

David, 12, 22, 751, 794, 825, 892, 903, 906, 908, 923, 1015, 1017, 1022, 1023
David's tears, 712
And Goliath, 569, 1032
Flees Soul, 357
Not innocent, 361
Neck broken, 549

Deacons in Mennonite Church, 590

Dean of Keatenne, 542

Dean of Polet, 542, 582

Deans of Ronse, 537, 541 543, 582, 1096
Miserable end, 1095

Decrease and Decay of Apostolical Church, 726

Delft. 531

Demos, 361, 609

Demetrius, died, 185

Denmark, kings, 241, 256

Departure from faith, reasons for, 672, 678

Derthuin, charged, 229

Didius, died, 185

Dionysia, beheaded (A.D. 253), 134



Dionysius, 364

Dionysius the Areopaqite (A.D. 70), 109, 246, 247

Dionysius, banished (A.D. 260), 139

Dionysius, wrote, 122

Dioscorus, burned (A.D. 253), 134

Dircksz, Abraham, 44 Dircksz, Class, 44

Discipline, Church, 404

Dispensations, five, 21

D. J. V., wrote, 273

Doctrines, 19

Doctrines, stable, 22

Dominic, preaches, 314

Dominicus, condemned, 428

Donatus, baptized, 153

Donatus of Carthage, 154

Donotian, beheaded, 186

Donuina, beaten, 144, 145

Dortrecht, 27, 44, 345, 550, 575, 586, 587, 871, 897, 899, 907, 916, 918, 925, 926, 930, 1132, 1133

D.P.'s in Palatinate, 1126, 1127

Dulcinus of Novaria, 321
And wife, 329


Ecbert's account, 296

Educated ministry, 395

Egystus, martyred (A.D. 70), 94

Eight persons burnt, 300

Eighty sentenced to fire, 313

Eleazar (Maccabaean), 13, 357, 567, 855, 895, 953, 954, 960, 964, 1049

Elentherus et al (A.D. 120), 109

Elias, martyred, 183

Elijah, 12, 36, 358, 569, 748

Elijah and 7000, 233

Elisha, 12

Eli's sons, 695

Emden, 555

Emllas, slain, 245

Emilius, 306

Encouragement, 564, 567

Encouragement to steadfastness, 520, 521

End of world, 726

England, 1046

England relief, 1132

Enjoyment in tribulation, 570 572

Ennathae, burned, 183

Enoch, 22

Enthymius as Bishop, 207

Epaphras, slain (A.D. 70), 66

Ephrem, wrote, 160

Epimachus, burned, 133, 253

Epiphanius, baptized, 170

Epipodius, beheaded, 104, 117, 179

Epolonius, executed, 134, 254

Erasmus, 793, 794

Erigena, Johannes, 246, 247

Erimgard, 267

Ermoigus, 256, 257

Esau, 647, 698, 695, 708, 835, 909, 918

Esdras, 648

Esperonista, 277

Esther, 649

Eternal security, 384

Ethiopia, 90

Ethiopian Church (A.D. 110), 105

Ethiopian and Philip, 65, 100, 235, 272, 948

Eubulus, 162

Eucratis, 178

Eugenic, beheaded, 256, 257

Eugenus, died, 185

Eulalia, burned, Ill., 176 178

Eulogius, burned, 140, 261

Eunomians, 205, 294

Euns, burned (A.D. 253), 133

Euphmtesia, 184

Euplius, beheaded, 178

Euaebius, Pamphilius, 128, 130, 131, 135, 163, 233, 602

Eutichius, martyred, 228

Euxperia, baptized, 254

Evagrinus, 213

Excommunication, 807, 808, 974

Exodus to Palatinate, 1127

Exselt, William Jansz van, 46


Fall, real cause, 696

Fasting, Jerome, 169

Fathers' writings not on par, 274

Faustina and Jacobita (A.D. 120), 104, 109

Page 1153 original book

Faustus, died, 185

Fear God Always, 504, 507

Feet Washing, 31, 36, 42, 399

Felician torn y animals, 180

Felicitas and seven sons (A.D. 164), 104, 109 111

Felicitas, martyred (A.D. 201), 127

Felix, 1100

Felix, beheaded, 179

Females, uncircumcised, 370

Festus, 1100

Flanders, 447, 502, 539, 547, 553 582-585, 616, 620, 631, 651, 652, 655, 656, 663, 665, 666, 686, 722, 723, 736, 740, 774, 781, 818, 845, 870, 875, 896, 947, 961, 962, 965, 968, 969, 977, 991, 992, 1026, 1063, 1070; 1096

Flemish, 344
Put to death, 297

Florentin, martyred, (A.D. 270), 141

Fortunata, martyred, 184

Fortunatus, Anialarius, 222, 223

Forty women, martyred, 186

Forty youths, burned, 182

Four banished for orthodoxy, 291

Four priests, martyred, 937

Fourteen burned at Orleans, Ill., 265­267

Foxe, John, 342, 348, 498, 1023, 1024

Francais the carpenter, 759

France, Waldenses scattered over, 289, 290, 301

Francis, 232, 328, 341, 786, 940

Franck, Sebastian, 131, 226, 254, 429, Franks, 242

Fratricelli, 277, 321

French, 24 burned at Paris, 304

Friesland, 454, 481, 641, 765, 779, 814'

Friesland judges, 447

Friesland, West, 443

Fructuosus, burned (A.D. 261), 140

Frueder, George, betrayer, 431

Fuhrman, Hous, 366

Fulgentius, on baptism, 196
On oppression, 201

Furnace, burning, 931

Fusca and Maura, baptized, 153, 154


Gabriel, 947

Gafus of Alexandria, banished (A.D. 260), 139

Gallic, 84

Gallius, 1100

Garret for worship, 847

Gasteiger, Christian, 372

George, John, drowned, 703

Gerard, leader, 294, 295

Gerardus, 6n

Germanicus, devoured (A.D. 170), 104, 114

Germany, 341, 349

Getulicus, martyred (A.D. 136), 109

Ghent, 449, 988, 493, 494, 502, 549, 555

Gideon, 754, 842, 904, 906, 922

Gijsbertaz, Mels, 44

Giselbert, 249, 255

God, justices of, 9

Godfathers, at time of Augustine, 104

Golanduch, died, 212

Goslar, 267

Gospel, world wide, 162

Govertsz, Tobias, 44

Graff, Harmen op den, 44

Gratianus, a nonresistor, 100, 102

Gravenhage, 441

Great Britain, 91

Greece, 95

Gregory of Nazianzus, baptized, 162

Gregory of Turin, baptized, 215

Gregory of Nyssa, 160, 790

Grefzinger Offrus, 448, 449

Grijspert, Piter, 44

Groningensis, 350

Grubenheimers, 277

Guenfelder, Henry, 340

Guido, 59, 299

Guitode, J., 339

Gysius, quoted, 131


Habakkuk, 877, 889, 895, 953, 1053, 1070

Habdarrhaghman IV, 255

Haer, David ter, 44

Hager, Conrad, 332

Hague, 577, 937

Haimo, 232, 233, 238, 291



Haimus, on swearing, 166

Halinael, Israel van, 44

Hamburg, 945, 947, 1102

Hannibal, 1059.

Hansz, Anthony, 44

Harlem, 27, 44, 563; 565, 657, 844, 929, 962, 1070, 1074, 1082; 1132, 1133

Hebrews, three children, 569, 647; 891, 698, 748, 854, 903, 918, 986'

Hector, 353

Heidelberg 1126

Hellas, 295

Hendricks, Wigger, forsakes office, 442

Henricians, 277, 278

Henricus of Lyons, (,A.D. 223), 130

Henry in Sweden 268

Henry of Sens, 293

Henry of Toulouse, 274, 278, 292, 293, 301, 309

Heracles, Alexandria, 122

Heraclides, beheaded (A.D. 203), 128

Heribert, burned, 265, 267

Heritage, the beat, 646

Hermagoras, pastor, 77

Hermagoras, martyred (A.D. 70), 94

Herman, N., apostatized, 818, 819

Herman of Mistelgen, 289

Hermaris, bones burned 20 years after, 321

Hernias, received, 125

Hero, beheaded (A.D. 203), 128

Herod, 81, 1097

Herod, ignominious death, 611

Heron, burned (A.D. 253), 134

Heyde, Jacob van der, 44

Heymon, contended, 237

Heynes, Richst, maltreated, 481

Hieremias, slain, 245

Hilarius, wrote,. 153, .157, 793

Hildebert, 270, 274

Hincmar, 238, 239, 245, 246

Hoffser, Juerg executed, 1129

Hogendorf, Christopher, 1116

Holiness, 260, 286

Holiness to follow baptism, 235n, 237

Holiness in Waldenses, 288, 289

Holland, 726, 731, 740, 741, 764, 765, 779, 797
Conditions in, 763, 846, 929, 931,936, 977, 1005, 1020, 1065, 1108, 1132, 1133

Holmeyster, Sebastian, 1116

Holofernes, 818, 878

Holy kiss, 120

Holy martyrs of the New Covenant (Dutch poem), 61

Holy Spirit the Teacher, 805

Homer, 353

Honorfcus, Ill., 200

Honorius, 16

Hooqhvelt, Jan Hendricksen, 44

Horens, Daniel, 44

Horgerberg, 1118, 1120, 1124

Huldricus, 238

Humiliati, 297

Hundred martyred at Strasburg, . 810

Huss, John, 278, 364
13 point creed, 336, 337
Disciple of Wickliffe, 324, 325, 364, 365

Hutterites, faith, 368
Called Moravians, 366

Hymeneus, and Alexander, '974

Hytacus, 91

Idiots, 238

Ignatius, , devoured (A.D. 113), Ill., 105

Iliad, Homer's, 353

Illyricus, M. Flacius, 320, 325, 330, 331, 332

Image of God, 384

Imbroeck, , Thomas van, 367

Imprisonment conditions described, 350

Incarnation, 1086

India, 901, 939, 940

Induti, 308

Infants to answer,

231 Ingolstadt, 1062, 1063

Inn, The, 455

Innsbruck, 563, 645, 1059

Inquisition, Articles for Recantation, 334
Of believers, 319
Contra Albigenses and Waldenses, 299
Cruel, 310
Delivered to judges; 351
Mode of, 328
Netherlandish, 311



Inqistion con-
Places of imprisonment, 350
Rules for, 328, 329
Spanish, 350, 351

Insabbathi, 277

Invocation (Van Bragh), 5 Irene and two sisters, burned, 184

Ireneus, beheaded (A.D. 210), 129

Isaac, 812, 817, 828, 830, 850; 952, 977, 986, 1017, 1031, 1044, 1048, 1079,

Isaiah, 357

Ishmaelites, 729

Isidore, burned (A.D. 253), 134
On Matt. 16:18, 222

Isidore of Seville, 245

Isidorius, on swearing, 186

Israel in Egypt, 8n

Israel's deliverance, 569 Italy, 98

Jacob, 817, ~30, 850, 903, 920
Sons of, 50, 952, 977; 1004, 1017, 1036, 1044, 1079

Jacobita, 104

Jacobs, Jan, 49

Joel and Siaera, 818, 1032

Jam ~3 the Greater, beheaded, Ill., 72,

James the Just, stoned, (A.D. 54J, Ill., 74, 75, 917

Jan van Leyden, 17

Janss, Cornelis, 44

Jansz, Jan, 44

Januarius, beheaded, 182

Jehoiakim, 748

Jehoahaphat, 906

Jephtha, 1031

Jeremiah, 12, 359, 883, 1048

Jericho, 892

Jeroboam I, 748, 958

Jerome, 153, 167, 337, 632, 708, 204, 790
On Apocrypha, 284

Jesus, martyred, Ill., 67 69

Jesus' brethren, 796

Jesus Christ, names of, 827

Jews by hundreds baptized, 214

Jezebel, 1049, 1097

Job, an example, 580, 709

Job, 903, 920, 927, 1003

Johannes of Floriax, 265

John, Apostle, 949, 1032, 1077

John life, and death, Ill., (A.D. 97), 96,97

John Baptist, 32, 63, 64, 69, 70, 250, 260, 272, 329, 357, 367, 748, 769, 917, 920, 963, 999, 1014

John Mark, 357

John of Cordova, tormented, Ill., 243

John of Ferrara, 336

John of Lyons, 281

John of Poland, 289

Jonah, 815

Joosten, Pieter, 44

Joris, David, 542, 902
False brother, 779

Joseph, 803, 841, 950

Joseph, husband of Mary, 796, 958, 1017

Josephists, 297, 298

Joshua, 753, 754

Josiah, 598

Joy in death, 591, 823, 893, 990, 1057

Joy in suffering, 1036, 1061, 1074

Judas, a, 467, 503, 531

Judas, 609, 611, 688, 738, 806, 872, 875, 1059, 1089, 1090

Judge of quick arid dead, 995

Judgment, last, 407, 408.

Judgment, reversed, 996

Judith, 818, 878, 881, 952

Julia, 130

Julian, burned, 133

Juliana, martyred, 182

Julianas, slain (A.D. 100), 99

Julitta and Quiricus, 181

Julius, 130 junta, slain (A.D. 70), 86

Juo, Bishop of Canuto, 263, 264

Justinus, (A.D. 140), 100 102, 104, 111, 112

Justus, slain, 109, 108

Justus, beheaded, 179


Keyser, Leonhard, Ill., 339, 421

Keyser, Pieter, 1136

Knar, Leonard, 366

Koenigsberg and Anabaptists, 1063

Page 1154 original book

Kollenkamp, Dirck Wonteresz, 44

Koning, Isaac de, 44

Korah, Dothan and Abiram, 733, 923

Korink, C. de, 44

Krantz, Albert, 331

Krentzheim, L., 330

Kreynen, Weylm, 44

Kropff, Christian, archivist, 1129


Labor, honorable, 803

Lactantius, Firmianus, 156, 130

Lad of 13 years drowned, 256

Landuno, John de, 332

Laodicea, Church of, 850

Last time, 1047

Laurence, 296

Laurentii, wrote, 308

Lazarus, pit, 1052

Learn to work, 950

Leeuwarden, 442, 444, 472, 498, 501, 546, 591, 610, 611, 616, 892, 1005

Leonilla and 3 grandsons baptized (A.D. 224), 121

Leoxides, 104

Lethua of Alexandria, 126

Leyden, 526, 765, 779, 929, 1132, 1133

Libuga, 217

Life formerly, now, 565, 566

Light, covered, 245

Lisofus, burned, and 13 others, '265 267

Livius, Titus, 12

Lollards, 277, 330, 334
Articles of faith, 334, 335

Lombardy, 318, 328

Londoner, burned, 304

Longobards, 211, 212, 218

Lorraine, France, 343

Lot, 233, 756, 771, 748, 862, 892, 914, 984, 1016, 1044, 1098

Louis of Clifford, 335

Louis, a Waldensian, executed, 433

Louis, Sir, strangled, 428

Lucken, Andrieaz Juo, 44

Lucian, martyred, 185

Lucius, executed (A.D. 144), 104, 109

Lucfanus, Bishop of Bellovarn, slain (A.D. 100), 99

Luke, hanged, Ill., (A.D. 93), 94, 95

Luna, Peter de, 349

Lutgerus, 217

Lutherans, 566, 786, 1024, 1058, 1102, 1117

Luther, Martin, 339, 364, 598, 599, 600, 1014, 1015, 1117

Lydius, wrote, 217, 280, 338, 354n

Lyonfats, 277, 283

Lyonnois, 277, 280, 281, 282, 264

Lyons, 117


Macar, burned, 133

Macarius, Felix and Verus, 152

Maccabean mother, 710

Maccabees, 567, 895

Machtelken, 891

Maerten the Walloon, beheaded, 569

Magdeburg, centuries, 303

Malchus, torn, 141

Mamas, thrust, 142

Mange, John, imprisoned, 703

Manicheans, 267, 268

Manicheans and Manes, 294

Many Christians, burned, 296, 330

Many Christians, imprisoned, 218

Many Christians, killed, 297

Maodatius, burned, 185

Marsh sweetened, 912, 961, 1064

Marcella, burned, 128

Marianus, martyred (A.D. 70), 94

Marijnesz, Lieven, 44

Marilus, torn, 126

Marinus, beheaded, 140

Mariolatry, 558, 559

Marius, Victorlus, on baptism, 157

Mark, martyred, Ill., (A.D. 64), 77, 78

Marc, Virgilus, 12

Marriage in church, 713, 890

Marriage in own faith only, 37, 401

Marsilius, 296

Marsilius, Glabrio (A.D. 100), 99

Martha, 646, 769, 947

Martin, St., 357

Martins, 130

Martinists, 860

Martionilla, 164

Martyrdom, modes of, 197, 200



Martyred, hundreds daily in every city, 173

Martyrs, among Jews, Mohammedans, Catholics and Anabaptists, 180

Martyr's glory, 1139 1141

Martyrs, political, 1095

Martyrs, 140 at Novaria, 330

Mary, 793, 797, 858, 1022, 1023, 1044, 1077, 1079

Mesa, unscriptural, 603, 938

Massaeus, Christian, 309

Maternus, martyred (A.D. 70), 94

Matrimony, 120

Matrimony, holy, 31, 32, 42, 36, 37

Matthew, beheaded, Ill., (A.D. 70), 92, 357

Maturus (A.D. 172), 116

Maurice of Orange, granted religious

liberty, 1090

Mavimenus, Peter, 228

Maximianus, slain (A.D, 100), 99

Maximus, stoned, 136

Mehrning quoted, 123 131 204 207, 208, 213, 278, 302, 326, 338, 364

Meister, Leonhard, 339, 413, 414

Melchizedec, 315

Mellinus, Abraham, 213, 303, 305, 318, 320, 322, 323, 330, 332, 333, 336, 342, 364

Mennist, minister, 737n, 742, 774

Mennists, 278, 322, 326, 724, 739, 740, 832, 833, 834, 839

Mennonists, 873, 874, 876, 962, 994, 995, 997, 998, 1006, 1095,. 1106, 1132, 1134

Mennonite minister, 969, 979, 982, 1056, 1057, 1065, 1070,,1109, 1110, 1115. 1118, 1119, 1122, 1123, 1124, 1125, 1126

Mentz, 350

Mercurra, beheaded (A.D. 253), 134

Meribah, 1064

Merila, 324

Merindol and Gabrfere on Waldensian Faith, 285

Metaphrastes catechizes, 215

Metros, stoned, 132

Micah, 357

Micaiah, 609, 748, 941

Michielsz, M., 44

Middleborg, 1054, 1056, 1090, 1091

Mikron, Martin, 1096

Milan, 326

Milevitanus, wrote, 161

Millen, bailiwick of, 496

Ministerial aid, 815

Ministry, 395

Minorities, 5 point creed of, 323, 335

Miraculous, 568, 894, 1069, 1089, 1093, 1129

Missions, (Jerome), 169

Mohammedan, 232, 242, 249, 255

Moir, Cornelis de, 44

Monica, Augustine's mother, baptized, 153

Monks, 349

Moranus, Peter, 306

Montanists, 205

Montanus, H., 273, 290, 324, 365

Moon, blood, 320

Morality of day, 620, 622

Moravia, 365, 366, 431, 440, 453

Moravian Brethren, 339

Morgenstern, George, 349

Moses, 121, 569, 649, 732, 733, 753, 850, 904, 908, 915, 920, 999, 952, 1017, 1032, 1079, 1084

Moses, 212, 815, 892

Mosselman, Jacob, 577

Moyer, Pieter Jansz, 44

Munich, Bavaria, 428, 1062

Munster, 498, 593, 619, 779

Munsterites, 17, 938, 946, 1012

Mutius, H., wrote, 310

Muntzfger, John, 325

Mythius, P., burned, 184


Naboth, 918

Nadab and Abihu, 1014

Narbonne, 273, 288, 309

Narcissus, 130

Nathan, 1015

Nathanael, 769, 947

Nazarius, baptized, 194

Nebriss G., wrote, 290

Nebuchadnezzar, 691, 748

Neck, Martin von, 435

Nectarius, baptized, 162



Nemesius, burned, 134

Neon, crucified, 144

Nero, tyrant (A.D. 64 69), 78 94

Nestorians, 294

Netherlanders, 1020, 1095, 1100, 1104, 1106, 1127

Netherlands, 292

New Testament, authoritative, 306, 997

Nicanor, executed (A.D. 70), 93

Nicasius, slain (A.D. 100), 99

Nicea, Council of, 795

Nicholas of Poland, 289

Nicodemus, 222, 251, 371, 784, 788, 1085

Nicolaus, Hendrick, false brother, 779

Nilus, burned, 184

Nimeguen, 740, 894, 895, 896, 897, 1007

Noah, 233, 673, 683, 752, 771, 796, 806, 824, 856, 862, 892, 914, 915, 919, 1016, 1088, 1098

Nobles, Christian martyrs, 703

Nonconformity, 720, 953

Non Litigation, Luther, 1117

Alewijns, Hendrick, 754
Ambrose, 153
Arguments for, 305, 806, 321, 323
Banished by Reformed, 1131
Brentius, 1117
Capelle, Wouter, 1096
Carlstadt, 1117
Creedal, 32, 35, 36, 37, 42
Dosie, Jacques, 498
Dutch Poem on. 61
Euvodius, 170
Grasp at all costs, 5, 6 13
Grattan, 232, 235
Hendrick, Alewijn, 754
Jerome, 169
John and Paul, 186
Lactantius, Firmianus, 156
Laurentius, 1096
Lost, 174
Luther, 1117
Martin, St., 153
Pomeranus, 1117
Schut, John, 655
Simons, Menno, works, 1096
Smeedestead, Dr., 1097
Taborites, 338 Tertullian) 120
Tharacus, 146
Tollenaer, Jooat de, 1079
Vicentius, 1097
Waldenses, 275, 281, 282, 287, 286

Anabaptist, 1054, 1134
Banished for, 1130
Catholics lost, 200, 202, 1054
Creedal, 32, 37, 42 402
Hendrick, Terwoorts, 1018
Jan Pieterss, 1018
John Huss, 336, 337
Looseveidt, Pierijntgen, 965
Luther and Lutheran divines, 1117
Somere, Jacques de, 1019
Turilupins, 325
Waldenses, 275, 282, 283, 287, 311, 312, 321, 323
William Thorpe, 335, 336
Wycliffe, 324, 325, 342

Nons of Mennonite Church, 52, 36, 42

Normans, 259

Northampton, William, 345

Norwich, 341, 345

Nunilo, slain, 244


Obadiah, 12

Obedience, the test. 21

Obersultzen im Wald, 1125, 1126

Obeyed Gospel from heart, 671

Olivarius of Anaona, 265

Olympius, baptized, 254

Olympus, imprisoned (A.D. 70), 94

Onesimus, martyred (A.D. 70), 94

Onesimus (Philem. 10), stoned, (A.D. 111), 104, 107

Onesiphorus, torn to death (A.D. 70), 86

Onias, 13

Ordinances, 30, 31, 36, 42

Origen (A.D. 254), 123, 124, 127, 128, 137,
Wrote, 121, 125, 127, 128, 130, 137, 1015

Original sin purged, 1015

Orleans, 265

Ornithemius, wrote, 296

Othenbach in Zurich, 1110 1115, 1118­1123

Outerman, Jacques, 1107

Page 1155 original book

Padua, Marsilius de, 331

Paeldink, Lainbrecht, 44

Pain, executed, 439, 440

Palatinate, 44, 1126, 1127

Palsgrave, 437, 438

Pamphilius, martyred, 175, 183

Panten, Bartholomew, 372

Papal darkness, 247; 248, 260, 264, 265 344, 350

Popylus, died, 104, 114

Parisiensis, Mtthaeus On Antichrist, 325

Parmenas, executed (A.D. 70), 99

Paschasius, 239

Pascientia, slain (A.D. 100), 99

Passagenes, 277, 296, 297, 298

Pastor slain (A.D. 116), 104, 108

Patarini, 227 296 297, 298, 316, 317, 31 Paucratius, 14, 179

Paul (A.D. 69), Ill., 49, 81, 82, 139, 259 357, 368, 369, 925, 963, 997, 998 1014, 1015

Paulianist, 156

Paulicians baptize, 215

Paulus, 245

Peacemakers, 690

Peck, John, 366

Pegna, Franciscus, 316

Pelagius on baptism, 191

Pelagius, martyred, 256, 257

Pelagic, suffocated, 182

Pennon, Jacob, 44

Perfecti, the perfect, 298

Peronne of Aubeton, 332

Perpetus, martyred, 127

Perpigna, wrote, 295

Perrin, J. Paul, 322, 365

Persecutions 1st (A.D. 66), 78
2nd (A.D. 93), 94
3rd (A.D. 102), 104
4th (A.D. 166), 111
5th (A.D. 201), 126
6th (A.D. 237), 130
7th (A.D. 251), 131
8th (A.D. 259), 138
9th (A.D. 273), 141

Catholic, Jews, Mohammedans, Sara­cens, et al, 350
Cause of, 131
Types of, 132
France, in, 212
Furious, 304
Rewards for, eternal, 304
Inquisition, infernal, 310
Modes, 175, 176, 182, 184, 242, 310, 313
Modes of Nero, 79
Severe, 320
Thousand deaths, 328
Threefold reasons for; 359
World wide, 174, 211

Persecutor canonized, 319

Persia, 92

Peter, 449

Peter, Apostle, Ill. (A.D. 69), 46 52, 79, 80, 81, 269, 357, 516, 545, 768, 806, 855, 857, 917, 940, 949, 951, 977, 1032, 1085

Peter, burned, 184

Peter, banished, 139

Peter, died, 185

Peter, Johannes, 329

Peter, the Weaver, 339

Petrarcha, Franciscus, 334

Petrobrusians, 270, 273, 278, 294

Phileas, beheaded, 175

Philemon, martyred, 185

Philidian, executed, 134

Philip, (A.D. 45), Ill., 73, 74, 104, 357, 606, 806, 948, 999, 1085

Philip of Alexandria, 141

Philip II of Spain
Decrees, 666
Persecutor, 551, 1095

Phillips, Dfetrich, 686, 788

Philipps , Dirk , 1080

Phocas of Pontus, Ill., 108

Photimian, 156

Photinus, maltreated, 104, 117

Picards, 277 Pieters, Pieter, 44

Pilate, 63, 69, 79. 100, 101, 805

Pillage, 258

Pionius, burned, 135

Pious teacher, martyred, 199

Pious, 40 martyred, 212



Pirschner, Andries, beheaded, 1059

Pistoria, John de, 332

Placidus, wife and two sons, baptized, 254

Plutarch, 12

Plutarch, martyred, 104, 128

Plutarchus, martyred, 118

Poland, 328, 332

Poltzinger, Hans, beheaded, 1103

Polycarp, burned, (A.D. 16), 112, 113

Polycarp's twelve, 114

Pontius, martyred, 141

Pontus, youth from, llft

Pontus, baptized, 123

Poor men, 281
Of Lyons, 294, 295

Pope, his doctrine, 668
First called (A.D. 606), 213
Works of antichrist, 776

Popery, 52, 53, 606
Corrupt, 5258, 224

Popery, riot Petrine, 46

Popes, multiple and none, 55, 56
Punished, 58, 59
Usurpers, 53, 55

Porphyrius, torn to death (A.D. 70), 87

Porphyry, Jew, Christian, apostate, 174

Posthumanius, 153, 163

Prateolus, G., 282

Praying for dead unscriptural, 603

Predestination affirmed, 190

Preface Sohm, 4

Preface Van Braght, 6 15

Pride to be reproved, 698

Priest craft, Jerome's views on, 168

Prijntgen, greeted, 639

Primasius, on baptism, 196

Prince of kings of earth, 353

Prinus, torn by animals, 180

Priscilian, 357

Priscilla, slain (A.D. 70), 86

Priscus, torn, 141

Privatus, beaten, 142

Probus, martyred, 146 152

Probus, enlightened, 303

Prochonis, suffered (A.D. 70), 93

Proculus, beheaded, 182

Promus, martyred, 183

Proof of faith, 726 731

Property, confiscated, 1131, 1132

Prophets, 22

Prosperity, 8n

Prosperus, 190

Prussia and Anabaptists, 1061, 1062

Ptolemy, martyred, 109, 478

Publicans, 277, 295, 296, 297

Publius, 104

Publius of Athens, slain, 108

Purgatory, unscriptural, 603
In Maccabees, 996

Puritans, 1047


Quintus, Curtius, 12

Quirinus, slain (A.D. 100), 99

Quiritius, 130


Rabanus, 232, 235, 236, 237

Rack torture, 705

Raduiphus, Glaber, 265, 268

Rathgeber, Henry, 345

Rauena, Windel, died, 525

Raymond of Toulouse, excommuni­cated, 305

Rebaptism, 235, 259

Rebekah, 812

Recant, 541, 788

Red hot iron; 310 313

Red Sea, 856, 935, 1052

Reformation principles lost, 1117

Reformed Church, 438, 1000n, 1094, 1101, 1103, 1108, 1116, 1117, 1122, 1127, 1130, 1131, 1132, 1138

Regeneration essential, 864, 867

Reginaldus, G., 282

Regnerus, King of Denmark (A.D. 818-832), reaped what sown, 241, 242

Reinerius, 279, 281, 282, 284, 288, 299

Religious liberty, 928, 930, 1054, 1056, 1090, 1091, 1105, 1106, 1119, 1125, 1132 1134, 1138

Remigius, wrote, 242

Rentergen, Laurens van, died, 759

Repentance and reformation, 40

Resurrection, 33, 43, 406, 407, 808, 809, 736



Retribution, divine, 58, 59, 428, 431, 437, 438, 440, 448, 496, 497, 551, 553, 573, 611, 618, 655, 665, 730, 962, 965, 1095

Return of Christ' 33, 37 39, 43, 406, 1108

Reuderson, Dirck, 44

Reutegem, Janneken van, burned, 864

Revocatus, torn, 127

Rhedonensis, 348

Rhine, 662

Rhodes, 288

Riberia, Jacob de, 288

Richard alias, Eckhard, 332

Rickel, Rionysius, 338

Rigordus, 297

Rioting, 577

Robert of Auxerre, 305.

Rockenzabus, 337, 3$8

Rogation, beheaded/186

Roger of Hovedon, 296

Roma, Augustine de, 348

Roman jurists, 126, 130

Romanism, not Scriptural, 46

Romanist, 223, 315, 323

Rome and Antichrist, 166, 167, 240

Rome, Algerius martyred in, 573

Rome in prophecy, 487, 491

Rome, Paul in, 95

Rome, whore of Babylon, 301

Romulus, martyred (A.D. 100), 99

Rosellus, A., 339

Roatan, John, 290

Rotterdam, 472, 577, 736, 793, 814 817, 846, 847, 977, 1132, 1133

Rubis, Claude de, 276

Rufus, beheaded (A.D. 109), 104, 105

Runcari, 277

Rupert' Tuiciensis, 272, 273

Ruptuarii, resistant, 305n

Rutilius, martyred, .126


Sabas, received, 125

Sabelliaus and Sabellicus, 294

Sacrament, 30, 31, 36, 41, 42, 236

Sagarellus of Parma, 321

Sagaris martyred, 104, 118

Sailor, Leonhard, freed, 446

Saint Call, 436

Saint Martins, 159

Salaried preachers, 1098

Saltwoden, 341; 342

Salvation's day today, 915

Salzburg, 433

Samson of Rheims, 230, 231, 293, 908

Samuel, 850, 939

Sanctus, 116

Santraus, William, 327, 334

Sapphires and Sabina, 109

Saracen persecutions, 227n, 228, 241, 242, 244, 245, 258

Saturninus of Carthage, torn, 126, 127

Satyris, torn, 127, 204

Saube, Catharine, 243, 244

Soul, 748, 850, 853, 8.57, 892, 939, 1014

Soul (Paul), 920 924

Savonarola of F'errara, burned, 340, 345, 351

Saymer, Pieter, beheaded, 1069

Scapula of Carthage, blinded, 126, 127

Schaffhausen, 1116, 1132 1134, 1139
Edict, 1122

Scheldt, River, 569

Schism, 814 819, 850

Schoenmaker, Balten Centen, 44

Schoonhoven, 531

Schwitzer, Hans, 366

Schwitzers, called German, 366

Scissa, John de Rupe, burned, 332

Scotland, 338

Scotus, Johannes, 246, 247

Screws, described, 992, 1038

Scriptoria, Paul, 351

Scubiculus, slain (A.D. 100), 99

Sebrechts, Jacob van der Heyde, 44

Secular power renounced, 442

Seqers, Herman, 44

Separation of church and state, 1134

Serapion, torn, 133

Serenus, beheaded, 128

Serenus, burned, 128

Serpent's head bruised, 1022, 1045

Serundulus, tortured, 127

Seven brethren, 13

Seven brothers martyred, 184

Shadrack, Meshach, and Abednego, 13, 233

Shimei, 748

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Shunning; 405

Siccars, 277

Sicily, 318

Siculus, N., 338

Silas, martyred (A.D. 70), 86

Siloam, Tower of, 960

Simeones, 125

Simon, Cleophas, crucified (A.D.. 109), 104

Simons, Menno, 120, 442, 455

Simon of Salig, 289

Simon, the sorcerer, 749, 806, 940

Simon, Zealotes, crucified (A.D. 70), Ill., 81, 357

Simons, Simon, letter to, 564 566

Simotensus, 338

Sincken, persecutor, 429

Singel, Pieter Janaz van, 44

Sixtus and a letter, 100

Sixty burned at Casser, 308

Smaragdus, 251

Smeedesteed, Dr., stricken, 1097

Smithfield, Lond, 341, 342, 351

Sodom and Gomorrah, 730, 755, 771, 821, 856, 862, 914, 919, 1044, 1088

Soldier could never be ordained, 170

Solomon, 361, 801, 805

Sonnet (Dutch poem), 61

Sosius, beheaded, 182

Spain, 227n, 244, 245, 786, 801, 807, 940, 969, 1095

Spaniards, 885, 888

Spanish Fury 1036

Spiering, Gij&rt, 44

Spronk, Abraham, 44

Stability in witness, 449

Steadfast, 590, 658, 673, 704, 721', 762

Stephen, stoned (A.D. 34), Ill., 70 72, 244n, 748, 903, 917, 1008

Stephen, burned, 350

Stephen and thirteen others, 265

Stifelius, Michael, 330

Strabonus, wrote, 103

Strasburg, 1126
100 martyred at, 310

Suidas, Bishop, 127

Swabia, 433, 439

Swinderby, William, 325, 326, 341, 342

Switzerland, 1057

Sydonius, 230

Sylvanus, devoured, 182

Sylvanus of Gaza, 175

Sylvester's time, 283

Sylvius, 302

Symphorianus, beheaded, 143

Symphorosa, 109

Synesfus, Syrenus, baptized, 188

Syria, 105 107


Taborites, 337

Creed of, 338

Tacitus, 79

Talamus, 343, 344

Tauler, John, 327

Tertullian, 118 121, 126, 129, 130, 226, 602, 1139 1141

Terwen, Jacuis, 44

Texerants, 277

Thaddeus, beaten to death (A.D. 70), 91

Tharacus, martyred, Ill., 146 152

Theodoric, 296

Theodorus, baptized, 214

Theodorus, martyred, 185

Theodosia, drowned, 182

Theodosius, persecutor, 16, 604

Theodosius, baptized, 162, 171

Theodulus, baptized, 254

Theodulus, drowned, 181,

Theonas, martyred, 182

Theonilla, tortured, 145

Theotecnes, bishop, 140

Theridate, baptized, 254

Thessalonians, 365, 366

Theunis, Annetgen, 575

Tholossanus, H. P. (Henry of Toulouse), 274, 278

Thomas, cast into furnace, Ill., 89, 90, 345, 357, 770, 794

Thomas, bishop, baptizes, 224

Thorpe, William (5 point creed), 335, 336, 342

Thousands burned (A.D. 237), 131

Thraseas, martyred, 104. 118

Three Hebrews, 357

Three hundred burned in lime kiln (AM. 270), 141

Thuan, 268

Tibbites, 998, 999

Tiburtius, martyred (A.D. 233), 130



Times, dangerous, 8

Timmerman, Pieter Jansz, 44

Timothy, stoned (A.D. 98). 22, 98, 857, 878

Titus, 857

Torea, Peter; executed, 340; 345, 347

Torture, 111

Toulouse, 304, 305, 313, 314, 319

Toulouse in Gascony, 273. 275, 290

Tradesman, burned, 342

Trading not good for Christians, 696

Transmontani, 277

Transubstantiation, 269, 271, 291, 292, 314, 316, 342, 346, 351 Treatment after arrest, 677 680

Tribulation, Great, 78, 79, 107, 132 , 201, 233, 535, 571, 591, 708, 738, 851, 883, 954, 992, 1027, 1125, 1132

Trieste, 453

Trinity, 374 376

Trithemius, 296, 316, 330, 332

Trojana, baptized, 254

Trophimus, beheaded (A.D. 70), 94

Truthfulness, 695, 696

Truth is consistent, 683

Tryphon, a disputation, 100 102

Turilupins, 324, 325

Twisck, 349

Twisck, on baptism, 125, 130, 131

Two sisters drowned, 184

Tylius, John and Turilupins, 324

Types, 21

Tyrannion of Tyre, 175

Tyrol, 430, 431, 43, 434, 440, 1080, 1082


Udo, reaped what sown, 258

Ulpian, drowned, 181

Ulric of Hutton, 327

Unconquerable, 174

Unity in Trinity, 27 30, 767 770, 805, 970­973, 1107

Universities of Prague, Oxford, Paris, 327

Urban, executed, 134

Urijah, 13, 748

Utrecht, 312, 441, 575, 660, 724, 725

Urticinus, beheaded (A.D. 99), 98

Uzzah, 1014


Valentinian, murdered, 170

Valerianus, martyred, 130

Valla, Laurence, 349

Vandals, 211, 258

Vaudois, 311, 364, 1132, 1138, 1139

Vsileti, Jan, 289

Venice, 652, 664, 703'

Vermander, C., 353

Vestiti, 308

Vetius, martyred, 104, 115

Vicecomes, wrote, 104, 160, 205, 326

Vienna, 115n, 117, 475, 573, 574

Vignier, Nicholas, 295, 324, 332

Virgin worship, 171

Vitalus, buried alive, (A.D. 99) Ill.,
wife beaten to death, 98, 99

Vives, Ludovicus, 363, 365

Volentius, Romanus, heretic, 102

Voluntary service, 1037

Vrede, Adolph de and Envoy, 1132, 1133


Waddon, John (22 point creed), 246, 247

Wafer (Instituted by Pope Alexander), 1016

Walafrid, 237

Waldenses, 364
Accusation of, 289
Anabaptists, 277, 278, 303
Anti Catholic, 283 284
Apostolic, 154, 275
Austria Bohemia, 330, 349
Burned, at Bingen, 333, 309
Marseilles, 331
Mentz, 309
Pomerania, 333
Strasburg, 307, 310, 313
Toulouse, 318, 319
Zuidenitz, 331
Burned, books, 300
Called many names, 276, 277, 297
Vaudois, 311, 1132
Waldois, 320, 321
Children unbaptizd, 280
Church and state, 281



Waldenses con-
Confessions of, 285 287
Article MV, 284, 285
Cross examined, 288, 289
Decrees contra, 298, 315, 316, 320
Dispersion of, 276
Doctrines of, 283, 284
Followers of, 266
Founder, Peter Waldo, 275, 278, 281
Holiness of, 288
Immutable, 298
Inquisition of Innocent III, 299
Kinds, three, 278
Martyrs of, 330, 349
Number of, 290
Nonresistance of, 281
Nonswearing of, 282
On Rack, 325
Persecution of, 276, 316, 320, 331 333, 350, 364, 1132
Precepts of, 287
Property confiscated, 316
Reject infant baptism, 279
Slain (7,000), 297
Slandered, 325
Tortured, 333
Wholesale martyrdom, 304
With Albigenses, 285
With Taborites, 337

Walings, Heyne, 465

Walloons, 1125

Walrich of Hardeck, 289

Walsfngham, Thomas, 335

War renounced: Euvodius, 170

War sanctioned: Munsterites, 17

Waterlander schism, 568

Waterlandt, 464

Wenschelberg, 342

Wesalia, John de, 349

Westminster, 1010

Westphalia, 539, 654

Weyens, Jan, 44

White, Johanna, 346

White, William, 345
22 point creed, 346
Burned, Ill., 346, 347

Wicelius, wrote, 229

Wickliffe, John, 334, 337
Articles of, 351
Bones burned, 324

Widefort, William, 324

Willemsen, Bastiaen, 44

William of Armorica, 296

William of Orange, 666, 640, 871, 977, 1134
Mentions Anabaptist Decree, 552
Religious liberty, 1054, 1056

Willeborts, Oillaert, 44

Winkelmans, Jan, 44

Witnesses, great cloud of, 571

Wittikind, baptized, 224

Word, not water, 224

World conditions, 1098

World divided by apostles, 91

Worm, Danish king, 257

Worms, 550

Worst sect under heaven, 1066

Writing fluid, bilberry juice, 1053

Wrote on spoons, 1055, 1056

Wuestefeld, 455

Wurtemberg, 438, 1024, 1026, 1088


Youth, tested, 112, 176, 178, 179, 181, 256, 257, 483, 493, 498501, 538 548 553, 564, 572, 651, 657 660, 670, 762, 872, 876, 890, 893, 897, 930, 936, 953, 1001, 1006, 1008, 1011, 1020, 1037, 1088
Counsel to, 1076 1080, 1091 1093, 1112


Zacchaeus, 449

Zacharia, teacher, 115

Zealand, 1056

Zechariah, 12, 748

Zeno of Verona, catechizes, 215

Zenobius of Sidon, 175

Zenobius and sister, beheaded, 145

Zerah, 754

Zosimus, beheaded, 104 109

Zurich, 274, 1104, 1108, 1109, 1111, 1115, 1117 1120, 1122 1124,1132, 1133, 1135, 1137, 1138
Edicts adverse to Anabaptists, 438

Zwingli, 364, 598, 599, 600, 603, 1116

Zwinglians, 566, 780

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