List of Popes and Roman Emperors

Compiled by Ira D. Landis


Leo 1, "The Great" (440 61), 196

Hilarus (461 68)

Simplicius (468 83)

Felix III (483 92), 195

Gelasius I (492 96)

Anastasius II (496 98)

Symmachus (498 514), 55n, 203, 204

Hormisdas (514 23), 55n

(Laurentius) (514 18), 55n

John I (523 26)

Felix IV (526 30)

Boniface II (530 32)

John II (533 35)

Agapetus I (53536)

Silverius (536 38), 54

Vigilius (53855), 54

Pelagius I (556 61), 54

John III (561 74)

Benedict I (575 79)

Pelagius II (579 90)

Gregory I (the Great) (590 604), 214, 218 202, 7

Sabinianus (604 06)

Boniface III (607) "Papa," 213

Boniface IV (608 15)

Duesdedit (615 18)

BOniface V (619 25)

Honorius I (625 38)

Severinus (640)

Theodore IO(642 49)

Martin I (649 55)

Eugenius I (654 57)

Vitalian (657 72)

Adeodatus II (672 76)

Donus (676 78)

Agatho (678 81)

Leo II (682 83)

Benedict II (684 85)

John V (685 86)

Conon (686 87)

Sergius I (687 701)

John VI (701 05)

John VII (705 07)

Sisinnius (708)

Constantine I (708 15)

Gregory II (715 31), 58

Gregory III (731 41), 231

Zacharias (741 52), 231, 229

Stephen II (752)

Stephen III (75257), 56

Paul I (757 67)

(Constantine II) (767 68), 56

Stephen IV (768 72)

Hadrian I (772 95), 227n

Leo III (795 816)

Stephen V (816 17)

Paschal I (817 24)

Eugenius II (824 27)

Valentine (827)

Gregory IV (827 44)

Sergius II (844 47)

Leo IV (847 55)

Benedict III (855 58)

Nicholas I (858 67), 247, 238n

Adrian II (867 72)

John VIII (872 82)

Marinus I (882-84)

Hadrian III (884 85), 59

Stephen VI (885 91)

Formosus (891 98), 53

Boniface VI (896), 53

Stephen VII (896 97), 53, 55

Romanus (897)

Theodore II (897)

John IX (898 900), 53

Benedict IV (900 03), 53

Leo V (903), 53

Christopher (903 04), 53, 56

Sergi.. III (904 11), 55, 53

Anastasius III (911 13)

Lando (913 14)

John X (914 28), 55

Leo VI (928 29)

Stephen VIII (929 31)

John XI (931 36), 55

Leo VII (936 39)

Stephen IX (939 42), 55

Marinus II (942 46)



Agapetus II (946 55)

John XII (955 64), 55

Leo VII (963 65)

Benedict V (964 65)

John XIII (965 72)

Benedict VI (973 74)

Benedict VII (974 83)

John XIV (983 84), 248

Boniface VII (984 85)

John XV (985 96)

Gregory V (996 99)

Sylvester II (999 1003)

John XVII (1003)

John XVIII (1003 09)

Sergius IV (1009 12)

Benedict VIII (1012 24)

John XIX (1024 32)

Benedict IX (1032 45), 56, 58, 59

Sylvester III (1045), 56

Gregory VI (1045 46), 55

Clement II (104647), 55

Damasus II (1048), 55

Leo IX (1049 54), 55

Victor II (1055 57)

Stephen X (1057 58)

Benedict X (1058 59)

Nicholas II (1059 61), 262

Alexander II (1061 73)

Gregory VII (1073 85)

Victor III (1086 87)

Urban II (1088 99)

Paschal II (1099 1118)

Gelasius II (1118 19)

Galixtus II (1119 24)

Honorius II (1124 30)

Innocent II (1130 43), 292

Celestine II (1143 44)

Lucius II (114445), 59

Eugenius III (1145 53), 292

Anastasius IV (1153 54)

Hadrian IV (1154 59), 59, 292

Hadrian IV (1154 59), 59, 292

Alexander III (1159 81), 56

`Victor IV (1159 64), 56

'Paschal III (1164 68), 56

'Calixtus III (1168 78), 56

Lucius III (1181 85), 291, 297

Urban III (1185 87)

Gregory VIII (1187)

Clement III (1187 91)

Celestine III (1191 98)

Innocent III (1198 1216), 299, 310, 313

Honorius III (1216 27)

Gregory IX (1227 41), 58, 316, 302

Celestine IV (1241)

Innocent IV (1243 54), 58, 59

Alexander IV (1254 61), 320

Urban IV (1261 64), 304, 320

Clement IV (1265 68), 58

Gregory X (1271 76)

Innocent V (1276)

Hadrian V (1276)

John XXI (1276 77)

Nicholas III (1277 80), 59

Martin IV (1281 85)

Honorius IV (1285 87)

Nicholas IV (1288 92)

Celestine V (1294)

Boniface VIII (1294 1303), 321

Benedict XI (1303 04)

Clement V (1305 14), 329, 330

John XXII (1316 34), 52, 54, 58, 59, 323, 331, 327

Benedict XII (1334 42)

Clement VI (1342 52)

Innocent VI (1352 62)

Urban V (1362 70), 323, 332, 327

Gregory XI (1370 78)

Urban VI (1378 89), 327

Boniface IX (1389 1404), 56

Sylvester III (1404), 59

Innocent VII (1404 06), 55

*Benedict XIII (1394 1423), 55, 56n

Gregory XII (1406 15), 55, 56n

Alexander V (1409 10), 56n

John XXIII (1410 15), 55, 56, 57

Martin V (1417 31), 56

Eugenius IV (1431 47), 56

Nicholas V (1447 55)

Calixtus III (1455 58), 56

Pius II (1458 64)



Paul II (1464 71), 59

Sixtus IV (1471 84)

Innocent VIII (1484 92)

Alexander VI (1492 1503), 58

Pius III (1503)

Julius II (1503 13)

Leo X (1513 21), 58, 59

Hadrian VI (1522 23)

Clement VII (1523 34), 56

Paul I1I (1534 49), 58

Julius III (1550 55)

Marcellus II (1555)

Paul IV (1555 59)

Pius IV (1559 65)

Pius V (1566 72)

Gregory XIII (1572 85)

Sixtus V (1585 90)

Urban VII (1590)

Gregory XIV (1590 91)

Innocent IX (1591)

Clement VIII (1592 1605), 56, 58, 59

Leo XI (1605)

Paul V (1605 21)

Gregory XV (1621 23)

Urban VIII (1623 44)


Aemilianus (253), 138, 140

Alexander Severus (222 35), 125, 130

Alphonso I (1112 85), 298

Amalaric (526 31) 210

Antonius Pius (138 61), 100

Augustus (27BC 14AD), 67

Aurelian (270 75), 125, 141, 142

Caracalla (Antonius) (211 17), 125, 129

Charles I (Charles V fn Germany) (1516 56), 551

Claudius (41 54), 73, 75

Claudius II (268 70), 123, 125

Constantius (305 306), 179, 182

Decius (249 51), 125

Diocletian (284305), 125, 143, 144, 145, 146, 172 173, 174, 175, 177, 181, 182

Domitian (81 96), 96, 97, 130

Frederick I (1152 90), 58

Frederick II (1215 50), 296, 302, 304, 316, 317

Galba (68 69), 85

Galerius (305 11), 179, 182

Gallienus (260 68), 123, 125, 138

Gallus (251 53), 125, 131, 135, 138

Geta (Septimus) (211 12), 125, 129

Hadrian (117 38), 100

Henry I (1031 60), 267

Henry III (1039 56), 267

Heraclius (610 41), 218, 219

Honorius (395 423), 198, 199

Jovian (363 64), 186

Julian, the Apostate (361 63), 186

Justin I (518 27), 206, 210

Justinian I (527 65), 206, 210

Justinian II (685 95), 219

Leo III (717 41), 221, 228

Lothair II (1125 37), 292

Louis I, the Pious (814 40), 233n, 247

Louis of Bavaria (1314 47), 302

Lucius Aurelius Verus (161 69), 114, 115

Marcus Aurelius (161 80), 111n, 114, 115, 117

Maurice (582 602), 212

Maximian (286305), 146, 152, 172, 173, 179, 182, 184

Maximinus (235 38), 125

Nero (54 68), 51, 75, 76, 78, 79, 85, 87, 130, 269

Otto I (Great) (936 73), 251

Otto III (983 1002), 258

Philip II, Augustus (France), (1180 1223), 296

Philip II (Spain) (1556 98), 551

Phocas (602 10), 52, 213, 214

Probus (276 82), 142

Robert II (996 1031), 265

Septimus So erus (193 211), 125, 126, 128

Teodosius (sole Emperor) (394 95), 198, 199

Tiberius (14 37), 63, 79

Titus (79 81), 100

Trajan (98 117), 78, 104, 105, 108, 130

Valentinian I (West) (364 75), 186

Valerian (253 60), 125, 138, 141, 142